How Much Do Tickets to a Blob Rally Cost?

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That’s a good stance.

The empty seats were signs of hope that the blob supporters don’t think he was worth the risk of attending
It's a sign of hope that Trump supporters take Covid more seriously than his emissaries here.
And empty is a shorter term for apathy. Anyone who wanted to go could have went. Not enough wanted to attend to fill up the arena.
It was the Covid. It's still early days, who knows if the whole campaign season will be like this. Trump might want to rethink scheduling more in the near future. Maybe hold off another month, 'til folks are more relaxed about going into crowds. They obviously weren't on Saturday.
People aren't going to go if they don't think they can get in. Especially when there is a threat of violence from liberal protestors going on outside. This was a sleazy political dirty trick. They did it. They bragged about doing it. Now we go forward knowing how things are going to be conducted on your side.

It's time for you to face facts. You've become the Party where the end justifies the means!
THEN WHY DID THEY KEEP REQUESTING TICKETS after the campaign announced 60,000 registrations, 80,000 registrations. People know everyone won't go. If anyone was to blame for making supporters feel they'd never get in, it was the Trump campaign, crowing about a MILLION people asking for tickets!!!
The whipper snappers said they sent thousands of requests. Not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Just how many email addresses and names do you think one person can come up with?

That's a cop out. People didn't attend because of their fear of Covid. When that dissipates, I'm sure he'll pack them in again.
THEN WHY DID THEY KEEP REQUESTING TICKETS after the campaign announced 60,000 registrations, 80,000 registrations. People know everyone won't go. If anyone was to blame for making supporters feel they'd never get in, it was the Trump campaign, crowing about a MILLION people asking for tickets!!!
The whipper snappers said they sent thousands of requests. Not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Just how many email addresses and names do you think one person can come up with?

That's a cop out. People didn't attend because of their fear of Covid. When that dissipates, I'm sure he'll pack them in again.
Bullshit! The leftists that did this bragged about all the people they kept from going to the rally yet now you want to claim that what they did didn't affect attendance? Watch the next rally they hold, Old Lady. It's going to be full. You know why? Because Trump's support is strong. You know why Biden's rallies won't be full? Because even you on the left don't really want him as your candidate! He was simply the best you could come up with from a clown car full of flawed candidates
Is it "encouraging" that your kids are taking an interest in "dirty" politics, Tommy? What ever happened to running a campaign that's based on an agenda that inspires people? Why would you even NEED to pull shit like this? Because Joe Biden is another awful candidate and you have a sneaking suspicion that millions of people don't like the Democrat's agenda these days?
Trump and "inspiring" are strangers. I think that this is the best and funniest thing to happen this year. Nobody got shot which is always a bonus in Shitville.
Trump and "inspiring" are strangers. I think that this is the best and funniest thing to happen this year. Nobody got shot which is always a bonus in Shitville.
You might want to tell that to the folks in Chicago, Tommy! That Democratic "showplace" had another 6 shot and killed yesterday! Do you find that humorous as well?
I keep hearing that someone "bought up" all of the tickets to the Blob Rally thus preventing his supporters from coming into the arena....

He charges for these things? If so, how much?
Clinton isn't running... yet.
Trump and "inspiring" are strangers. I think that this is the best and funniest thing to happen this year. Nobody got shot which is always a bonus in Shitville.
My point was that instead of running on Joe Biden's "inspiring" agenda...the Democrats are running on a straight negative ad campaign! It seems that they've given up even pretending that they're going to make America better for it's citizens...just that Trump is going to make it worse! Which of course is why they need to see the economy shut down for just a few more months because people were starting to see that Trump's policies were putting money in their bank accounts.
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