How Old Is The Earth?

Human intrinsically believed that the earth was flat and at the middle of the universe, until that was proven wrong. A creator is the same, simply the fact that most people think that Obama is a Muslim doesn't make him one.

I don't think it's the same at all. This is more than some advanced monkeys believing in nonsense and superstition. You are entitled to draw that conclusion but drawing conclusions are not science exploration, are they?

"Intrinsic" means essential. It's obviously not essential we believe the Earth is flat or Obama is a Muslim. In fact, I would venture to say, if you were being threatened by crusaders to have your head chopped off and family killed, you might profusely disavow those beliefs. And yet, we have the evidence, millions of humans have died because of spiritual faith they refused to abandon.

You also indicated things that we once believed and no longer believe. There has never been a time when humans weren't spiritual. In spite of all the knowledge and scientific discovery, humans are still devoutly spiritual creatures. In order to compare with the notion of flat earth, you'd need to find evidence of widespread human belief that the earth is flat in spite of science telling us otherwise. Of course, this isn't the case.

While our minds change upon objective reasoning and examination of physical evidence, it has not changed our spirituality. It is true that believing Obama is a Muslim doesn't make him one but it's equally true that believing Obama is not a Muslim doesn't make him not one. Neither belief is spirituality.
It's not intrinsic to be spiritual if by intrinsic, you mean essential. Lots of people aren't spiritual and get around just fine.
But it was essential that you believe the earth was flat and at the centre of the universe, or the church might have had you killed...
Most people are stupid. Does that make stupidity intrinsic? I think not.
Human intrinsically believed that the earth was flat and at the middle of the universe, until that was proven wrong. A creator is the same, simply the fact that most people think that Obama is a Muslim doesn't make him one.

I don't think it's the same at all. This is more than some advanced monkeys believing in nonsense and superstition. You are entitled to draw that conclusion but drawing conclusions are not science exploration, are they?

"Intrinsic" means essential. It's obviously not essential we believe the Earth is flat or Obama is a Muslim. In fact, I would venture to say, if you were being threatened by crusaders to have your head chopped off and family killed, you might profusely disavow those beliefs. And yet, we have the evidence, millions of humans have died because of spiritual faith they refused to abandon.

You also indicated things that we once believed and no longer believe. There has never been a time when humans weren't spiritual. In spite of all the knowledge and scientific discovery, humans are still devoutly spiritual creatures. In order to compare with the notion of flat earth, you'd need to find evidence of widespread human belief that the earth is flat in spite of science telling us otherwise. Of course, this isn't the case.

While our minds change upon objective reasoning and examination of physical evidence, it has not changed our spirituality. It is true that believing Obama is a Muslim doesn't make him one but it's equally true that believing Obama is not a Muslim doesn't make him not one. Neither belief is spirituality.
It's not intrinsic to be spiritual if by intrinsic, you mean essential. Lots of people aren't spiritual and get around just fine.
But it was essential that you believe the earth was flat and at the centre of the universe, or the church might have had you killed...
Most people are stupid. Does that make stupidity intrinsic? I think not.
A church manipulated by one group of men believed that a flat earth was located at the center of the universe. They were wrong and they did not understand the Bible. God is (in a manor of speaking) at the center of Creation and not the earth. There is more than enough evidence that the Bible indicates that the earth is more round than flat and that God is more than just a figment of someone's vivid imagination.
It's not a disagreement. It's pointing out error, and I apologize for me passion in doing so. It is so incredibly ridiculous that people think that wine and wafers literally turns into Jesus' blood and body.
I agree, they should stop at the simply ridiculous, like believing in a talking snake, and an invisible being who hates gays.

God does not hate people that are attracted to the same sex.
But, because acting upon those feelings is unholy, God hates the action, just as he hates when a husband cheats on his wife, or, people having sex outside of marriage. God hates all sin.

God can make anything possible.... his is of unlimited power, knowledge and time.

But no one HAS to believe that. We all have free will
So god made actions that he hates? That doesn't even make any sense. If "God can make anything possible" then he can make sin disappear. Me, I get rid of shit I don't like in my life. :D
Satan is the author of sin. Man accepted Satin's lie hook line and sinker. And gays falsely believe that sexual desires makes the idividual.
God made gay people, they were born that way.
Satan is a fairy tale.
So today is a good day for you, you just learned two new things.
So, YOU believe that God made murderers and child molesters! Did you know that there are more "Homosexual" child molesters than there are among heterosexuals? If Satan is a fairy tale then so is God, and you made yourself what you are. So, today you have the opportunity to seek the truth and not insist on making excuses for behavior that cannot be condoned.
Being gay is a desire? C'mon, you're smarter than that.

What exactly do we mean by "being gay?" Is this a person who is simply attracted sexually to the same gender or is it a person who engages in homosexual activity as a result of their attraction?

Setting aside the argument of whether gays are born gay, we seem to almost be trying to say that gays cannot control their sexual urges. A person could be born a pedophile and live their whole life having the urge or attraction to have sex with children... we expect them to control their urges.

"Being gay" might not be a desire... engaging in homosexual behavior IS a desire. But this seems to be the only sexual behavior that we don't believe people have any control over. We're changing our traditions and laws to accommodate their behavior... we don't do this for exhibitionists or anyone else.
People are born gay. Now you know.
You're the only one saying that gays can't control their urges. Now you know.
Engaging in heterosexual behaviour is also a desire. Now you know.
Try to get over your homophobia. But you knew that already. :D
Well if homosexuals cannot "control" their urges, what makes you imagine that child molesters, rapists, and murderers can? Perhaps it makes sense to execute all those who are so out of control?
I agree, they should stop at the simply ridiculous, like believing in a talking snake, and an invisible being who hates gays.

God does not hate people that are attracted to the same sex.
But, because acting upon those feelings is unholy, God hates the action, just as he hates when a husband cheats on his wife, or, people having sex outside of marriage. God hates all sin.

God can make anything possible.... his is of unlimited power, knowledge and time.

But no one HAS to believe that. We all have free will
So god made actions that he hates? That doesn't even make any sense. If "God can make anything possible" then he can make sin disappear. Me, I get rid of shit I don't like in my life. :D
Satan is the author of sin. Man accepted Satin's lie hook line and sinker. And gays falsely believe that sexual desires makes the idividual.
God made gay people, they were born that way.
Satan is a fairy tale.
So today is a good day for you, you just learned two new things.
So, YOU believe that God made murderers and child molesters! Did you know that there are more "Homosexual" child molesters than there are among heterosexuals? If Satan is a fairy tale then so is God, and you made yourself what you are. So, today you have the opportunity to seek the truth and not insist on making excuses for behavior that cannot be condoned.
Except for a few exceptions, people aren't born to kill. Child molesters are typically born attracted to little kids, it's not something someone chooses to do because they can't get chicks, lol.
And I definitely made who I am and take full responsibility for it. Don't you?
Human intrinsically believed that the earth was flat and at the middle of the universe, until that was proven wrong. A creator is the same, simply the fact that most people think that Obama is a Muslim doesn't make him one.

I don't think it's the same at all. This is more than some advanced monkeys believing in nonsense and superstition. You are entitled to draw that conclusion but drawing conclusions are not science exploration, are they?

"Intrinsic" means essential. It's obviously not essential we believe the Earth is flat or Obama is a Muslim. In fact, I would venture to say, if you were being threatened by crusaders to have your head chopped off and family killed, you might profusely disavow those beliefs. And yet, we have the evidence, millions of humans have died because of spiritual faith they refused to abandon.

You also indicated things that we once believed and no longer believe. There has never been a time when humans weren't spiritual. In spite of all the knowledge and scientific discovery, humans are still devoutly spiritual creatures. In order to compare with the notion of flat earth, you'd need to find evidence of widespread human belief that the earth is flat in spite of science telling us otherwise. Of course, this isn't the case.

While our minds change upon objective reasoning and examination of physical evidence, it has not changed our spirituality. It is true that believing Obama is a Muslim doesn't make him one but it's equally true that believing Obama is not a Muslim doesn't make him not one. Neither belief is spirituality.
It's not intrinsic to be spiritual if by intrinsic, you mean essential. Lots of people aren't spiritual and get around just fine.
But it was essential that you believe the earth was flat and at the centre of the universe, or the church might have had you killed...
Most people are stupid. Does that make stupidity intrinsic? I think not.
A church manipulated by one group of men believed that a flat earth was located at the center of the universe. They were wrong and they did not understand the Bible. God is (in a manor of speaking) at the center of Creation and not the earth. There is more than enough evidence that the Bible indicates that the earth is more round than flat and that God is more than just a figment of someone's vivid imagination.
The Big bang is the centre of creation.
The bible is fiction. Ex: the texts attributed to Moses were written by several people at different times. Real scholars agree on that.
Being gay is a desire? C'mon, you're smarter than that.

What exactly do we mean by "being gay?" Is this a person who is simply attracted sexually to the same gender or is it a person who engages in homosexual activity as a result of their attraction?

Setting aside the argument of whether gays are born gay, we seem to almost be trying to say that gays cannot control their sexual urges. A person could be born a pedophile and live their whole life having the urge or attraction to have sex with children... we expect them to control their urges.

"Being gay" might not be a desire... engaging in homosexual behavior IS a desire. But this seems to be the only sexual behavior that we don't believe people have any control over. We're changing our traditions and laws to accommodate their behavior... we don't do this for exhibitionists or anyone else.
People are born gay. Now you know.
You're the only one saying that gays can't control their urges. Now you know.
Engaging in heterosexual behaviour is also a desire. Now you know.
Try to get over your homophobia. But you knew that already. :D
Well if homosexuals cannot "control" their urges, what makes you imagine that child molesters, rapists, and murderers can? Perhaps it makes sense to execute all those who are so out of control?
I never said that gays can't control their urges. They are normal people like everyone else.
God does not hate people that are attracted to the same sex.
But, because acting upon those feelings is unholy, God hates the action, just as he hates when a husband cheats on his wife, or, people having sex outside of marriage. God hates all sin.

God can make anything possible.... his is of unlimited power, knowledge and time.

But no one HAS to believe that. We all have free will
So god made actions that he hates? That doesn't even make any sense. If "God can make anything possible" then he can make sin disappear. Me, I get rid of shit I don't like in my life. :D
Satan is the author of sin. Man accepted Satin's lie hook line and sinker. And gays falsely believe that sexual desires makes the idividual.
God made gay people, they were born that way.
Satan is a fairy tale.
So today is a good day for you, you just learned two new things.
So, YOU believe that God made murderers and child molesters! Did you know that there are more "Homosexual" child molesters than there are among heterosexuals? If Satan is a fairy tale then so is God, and you made yourself what you are. So, today you have the opportunity to seek the truth and not insist on making excuses for behavior that cannot be condoned.
Except for a few exceptions, people aren't born to kill. Child molesters are typically born attracted to little kids, it's not something someone chooses to do because they can't get chicks, lol.
And I definitely made who I am and take full responsibility for it. Don't you?
So, why do we throw into prison child molesters? I mean according to you sex is natural. Children need to be educated.....................? A reason homosexuality has been hated is because sex, even between consenting adults, can spread diseases. And gay sex causes harm to the anus. It was Created to expel waste and not receive a joystick. And about the only form of "sex" two gay men can have is anal. Oral sex is not much better especially it one has been sweating all day, drinking lots of water and urinating... But I understand that homosexuals love all that and more............... I'm not one for vulgarity, but homo sex is not about romance. Watch Bareback Mountain. What it shows is an instigated and enjoyed male rape. Nothing in that movie should endear anyone to homosexual behavior, unless or course one is sick.
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People are born gay. Now you know.
You're the only one saying that gays can't control their urges. Now you know.
Engaging in heterosexual behaviour is also a desire. Now you know.
Try to get over your homophobia. But you knew that already. :D

Well rather than being a little patronizing smart ass, why didn't you answer my question? Are you "gay" because you have the sexual desire to be intimate with same gender, or are you "gay" because you engage in those desires through homosexual relations? It seems there is no delineation.

I've not said that gays can't control their urges. I am the one saying they can. I know "gay" people who do not engage in homosexual acts. Believe it or not, those people do exist... now you know!
Human intrinsically believed that the earth was flat and at the middle of the universe, until that was proven wrong. A creator is the same, simply the fact that most people think that Obama is a Muslim doesn't make him one.

I don't think it's the same at all. This is more than some advanced monkeys believing in nonsense and superstition. You are entitled to draw that conclusion but drawing conclusions are not science exploration, are they?

"Intrinsic" means essential. It's obviously not essential we believe the Earth is flat or Obama is a Muslim. In fact, I would venture to say, if you were being threatened by crusaders to have your head chopped off and family killed, you might profusely disavow those beliefs. And yet, we have the evidence, millions of humans have died because of spiritual faith they refused to abandon.

You also indicated things that we once believed and no longer believe. There has never been a time when humans weren't spiritual. In spite of all the knowledge and scientific discovery, humans are still devoutly spiritual creatures. In order to compare with the notion of flat earth, you'd need to find evidence of widespread human belief that the earth is flat in spite of science telling us otherwise. Of course, this isn't the case.

While our minds change upon objective reasoning and examination of physical evidence, it has not changed our spirituality. It is true that believing Obama is a Muslim doesn't make him one but it's equally true that believing Obama is not a Muslim doesn't make him not one. Neither belief is spirituality.
It's not intrinsic to be spiritual if by intrinsic, you mean essential. Lots of people aren't spiritual and get around just fine.
But it was essential that you believe the earth was flat and at the centre of the universe, or the church might have had you killed...
Most people are stupid. Does that make stupidity intrinsic? I think not.

Again, we are not talking about individuals but humans as a whole. You will find no period in human history of human civilization without spirituality. In fact, in the few cases where you find a civilization who attempted to abolish spiritual beliefs, they failed miserably. When you look at civilizations who abandoned their spirituality, their civilizations failed.

Several social studies have been conducted regarding human spirituality and the findings are consistent. People with strong spiritual connection and faith are less depressed, more happy and content, live longer lives, suffer fewer illnesses and diseases, have less instances of alcoholism and drug abuse as well as fewer suicides and mental disorders. So the argument that humans "get along just fine" is also not totally true.

It was certainly not essential to believe the Earth was flat, else there would still be people who believed the Earth was flat... and no amount of killing them would have changed it.
Engaging in heterosexual behaviour is also a desire.

You're right, and heterosexuals are expected to control their sexual desires. We can have all kinds of desires and fetishes, many of which harm no one, but they are still taboo and we don't demand society change it's traditions and laws to legitimize them. It only seems to be in the case of homosexuals and transsexuals that we presume they can't control their sexual urges.

They are normal people like everyone else.

Except, they're NOT really, are they?
A church manipulated by one group of men believed that a flat earth was located at the center of the universe. They were wrong and they did not understand the Bible. God is (in a manor of speaking) at the center of Creation and not the earth. There is more than enough evidence that the Bible indicates that the earth is more round than flat and that God is more than just a figment of someone's vivid imagination.

The Bible is a collection of anecdotes, mythology and bits and pieces of history, combined with prophesies, prayers and psalms. It is totally the creation of the mind of man.
The Big bang is the centre of creation.

Interesting, since the current prevailing theory in Quantum theory no longer believes there was a Big Bang.

It is another theory. It is not the prevailing theory.

Well, since the 1920s Copenhagen interpretation of physics, it IS the prevailing view.

Now we could argue that Everything is a Theory. The very existence of reality is a theory.

"The Big Bang [or God] is the center of creation" is a conclusion based on faith but it is also affirmation that the universe is a product of creation. Why is one faith-based belief for creation different than another with regard to creation?
People are born gay. Now you know.
You're the only one saying that gays can't control their urges. Now you know.
Engaging in heterosexual behaviour is also a desire. Now you know.
Try to get over your homophobia. But you knew that already. :D

You're a drooling retard. Now you know.
Can't attack the points so attack the poster. The coward's play.

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