How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?

Trump in his interview with Chris Matthews said women should be punished who had an abortion, the man is just as guilty and he should be punished as well, the same punishment.
Imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

Agree, but Trump knows that is what his voters wanted to hear.

Yep, and being a demagogue he tells them what they want to hear everyday.
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion?? If you knowingly drive a woman to get an abortion, should you also be charged?

Now I highly doubt we are going to insist that women get the death penalty for having an illegal abortion, but they have to be punished somehow -- Also, would killing an abortion doctor then be considered justified?

Wait a minute - Some are being prosecuted for taking a day after pill following unplanned for sex?
Killing an abortion doctor is murder and settled law.
Just wait Biff - if they turn this whole thing over to the states, we'll be reading story after story about young women dying because they didn't have the wherewithal to travel 500-1000 miles to a state where it's legal and they attempt on their own or in a back alley.
Good times! :rolleyes:

Sure hasn't been good times for the 60 million plus babies that have been killed.

It is none of your business

It is when a child is killed such as abortion.

Who in the hell are you, figures a Texan.

A Texan who values and respects life.
The issue has never been about the woman’s body. That’s the lie you hide behind. It’s about the child’s constitutional rights to life.

An embryo is not a child. A sperm is not a child. An egg is not a child.
There are no "rights" offered to a growing mass of cells entirely dependent on the mother.
It would die immediately outside the womb.
And for the record, I am opposed to abortion after the first trimester unless the life of the mother is at risk.

Here, you'll enjoy this :cool:

An embryo with human dna is not life? Lol.
Wait a minute - Some are being prosecuted for taking a day after pill following unplanned for sex?
Killing an abortion doctor is murder and settled law.
Just wait Biff - if they turn this whole thing over to the states, we'll be reading story after story about young women dying because they didn't have the wherewithal to travel 500-1000 miles to a state where it's legal and they attempt on their own or in a back alley.
Good times! :rolleyes:

Sure hasn't been good times for the 60 million plus babies that have been killed.

It is none of your business

It is when a child is killed such as abortion.

Who in the hell are you, figures a Texan.

A Texan who values and respects life.

its really none of your business who has an abortion. I know you Texans love to stick your nose in everyone business but the stay the heck out of it.

You never answered my question, are you will to support them? via, Hud, Snap, and Chip, any and all social programs. Health ins for the parents before have a baby, remember healthy people usually have healthy babies, so you must be for expanded Medicaid and the ACA??
The issue has never been about the woman’s body. That’s the lie you hide behind. It’s about the child’s constitutional rights to life.

An embryo is not a child. A sperm is not a child. An egg is not a child.
There are no "rights" offered to a growing mass of cells entirely dependent on the mother.
It would die immediately outside the womb.
And for the record, I am opposed to abortion after the first trimester unless the life of the mother is at risk.

Here, you'll enjoy this :cool:

An embryo with human dna is not life? Lol.

Life can grow in a petri dish. Bacteria, viruses, fungi are all living, they don't create infants though.
Cons think abortion would stop if Roe V Wade were overturned. It won't. The only difference is in addition to the abortion now thousands of women will also die because they couldn't do the procedure in a hospital or doctor's office.

You derps are simply substituting dead women for fetuses. But you aren't pro-life because you'd be just as concerned about the dead women. But you aren't. You will be more than content to watch thousands of women suffer and die.
Cons think abortion would stop if Roe V Wade were overturned. It won't. The only difference is in addition to the abortion now thousands of women will also die because they couldn't do the procedure in a hospital or doctor's office.

You derps are simply substituting dead women for fetuses. But you aren't pro-life because you'd be just as concerned about the dead women. But you aren't. You will be more than content to watch thousands of women suffer and die.

That'll teach them a lesson for having unnecessary sex.
Cons think abortion would stop if Roe V Wade were overturned. It won't. The only difference is in addition to the abortion now thousands of women will also die because they couldn't do the procedure in a hospital or doctor's office.

You derps are simply substituting dead women for fetuses. But you aren't pro-life because you'd be just as concerned about the dead women. But you aren't. You will be more than content to watch thousands of women suffer and die.

That'll teach them a lesson for having unnecessary sex.

Beautiful, you proved my point. You aren't pro-life.
I am not in favor of abortion. I do feel that it is a wide and courageous choice to use contraceptives so a young married woman who doesn't want kids doesn't ever have to consider getting an abortion. I know of a few young married women who got their tubes tied very young to avoid having kids. They focused on their careers first. They determined that didn't want children so they did the brave thing.
Cons think abortion would stop if Roe V Wade were overturned. It won't. The only difference is in addition to the abortion now thousands of women will also die because they couldn't do the procedure in a hospital or doctor's office.

You derps are simply substituting dead women for fetuses. But you aren't pro-life because you'd be just as concerned about the dead women. But you aren't. You will be more than content to watch thousands of women suffer and die.
The dead women will have voluntarily made a choice that resulted in their own death. Not so much for the child. Your false equivalency fails...
If a pro-life Judge is appointed and Roe V Wade is overturned, American women will toss the GOP out of office for a generation.
If women get punished for having an abortion, shouldn't the men who impregnate them also be punished, regardless if they want the abortion or not?

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