How Many Of You Want To See The Banksters Go To Jail?

Banks ain't your enemy you hypocrites. Democrats created the mess when they forced banks to make bad loans or face civil rights litigation. The House Banking committee had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae but the chairperson told us that it was doing fine before it collapsed. Bad loans were bundled with good loans and sold to lending institutions. Investors and banks had to eat the junk and you blame banks for the mess? Find Barney Frank who is probably on his honeymoon with his new husband and ask him why he lied.

Congress & Bill Clinton changed laws that allow Fannie, Freddie & AIG to enable bankers to be excessively rewarded for making bad loans.
Yeah.....that's what happened......

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Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers

Dyin time? What? Is it shaman, a murder threat? Banks have no political power. They operate and abide by the laws that congress sets. We know from experience that congress can't even run a small post office without stealing stamps so what did you expect when congress directly supervised the federal lending institution? They would screw it up? They would steal money? They would encourage the failure of Fannie Mae for political purposes so left wing fools could blame banks? Yes on all counts.
Dyin time? What? Is it shaman, a murder threat? Banks have no political power. They operate and abide by the laws that congress sets. We know from experience that congress can't even run a small post office without stealing stamps so what did you expect when congress directly supervised the federal lending institution? They would screw it up? They would steal money? They would encourage the failure of Fannie Mae for political purposes so left wing fools could blame banks? Yes on all counts. is a revolving door between Wall St and Washington. However, some people in this thread believe that Wall St is a completely separate entity operating in bubble, completely removed from Washington.
If a restaurant made a salad taking good lettuce and mixing it in with e coli lettuce, they'd get in some trouble. The banks took good mortgages and mixed them in with e coli mortgages. They should get in some trouble.

Right on the money.
The whole world wants USA bankers to go to jail


Most of the world - the rational countries - have 'due process'.

All for it. We should have a trial to show exactly what they did.

Just like they put the Nazis on trial at Nuremburg.

Oh, wait, the Nazi trials had the people the Nazis attacked acting as judges. That was fair.

So by that right, we should have juries made up of 12 warm bodies that lost their houses in this crash. Sounds fair to me.

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