How many more lies can Democrats get away with?

Two failed impeachments January 6th hearings. Raiding Mar-a-Lago, a minority hire indicts Trump over mere allegations.
All depends on who is in control of the "getting away with". If it's Democrats, the sky is the limit. Democrats (generally) have no sense of right & wrong. Their sole motivation/direction is to POWER.
In an epoch times email, they struck close to the bone with the quote "The question is not so much as if AI can think, the question is if man can think" (or something very close to that)

Life is what you make of it.

If the silent majority wants to sit back in their rocking chairs and continue to be silent, then the sky is the limit for these communists.

AKA buy guns, ammo, rations, water purifying equipment, and get to know your terrain. Kansas just went "bye-bye", sweetheart.
Two failed impeachments January 6th hearings. Raiding Mar-a-Lago, a minority hire indicts Trump over mere allegations.

What have you ever done to promote American views in your community???

Really, I want you to list EXACTLY what you have done, yourself, in YOUR community to help promote Americanism over these marxist assholes?

What's that? did you say nothing? Oh, but posting on this limp-dick message board does not count as anything.

What have you done in your community? I know for a fact there is at least one local action committee you COULD have participated with. AND DON'T WASTE YOUR BREATH TELLING ME YOU CONTRIBUTED TO DJT's MAYHEM.

I Eagerly Await your reply with a list of local organizations you have gotten involved with...

What have you ever done to promote American views in your community???

Really, I want you to list EXACTLY what you have done, yourself, in YOUR community to help promote Americanism over these marxist assholes?

What's that? did you say nothing? Oh, but posting on this limp-dick message board does not count as anything.

What have you done in your community? I know for a fact there is at least one local action committee you COULD have participated with. AND DON'T WASTE YOUR BREATH TELLING ME YOU CONTRIBUTED TO DJT's MAYHEM.

I Eagerly Await your reply with a list of local organizations you have gotten involved with...
That’s the key! Get involved! Get active
As long as they're not called on their lies and propaganda, they'll continue to do it.
In some cases, I see them continuing to lie even AFTER they're called out on what they say. Remember the Mayor of Baltimore (Stephanie Rawlings) who, after the Baltimore riots, said "we gave them space to destroy" ? She denied she ever said it, despite that it was on video on the internet 1,000 times.
In some cases, I see them continuing to lie even AFTER they're called out on what they say. Remember the Mayor of Baltimore (Stephanie Rawlings) who, after the Baltimore riots, said "we gave them space to destroy" ? She denied she ever said it, despite that it was on video on the internet 1,000 times.

Look at how CONTINUOUSLY they do that here on this board!

In some cases, I see them continuing to lie even AFTER they're called out on what they say. Remember the Mayor of Baltimore (Stephanie Rawlings) who, after the Baltimore riots, said "we gave them space to destroy" ? She denied she ever said it, despite that it was on video on the internet 1,000 times.

Good catch. Yeah, you are correct.
In some cases, I see them continuing to lie even AFTER they're called out on what they say. Remember the Mayor of Baltimore (Stephanie Rawlings) who, after the Baltimore riots, said "we gave them space to destroy" ? She denied she ever said it, despite that it was on video on the internet 1,000 times.

What kind of illness makes a person think they can get away with that crap here in the age of the internet, where every word they speak is completely out of their control?

It's humorous to watch them sidestep and shuffle like that even when they are confronted with proof, like the leftist vermin do here on this board.


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