How President Trump is Quietly Draining the Swamp

I wouldn't call it the swamp. The swamp is godmansacks, the rich elite that hold most of the power in this nation and he sure as fuck isn't draining them of anything. What is he draining? Anything that helps the poor, keeps our quality of life high, decades of experience at working things out at the state department and investment in our children. If that is a swamp then the swamp was always a good thing.

We both know that Donald Trump is weakening our nation for the benefit of the elites that have fucked us these past 50 years. Weird, how he ran on taxing the bastards that outsource, rebuilding our middle class and other such things just to have idiots like you go on about how he is draining a swamp; eventhrough it is the same old loserterian hatred of the poor that takes the place of punishing the assholes that hurt this nation.

This is why I laugh at this post as Trump lied to the American people.
I'm starting to suspect he left a lot of democrook parasites and obozo appointees in place deliberately knowing they will break all sorts of ethics and procedural laws. I wonder how many of them will "hang" themselves accidentally and make it easy to fire and possibly prosecute them.

I'm starting to suspect he left a lot of democrook parasites and obozo appointees in place deliberately knowing they will break all sorts of ethics and procedural laws. I wonder how many of them will "hang" themselves accidentally and make it easy to fire and possibly prosecute them.

A new Sheriff is in town ...:2up:

The scum will go down the Swamp ....

There is NO ESCAPE for them.

I wouldn't call it the swamp. The swamp is godmansacks, the rich elite that hold most of the power in this nation and he sure as fuck isn't draining them of anything. What is he draining? Anything that helps the poor, keeps our quality of life high, decades of experience at working things out at the state department and investment in our children. If that is a swamp then the swamp was always a good thing.

We both know that Donald Trump is weakening our nation for the benefit of the elites that have fucked us these past 50 years. Weird, how he ran on taxing the bastards that outsource, rebuilding our middle class and other such things just to have idiots like you go on about how he is draining a swamp; eventhrough it is the same old loserterian hatred of the poor that takes the place of punishing the assholes that hurt this nation.

This is why I laugh at this post as Trump lied to the American people.

This is not 1963 anymore

But where are we from that point in time?

Are we with more secure civil rights, or less?

Does our government spy on us more or less?

Is our income in real after tax dollars better or worse?
Actually he is restocking the swamp with different creatures. Instead of far left extremists he is filling it with ex-lobbyists and extreme right wing creatures. We need a certain amount of regulation. Under the Democrats we saw over-regulation. Under the Republicans we see under-regulation.
Actually he is restocking the swamp with different creatures. Instead of far left extremists he is filling it with ex-lobbyists and extreme right wing creatures. We need a certain amount of regulation. Under the Democrats we saw over-regulation. Under the Republicans we see under-regulation.
Trump is doing just fine! He's making America great again.
Actually he is restocking the swamp with different creatures. Instead of far left extremists he is filling it with ex-lobbyists and extreme right wing creatures. We need a certain amount of regulation. Under the Democrats we saw over-regulation. Under the Republicans we see under-regulation.
Trump is doing just fine! He's making America great again.

He is making America DIRTY Again!! The fact is that industry lobbyists who are more interested in cutting their costs than in not polluting are running things. Go get some coal waste, put it in water and drink it.

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