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How is Rick Perry Governing working out for Texas?

A lot better than Obama is working out for America.

As a resident of both America and Texas, this is completely wrong.

The damage Rick Perry has done to this state's future is appalling.

So Texas is doing worse relative to the rest of the US?

Any facts to back up your claim?

The point is that Texas is doing worse than it was when Perry took office. See the last post or the article in my sig.

Do you think America is worse off than it was when Obama took office? If so, how?
As a resident of both America and Texas, this is completely wrong.

The damage Rick Perry has done to this state's future is appalling.

So Texas is doing worse relative to the rest of the US?

Any facts to back up your claim?

The point is that Texas is doing worse than it was when Perry took office. See the last post or the article in my sig.

Do you think America is worse off than it was when Obama took office? If so, how?

Did anyone claim Texas, or anyplace, is doing better than when Perry took office?
Let me guess.... You could easily come up with a way to fund it... right?

Right here: Texas Net Revenue by Source - Fiscal 2010

So, Texas has $87 billion to just throw around, right? That's all a total surplus, right? Money isn't already spent or committed, right?

You're such a fucking moron, you're starting to make Tm look relatively intelligent... and that is saying something.

Do you know how to budget money? Right? You are a fucking imbecile who doesn't know how the world works, boy. Go read a book, get some polly 101, you are out of your league here sonny. Fuckin' lil girliemon.

Without even adding a 1-2% state tax hike, Perry raked in over $27 Billion from the feds for his slush fund, TO STIMULATE THE TEXAS ECONOMY. He used his rain god for his water woes. His choice idiot!!
You honestly want to make the case that Barack Obama has done a better job for the future of America than Rick Perry has done for the future of Texas? Go ahead, TexArcher...I'm dying to see you pull that rabbit out of your hat.

I'm pretty lukewarm on Obama, actually. I'd say that while he hasn't been nearly the pariah that the right makes him out to be, he also hasn't accomplished very much. And I think we need health care reform, obviously, but I don't like the way he went about it.

But as lukewarm as I am on Obama, he hasn't done nearly as much damage to the future of this country as Perry has to the future of this state. It's not even close. Perry acts as if he is somehow the cause of the strong economy here (he isn't) and Texas is some utopia where everybody has a job (bullshit, our unemployment is almost double what it was when he took office). In spite of being the wealthiest state, our education system sucks and it's gotten worse under Perry and it will get even worse in the years to come because he just slashed education funding by $4 billion. Anyone who thinks Texas is better off now than it was in December of 2010 either doesn't live here or simply believes what he wants to believe in spite of the facts.

All Perry can point to is job creation (which is a complete myth) and the "balanced budget" (which he could not have done without billions of federal stimulus dollars or without absolutely devastating our children's educational futures, but what does he care, he and his cronies can afford private schools).

Perry is a fucking snake.

Since Perry is a three term Governor...if not him then who do you think deserves credit for Texas' economy doing well? Sorry, but it's pretty obvious that Perry is doing things to bring investment to Texas. People are voting with their feet. They are leaving California in droves while Texas is having a population spike.

As for your unemployment rate? I'm in Southwest Florida. Our unemployment rate here is hovering around 15%. Would you like to trade?
Since Perry is a three term Governor...if not him then who do you think deserves credit for Texas' economy doing well? Sorry, but it's pretty obvious that Perry is doing things to bring investment to Texas. People are voting with their feet. They are leaving California in droves while Texas is having a population spike.

The point is that my dog could be our Governor and our economy would be strong. We have one of the nation's largest ports, we refine 25% of the nation's gas, and we have more ranch and farm land than any other state. Perry has nothing to do with any of that. As for stimulating business, all he did was give massive tax cuts to corporations, which allows them to report higher earnings, which makes it look as if the economy is functioning better than it really is. Then he nuked education funding to replace the dollars the gov't used to get from corporations.

As for your unemployment rate? I'm in Southwest Florida. Our unemployment rate here is hovering around 15%. Would you like to trade?

Of course our unemployment rate is lower. We have an inherently stronger economy than every other state (and it was that way for decades before Perry came into office). I only mention the unemployment rate to point out that all of Perry's job creation talk is a myth. The only reason there are more jobs here now is that there are more people here now due to immigration (mostly from Mexico, not from other states as you seem to be suggesting). Perry can talk all he wants about the jobs he "created", but the reality is that our unemployment rate has only been higher once in the history of this state.
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I have answered that twice on this thread, (3rd time):100 desalination plants on the Gulf coast, and redirect the Colorado river.

and you're going to write the check for that? :rofl:

GOOGLE the cost of just one, and you'll get numbers between $100 and $500 million a piece.. not including staffing. That's $10 billion... minimum.

Perry has had 10 years to build the units, and failed. He could have easily got the money under an all republican control of three branches of government. If it aint oil, Texas doesn't want it.

Texas Water Development Board

Sustainable, affordable, quality water for Texans, our economy, and our environment.

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In April 2002, Governor Rick Perry tasked the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) with developing a proposal to build Texas' very first large-scale seawater desalination plant to produce drinking water. The following year, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 1370 directing the agency to undertake or participate in research, feasibility and facility planning studies, investigations, and surveys as needed to advance the development of cost-effective water supplies from seawater desalination in the state.

Since Governor Perry's proclamation in 2002, the TWDB has expanded its scope of desalination activities to include brackish groundwater, an abundant source of supply in many areas of the state.
Innovative Water Technologies - Desalination | Texas Water Development Board

You make this so easy.

Sounds like they need 100 more. The only man-made means I know to end draughts, is filling up the aquafiers and irrigation flooding. Fresh water is getting scarce and we sit doing nothing about it. The biggest use and disappearance of our water is what leaves the US as vegetable & fruit products. We are literary comitting suicide by exports.

The biggest use and disappearance of our water is what leaves the US as vegetable & fruit products.

Any numbers to back up this feeling of yours?

Of course.

“Agriculture is by far the largest user,” he adds. “The amount of water used in industrial processes is peanuts compared to that present in produce.”

Overall, though, the United States is a net exporter of virtual water, he notes. Each year between 1997 and 2001, on average, the U.S. exported more than 53 cubic kilometers of virtual water, largely due to foreign sales of its agricultural goods.

Water, Water Everywhere - Science News
and you're going to write the check for that? :rofl:

GOOGLE the cost of just one, and you'll get numbers between $100 and $500 million a piece.. not including staffing. That's $10 billion... minimum.

Perry has had 10 years to build the units, and failed. He could have easily got the money under an all republican control of three branches of government. If it aint oil, Texas doesn't want it.

Texas Water Development Board

Sustainable, affordable, quality water for Texans, our economy, and our environment.

Financial Assistance
Water Planning
Surface Water
Innovative Water

Rainwater Harvesting
Water Reuse

Show detail for Innovative Water Technologies

Aquifer Storage and Recovery
Desal Plant Database
TWDB Documents
Useful Links
Rainwater Harvesting
Water Reuse


In April 2002, Governor Rick Perry tasked the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) with developing a proposal to build Texas' very first large-scale seawater desalination plant to produce drinking water. The following year, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 1370 directing the agency to undertake or participate in research, feasibility and facility planning studies, investigations, and surveys as needed to advance the development of cost-effective water supplies from seawater desalination in the state.

Since Governor Perry's proclamation in 2002, the TWDB has expanded its scope of desalination activities to include brackish groundwater, an abundant source of supply in many areas of the state.
Innovative Water Technologies - Desalination | Texas Water Development Board

You make this so easy.

Well actually you do, because Perry said it costs to much to give Texans fresh water and dropped the ball to rely on his rain god. You will find that article on this thread. The bottom line is Perry has no excuses for not having enough water for his people. For example he didn't use the money intended for the Gulf barrier in case of an oil spill, he pissed that off somewhere, but could have used it to build the water plants. He has been handed $27 billion in fed funds, and pissed that away. Water just isn't a Perry priority, he gets his from a bottle, and damn the cattle & produce & the people. IF you can't see hat dude, ya be blind. Thanks for making is so easy.......

Chew on this...............

Appropriated Federal Funds for the 2010–11 biennium total $65.5 billion, a 19 percent increase from the 2008–09 total of $55.1 billion (Figure 6). This $10.5 billion increase constitutes 99 percent of the increase between the biennia in the All Funds budget.

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So, Texas has $87 billion to just throw around, right? That's all a total surplus, right? Money isn't already spent or committed, right?

You're such a fucking moron, you're starting to make Tm look relatively intelligent... and that is saying something.

Do you know how to budget money? Right? You are a fucking imbecile who doesn't know how the world works, boy. Go read a book, get some polly 101, you are out of your league here sonny. Fuckin' lil girliemon.

Without even adding a 1-2% state tax hike, Perry raked in over $27 Billion from the feds for his slush fund, TO STIMULATE THE TEXAS ECONOMY. He used his rain god for his water woes. His choice idiot!!

you are so totally stupid, it defies explanation.

You whine that TX took in 87 billion, and he should have used all that money for desalination plants. Then, when I point out to you that there were 'other things' that money was already destined for, you change direction and whine that Perry should have used all the stimulus money he got for the desalination plants.

Neither time do you admit that those 100 additional plants would have collectively cost over $100 billion. Do the math, jock-itch. He'd have still been short on the desalination funds, and had ZERO money to run the fucking state!

Did your parents have any children that lived?
Sounds like they need 100 more. The only man-made means I know to end draughts, is filling up the aquafiers and irrigation flooding. Fresh water is getting scarce and we sit doing nothing about it. The biggest use and disappearance of our water is what leaves the US as vegetable & fruit products. We are literary comitting suicide by exports.

The biggest use and disappearance of our water is what leaves the US as vegetable & fruit products.

Any numbers to back up this feeling of yours?

Of course.

“Agriculture is by far the largest user,” he adds. “The amount of water used in industrial processes is peanuts compared to that present in produce.”

Overall, though, the United States is a net exporter of virtual water, he notes. Each year between 1997 and 2001, on average, the U.S. exported more than 53 cubic kilometers of virtual water, largely due to foreign sales of its agricultural goods.

Water, Water Everywhere - Science News

Yes, agriculture uses a lot of water. Is this the first time you realized that?

Are you afraid that after we "export" that water, we'll never get water back?
You know that sometimes water even falls from the sky?
Have you read this thread?

Yes. So where is that claim?

There are more than one. If you read the thread and you missed them, I'm not going to waste my time finding them for you. Reread it.

It appears that Texas under Perry is doing better than America under Obama.
If you have any proof that Texas isn't doing better relative to the other states, please present it.
If you want to build strawmen based on imaginary claims on this thread, don't bother.
It appears that Texas under Perry is doing better than America under Obama.
If you have any proof that Texas isn't doing better relative to the other states, please present it.
If you want to build strawmen based on imaginary claims on this thread, don't bother.

They're not imaginary claims. People in this same thread said that Texas is doing better under Rick Perry than it was before. You only have to go back a couple of pages to see it.

And you're missing the point by trying to compare Texas to other states. My contention is that Perry has done more to damage Texas than Obama has to damage the United States. The fact that Texas is doing better than, say, Mississippi doesn't really have anything to do with it.

I'll say it again, the only achievements Rick Perry claims in almost 11 years as Governor are 1) job growth (which is a lie) and 2) strong economy (which has nothing to do with who is the Governor; it's ALWAYS been strong and has in fact been stronger under other Governors). As for what he's done wrong, let's see, he's murdered our educational system, he's done nothing about the fact that we're #1 in the nation in carcinogens released into the air, he's forced girls to get an HPV vaccine that most doctors think is either unnecessary or even dangerous, he's done nothing to stop illegal immigration (partly because it helps him claim to have created jobs), and, by the way, he's used tax dollars for kickbacks to campaign contributors. I could go on, but this should be sufficient. Texas is absolutely worse off than it was when Perry took office.

As for Obama, how is the United States worse off than it was 2.5 years ago? The economy is more or less the same (had rebounded but has now regressed to about where it was), unemployment is more or less the same, the stock market is much higher in spite of its recent struggles, he's repaired a lot of the international relationships that Bush strained, and so on. I'm not going to pretend that this any more than a mediocre record, but how is it worse than Perry's? Perry inherited a much better situation than Obama did and has done much worse, and, I'll say it again, stole from the state's tax coffers to pay off his campaign contributors.
It appears that Texas under Perry is doing better than America under Obama.
If you have any proof that Texas isn't doing better relative to the other states, please present it.
If you want to build strawmen based on imaginary claims on this thread, don't bother.

They're not imaginary claims. People in this same thread said that Texas is doing better under Rick Perry than it was before. You only have to go back a couple of pages to see it.

And you're missing the point by trying to compare Texas to other states. My contention is that Perry has done more to damage Texas than Obama has to damage the United States. The fact that Texas is doing better than, say, Mississippi doesn't really have anything to do with it.

I'll say it again, the only achievements Rick Perry claims in almost 11 years as Governor are 1) job growth (which is a lie) and 2) strong economy (which has nothing to do with who is the Governor; it's ALWAYS been strong and has in fact been stronger under other Governors). As for what he's done wrong, let's see, he's murdered our educational system, he's done nothing about the fact that we're #1 in the nation in carcinogens released into the air, he's forced girls to get an HPV vaccine that most doctors think is either unnecessary or even dangerous, he's done nothing to stop illegal immigration (partly because it helps him claim to have created jobs), and, by the way, he's used tax dollars for kickbacks to campaign contributors. I could go on, but this should be sufficient. Texas is absolutely worse off than it was when Perry took office.

As for Obama, how is the United States worse off than it was 2.5 years ago? The economy is more or less the same (had rebounded but has now regressed to about where it was), unemployment is more or less the same, the stock market is much higher in spite of its recent struggles, he's repaired a lot of the international relationships that Bush strained, and so on. I'm not going to pretend that this any more than a mediocre record, but how is it worse than Perry's? Perry inherited a much better situation than Obama did and has done much worse, and, I'll say it again, stole from the state's tax coffers to pay off his campaign contributors.

links to credible sources please?
It appears that Texas under Perry is doing better than America under Obama.
If you have any proof that Texas isn't doing better relative to the other states, please present it.
If you want to build strawmen based on imaginary claims on this thread, don't bother.

They're not imaginary claims. People in this same thread said that Texas is doing better under Rick Perry than it was before. You only have to go back a couple of pages to see it.

And you're missing the point by trying to compare Texas to other states. My contention is that Perry has done more to damage Texas than Obama has to damage the United States. The fact that Texas is doing better than, say, Mississippi doesn't really have anything to do with it.

I'll say it again, the only achievements Rick Perry claims in almost 11 years as Governor are 1) job growth (which is a lie) and 2) strong economy (which has nothing to do with who is the Governor; it's ALWAYS been strong and has in fact been stronger under other Governors). As for what he's done wrong, let's see, he's murdered our educational system, he's done nothing about the fact that we're #1 in the nation in carcinogens released into the air, he's forced girls to get an HPV vaccine that most doctors think is either unnecessary or even dangerous, he's done nothing to stop illegal immigration (partly because it helps him claim to have created jobs), and, by the way, he's used tax dollars for kickbacks to campaign contributors. I could go on, but this should be sufficient. Texas is absolutely worse off than it was when Perry took office.

As for Obama, how is the United States worse off than it was 2.5 years ago? The economy is more or less the same (had rebounded but has now regressed to about where it was), unemployment is more or less the same, the stock market is much higher in spite of its recent struggles, he's repaired a lot of the international relationships that Bush strained, and so on. I'm not going to pretend that this any more than a mediocre record, but how is it worse than Perry's? Perry inherited a much better situation than Obama did and has done much worse, and, I'll say it again, stole from the state's tax coffers to pay off his campaign contributors.

And you're missing the point by trying to compare Texas to other states. My contention is that Perry has done more to damage Texas than Obama has to damage the United States.

So prove your contention.

As for Obama, how is the United States worse off than it was 2.5 years ago?

The claims I've seen are that over the last 2.5 years, Texas has performed better than the US.
If you have proof otherwise, let's see it.
It appears that Texas under Perry is doing better than America under Obama.
If you have any proof that Texas isn't doing better relative to the other states, please present it.
If you want to build strawmen based on imaginary claims on this thread, don't bother.

They're not imaginary claims. People in this same thread said that Texas is doing better under Rick Perry than it was before. You only have to go back a couple of pages to see it.

And you're missing the point by trying to compare Texas to other states. My contention is that Perry has done more to damage Texas than Obama has to damage the United States. The fact that Texas is doing better than, say, Mississippi doesn't really have anything to do with it.

I'll say it again, the only achievements Rick Perry claims in almost 11 years as Governor are 1) job growth (which is a lie) and 2) strong economy (which has nothing to do with who is the Governor; it's ALWAYS been strong and has in fact been stronger under other Governors). As for what he's done wrong, let's see, he's murdered our educational system, he's done nothing about the fact that we're #1 in the nation in carcinogens released into the air, he's forced girls to get an HPV vaccine that most doctors think is either unnecessary or even dangerous, he's done nothing to stop illegal immigration (partly because it helps him claim to have created jobs), and, by the way, he's used tax dollars for kickbacks to campaign contributors. I could go on, but this should be sufficient. Texas is absolutely worse off than it was when Perry took office.

As for Obama, how is the United States worse off than it was 2.5 years ago? The economy is more or less the same (had rebounded but has now regressed to about where it was), unemployment is more or less the same, the stock market is much higher in spite of its recent struggles, he's repaired a lot of the international relationships that Bush strained, and so on. I'm not going to pretend that this any more than a mediocre record, but how is it worse than Perry's? Perry inherited a much better situation than Obama did and has done much worse, and, I'll say it again, stole from the state's tax coffers to pay off his campaign contributors.

links to credible sources please?

Are you asking for a link that shows that he doesn't have any other achievements?

Would you like me to prove that there's no such thing as purple unicorns, too?
Disgusting isn't it? Pretending their is a god because you can't be man and accept personal responsibility for your own actions.

So you believe the Drought is Perry's fault? Or you just hate him because he believes in god? I can't figure it out.

So super hero, tell us what could the Governor do that he has not already done?
He might have already built a 100 desaltnation plants on the gulf coast and flooded Texas with fresh water. He cut off the colorado and funnel that to the parched ground. Obviously praying to his rain god didn't work.
I love how you fucking liberals talk about freedom of Religion when all you really want is the right to fucking hate anyone that has religion and OMG dares not hide out of sight when they practice it like you would prefer.
I am glad you love it, and gays don't hide out of sight when they get it on either, like you would prefer.:lol::lol:
Faggits should hide out of sight instead of showing normal people their stupid mental disorders. Idiots. Oh, by the way, there is a God and you are still an idiot.

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