How Much Do Tickets to a Blob Rally Cost?

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“Buy” is just a shorter term for “reserve”
And empty is a shorter term for apathy. Anyone who wanted to go could have went. Not enough wanted to attend to fill up the arena.
And empty is a shorter term for apathy. Anyone who wanted to go could have went. Not enough wanted to attend to fill up the arena.
What do you think happens at the next rally, Candy? You know...the one where you on the left can't trick people into not going? You know what's REALLY sad? That your side needs to stoop to shit like this in the first place! Rather telling...don't you think?
Hell, even pop music star Pink is getting loose on the blob:


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What do you think happens at the next rally, Candy? You know...the one where you on the left can't trick people into not going? You know what's REALLY sad? That your side needs to stoop to shit like this in the first place! Rather telling...don't you think?

Your side mails bombs to people.

Anyone who wanted to attend could have. True or false.
Is it "encouraging" that your kids are taking an interest in "dirty" politics, Tommy? What ever happened to running a campaign that's based on an agenda that inspires people? Why would you even NEED to pull shit like this? Because Joe Biden is another awful candidate and you have a sneaking suspicion that millions of people don't like the Democrat's agenda these days?

Young people are not going to play politics according to your rules. Get used to it, Pepaw.
Some ignorant kids on twitter, probably. What I heard they did do, on tiktok was mass register for the event, misleading the campaign to think there were a whole mess more people coming than really were ....
but since they used it as a data haul, all those progressive devils are going to be getting spammed big time by the RNC and the Trump campaign from now until eternity. lol

Tru Dat
Your side mails bombs to people.

Anyone who wanted to attend could have. True or false.
True or false...your side used a sleazy political dirty trick to make people think the event was sold out! True or false...that's the sign of desperation!
Young people are not going to play politics according to your rules. Get used to it, Pepaw.
They're playing politics with the same kind of "rules" that would have made Richard Nixon proud, NotYourBody! You better get used to that!
And empty is a shorter term for apathy. Anyone who wanted to go could have went. Not enough wanted to attend to fill up the arena.
If I did not have a ticket I would not have gone

nor would most people I suspect

I know libs are hoping that trump voters will get discouraged and give up the fight to take back America

this has been a bumpy ride since trump came down the elevator four years ago

there have been many disappointments

but its my pleasure to inform you that trump is still the only game in town compared to what the corrupt washington establishment is offering
As were these folks I guess.

It does bring up a harsh reality for jerks like you though:

If the tickets were free, that means that all of those empty seats were empty because nobody showed up; supporter or otherwise. You blob couldn't fill up a small arena?

Those posters are left wing loons such as yourself.
No shock that they would not be informed.
True or false...your side used a sleazy political dirty trick to make people think the event was sold out! True or false...that's the sign of desperation!
False. There was no sell out since took more registrations than the capacity of the arena.
False. There was no sell out since took more registrations than the capacity of the arena.
Come on, know what those kids did! They bragged about it! Why are you refusing to admit that it took place?
What do you think happens at the next rally, Candy? You know...the one where you on the left can't trick people into not going? You know what's REALLY sad? That your side needs to stoop to shit like this in the first place! Rather telling...don't you think?

Honestly I really do not think that the internet nonsense stopped more than a handful from going
What they did was put a fake expectation number out for

The Media
Internet trolls to say Trump didn't hit expectations.

Trump Train Warriors went.
People who were not yet sure about the wisdom of going during the Pandemics of Covid and Lawlessness watched via TV or the internet.
If I did not have a ticket I would not have gone

nor would most people I suspect

I know libs are hoping that trump voters will get discouraged and give up the fight to take back America

this has been a bumpy ride since trump came down the elevator four years ago

there have been many disappointments

but its my pleasure to inform you that trump is still the only game in town compared to what the corrupt washington establishment is offering
Registration was free and cost nothing. Right?

So if you didn’t go; it wasn’t because you were prevented, it was because you didn’t want to go.
Come on, know what those kids did! They bragged about it! Why are you refusing to admit that it took place?
I’m sure it did.

What you’re ignoring is that the registrations were not capped. It’s not as if all the tickets were sold.
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