How many active duty, retired and aspiring cops are there? Will any of them vote Democrat?

The President of the United States doesn't really have much to say about the day to day business of they typical Law Enforcement Officer. Most police departments are city, county, or state controlled.

The President does set a tone for the country that does affect LEOs. President Trump remarks concerning LEOs are mostly very positive. President Trump makes most officers feel he has their back. Often much more than the politically-motivated elected officials and appointees that manage police.

A President that sets a negative tone concerning police (no names) gives people the impression that he doesn't support or respect police. Setting that tone makes some people believe they can attack and abuse police and literally puts police officer lives at stake.
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There are roughly 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers in the US. Not including retirees or recruits.

So it's fair to say that together with the active-duty officers that the extended community of the blue wall it's probably somewhere between 4 and 5 million.
I see no reason why Trump shouldn't get 90% of that vote.

So it's fair to say that together with the active-duty officers that the extended community of the blue wall it's probably somewhere between 4 and 5 million.
I see no reason why Trump shouldn't get 90% of that vote.


Trump creates a lot of opportunities for law enforcement with his many colourful friends and their antics.

Any new rape rings yet? Cause all the factors that created the last ones, are still there, stronger than ever. So you know it is happening.
Because your side of the political divide has thrown them under the bus.

I am told that the vast majority of police officers are good officers and do not actually support the bad ones so they are actually upset that people are trying to weed out the bad ones?
I am told that the vast majority of police officers are good officers and do not actually support the bad ones so they are actually upset that people are trying to weed out the bad ones?

No politician has done anything to weed out bad cops or give more empowerment to good cops. Politicians are throwing cops, good and bad, to the mob for political gain.
I am told that the vast majority of police officers are good officers and do not actually support the bad ones so they are actually upset that people are trying to weed out the bad ones?

They would not be upset about that.

They are upset about the pretense that they are all bad, and the punishment of good cops doing their jobs.

DEFUND THE COPS, is not saying some of them are bad apples. It is saying that they are all bad.

I have a retired cop in my family and an active cop in my circle of friends. Complete disclosure, I was a partisan republican long before this specific issue, but I see it effecting other, less conservative, even liberal friends in my circle.

The op raises a valid point.
No politician has done anything to weed out bad cops or give more empowerment to good cops. Politicians are throwing cops, good and bad, to the mob for political gain.

Politician? No not really. Or not much. The people are though. Trump is fighting that. Hence my question.
They would not be upset about that.

They are upset about the pretense that they are all bad, and the punishment of good cops doing their jobs.

DEFUND THE COPS, is not saying some of them are bad apples. It is saying that they are all bad.

I have a retired cop in my family and an active cop in my circle of friends. Complete disclosure, I was a partisan republican long before this specific issue, but I see it effecting other, less conservative, even liberal friends in my circle.

The op raises a valid point.

Defund is saying we will dismantle the union infrastructure that protects bad cops at all costs. If the officers want to keep their unions they could step up and call for reform also. Are they? Or do they want to keep the agreements and practices in place that protect bad officers?
Politician? No not really. Or not much. The people are though. Trump is fighting that. Hence my question.

How is President Trump fighting efforts to reform police departments across America?

He has no control over those departments.
Politician? No not really. Or not much. The people are though. Trump is fighting that. Hence my question.
Yes. The politicians of both parties are protecting bad cops. Nothing will be done to stop police brutality. The Empire apparently needs brutal cops to continue it’s descent into Hell.
How is President Trump fighting efforts to reform police departments across America?

He has no control over those departments.
Because he’s said nothing about police brutality. He’s clearly sided with the cops. He missed a golden opportunity to show leadership and improve the country.
How is President Trump fighting efforts to reform police departments across America?

He has no control over those departments.

By condemning those who are leading the way to reform. He's also lead it by gassing peaceful protesters.

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