Zone1 How Liberalism Created Modern Black "Culture"

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
This guy makes a brilliant point and explains how modern liberals have stolen all hope for black people.

Blacks hope come in the form of never ending reparations from the Democrat party, for sins of the past that can never be fully paid for, which ironically was due to the democrat party.

That's it. That is their only hope in life.
Blacks hope come in the form of never ending reparations from the Democrat party, for sins of the past that can never be fully paid for, which ironically was due to the democrat party.

That's it. That is their only hope in life.
The point is, LIBERALISM made them this way.
EVERYTHING they hear tells them they can never succeed because the evil white man is keeping them down. They don't see the opportunities every other immigrant (legal immigrant) sees.

They've been raised to believe the white man OWES them.
The government owes us. Whites have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Native Americans, 13 times the wealth of Hispanics and if you remove Indians from the Asian group, Whites have about 15 times the wealth of most Asians ethnic groups and here we have some dumb white dude repeating what another white moron has said..
The government owes us. Whites have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Native Americans, 13 times the wealth of Hispanics and if you remove Indians from the Asian group, Whites have about 15 times the wealth of most Asians ethnic groups and here we have some dumb white dude repeating what another white moron has said..
Request denied as you sound far too bitter and angry to know what to sensibly do with anything we might give you .
Put in another appeal in twenty years , say , and try therapy aimed at catharsis and anger management .
And don't tell us about all the anger that you have had to swallow . You should have been smart enough to come to God's Favourite place , Team GB Land .
Request denied as you sound far too bitter and angry to know what to sensibly do with anything we might give you .
Put in another appeal in twenty years , say , and try therapy aimed at catharsis and anger management .
And don't tell us about all the anger that you have had to swallow . You should have been smart enough to come to God's Favourite place , Team GB Land .
You don't get to approve or deny anything. You aren't any part of the process that would determine whether or not I or anyone else gets reparations. Nah, I don't need therapy and if whites like you can run around mad after everything you have been given don't say anything to me about some kind of anger you perceive.

I know exactly what to do with the money we are owed by this government. I am the black man you fear because if I get reparations the plan I have will definetly change how things are done.
The point is, LIBERALISM made them this way.
EVERYTHING they hear tells them they can never succeed because the evil white man is keeping them down. They don't see the opportunities every other immigrant (legal immigrant) sees.

They've been raised to believe the white man OWES them.
Why do whites like you think you can say this stuff? Have you been raised in a black family? No, but what we do know is that whites like you have been raised to believe that you are entitled to everything. I have never heard that I can't succeed because the white man is keeping me down. That's a lie you racists tell yourselves while you're doing this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

Here we see a white man saying that he held down blacks for 20 years and was so proud of doing it, that he would do it again. We don't tell ourselves anything, it's what white racists are actually doing. Liberalism ain't telling us that, but conservatism tells this white man that it's OK to deny blacks jobs.
This guy makes a brilliant point and explains how modern liberals have stolen all hope for black people.

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White liberals and white conservatives like to blame each other for the depraved state of black culture. Blacks are responsible. Blacks are responding to instincts that enabled their ancestors to thrive in the tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa.
Liberals did not create modern black culture; they did enable it. When blacks tried to emulate white culture A Supremes' song portraying illegitimacy as a social problem and a personal tragedy was popular among blacks.

Blacks sang about romantic love, even unrequited love.

When liberals told blacks they did not need to emulate whites, and should be themselves, they reverted to values and behavior that evolved in the tribal environments of sub Saharan Africa, and developed rap music. Rap music extols violence and raw animal lust.
The government owes us. Whites have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Native Americans, 13 times the wealth of Hispanics and if you remove Indians from the Asian group, Whites have about 15 times the wealth of most Asians ethnic groups and here we have some dumb white dude repeating what another white moron has said..
That is because whites have higher IQ averages. Moreover, when whites and blacks earn the same incomes whites are more likely to save money, and less likely to go into debt.
The government owes us. Whites have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Native Americans, 13 times the wealth of Hispanics and if you remove Indians from the Asian group, Whites have about 15 times the wealth of most Asians ethnic groups and here we have some dumb white dude repeating what another white moron has said..
There are more whites than blacks in this country.
The government owes us. Whites have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Native Americans, 13 times the wealth of Hispanics and if you remove Indians from the Asian group, Whites have about 15 times the wealth of most Asians ethnic groups and here we have some dumb white dude repeating what another white moron has said..
"us" youre not black. liar.
The government owes us. Whites have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Native Americans, 13 times the wealth of Hispanics and if you remove Indians from the Asian group, Whites have about 15 times the wealth of most Asians ethnic groups and here we have some dumb white dude repeating what another white moron has said..
The government owes you nothing. Whites owe you nothing. You owe us for the benefits of living in a country where blacks are better off than in any black majority, black run country in the world. Pay up and shut up. You people will never get reparations. Soon the Supreme Court will deny you affirmative action in university admissions and employment.
You don't get to approve or deny anything. You aren't any part of the process that would determine whether or not I or anyone else gets reparations. Nah, I don't need therapy and if whites like you can run around mad after everything you have been given don't say anything to me about some kind of anger you perceive.

I know exactly what to do with the money we are owed by this government. I am the black man you fear because if I get reparations the plan I have will definetly change how things are done.
1) Of course that poster is part of the approval plan for your extortion demands. He is part of the voting public, and 2/3rds are opposed.

2) Your last sentence sounds like a threat. Given your anger and hostilities toward white people, it sounds like the “plan” you have to “change how things are done” will give even more favoritism to blacks while punishing whites.
The government owes you nothing. Whites owe you nothing. You owe us for the benefits of living in a country where blacks are better off than in any black majority, black run country in the world. Pay up and shut up. You people will never get reparations. Soon the Supreme Court will deny you affirmative action in university admissions and employment.
….and the SCOTUS decision to disallow racism will be announced next month. All the blacks like IM2 who keep insisting that AA isn’t favoring blacks will be the first to scream bloody murder when the SCOTUS prohibits race-based admissions policies.
Blacks hope come in the form of never ending reparations from the Democrat party, for sins of the past that can never be fully paid for, which ironically was due to the democrat party.

That's freaking hilarious. I never thought of it that way. Send the bill to the Democratic National Committee and leave the Republicans, Independents, and third party people out of it. Make the villain organization responsible pay for the crimes of slavery. You are a freaking genius. I don't know why I never thought to approach the argument from that angle. Very clever.
The government owes us. Whites have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Native Americans, 13 times the wealth of Hispanics and if you remove Indians from the Asian group, Whites have about 15 times the wealth of most Asians ethnic groups and here we have some dumb white dude repeating what another white moron has said..

No. It isn't the government that owes black people. It isn't the whites that owe black people. It is the Democratic National Committee that owes the black people reparations. I say mail in your bill unless you are a registered democrat. If that is the case just take the bill out of your own left hand and put it in your right hand. No stamp. No lawyer. No mess. Just pay yourself the reparations that you owe yourself. If you are not a registered democrat then it isn't that simple. You'll have to mail the bill to the Democratic National Committee. That requires a stamp and all of that. Depending on how serious you are about pursing your claim you could require the services of a licensed attorney. Anyways. It will all work out eventually. It always does. You will get 100% of all the money you deserve. I know that for a fact. So lighten up there is hope.
When IM2 says that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks, why is he ignoring the poorer life choices of blacks - such as having most of their babies out of wedlock - along with their higher spending levels relevant to earnings?

For example, I just took a drive over to the local casino to shoot some craps. Went with $200, and came back with $40. Oh well. But the black guys who walked up to the table all bought in with THOUSANDS of dollars, and when they went through that, dug in their pockets for more.

These were not high-earning professional men. Their English was low-class, and let’s face it: they WERE at a craps table at 11:00 a.m. on a Wednesday morning as opposed to working. Yet they had thousands of dollars to throw out.

Could decisions like these be why blacks have so much less accumulated than whites?
When IM2 says that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks, why is he ignoring the poorer life choices of blacks - such as having most of their babies out of wedlock - along with their higher spending levels relevant to earnings?

For example, I just took a drive over to the local casino to shoot some craps. Went with $200, and came back with $40. Oh well. But the black guys who walked up to the table all bought in with THOUSANDS of dollars, and when they went through that, dug in their pockets for more.

These were not high-earning professional men. Their English was low-class, and let’s face it: they WERE at a craps table at 11:00 a.m. on a Wednesday morning as opposed to working. Yet they had thousands of dollars to throw out.

Could decisions like these be why blacks have so much less accumulated than whites?

So if a black guy with a minimum wage job has $27.17 in his bank account at the end of the month does that mean we can expect a white guy with a minimum wage job to have a whopping $407.55 at the end of the month?

This one time I might have to agree with IM2. That does sound about right but I don't see how it is caused by racism. I see this inequity in wealth (not income) is due to a poisonous culture that constantly bombards black people making sure that they are well aware that they will never get ahead, so why the hell not spend every penny you make? Nothing will ever work out anyways. The poor white kid thinks his situation is temporary and has a vision for his future. The Bible says, "Without vision the people perish." I say we rescue the perishing by giving them vision instead of beating them down with propaganda telling them that they will never succeed because they are black. That is actually gross but if I say it I get called a racist. Only a racist would want black people to believe in their own potential. I think the bull shit in this discussion is so obviously hypocritical that we shouldn't have to talk about yet we do. I am even puzzled at myself as to why I am drawn into this subject. It is pointless to discuss. Every person on all sides of the debate knows the truth. Some just have fancy poker faces and appear to be sincere. However, we know humans are not capable of being that stupid so it is obvious that they are insincere. Oh well. Let's keep discussing this worthless subject. I have read IM2's posts. This man is not dumb at all. So I am pretty sure he's just funning.

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