How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice

Conservatives are supposed to believe in less government and individual liberty.

Cleary they donā€™t.

ā€˜Banningā€™ abortion is more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Conservatives need to be consistent ā€“ ā€˜less governmentā€™ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

And the courts forcing states to have abortion against their will isn't more government?
ray From Clevelandl

Youā€™re literally stating the dilemma any law written outlawing abortion faces. The only way to arrive at anything sensible, is to keep ā€œ godā€ out of it. The hypocrites who support capital punishment are examples of the contradictions.

Why would lack of sensibilities have anything to do with God? If I include God in my opinion about something, then that's my opinion and I can base that opinion on anything I want.
Sure, letā€™s build a wallā€¦.

He's way ahead of you...

I hear liberals Democrats claim that there are tons of pro-choice Republicans ready to leave the party if Roe V. Wade is overturned. I like to talk politics and I don't ever recall talking to a Republican who was pro-choice. I think these numbers are made up. It sounds like more bogus polling to me.

---How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice---

I am a pro-choice Republican. If the Demorats became less socialist and more free market, protected our border and fought illegal immigration, stop the tax and spent policies, stop wokeness, stop the racist identity politics, stopped antiAmerican rhetoric and stopped the crony capitalism they utilize I might consider switchingā€¦ abortion is not that much of a big deal to me.

However to answer the original question. I think the majority definitely wouldnā€™t take the extremist stance of the loud base. Rather they would make exceptions for rape and incest. Most would probably do it if a birth defect was discovered. I think some, not most, would make and exception in the first 3 months.

We lost the last election because of abortion! So you have that as proof
I have no idea what your bogus point is.
That you are pretending to be anti-slavery while you believe in dehumanizing the unborn and regarding them as property to be killed on their ownerā€™s whim.

Weā€™re the ones against such bullshit. You pretending your dehumanizing antics arenā€™t the same as slavers and genociders throughout history is just nonsense.

Not being allowed to attack and kill your own kid isnā€™t ā€œdehumanizingā€ at all, you lunatic. No one else is legally allowed to be that much of a fucking monster, and they shouldnā€™t be either.

Calling hiring someone to kill someone else the retarded euphemism of ā€œmedical careā€ doesnā€™t jive either.
Conservatives are supposed to believe in less government and individual liberty.

Cleary they donā€™t.

ā€˜Banningā€™ abortion is more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Conservatives need to be consistent ā€“ ā€˜less governmentā€™ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.
Individual human rights.

Like the unborn right to life. You donā€™t have an individual liberty to take the lives of innocent human beings. You never could. The very idea is absurd.

The nightwatchman state is the minimal state, and the most important role of the state is to prevent and punish violent attacks that harm or kill innocent human beings - like murder.
That you are pretending to be anti-slavery while you believe in dehumanizing the unborn and regarding them as property to be killed on their ownerā€™s whim.

Weā€™re the ones against such bullshit. You pretending your dehumanizing antics arenā€™t the same as slavers and genociders throughout history is just nonsense.

Not being allowed to attack and kill your own kid isnā€™t ā€œdehumanizingā€ at all, you lunatic. No one else is legally allowed to be that much of a fucking monster, and they shouldnā€™t be either.

Calling hiring someone to kill someone else the retarded euphemism of ā€œmedical careā€ doesnā€™t jive either.
Not all unborn. We allow kids of democrats and honorable independents to survive.
Not all unborn. We allow kids of democrats and honorable independents to survive.
See thatā€™s just it, if you just have to be a piece of shit kid killer, then you should target democratsā€™ kids so they donā€™t infect the rest of the population with their stupidity.
See thatā€™s just it, if you just have to be a piece of shit kid killer, then you should target democratā€™s kids so they donā€™t infect the rest of the population with their stupidity.
Youā€™re the election, evolution and climate change deniers. How stupid can any group be ? Youā€™re 0-3 before you step into the ring.
I am a pro-choice Republican. If the Demorats became less socialist and more free market, protected our border and fought illegal immigration, stop the tax and spent policies, stop wokeness, stop the racist identity politics, stopped antiAmerican rhetoric and stopped the crony capitalism they utilize I might consider switchingā€¦ abortion is not that much of a big deal to me.

However to answer the original question. I think the majority definitely wouldnā€™t take the extremist stance of the loud base. Rather they would make exceptions for rape and incest. Most would probably do it if a birth defect was discovered. I think some, not most, would make and exception in the first 3 months.

We lost the last election because of abortion! So you have that as proof
Youā€™re watching too much Fix News.
I'm for letting the victim* have a choice in the matter, so by that definition you could say I'm "pro-choice."

*the one who's about to be dismembered and sucked through a hose, in case that needs to be stated.
Hitler was one of the founders of of the so called pro lifer movement.....taking the choice of a womanā€™s body out of her hands was one of his goals.
Okay, fucktard, there's wrong and then there's you typing something that is beneath minimal human intelligence. So just fuck off already, obvious troll is obvious.

The human right to life is not something the guy who slaughtered millions of innocents cares about - he's your ideological cousin, your peer. You're literally the one promoting the slaughter of millions of innocent human beings, and we are trying to stop pieces of shit like you.

You're the Hitler here. Go to your bunker and don't come out.

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