How long before we get negative interest rates, hyper inflation, and a total economic collapse?

Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.

It all depends on when the next Republican Administration is elected. Economic collapses only happen when Republicans are in the White House, cutting taxes. Usually it takes 2 terms for the full effect to kick in, and the collapse happens late in the second term, but Trump's collapse was accelerated by the pandemic, and his second and third tax cuts shovelling still more money to billionaires while 8 million fell into poverty.

You could avoid another economic collapse altogether by keep Democrats in the White House. No Democratic President has ever crashed the economy.
Debt is never in a libturds vocabulary when libturd presidents are libturding

History well shows that it is really this way:
Debt is never in a Democrat's vocabulary and only in a Republican's when the president is a Democrat.
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
negative interest rates coupled with hyperinflation is an oxymoron. But the fed does seem to be fueling a bubble of pretty much every asset.

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