How Much Does Being an American Mean to You? I Will Let a Bataan Survivor Explain it to Flag Burner's

People in my family's war experience was a tad more intense than Bataan. Never got captured or anything. Does not mean they didn't have problems for the rest of their lives.
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What a great man! God bless the United States of America. Democrats would want to burn a flag at this memorial event.

They have every right to do so. The fact is that Trump and garbage like you want to use the flag and anthem for political purposes. You are the ones who are disrespecting the flag.
After watching this, and knowing how they did the Chinese, nary a motherfucker better say we were wrong to nuke the Japs.
Fuck you, you commie turd.
Agreed, fuck that commie piece of shit.

I wish we wouldn't let the 1st Amendment be used as a suicide pact.

When bed wetting marxist zealots openly declare they are enemies of the Constitution and prove their hostility to the republic by burning their own nation's flag, they should be tried for treason and dealt with according to the law. There really is onlt one way to deal with pieces of shit like that, and it's pretty much the same thing you have to do with fire ants. It's just that fire ants serve more of a purpose than libturds do.

Agreed, fuck that commie piece of shit.

I wish we wouldn't let the 1st Amendment be used as a suicide pact.

When bed wetting marxist zealots openly declare they are enemies of the Constitution and prove their hostility to the republic by burning their own nation's flag, they should be tried for treason and dealt with according to the law. There really is onlt one way to deal with pieces of shit like that, and it's pretty much the same thing you have to do with fire ants. It's just that fire ants serve more of a purpose than libturds do.

Daamn! Trump only suggested 1 year in!
You have to be amazed that anyone survived it.

Its too bad Trump hates him. Makes you wonder why and how people love Trump--the man who says he "likes people who weren't captured"
Being 83 years old, I know a little about the Bataan Death March.

And about the great courage (and horrific suffering) of the Greatest Generation in the Pacific War.

Those boys were true patriots.

I am guessing that those veterans who are still living are heart-broken to see how a group of troublemakers has cowed an entire nation and torn our country apart with acrimony.

I do not believe in "God," but I am praying that He or She sees to it that those troublemakers get their comeuppance.

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