How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?

If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?
They don't want to provoke a response, dickhead.
Terrorists simply like killing innocent people.

That's all they want.

View attachment 102987

Guess how many lives were saved because we didn’t have to invade mainland Japan?

In the battle of Okinawa....

Casualties and losses

United States American

20,195 dead[5][6][7]

12,520 killed in action[8]

55,162 wounded[5][9][10]
26,000 psychiatric casualties[11]
12 destroyers sunk
15 amphibious ships sunk
9 other ships sunk
386 ships damaged
763[12]-768[13] aircraft
225 tanks

Empire of Japan Japanese

From 77,166 killed[14] to 110,000 killed (U.S. Estimate)[15]
More than 7,000 captured[15]
1 battleship sunk
1 light cruiser sunk
5 destroyers sunk
9 other warships sunk
1,430 aircraft lost[16]
27 tanks destroyed
743 artillery pieces, anti-tank guns, and anti-aircraft guns

Battle of Okinawa - Wikipedia

"If the study shows that the behavior of nations in all historical cases comparable to Japan's has in fact been invariably consistent with the behavior of the troops in battle, then it means that the Japanese dead and ineffectives at the time of the defeat will exceed the corresponding number for the Germans. In other words, we shall probably have to kill at least 5 to 10 million Japanese. This might cost us between 1.7 and 4 million casualties including [between] 400,000 and 800,000 killed.""
Casualties in the Invasion of Japan, July/August 1945
It'll be interesting to see who hits one of his buildings first - jihadists or the Regressive Left.

Little friendly rivalry there. Birds of a feather 'n stuff.
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If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?

Because historically terrorists are almost always white males and Drumpf is the new symbol of white manliness. I know its amusing to see an orange carnival barker as a symbol of white male manlines but there you have it.
Oh you lefties, always checking out the "white male manlines"
How long after Obama moves into his new house someone will leave a burning paper sack of shit on his doorstep and ring the doorbell?
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?

Because historically terrorists are almost always white males and Drumpf is the new symbol of white manliness. I know its amusing to see an orange carnival barker as a symbol of white male manlines but there you have it.
Oh you lefties, always checking out the "white male manlines"
I would describe it more as "laughing at" . :laugh:
If they do and innocent people die will that finally soothe your hurt feelings over Trump winning the election?
As Don Rumsfeld would see it ---- lots of targets.

Personally I'd hope they'd go after the golf courses. There's a complete waste of human endeavor.

Good chance of them ending your messiah that way, Huffer.
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?

Progressives keep telling us they're the most compassionate people on the planet
The OP is already jerking himself off to the thought of Trump buildings being hit.

Would you admit they might be a target?
Yes, and so would everything else such as churches, Christmas markets, buildings with the American flag on them, trains and planes, Public places and gatherings like Time Square, large sporting events, all non Muslims, etc. What is your fucking point, should we submit to Islam?
My fuckin point is that when the President of the United States who is killing you is named TRUMP and TRUMP is on dozens of buildings, then those buildings become a tempting target
My fuckin point is that when the President of the United States who is killing you is named TRUMP and TRUMP is on dozens of buildings, then those buildings become a tempting target

A lot more likely that you leftists will launch a terrorist attack on them.

Now that your coup failed an all.
Now my point? Its that you pretended to be stupid initially for some reason other than furthering the dialogue
No your point was people shouldn't have voted for Trump because his buildings will become targets. We need to elect someone like Hussien Obama who can't even call the enemy by its name.
No, Obama just drops drone bombs on their asses. Name calling does nothing!
Ha ha ha. Like that red line he drew in the sand, which gave rise to the JV team of terrorists known as ISIS?
I think the drones speak louder and more forcefully than Obama does. Speak softly but carry a big stick.Obama ain't no punk when it comes to killing enemies of the USA!
Obama has both spoken softly and carried a toothpick. Nobody respects or fears him.

If the Gallup opinion poll results are any indication of the respect Obama has , not only at home but around the world, I'd have to call you a liar.
I wouldn't expect admirers of Obama to fear him but to think enemies of the USA aren't fearful at all is a stretch. The number of notches on this president's gun are impressive .

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