How many white supremacists are there?

And the fascist democrat press buried the story.

@Comfortably Smug on twitter did a great accounting of how many times each of the Nazi propaganda outfits mentioned this vs. George Floyd AND the civil suit against Donald Trump in Florida. The Floyd ratio is in the 10's of thousands with Nazi groups like CNN, NBC, and the Voice of the Reich (NY Times). And hundreds of mentions of the civil suit (which no one gives a damn about) vs. the racially motivated terrorist attack on whites.

It was on Twitchy, I'll see if I can find it.
Yeah, I don’t recall the exact stats, but there was a story on how much tIme the lib media spent on the black supremacist who murdered all the whites. After a day or so, it was a few minutes only, if that. A week later, and it was dropped entirely.

So what happened to the black criminal, released after a violent crime on a nothing bond, who had anti-white rankings on social media, and who then went on to commit a racially motivated massacre? It’s been radio silence.
The point is, do you really think that people can have a discussion about race in this country without it turning violent? Ever go to the race forum? Look at what the blacks say over there. Nothing is ever their fault. All their woes boil down to one thing, racism. Their crime is not their fault, their shootings are not their fault, white flight is not their fault, their outrageous out of wedlock birth rate is not their fault. Nothing is their fault. It's all racism.

So how can you have any honest discussion on the subject with people who refuse to admit to their own participation of their plight?
An honest conversation on requires just two things: Honesty and conversation.

And that's what we're light years from right now. And both ends have a part in that.
An honest conversation on requires just two things: Honesty and conversation.

And that's what we're light years from right now. And both ends have a part in that.

Then you are thinking wrong. Whites have no problem discussing race outside of the fact the left will call you racist for bringing up facts. Again, the redefinition of words. If you speak out against blacks or their activities, it's because you're racist, not because you have a disagreement or don't like the behavior of some people.

I live in a predominantly black suburb. When I speak of the vast differences of when this was a white area and how it is now, I'm a racist. Why? Because I bring up facts? According to the left I am.
An honest conversation on requires just two things: Honesty and conversation.

And that's what we're light years from right now. And both ends have a part in that.
This is actually the best conversation on race I've had in quite a while.

No one seems to care about it much, in the real world.

They're too busy scraping for gas money.
Yeah, I don’t recall the exact stats, but there was a story on how much tIme the lib media spent on the black supremacist who murdered all the whites. After a day or so, it was a few minutes only, if that. A week later, and it was dropped entirely.

So what happened to the black criminal, released after a violent crime on a nothing bond, who had anti-white rankings on social media, and who then went on to commit a racially motivated massacre? It’s been radio silence.

The story lasted less than a week and they buried it far and deep. What ever happened to that guy? That was last year. Was he ever charged, and what was he charged with? When is his court date? Will there be media allowed at the trial? Will we even know about it?
Yeah - let me see if I've got this right

According to the shit for brains progtards, no one is allowed to celebrate anyone or anything who was ever touched by racism or slavery.

And that would include basically anyone who was born before 1964. :p

And if we don't tell the world how fucked up these racist assholes were, then we must be racists ourselves.

Does that about cover it?

A week ago the Nazis breathlessly attacked Tate Reeves for signing "Confederate Heritage Month" HORRORS - Lynch Der Juden for such a crime!

Then it SLOWLY leaked out that the Governor is required BY law to start this and EVERY Mississippi Governor since the civil war is COMPELLED to do so.

Goat Curious repeated the ranting of Terrorist group CAIR and was thoroughly dragged for his blatant lying on the issue.

Yet here he is again, spewing the same lies.
An honest conversation on requires just two things: Honesty and conversation.

And that's what we're light years from right now. And both ends have a part in that.
Any time a conservative makes an honest and valid observation - that blacks could move from poverty the same way whites do, which is making wise choices - she’s called a racist. In fact, any time a conservative in any way says that blacks need to take at least some responsibility for their own behavior, she’s called a racist. In fact, the only acceptable comment “allowed” by liberals is that any problems within the black community are never their fault, and are to be blamed 100% of racism.
The story lasted less than a week and they buried it far and deep. What ever happened to that guy? That was last year. Was he ever charged, and what was he charged with? When is his court date? Will there be media allowed at the trial? Will we even know about it?
Who knows? It doesn’t fit the Demoncrat narrative - that blacks are all innocent, oppressed victims - so it gets buried. Guarantee that they won’t be televising his trial, assuming he hasn’t had one yet, the way the did for the white teenager who defended himself.
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
This whole bit with the “white supremacist” narrative has become so extreme and irrational that a liberal on another thread just called me a white supremacist. And why?

Because I said “college campus” (referring to where most BDS rallies happen). She said, and I kid you not: “COLLEGE CAMPUS“? That sounds like something a white supremacist would say.”

Can we say parking lot, or amusement park, or picnic area? Or are those things white supremacists would say?

Damn but these hate-filled leftists are completely DERANGED.
A week ago the Nazis breathlessly attacked Tate Reeves for signing "Confederate Heritage Month" HORRORS - Lynch Der Juden for such a crime!

Then it SLOWLY leaked out that the Governor is required BY law to start this and EVERY Mississippi Governor since the civil war is COMPELLED to do so.

Goat Curious repeated the ranting of Terrorist group CAIR and was thoroughly dragged for his blatant lying on the issue.

Yet here he is again, spewing the same lies.
Hey fuckstick, everyone knows it's Republicans that continue to idolize and protect the legacy of Confederate slavers. 😄

120 Republicans vote against removing Confederate monuments from the capitol.

Also by law Mississippi has a Confederate Heritage Day in April, no governor is required to declare April Confederate history month. And of course as the governor he could certainly make moves to change that law.
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This whole bit with the “white supremacist” narrative has become so extreme and irrational that a liberal on another thread just called me a white supremacist. And why?

Because I said “college campus” (referring to where most BDS rallies happen). She said, and I kid you not: “COLLEGE CAMPUS“? That sounds like something a white supremacist would say.”

Can we say parking lot, or amusement park, or picnic area? Or are those things white supremacists would say?

Damn but these hate-filled leftists are completely DERANGED.
They're stupid. No other word for it.
This whole bit with the “white supremacist” narrative has become so extreme and irrational that a liberal on another thread just called me a white supremacist. And why?

Because I said “college campus” (referring to where most BDS rallies happen). She said, and I kid you not: “COLLEGE CAMPUS“? That sounds like something a white supremacist would say.”

Can we say parking lot, or amusement park, or picnic area? Or are those things white supremacists would say?

Damn but these hate-filled leftists are completely DERANGED.
Almost as "extreme and irrational" as starting threads to whine and whine and whine about minorities in advertising.

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