How Old Is The Earth?

Excuse me? I can't be honest? When you state that "atoms and molecules act as predicted and tested over and over." it doesn't sound like honesty to me. Can you explain quantum entanglement? How about the observer effect? The double-slit experiment?

We'll figure it out eventually...

It's refreshing that you can be honest enough to admit we don't have it figured out now. If only you could act that way, we wouldn't have a problem here.

...yet still believe there was a talking snake and all the other fables noted therein.

Again, you allude to a belief in some story told by man as if this is the only possibility for an intelligent designer, Creator of the Universe or God. I can't speak for religions or what they believe. Science can't dismiss possibilities on the basis that religion may teach it or not teach it. The "God Did It" argument isn't science, it's a conclusion.

You know, the fact that this so-called "fable" still exists thousands of years later so that we can contemplate it's validity has to count for something. Right? You think you are the smartest mind to ever live or something? :dunno: Pro'lly so!
Big deal the fable still exists. 5000 years is nothing. We are still such a young primitive uneducated superstitious species.

You can't prove something doesn't exist. It's impossible. But what makes you believe it does?
You know.............for all you people who think that evolution cannot be possible, consider this one fact.............

ALL dogs came from the same common ancestor. The wolf.

Man, through selective breeding and management has been able to come up with many different breeds, all the way from Chihuahuas to Great Danes.

If man is able to use evolution to achieve their goals, and it says in the Bible that we are created in God's image, is it too far of a stretch to think that God might have used selective breeding and management (evolution) to come up with us?
You know.............for all you people who think that evolution cannot be possible, consider this one fact.............

ALL dogs came from the same common ancestor. The wolf.

Man, through selective breeding and management has been able to come up with many different breeds, all the way from Chihuahuas to Great Danes.

If man is able to use evolution to achieve their goals, and it says in the Bible that we are created in God's image, is it too far of a stretch to think that God might have used selective breeding and management (evolution) to come up with us?

I think you are correct and the term for God's method is "natural selection".
You know.............for all you people who think that evolution cannot be possible, consider this one fact.............

ALL dogs came from the same common ancestor. The wolf.

Man, through selective breeding and management has been able to come up with many different breeds, all the way from Chihuahuas to Great Danes.

If man is able to use evolution to achieve their goals, and it says in the Bible that we are created in God's image, is it too far of a stretch to think that God might have used selective breeding and management (evolution) to come up with us?

Wolves are from the same genus as dogs. Canis

What you are describing is evolutionary adaptation. There is no dispute this is happening and has always happened with virtually every species of life... it is often very versatile and resilient. It's not Darwinian Evolution.

The THEORY of Darwinian evolution is that all life emerged through a process of adaptation on a macro scale. There is absolutely ZERO science to support this theory. A Darwinist will lie and tell you there is. They will tell you it's "established and accepted truth" and then present you examples of adaptation to prove it.

Neither in nature or in a lab have we ever observed any evidence of one genus becoming another. We can't make it happen, we don't have fossils of it happening, we see no examples in nature of it happening now or in the past. Adaptive changes within a genus? Sure... Wolves became dogs. Some bears became black and some polar. Some fish became large and predatory and some became small and fast. Fish did not become wolves who became bears and dogs.
You know.............for all you people who think that evolution cannot be possible, consider this one fact.............

ALL dogs came from the same common ancestor. The wolf.

Man, through selective breeding and management has been able to come up with many different breeds, all the way from Chihuahuas to Great Danes.

If man is able to use evolution to achieve their goals, and it says in the Bible that we are created in God's image, is it too far of a stretch to think that God might have used selective breeding and management (evolution) to come up with us?

Wolves are from the same genus as dogs. Canis

What you are describing is evolutionary adaptation. There is no dispute this is happening and has always happened with virtually every species of life... it is often very versatile and resilient. It's not Darwinian Evolution.

The THEORY of Darwinian evolution is that all life emerged through a process of adaptation on a macro scale. There is absolutely ZERO science to support this theory. A Darwinist will lie and tell you there is. They will tell you it's "established and accepted truth" and then present you examples of adaptation to prove it.

Neither in nature or in a lab have we ever observed any evidence of one genus becoming another. We can't make it happen, we don't have fossils of it happening, we see no examples in nature of it happening now or in the past. Adaptive changes within a genus? Sure... Wolves became dogs. Some bears became black and some polar. Some fish became large and predatory and some became small and fast. Fish did not become wolves who became bears and dogs.
Speciation is the process whereby new biological species develop from existing species. There are many observed evidences of speciation.

BTW, while it may come as a shock to your tender YEC'ist sensibilities, the planet is greater than 6,000 years old.
Evolution and natural selection are kinda the same.

Natural selection, I believe, is not a friend of Darwinian Evolution. It is a 180 degree conflict with the theory. Natural selection, which we can observe, follows the laws of entropy... as time goes by, systems decline and decay. As resources go away, species become extinct unless they adapt. They cannot magically evolve into something better... it defies entropy and defeats natural selection which we know is happening. They can only adapt to become better at surviving as what they are.
6,000 years or 4.1 billion?

Here is one argument .....

How Old Is the Earth?

"The age of the earth debate ultimately comes down to this foundational question: Are we trusting man’s imperfect and changing ideas and assumptions about the past? Or are we trusting God’s perfectly accurate eyewitness account of the past, including the creation of the world, Noah’s global flood, and the age of the earth?"

I have attempted some very precise calculations taking into account my own age, the years of birth of my parents and their parents. From their the trail gets a bit murky.

But I think it takes THREE bites to get to the middle of a tootsie roll pop!
Over the millennia, the legend of a great deluge has endured in the biblical story of Noah and in such Middle Eastern myths as the epic of Gilgamesh. Now two distinguished geophysicists have discovered a catastrophic event that changed history, a gigantic flood 7,600 years ago in what is today the Black Sea.

I know... It is amazing when archaeologists uncover something from our past to confirm a story that many had proclaimed was a made-up myth to scare people.

It's kind of like how we've bought into this Darwinian belief that everything living must have evolved from simpler forms, ultimately, from a single cell. then we have a revolutionary and groundbreaking discovery of DNA. Every living thing is comprised of these DNA molecules which include intricate mitochondria and 16-bit coding for every aspect of what the organism is. Btw... a computer operates on 8-bit code.

We see things like atoms... which weren't even considered to exist in Darwin's day... We think, if we could just look into the atom and understand how it works, we will unlock the enigma and mysteries of the universe... but when we attempt to isolate our most fundamental elements, they defy our ability to measure them. They behave in completely irrational ways. Photons seem to make conscious choices to reveal themselves as particles or waves depending on if we are looking at them. If we try to trick them, they can apparently go back in time and become something they were not.

We see black holes. Our physics and math of our known universe apply to everything outside the black hole. We think we understand the black hole is happening as a result of a collapsed star. However, the principles of our physics break down at the event horizon. As material things approach the speed of light, time slows down. What happens when time reaches zero is what is happening inside a black hole. What does that mean? How can Time = 0 ??? Yet.... it's what we observe.

God's Universe is Amazing!

Yes, the universe is truly amazing and Darwin's theory, as improved and expanded upon as we have learned about atoms and DNA, has pretty well stood the test of time. We have all evolved from some primordial self replicating molecule.

LMFAOooo... MANY of Darwin's theories turned out to be BUNK!

Remember, when he came up with this shit, the cell was thought to be as complicated as a ping pong ball. We now know that is not the case. One of his primary observations in the finches was thought to be the cornerstone foundation of his entire hypothesis, proved to be incorrect. The finches had encountered a decade of drought conditions in which the finches with longer beaks could reach moisture and remain alive and pass their long beak trait on to another generation. Adaptation happens all the time in nature. That's not evolution.

The discovery of DNA spells some serious problems for full-on Darwinian theory. Some will argue our DNA is 96% the same as a chimp but that doesn't mean a thing... that 4% is huge. We share about 40% of our DNA with a banana... are we bananas? DNA tells the organism exactly what it is, what it will always be and what it will reproduce if it ever reproduces. It is the complete blueprint for what that thing is.

There are only 92 elements of which every atom in the universe is comprised. The real bugaboo is, the atoms in the universe do not account for the amount of gravity in the universe, which makes the physical universe possible. In fact, they only represent about 4% of what our universe is made of. Wrap your mind around that for a moment... Everything you see in the sky, all the stars and planets, all the things you know of and don't know of which comprise the physical material universe, only represent 4% of what we know is there. Spooky, ain't it?
You show your age. Since it was accepted that there were 92 elements, 26 more have been discovered. It's 118 elements, so far.
Over the millennia, the legend of a great deluge has endured in the biblical story of Noah and in such Middle Eastern myths as the epic of Gilgamesh. Now two distinguished geophysicists have discovered a catastrophic event that changed history, a gigantic flood 7,600 years ago in what is today the Black Sea.

I know... It is amazing when archaeologists uncover something from our past to confirm a story that many had proclaimed was a made-up myth to scare people.

It's kind of like how we've bought into this Darwinian belief that everything living must have evolved from simpler forms, ultimately, from a single cell. then we have a revolutionary and groundbreaking discovery of DNA. Every living thing is comprised of these DNA molecules which include intricate mitochondria and 16-bit coding for every aspect of what the organism is. Btw... a computer operates on 8-bit code.

We see things like atoms... which weren't even considered to exist in Darwin's day... We think, if we could just look into the atom and understand how it works, we will unlock the enigma and mysteries of the universe... but when we attempt to isolate our most fundamental elements, they defy our ability to measure them. They behave in completely irrational ways. Photons seem to make conscious choices to reveal themselves as particles or waves depending on if we are looking at them. If we try to trick them, they can apparently go back in time and become something they were not.

We see black holes. Our physics and math of our known universe apply to everything outside the black hole. We think we understand the black hole is happening as a result of a collapsed star. However, the principles of our physics break down at the event horizon. As material things approach the speed of light, time slows down. What happens when time reaches zero is what is happening inside a black hole. What does that mean? How can Time = 0 ??? Yet.... it's what we observe.

God's Universe is Amazing!

Yes, the universe is truly amazing and Darwin's theory, as improved and expanded upon as we have learned about atoms and DNA, has pretty well stood the test of time. We have all evolved from some primordial self replicating molecule.

LMFAOooo... MANY of Darwin's theories turned out to be BUNK!

Remember, when he came up with this shit, the cell was thought to be as complicated as a ping pong ball. We now know that is not the case. One of his primary observations in the finches was thought to be the cornerstone foundation of his entire hypothesis, proved to be incorrect. The finches had encountered a decade of drought conditions in which the finches with longer beaks could reach moisture and remain alive and pass their long beak trait on to another generation. Adaptation happens all the time in nature. That's not evolution.

The discovery of DNA spells some serious problems for full-on Darwinian theory. Some will argue our DNA is 96% the same as a chimp but that doesn't mean a thing... that 4% is huge. We share about 40% of our DNA with a banana... are we bananas? DNA tells the organism exactly what it is, what it will always be and what it will reproduce if it ever reproduces. It is the complete blueprint for what that thing is.

There are only 92 elements of which every atom in the universe is comprised. The real bugaboo is, the atoms in the universe do not account for the amount of gravity in the universe, which makes the physical universe possible. In fact, they only represent about 4% of what our universe is made of. Wrap your mind around that for a moment... Everything you see in the sky, all the stars and planets, all the things you know of and don't know of which comprise the physical material universe, only represent 4% of what we know is there. Spooky, ain't it?
You show your age. Since it was accepted that there were 92 elements, 26 more have been discovered. It's 118 elements, so far.

For now. Until they "discover" Liabilitium.
6,000 years or 4.1 billion?

Here is one argument .....

How Old Is the Earth?

"The age of the earth debate ultimately comes down to this foundational question: Are we trusting man’s imperfect and changing ideas and assumptions about the past? Or are we trusting God’s perfectly accurate eyewitness account of the past, including the creation of the world, Noah’s global flood, and the age of the earth?"
The planetary Earth is over 4 billion years old. It could br 4.1. 4.5 or 4.6 billion years old.

Using the lifespans enumerated in the Bible. The lineage of Jesus was 6,000 years from the first two people created in a state of grace, Adam and Eve, to their descendant, Jesus. Jesus was crucified 2,000 years ago making it 8,000 years, not 6,000 years.

A "year" would be a celestial year since the Julien calendar hadn't come along yet.

Does that help?
Over the millennia, the legend of a great deluge has endured in the biblical story of Noah and in such Middle Eastern myths as the epic of Gilgamesh. Now two distinguished geophysicists have discovered a catastrophic event that changed history, a gigantic flood 7,600 years ago in what is today the Black Sea.

I know... It is amazing when archaeologists uncover something from our past to confirm a story that many had proclaimed was a made-up myth to scare people.

It's kind of like how we've bought into this Darwinian belief that everything living must have evolved from simpler forms, ultimately, from a single cell. then we have a revolutionary and groundbreaking discovery of DNA. Every living thing is comprised of these DNA molecules which include intricate mitochondria and 16-bit coding for every aspect of what the organism is. Btw... a computer operates on 8-bit code.

We see things like atoms... which weren't even considered to exist in Darwin's day... We think, if we could just look into the atom and understand how it works, we will unlock the enigma and mysteries of the universe... but when we attempt to isolate our most fundamental elements, they defy our ability to measure them. They behave in completely irrational ways. Photons seem to make conscious choices to reveal themselves as particles or waves depending on if we are looking at them. If we try to trick them, they can apparently go back in time and become something they were not.

We see black holes. Our physics and math of our known universe apply to everything outside the black hole. We think we understand the black hole is happening as a result of a collapsed star. However, the principles of our physics break down at the event horizon. As material things approach the speed of light, time slows down. What happens when time reaches zero is what is happening inside a black hole. What does that mean? How can Time = 0 ??? Yet.... it's what we observe.

God's Universe is Amazing!

Yes, the universe is truly amazing and Darwin's theory, as improved and expanded upon as we have learned about atoms and DNA, has pretty well stood the test of time. We have all evolved from some primordial self replicating molecule.

LMFAOooo... MANY of Darwin's theories turned out to be BUNK!

Remember, when he came up with this shit, the cell was thought to be as complicated as a ping pong ball. We now know that is not the case. One of his primary observations in the finches was thought to be the cornerstone foundation of his entire hypothesis, proved to be incorrect. The finches had encountered a decade of drought conditions in which the finches with longer beaks could reach moisture and remain alive and pass their long beak trait on to another generation. Adaptation happens all the time in nature. That's not evolution.

The discovery of DNA spells some serious problems for full-on Darwinian theory. Some will argue our DNA is 96% the same as a chimp but that doesn't mean a thing... that 4% is huge. We share about 40% of our DNA with a banana... are we bananas? DNA tells the organism exactly what it is, what it will always be and what it will reproduce if it ever reproduces. It is the complete blueprint for what that thing is.

There are only 92 elements of which every atom in the universe is comprised. The real bugaboo is, the atoms in the universe do not account for the amount of gravity in the universe, which makes the physical universe possible. In fact, they only represent about 4% of what our universe is made of. Wrap your mind around that for a moment... Everything you see in the sky, all the stars and planets, all the things you know of and don't know of which comprise the physical material universe, only represent 4% of what we know is there. Spooky, ain't it?
You show your age. Since it was accepted that there were 92 elements, 26 more have been discovered. It's 118 elements, so far.

Well... some have been artificially created. I was referring to natural elements we've observed in our universe.
Over the millennia, the legend of a great deluge has endured in the biblical story of Noah and in such Middle Eastern myths as the epic of Gilgamesh. Now two distinguished geophysicists have discovered a catastrophic event that changed history, a gigantic flood 7,600 years ago in what is today the Black Sea.

I know... It is amazing when archaeologists uncover something from our past to confirm a story that many had proclaimed was a made-up myth to scare people.

It's kind of like how we've bought into this Darwinian belief that everything living must have evolved from simpler forms, ultimately, from a single cell. then we have a revolutionary and groundbreaking discovery of DNA. Every living thing is comprised of these DNA molecules which include intricate mitochondria and 16-bit coding for every aspect of what the organism is. Btw... a computer operates on 8-bit code.

We see things like atoms... which weren't even considered to exist in Darwin's day... We think, if we could just look into the atom and understand how it works, we will unlock the enigma and mysteries of the universe... but when we attempt to isolate our most fundamental elements, they defy our ability to measure them. They behave in completely irrational ways. Photons seem to make conscious choices to reveal themselves as particles or waves depending on if we are looking at them. If we try to trick them, they can apparently go back in time and become something they were not.

We see black holes. Our physics and math of our known universe apply to everything outside the black hole. We think we understand the black hole is happening as a result of a collapsed star. However, the principles of our physics break down at the event horizon. As material things approach the speed of light, time slows down. What happens when time reaches zero is what is happening inside a black hole. What does that mean? How can Time = 0 ??? Yet.... it's what we observe.

God's Universe is Amazing!

Yes, the universe is truly amazing and Darwin's theory, as improved and expanded upon as we have learned about atoms and DNA, has pretty well stood the test of time. We have all evolved from some primordial self replicating molecule.

LMFAOooo... MANY of Darwin's theories turned out to be BUNK!

Remember, when he came up with this shit, the cell was thought to be as complicated as a ping pong ball. We now know that is not the case. One of his primary observations in the finches was thought to be the cornerstone foundation of his entire hypothesis, proved to be incorrect. The finches had encountered a decade of drought conditions in which the finches with longer beaks could reach moisture and remain alive and pass their long beak trait on to another generation. Adaptation happens all the time in nature. That's not evolution.

The discovery of DNA spells some serious problems for full-on Darwinian theory. Some will argue our DNA is 96% the same as a chimp but that doesn't mean a thing... that 4% is huge. We share about 40% of our DNA with a banana... are we bananas? DNA tells the organism exactly what it is, what it will always be and what it will reproduce if it ever reproduces. It is the complete blueprint for what that thing is.

There are only 92 elements of which every atom in the universe is comprised. The real bugaboo is, the atoms in the universe do not account for the amount of gravity in the universe, which makes the physical universe possible. In fact, they only represent about 4% of what our universe is made of. Wrap your mind around that for a moment... Everything you see in the sky, all the stars and planets, all the things you know of and don't know of which comprise the physical material universe, only represent 4% of what we know is there. Spooky, ain't it?
You show your age. Since it was accepted that there were 92 elements, 26 more have been discovered. It's 118 elements, so far.

Well... some have been artificially created. I was referring to natural elements we've observed in our universe.
An element is an element. You used a term of art.
Over the millennia, the legend of a great deluge has endured in the biblical story of Noah and in such Middle Eastern myths as the epic of Gilgamesh. Now two distinguished geophysicists have discovered a catastrophic event that changed history, a gigantic flood 7,600 years ago in what is today the Black Sea.

I know... It is amazing when archaeologists uncover something from our past to confirm a story that many had proclaimed was a made-up myth to scare people.

It's kind of like how we've bought into this Darwinian belief that everything living must have evolved from simpler forms, ultimately, from a single cell. then we have a revolutionary and groundbreaking discovery of DNA. Every living thing is comprised of these DNA molecules which include intricate mitochondria and 16-bit coding for every aspect of what the organism is. Btw... a computer operates on 8-bit code.

We see things like atoms... which weren't even considered to exist in Darwin's day... We think, if we could just look into the atom and understand how it works, we will unlock the enigma and mysteries of the universe... but when we attempt to isolate our most fundamental elements, they defy our ability to measure them. They behave in completely irrational ways. Photons seem to make conscious choices to reveal themselves as particles or waves depending on if we are looking at them. If we try to trick them, they can apparently go back in time and become something they were not.

We see black holes. Our physics and math of our known universe apply to everything outside the black hole. We think we understand the black hole is happening as a result of a collapsed star. However, the principles of our physics break down at the event horizon. As material things approach the speed of light, time slows down. What happens when time reaches zero is what is happening inside a black hole. What does that mean? How can Time = 0 ??? Yet.... it's what we observe.

God's Universe is Amazing!

Yes, the universe is truly amazing and Darwin's theory, as improved and expanded upon as we have learned about atoms and DNA, has pretty well stood the test of time. We have all evolved from some primordial self replicating molecule.

LMFAOooo... MANY of Darwin's theories turned out to be BUNK!

Remember, when he came up with this shit, the cell was thought to be as complicated as a ping pong ball. We now know that is not the case. One of his primary observations in the finches was thought to be the cornerstone foundation of his entire hypothesis, proved to be incorrect. The finches had encountered a decade of drought conditions in which the finches with longer beaks could reach moisture and remain alive and pass their long beak trait on to another generation. Adaptation happens all the time in nature. That's not evolution.

The discovery of DNA spells some serious problems for full-on Darwinian theory. Some will argue our DNA is 96% the same as a chimp but that doesn't mean a thing... that 4% is huge. We share about 40% of our DNA with a banana... are we bananas? DNA tells the organism exactly what it is, what it will always be and what it will reproduce if it ever reproduces. It is the complete blueprint for what that thing is.

There are only 92 elements of which every atom in the universe is comprised. The real bugaboo is, the atoms in the universe do not account for the amount of gravity in the universe, which makes the physical universe possible. In fact, they only represent about 4% of what our universe is made of. Wrap your mind around that for a moment... Everything you see in the sky, all the stars and planets, all the things you know of and don't know of which comprise the physical material universe, only represent 4% of what we know is there. Spooky, ain't it?
You show your age. Since it was accepted that there were 92 elements, 26 more have been discovered. It's 118 elements, so far.

Well... some have been artificially created. I was referring to natural elements we've observed in our universe.

You mean, artificially created ON EARTH. There are many examples of strange things in the Universe that don't exist on this planet.

Ever heard about the "party comet" named Lovejoy? It pretty much travels the solar system spewing ethyl alcohol and sugar (booze).

I'm pretty sure that if we are ever able to travel to different star systems, we'll find some of those elements we created here on Earth are found naturally elsewhere.
I know... It is amazing when archaeologists uncover something from our past to confirm a story that many had proclaimed was a made-up myth to scare people.

It's kind of like how we've bought into this Darwinian belief that everything living must have evolved from simpler forms, ultimately, from a single cell. then we have a revolutionary and groundbreaking discovery of DNA. Every living thing is comprised of these DNA molecules which include intricate mitochondria and 16-bit coding for every aspect of what the organism is. Btw... a computer operates on 8-bit code.

We see things like atoms... which weren't even considered to exist in Darwin's day... We think, if we could just look into the atom and understand how it works, we will unlock the enigma and mysteries of the universe... but when we attempt to isolate our most fundamental elements, they defy our ability to measure them. They behave in completely irrational ways. Photons seem to make conscious choices to reveal themselves as particles or waves depending on if we are looking at them. If we try to trick them, they can apparently go back in time and become something they were not.

We see black holes. Our physics and math of our known universe apply to everything outside the black hole. We think we understand the black hole is happening as a result of a collapsed star. However, the principles of our physics break down at the event horizon. As material things approach the speed of light, time slows down. What happens when time reaches zero is what is happening inside a black hole. What does that mean? How can Time = 0 ??? Yet.... it's what we observe.

God's Universe is Amazing!

Yes, the universe is truly amazing and Darwin's theory, as improved and expanded upon as we have learned about atoms and DNA, has pretty well stood the test of time. We have all evolved from some primordial self replicating molecule.

LMFAOooo... MANY of Darwin's theories turned out to be BUNK!

Remember, when he came up with this shit, the cell was thought to be as complicated as a ping pong ball. We now know that is not the case. One of his primary observations in the finches was thought to be the cornerstone foundation of his entire hypothesis, proved to be incorrect. The finches had encountered a decade of drought conditions in which the finches with longer beaks could reach moisture and remain alive and pass their long beak trait on to another generation. Adaptation happens all the time in nature. That's not evolution.

The discovery of DNA spells some serious problems for full-on Darwinian theory. Some will argue our DNA is 96% the same as a chimp but that doesn't mean a thing... that 4% is huge. We share about 40% of our DNA with a banana... are we bananas? DNA tells the organism exactly what it is, what it will always be and what it will reproduce if it ever reproduces. It is the complete blueprint for what that thing is.

There are only 92 elements of which every atom in the universe is comprised. The real bugaboo is, the atoms in the universe do not account for the amount of gravity in the universe, which makes the physical universe possible. In fact, they only represent about 4% of what our universe is made of. Wrap your mind around that for a moment... Everything you see in the sky, all the stars and planets, all the things you know of and don't know of which comprise the physical material universe, only represent 4% of what we know is there. Spooky, ain't it?
You show your age. Since it was accepted that there were 92 elements, 26 more have been discovered. It's 118 elements, so far.

Well... some have been artificially created. I was referring to natural elements we've observed in our universe.

You mean, artificially created ON EARTH. There are many examples of strange things in the Universe that don't exist on this planet.

Ever heard about the "party comet" named Lovejoy? It pretty much travels the solar system spewing ethyl alcohol and sugar (booze).

I'm pretty sure that if we are ever able to travel to different star systems, we'll find some of those elements we created here on Earth are found naturally elsewhere.
Or entirely new elements.
I know... It is amazing when archaeologists uncover something from our past to confirm a story that many had proclaimed was a made-up myth to scare people.

It's kind of like how we've bought into this Darwinian belief that everything living must have evolved from simpler forms, ultimately, from a single cell. then we have a revolutionary and groundbreaking discovery of DNA. Every living thing is comprised of these DNA molecules which include intricate mitochondria and 16-bit coding for every aspect of what the organism is. Btw... a computer operates on 8-bit code.

We see things like atoms... which weren't even considered to exist in Darwin's day... We think, if we could just look into the atom and understand how it works, we will unlock the enigma and mysteries of the universe... but when we attempt to isolate our most fundamental elements, they defy our ability to measure them. They behave in completely irrational ways. Photons seem to make conscious choices to reveal themselves as particles or waves depending on if we are looking at them. If we try to trick them, they can apparently go back in time and become something they were not.

We see black holes. Our physics and math of our known universe apply to everything outside the black hole. We think we understand the black hole is happening as a result of a collapsed star. However, the principles of our physics break down at the event horizon. As material things approach the speed of light, time slows down. What happens when time reaches zero is what is happening inside a black hole. What does that mean? How can Time = 0 ??? Yet.... it's what we observe.

God's Universe is Amazing!

Yes, the universe is truly amazing and Darwin's theory, as improved and expanded upon as we have learned about atoms and DNA, has pretty well stood the test of time. We have all evolved from some primordial self replicating molecule.

LMFAOooo... MANY of Darwin's theories turned out to be BUNK!

Remember, when he came up with this shit, the cell was thought to be as complicated as a ping pong ball. We now know that is not the case. One of his primary observations in the finches was thought to be the cornerstone foundation of his entire hypothesis, proved to be incorrect. The finches had encountered a decade of drought conditions in which the finches with longer beaks could reach moisture and remain alive and pass their long beak trait on to another generation. Adaptation happens all the time in nature. That's not evolution.

The discovery of DNA spells some serious problems for full-on Darwinian theory. Some will argue our DNA is 96% the same as a chimp but that doesn't mean a thing... that 4% is huge. We share about 40% of our DNA with a banana... are we bananas? DNA tells the organism exactly what it is, what it will always be and what it will reproduce if it ever reproduces. It is the complete blueprint for what that thing is.

There are only 92 elements of which every atom in the universe is comprised. The real bugaboo is, the atoms in the universe do not account for the amount of gravity in the universe, which makes the physical universe possible. In fact, they only represent about 4% of what our universe is made of. Wrap your mind around that for a moment... Everything you see in the sky, all the stars and planets, all the things you know of and don't know of which comprise the physical material universe, only represent 4% of what we know is there. Spooky, ain't it?
You show your age. Since it was accepted that there were 92 elements, 26 more have been discovered. It's 118 elements, so far.

Well... some have been artificially created. I was referring to natural elements we've observed in our universe.

You mean, artificially created ON EARTH. There are many examples of strange things in the Universe that don't exist on this planet.

Ever heard about the "party comet" named Lovejoy? It pretty much travels the solar system spewing ethyl alcohol and sugar (booze).

I'm pretty sure that if we are ever able to travel to different star systems, we'll find some of those elements we created here on Earth are found naturally elsewhere.

They say it's possible but they don't think so. The 20 or so elements we've artificially created are mostly resulting from radioactive decay and if they ever existed in nature out in the universe, they would have decayed long ago.

But again, I am not the one trying to pose an argument on the basis of our limited knowledge. My argument is precisely the opposite. We don't know what's out there... 96% of what we KNOW is there, we can't identify with our physics other than to measure it's gravity.

The biggest thing is, things out there don't have to conform to our understandings. We assume they might... or that they would be similar but there is nothing in physics that says... this is all there is, nothing else can apply. Isn't it almost like we don't know that we don't know everything?
Wouldn't it be a kick in the pants if we discovered that all that matter we can't see or perceive very well (other than gravity detection) turned out to be God?
But again, I am not the one trying to pose an argument on the basis of our limited knowledge. My argument is precisely the opposite. We don't know what's out there... 96% of what we KNOW is there, we can't identify with our physics other than to measure it's gravity.

The biggest thing is, things out there don't have to conform to our understandings. We assume they might... or that they would be similar but there is nothing in physics that says... this is all there is, nothing else can apply. Isn't it almost like we don't know that we don't know everything?

On this, I agree with you. The dark energy and dark matter are proposed as causes for unexplained motions of stars detected millions of light years away in other galaxies. My first thought when I heard about this was that there must be something wrong with the measurements. And to propose something that we cannot even detect that is presumed to be the vast majority of matter in the universe is clearly an indication that there is much we don't know and understand. It becomes obvious that our current knowledge of physics, as good as theories like relativity and quantum mechanics may be, can't explain everything.

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