How Is This Different From What ISIS does -

Exercising free speech doesn't mean you have to destroy property... oh wait were taking about blacks who riot and call that "protesting". ISIS destroys centuries old monuments because they offend Islam, there's no difference.

The truth is they should put these unwanted monuments in museums like they have with things like the black only water fountains or white only lunch counters. That way the past is kept alive and future generations can learn from them.

Review Exhibits at Center for Civil and Human Rights tell vivid stories to engage and move ArtsATL
So you think they should put a big ol' sign on Stone Mountain saying "look how fucking shitty this country used to be?!" :rofl:

Yeah... good luck selling that down there! :laugh:
Democrat party owns that history.
Yet somehow it's socially conservative republicans glorifying and defending that history. Hmm... go figure.
Like I said, democrats own that history. Congratulations!
And now those southern former democrats make up the republican base. Congratulations. You can keep them.
Senator Byrd would prove you wrong. Even Bill Clinton would prove you wrong when he said about Obama. A few years back he would be serving us tea.
This phase of the anti white movement has already run out of steam. Who cares about a few black guys when illegal aliens are now threatened.

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