How much do you hate immigrants and why?

...... Teddy Roosevelt was appalled at how the people were treated and demanded higher standards and better care.
Unless they were Asian or Jewish, then he was all for throwing them into concentration camps or sending them back into the arms of the Nazis.
Tell me please your reasons why you hate immigrants (if you didnt hate them you wouldnt make those threads i see everyday) and why? Im not judging you maybe you have good reasons for it like that immigrants commit dangerous and capitol crimes or there is not enough housing for immigrants and americans, jobs, etc. and americans are disadvantaged. So tell me your reasons you hate immigrants, and all equally or mostly the ones from latin america? And why the ones with spanish names?
I only hate illegal migrants.
Unless they were Asian or Jewish, then he was all for throwing them into concentration camps or sending them back into the arms of the Nazis.

Teddy was dead then. You are thinking of Franklin Deleno Roosevelt. A cousin of Teddy.

One of the sad truths in life and politics, you can’t always do what you want. Sometimes you can only do what you can. FDR wasn’t the only one limited by Political Realities. The Romanov’s of Russian fame were cousins of King George of England. They were offered to England. The shaky Russian government asking for the English to take these Royals. George worried that such an action would upset the British population, who felt that the Rich and Royals were not sacrificing as much as the poor were in the Great War.

George refused to take the Romanovs. The Bolsheviks took over. And we all know what happened next.

Sometimes you take what you can get, and do what you don’t like, because the alternative is to get nothing of what you want.

It still goes on today. The former Freedom Caucus has become the Obstruction Caucus and the Government is almost certain to shut down in less than a week. Because they want what they want and won’t compromise. Our own MTG of Georgia won’t vote for any budget that has funding for Ukraine.

It is victory or death. And it is a sure fire recipe for disaster.

One of the sad truths in life and politics, you can’t always do what you want. Sometimes you can only do what you can. FDR wasn’t the only one limited by Political Realities. ......
Were his contemporaries all just victims of "political realities"? Hitler? Stalin? Franco? Mussolini? Mao? All just poor little victims of circumstance. What choice did they have?
Were his contemporaries all just victims of "political realities"? Hitler? Stalin? Franco? Mussolini? Mao? All just poor little victims of circumstance. What choice did they have?

FDR was trying to take a lot of the Jews. He faced a bunch of resistance from Congress. If he had pushed, the Congress would have prevented it.

I think it is enough to admit he was wrong with both the Jews and the Americans of Japanese descent. To keep from making that decision again.
I saw a Facebook post from my old Platoon Sergeant in the Army today. In it he said that the Government should be welcoming these immigrants. They could be, would be a benefit to America.

He said they should get a drivers license and be able to work. They would work. And work hard.

When I was driving Over the Road, I had a load going to San Diego. A full load of plywood from West Virginia to San Diego. 40,000 pounds of plywood.

It took the fellows with the special forklift two hours to get the load in. In San Diego the instructions called for me to arrive and wait near a concrete dock, no warehouse, in a field.

I pulled up and waited. About twenty minutes later a guy showed up and asked what I was hauling. I told him. He went off in a construction company pick up after telling me to back to the dock and open the doors. He was back in a half hour. The back of the truck full of Mexicans.

They unloaded that truck by hand in just under two hours. I told the fellow about the fork lift they used in West Virginia. He said these guys cost less and are as fast if not faster.

They not only unloaded but swept out the trailer.

I got the signature and closed out the job and sent word for the Dispatcher to get me another load.

I don’t know what he paid those guys. I did not care and still don’t care today.

What I do know is way more than 90 % of the people crossing the border just want a chance to work for a better life. And that according to lore and legend is the American Dream.

Put inner city Blacks to work. Not Illegals from another Country.//
Fewer people mean that there is more of everything good to go around.

No, it doesn't. Fewer people mean lots of OLDER PEOPLE collecting pensions.

30% of the population is over the age of 65.

58% are 15-64. Now, not all of these will be working, so, you're looking at every 1.5 people is paying the pension for one retired person.

The US has 17% over the age of 65.

65% between the ages of 15-64

So, in the US you're looking at maybe 3 people to pay the pension for one person.
FDR was trying to take a lot of the Jews. He faced a bunch of resistance from Congress. If he had pushed, the Congress would have prevented it.
Yeah, he seemed so helpless when strong-arming the Supreme Court. :icon_rolleyes:
Fewer people mean that there is more of everything good to go around.
Who is going to make "everything good" when there aren't enough people to make things, transport things, sell things, and maintain things?
Tell me please your reasons why you hate immigrants (if you didnt hate them you wouldnt make those threads i see everyday) and why? Im not judging you maybe you have good reasons for it like that immigrants commit dangerous and capitol crimes or there is not enough housing for immigrants and americans, jobs, etc. and americans are disadvantaged. So tell me your reasons you hate immigrants, and all equally or mostly the ones from latin america? And why the ones with spanish names?
Our government goes around pissing everyone off and now it's coming back to haunt us.
I don’t hate illegal aliens, and I acknowledge that they serve a function in our economy, however a country without a border is not a country
Tell me please your reasons why you hate immigrants (if you didnt hate them you wouldnt make those threads i see everyday) and why? Im not judging you maybe you have good reasons for it like that immigrants commit dangerous and capitol crimes or there is not enough housing for immigrants and americans, jobs, etc. and americans are disadvantaged. So tell me your reasons you hate immigrants, and all equally or mostly the ones from latin america? And why the ones with spanish names?
No one hates stupid immigrants except the mayor of NYC and everyone on Martha's Vinyard..all Americans wanted was a secure border ....

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