How many more Trump advisers will go to jail?

How many more Trump advisers may go to jail?
The Ukraine incident is very close to Watergate. A sitting President trying to affect who the opposing party will run against him in an upcoming election.
Like Nixon, Trump is surrounded by staff and aides who are trying to cover up his dirty deeds. In the end Nixon resigned but several of his closest aides went to prison.

How many more will go to prison for blind loyalty to a dirty President. Look how many Trump minions have already gone to jail.

It will be an intersting year coming up.
  • John N. Mitchell – former United States Attorney General and director of Nixon's 1968 and 1972 election campaigns; faced a maximum of 30 years in prison and $42,000 in fines; on February 21, 1975, Mitchell was found guilty of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury and sentenced to two and a half to eight years in prison, which was later reduced to one to four years; Mitchell actually served 19 months.
  • H. R. HaldemanWhite House chief of staff, considered the second most powerful man in the government during Nixon's first term; faced a maximum of 25 years in prison and $16,000 in fines; in 1975, he was convicted of conspiracy and obstruction of justice and received an 18-month prison sentence.
  • John Ehrlichman – former assistant to Nixon in charge of domestic affairs; faced a maximum of 25 years in prison and $40,000 in fines. Ehrlichman was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, perjury and other charges; he served 18 months in prison.
  • Charles Colson – former White House counsel specializing in political affairs; plead nolo contendere on June 3, 1974 to one charge of obstruction of justice, having persuaded prosecution to change the charge from one of which he believed himself innocent to another of which he believed himself guilty, in order to testify freely;[6] he was sentenced to 1 to 3 years of prison and fined $5,000; Colson served seven months.
For WHAT? The 'Russian Version of 'The Collusion Delusion' is over and was exposed as nothing more than a failed Obama administration coup attempt, for which Comey, McCabe, and Strzok have been recommended for Indictment...with more expected when the FISA Court Abuse report finally gets released. The Dem's 'Collusion Delusion 2.0, Ukraine Edition), is quickly following the route of the 1st.

As it stands now, Schiff should be indicted for leaking more than a screen door on a submarine and Censured for falsely making claims that he had evidence of criminal activity perpetrated by the President that Mueller did not even have...and Nadler should be stripped of any seat on the committee he now chairs and Censured for demanding a US AG break laws HE helped pass and then or punishing the US AG for refusing to do so.
We will see. You like dirty. I am guessing you are dirty.

You are a turd riddled with parasitic worms.

Your meat puppet faggot messiah nearly ruined this country. His minions continue to undermine the credibility of the nation's premier law enforcement and intelligence agencies by engaging in criminal activity against the one guy in DC who is probably the least corrupt of anyone holding an elected office.

You're as at least as stupid and possibly worse than the worms squirming out of you... ya lousy piece of shit.

Thank you very much for your kind words.
Who in the hell is undermining the credibility of our intelligence agencies; DONALD TRUMP, your messiah.
How many more Trump advisers may go to jail?
The Ukraine incident is very close to Watergate. A sitting President trying to affect who the opposing party will run against him in an upcoming election.
Like Nixon, Trump is surrounded by staff and aides who are trying to cover up his dirty deeds. In the end Nixon resigned but several of his closest aides went to prison.

How many more will go to prison for blind loyalty to a dirty President. Look how many Trump minions have already gone to jail.

It will be an intersting year coming up.
  • John N. Mitchell – former United States Attorney General and director of Nixon's 1968 and 1972 election campaigns; faced a maximum of 30 years in prison and $42,000 in fines; on February 21, 1975, Mitchell was found guilty of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury and sentenced to two and a half to eight years in prison, which was later reduced to one to four years; Mitchell actually served 19 months.
  • H. R. HaldemanWhite House chief of staff, considered the second most powerful man in the government during Nixon's first term; faced a maximum of 25 years in prison and $16,000 in fines; in 1975, he was convicted of conspiracy and obstruction of justice and received an 18-month prison sentence.
  • John Ehrlichman – former assistant to Nixon in charge of domestic affairs; faced a maximum of 25 years in prison and $40,000 in fines. Ehrlichman was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, perjury and other charges; he served 18 months in prison.
  • Charles Colson – former White House counsel specializing in political affairs; plead nolo contendere on June 3, 1974 to one charge of obstruction of justice, having persuaded prosecution to change the charge from one of which he believed himself innocent to another of which he believed himself guilty, in order to testify freely;[6] he was sentenced to 1 to 3 years of prison and fined $5,000; Colson served seven months.
For WHAT? The 'Russian Version of 'The Collusion Delusion' is over and was exposed as nothing more than a failed Obama administration coup attempt, for which Comey, McCabe, and Strzok have been recommended for Indictment...with more expected when the FISA Court Abuse report finally gets released. The Dem's 'Collusion Delusion 2.0, Ukraine Edition), is quickly following the route of the 1st.

As it stands now, Schiff should be indicted for leaking more than a screen door on a submarine and Censured for falsely making claims that he had evidence of criminal activity perpetrated by the President that Mueller did not even have...and Nadler should be stripped of any seat on the committee he now chairs and Censured for demanding a US AG break laws HE helped pass and then or punishing the US AG for refusing to do so.
Donald Trump is the O J Simpson of politics.
We will see. You like dirty. I am guessing you are dirty.

What the hell happened to "deplorable"?
Dirty and deplorable. The dirty, deplorable including white nationalists, racists of all kinds and the most stupid among us have had 3 years of glory. They had one of their own in the most powerful job in the world. But evil eventually loses.
Your days of glory are numbered. You will be put back into your proper position at the bottom of the heap of our society. An embarrassing shit stain on the history of our wonderful country.

Man that is funny stuff!!
We will see. You like dirty. I am guessing you are dirty.

What the hell happened to "deplorable"?
Dirty and deplorable. The dirty, deplorable including white nationalists, racists of all kinds and the most stupid among us have had 3 years of glory. They had one of their own in the most powerful job in the world. But evil eventually loses.
Your days of glory are numbered. You will be put back into your proper position at the bottom of the heap of our society. An embarrassing shit stain on the history of our wonderful country.

Man that is funny stuff!!
Not funny if you are part of the shit stain.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Who in the hell is undermining the credibility of our intelligence agencies; DONALD TRUMP, your messiah.

Trump isn't my "messiah" you vacuous piece of shit. I refer to him in many posts as "The World's Richest Professional Clown". I have railed against his weakness on 2A issues and failure to secure the border you deliberately ignorant parasite.

That said, I absolutely distrust government insiders that keep inventing bullshit scandals that always end up empty, just to cover up real corruption in every other elected office. Freakishly stupid pieces of shit like you are delighted to ignore the incredible corruption of people who enter political office with just enough cash on hand to get to DC and accept a bribe from the first globalist billionaire's lobbyist.

I don't like a lot about Trump, but he is already rich, and he has proven to be a threat to the corruptocracy established by the donor class and if you ever want us to have a government not dominated by the aristocracies of people like GWB, the Kennedy's, the Koch's or Soros you better get your head out of your ass and understand the fact YOU ARE A MUSHROOM.

You're kept in the dark, you're fed bullshit, and you have no desire or capability of moving on your own.

I want to see the courtroom sketches of Guiliani. I bet he'll look like Beaker.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Who in the hell is undermining the credibility of our intelligence agencies; DONALD TRUMP, your messiah.

Trump isn't my "messiah" you vacuous piece of shit. I refer to him in many posts as "The World's Richest Professional Clown". I have railed against his weakness on 2A issues and failure to secure the border you deliberately ignorant parasite.

That said, I absolutely distrust government insiders that keep inventing bullshit scandals that always end up empty, just to cover up real corruption in every other elected office. Freakishly stupid pieces of shit like you are delighted to ignore the incredible corruption of people who enter political office with just enough cash on hand to get to DC and accept a bribe from the first globalist billionaire's lobbyist.

I don't like a lot about Trump, but he is already rich, and he has proven to be a threat to the corruptocracy established by the donor class and if you ever want us to have a government not dominated by the aristocracies of people like GWB, the Kennedy's, the Koch's or Soros you better get your head out of your ass and understand the fact YOU ARE A MUSHROOM.

You're kept in the dark, you're fed bullshit, and you have no desire or capability of moving on your own.

That is your world not mine.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Who in the hell is undermining the credibility of our intelligence agencies; DONALD TRUMP, your messiah.

Trump isn't my "messiah" you vacuous piece of shit. I refer to him in many posts as "The World's Richest Professional Clown". I have railed against his weakness on 2A issues and failure to secure the border you deliberately ignorant parasite.

That said, I absolutely distrust government insiders that keep inventing bullshit scandals that always end up empty, just to cover up real corruption in every other elected office. Freakishly stupid pieces of shit like you are delighted to ignore the incredible corruption of people who enter political office with just enough cash on hand to get to DC and accept a bribe from the first globalist billionaire's lobbyist.

I don't like a lot about Trump, but he is already rich, and he has proven to be a threat to the corruptocracy established by the donor class and if you ever want us to have a government not dominated by the aristocracies of people like GWB, the Kennedy's, the Koch's or Soros you better get your head out of your ass and understand the fact YOU ARE A MUSHROOM.

You're kept in the dark, you're fed bullshit, and you have no desire or capability of moving on your own.

That is your world not mine.

Dang, and what world do you live on?
That is your world not mine.

Dang, and what world do you live on?

It's just as I asserted, they're living in an alternative reality. If the electrical grid ever gets shut down and media is rendered irrelevant, these pieces of shit will all die in 3 days if government doesn't give them food and water.

Come on Mass Solar Ejection!!!

The question should be how many Trump opponents will go to prison.

McCabe? Comey? Mueller?
AG Barr has these and many more of Trump's enemies he could indict.

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