How many white supremacists are there?

Almost as "extreme and irrational" as starting threads to whine and whine and whine about minorities in advertising.
That’s not what that was about, but thanks for pointing out why liberals will never permit an honest discussion on race. Pointing out that advertisers now make decisions based on race, with blacks being overwhelmingly the ones favored, gets one called a racist.

It does show an anti-white bias when a population that is 13% of the population gets selected as models in a random sampling of 20 models 100% of the time, and the whites who are 65% of the population are selected 0% in a random sampling of 20 posters. I sure wouldn’t want to be a white model these days, going for an advertising gig!

And stop your lies. It was ONE thread. But you protards sure won’t let a whitey forget about pointing out the anti-white bias! We whiteys need to STFU and get used to being discriminated against, amirite?
Yeah, I didn't think so.

Silly Trumpster.
Stop acting so high and mighty. Liberals will absolutely not permit a fair discussion on race, and the “over-swing” they are now guilty of as they favor blacks, and even happily announce that whites will be excluded from job consideration.

And you once made a comment about how Jews control the media. That’s very close to an antisemitic comment, so you are in no position to judge matters of bigotry.
On another thread, a liberal just made a nasty remark about wearing a “beanie hat” out in public. This would be the same liberal who would race in to accuse Republicans of being racist.

I swear…the protards do not see what hypocrites they are.
I have no idea, nor do I care.

Hey, I remember that time you said that all black people are inferior and you wished they'd go back to Africa.

That was crazy!
I never said that.

But the fact that you are unwilling to say that Jews do not control the media is a big tell.
The fact that you won't admit what you said is a big tell.

I knew it.
Nice try.

But that’s not what happened here. I asked if you will admit that Jews do not control the media - and you said you don’t know if they do, and don’t care. Because you think they do.

If someone said to me, will you admit that blacks are just as smart and capable as whites, I would say yes. i wouldn’t say “I don’t know and don’t care.”

You’re a bigot. But you’re so enamored with your moral superiority that you can’t see it.
Nice try.

But that’s not what happened here. I asked if you will admit that Jews do not control the media - and you said you don’t know if they do, and don’t care.

If someone said to me, will you admit that blacks are just as smart and capable as whites, I would say yes. i would t say “I don’t know.”

You’re a bigot. But you’re so enamored with your moral superiority that you can’t see it.
Why do you want blacks to go back to Africa?

You make shit up about what I said, I'll return the favor.

Why do you hate blacks?
Why do you want blacks to go back to Africa?

You make shit up about what I said, I'll return the favor.

Why do you hate blacks?
Now you’re flailing around with ridiculous made up things.

All I’m asking is for you to admit that Jews don’t control the media, as I recall your saying months ago. You can’t do it.

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