How Much Do Tickets to a Blob Rally Cost?

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The Trump Campaign had people sign up in advance because they anticipated a large turnout. What those kids did was to block out REAL people from coming because they registered people that were never going to go! If you think an event is sold out because it's totally obviously don't go. This is one of the more pathetic things I've seen in quite some time, L.K. Your side KNEW Trump was going to fill that auditorium and you didn't want it to happen. So you resorted to this.

Gee, what do you think will happen at the NEXT Trump rally? You know...the one you won't be able to sabotage this way?
How many registrations did the blob take? Wasn’t it “millions”?
Its very encouraging that kids take an interest in politics. Trumps base is angry old folks and they are pretty dumb.
We did this to Franklin Graham before his hate tour was scrapped. Its an easy win.
You have no idea what you're talking about, old man
This from the NYT

TikTok users and fans of Korean pop music groups claimed to have registered potentially hundreds of thousands of tickets for Mr. Trump’s campaign rally as a prank. After the Trump campaign’s official account @TeamTrump posted a tweet asking supporters to register for free tickets using their phones on June 11, K-pop fan accounts began sharing the information with followers, encouraging them to register for the rally — and then not show.
So the tickets were free and if you wanted to register and attend you could have?
The Trump Campaign had people sign up in advance because they anticipated a large turnout. What those kids did was to block out REAL people from coming because they registered people that were never going to go! If you think an event is sold out because it's totally obviously don't go. This is one of the more pathetic things I've seen in quite some time, L.K. Your side KNEW Trump was going to fill that auditorium and you didn't want it to happen. So you resorted to this.

Gee, what do you think will happen at the NEXT Trump rally? You know...the one you won't be able to sabotage this way?
pathetic whargarrbl.

you might impress trumptards with your pretzel logic.
not even the trump campaign believes your idiocy.
I think lots of folks RSVP'd as a show of support for the President...but folks in the Midwest also don't want Chinese Coronavirus. It's not a lack of's a powerful self-preservation instinct.

I'm not that far from Tulsa...and had there been no Coronavirus threat...I would have been first in line. I haven't even been in my own house for three months, as I spend time in hot zones as a part of my work. If I won't go into my own house for fear of spreading Chinese Coronavirus to my family...I'm certainly not going to risk attending a rally and spreading it to yours.

But I enjoyed listening to the rally...and I'm glad it wasn't totally packed...but that some people felt comfortable enough to attend.

So...where's Biden?
That’s a good stance.

The empty seats were signs of hope that the blob supporters don’t think he was worth the risk of attending
Its very encouraging that kids take an interest in politics. Trumps base is angry old folks and they are pretty dumb.
We did this to Franklin Graham before his hate tour was scrapped. Its an easy win.
Is it "encouraging" that your kids are taking an interest in "dirty" politics, Tommy? What ever happened to running a campaign that's based on an agenda that inspires people? Why would you even NEED to pull shit like this? Because Joe Biden is another awful candidate and you have a sneaking suspicion that millions of people don't like the Democrat's agenda these days?
I dont believe that

but why is it so important to you?

are you afraid of trump connecting with his supporters?

Not at all. Doesn’t seem to be that many that want to connect with him. Lol

I was just trying to figure out if you had to buy a seat to see this obese pervert. Apparently his supporters here don’t know.

But it does seem that anyone who wanted to get into the Sooner petri-dish could have; there just wasn’t enough interest.
Not at all. Doesn’t seem to be that many that want to connect with him. Lol

I was just trying to figure out if you had to buy a seat to see this obese pervert. Apparently his supporters here don’t know.

But it does seem that anyone who wanted to get into the Sooner petri-dish could have; there just wasn’t enough interest.
I gave you the answer. I guess you cant read. Or use google
Not at all. Doesn’t seem to be that many that want to connect with him. Lol

I was just trying to figure out if you had to buy a seat to see this obese pervert. Apparently his supporters here don’t know.

But it does seem that anyone who wanted to get into the Sooner petri-dish could have; there just wasn’t enough interest.
“Buy” is just a shorter term for “reserve”
these losers seem to claim that from the alleged 1 million reservations, 994,000 came from trolls. these trolls took the tickets of 13,000 trump fans. why were they "selling" 1 million tickets for a 19k arena?

the trump campaign meanwhile claims that the rally is general admission, entry is on a first-come-first-served basis and prior registration is not required.
My guess is that it will be full. I'm also predicting that the left will stage violent demonstrations to obscure that fact. It's what you folks DO when you don't get your way.
Not at all. Doesn’t seem to be that many that want to connect with him. Lol

I was just trying to figure out if you had to buy a seat to see this obese pervert. Apparently his supporters here don’t know.

But it does seem that anyone who wanted to get into the Sooner petri-dish could have; there just wasn’t enough interest.
so, you're still jealous of the man.
My guess is that it will be full. I'm also predicting that the left will stage violent demonstrations to obscure that fact. It's what you folks DO when you don't get your way.
I don't quite understand why they can't rent their own stage and ask their supporters to come. Seems perhaps it is they who don't have the actual following they think?
why would i?
what i know is that he will lie and ramble and lie and ramble.
So why are you on the left so terrified of those rallies that you resort to crap like this, L.K.? Is it because you know that Biden couldn't pull a crowd like that if he was giving out hundred dollar bills? :)
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