How Republicans will turn Obama into a "Great American President"

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.
Not really, consider Benghazi, the IRS attacks on Conservatives, need I go on? This HNIC is a colossal failure and I am totally embarrassed by this asshole (yes, I called this "president" an asshole!!! :evil: )
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.
Not really, consider Benghazi, the IRS attacks on Conservatives, need I go on? This HNIC is a colossal failure and I am totally embarrassed by this asshole (yes, I called this "president" an asshole!!! :evil: )

The IRS only hurt liberal groups in the end. And the IRS manager who started it all is a Republican.

In 2011 and 2012 Republicans voted down a request from the State Department for more security funding.
Did Republicans hope an attack on Americans overseas would be successful, so they could make political points on it?
I would not put it past them.
Yep, he'll be hugely popular on the commie speech circuit and make millions. He will start a foundation and pay himself and probably moochel handsomely. And last but no least he will be jetting around the country and the world in private jets to sell more global warming BS. Pretty good for someone with no real talent but to read a teleprompter.

Unless, under a new regime, we have an actual Justice Department then it might be some time before He's free to roam.

They might go after some in his regime, but they will give him a pass unless a conspiracy can be proven that he is directly involved in.

Naah...he'll get a pass even then.
Too late. No matter how hard they tried to bring him down, his record will be the standard for the next 50 years.
Yes, at least 50 years. That is the legacy of the failed. People still remember Carter and even Buchanon. They also set standards you know.

Carter's problem was a Fed that created an artificial recession by raising rates too high.

Carter's problem was being a bumbling idiot elevated well above his level of competence.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.
Not really, consider Benghazi, the IRS attacks on Conservatives, need I go on? This HNIC is a colossal failure and I am totally embarrassed by this asshole (yes, I called this "president" an asshole!!! :evil: )
And he is. What's the big deal? Hell? I consider GW Bush to have asshole tendencies...:dunno:
It's the media stupid. FDR was a virtual corpse for his last (two?) terms and he appointed a freaking KKK member to the supreme court. Harry Truman couldn't even get his own party's support after Korea. JFK was a dilettante drug abuser. LBJ was a freaking crook who made Nixon look like a choir boy, Carter was a jerk and Clinton was a pervert. Thanks to the fawning drooling media, the low information left thinks they all are heroes.
Yes, at least 50 years. That is the legacy of the failed. People still remember Carter and even Buchanon. They also set standards you know.

Carter's problem was a Fed that created an artificial recession by raising rates too high.

Carter's problem was being a bumbling idiot elevated well above his level of competence.

And Obama surpassed him which I'm sure is quite a load off of Jimmy's mind. (As far as legacies go mind you).
Obama is set for life.
A nice cushy no show job somewhere.
A few speaking engagements a year that pay nicely where he takes his standup routine on the road.
I wonder how comfortable he will fell though without his standup props around him.

The media that loved him during his presidency will treat him well after he's gone.

What the OP is trying to say in the title.... I have no idea
But then again who really does.
I certainly don't see him disappearing into the sunset like Bush.
At age 65 there is no choice about Medicare. Existing private insurers are quick to tell you they are now the secondary payer (to Medicare) IF you elect to keep paying for a policy.
What do you mean there's no choice? If you don't sign up for Medicare, you don't get it. If you have a supplemental insurance plan, Medicare is of course primary. However, if you have a group health insurance plan from your employer and they over 20 employees, then your group plan is primary.
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Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.

yea you said this you think if you keep on repeating it, that it is going to change anyone's opinion of the guy? let me repeat this.....Obama is a piss poor leader....and this Country needs a
Look at how Republicans treated Clinton. And now he's one of the most popular political figures in the world. Republicans even tried to use him against Obama by saying what a good president Clinton was and how they were able to work with Clinton.

Now look at what Republicans gave to Obama. Before Obama was even inaugurated, Republicans were holding secret strategy sessions and making secret plans on how to bring down his presidency. And look at what they handed President Obama.

A horribly mismanaged war in Afghanistan.

An illegal debacle in Iraq.

Attempts at keeping not only the cost of the wars "hidden" but also the bodies.

Economic deregulation leading to an economic meltdown.

Bush Tax Cuts with most going to the top 1% costing the country trillions in deficit creation.

During the Bush years, millions of jobs were moved to China meaning millions lost their health care insuring that the number one cause of bankruptcy would stay medical bills by a wide margin.

The huge VA Hospital scandal that started under Bush when tens of thousands of horribly maimed veterans began returning from the Middle East.

Republicans cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from embassy security.

Gun running to Mexico.

Republicans using the IRS to target the NAACP and other organizations.

The list of GOP failure is endless. It goes on and on.

Then all the racist attacks with the GOP showing their true colors. Put white back in the White House, Obama bucks, attacks on Obama's family. Saying his mother was a porn star, his father wasn't his "real" father and his wife being "uppity".

So what will history say?

First, history will say the GOP has devolved into teanuts and loons.

Then it will say Republicans did everything in their power to stop Obama from fixing a single one of their fiascoes.

And it will say:

Obama ended the war in Iraq
Saved the Auto industry
Helped the stock market break records
Took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him
Showed a lot of restraint even when Republicans were attacking his wife and his dead mother

He even managed to get a 20 billion commitment from BP before Republicans stopped this administration from investigating all the Americans that died in the platform blow up and the destruction of our gulf. We now have shrimp with no eyes, crabs with no claws, dolphins with no teeth and lung disease. And there have been reports of children playing in the water getting blisters and lesions. This is long term destruction that Republicans are still defending or denying.

and one of his greatest successes will be that he not only re-insured millions who lost their jobs and medical insurance under Bush and the GOP majorities, but also insured millions more and put a plan into place that will insure millions into the future. He passed Lily Ledbetter, and ended Don't ask don't tell.

But his single greatest success is that he put an end to the GOP's horrendous run of bad policy, destruction and failure.

History will be very kind to Obama and very unkind to this Republican Party. Even now you can guarantee it, but every day, Republicans only make themselves look worse.

Dean when you are sitting around at home or at work or with "friends" you ever talk about something besides Republicans?....just askin....

No kidding. Hes the sgt schultz of democrats, he never questions them. But ill give him a pass, his threads are more entertaining than a stripper........

aint that the truth....
Obama is set for life.
A nice cushy no show job somewhere.
A few speaking engagements a year that pay nicely where he takes his standup routine on the road.
I wonder how comfortable he will fell though without his standup props around him.

The media that loved him during his presidency will treat him well after he's gone.

What the OP is trying to say in the title.... I have no idea
But then again who really does.
I certainly don't see him disappearing into the sunset like Bush.

that could be because of the difference in egos....just sayin...
Clinton would never have overcome his scandals if democrats did not have a silly twit of a girl to destroy. By focusing on Monica and destroying her Clinton was able to wiggle out.

obama isn't that lucky.

Wiggle out of what?
Obama is set for life.
A nice cushy no show job somewhere.
A few speaking engagements a year that pay nicely where he takes his standup routine on the road.
I wonder how comfortable he will fell though without his standup props around him.

The media that loved him during his presidency will treat him well after he's gone.

What the OP is trying to say in the title.... I have no idea
But then again who really does.

This is why Republicans were tards when they attacked Clinton. Whitewater and all the other accusations of the Clintons trying to "get money". Since Bill left office, he has made over a hundred million dollars. Speeches, books, tours. Republicans know Obama will make three times that much. Which is why they have stayed away from those same types of accusations. They know it won't work a second time.

rdean you just contradicted your own op. I have to say i love your threads brother. Are you the recreational director for this site. Your threads are fun, sometimes i think youre a closet conservative, just trying to make liberals look bad. Youre better than the guy that exposed acorn, keep up the good work!

Contradicted how?
Why are you saying something so retarded? Oh, wait. Nevermind. You need to have that drool wiped and the linen changed.

Love the liberal civility!

Simultaneously disrespectful of the differently abled and those with physical disabilities. Is there anybody you lefties don't hate?

What I responded to:

Clinton's RICH!

He should immediately have that excess wealth confiscated and redistributed to the poor.

Shouldn't he?

Nice the way you take that out of context. Oh, I forgot, it's OK when Republicans slander but not for the rest of us to defend ourselves.

So sick of Republicans repeating the "Democrats will take your money lie and give it to the poor". Oh wait, perhaps that isn't a lie. Blue States are successful. Red States just suck. Filled with ignorant right wingers who live off welfare, food stamps, social security and Medicare. They aren't qualified for much. Too lazy to work. Their schools are substandard and their land is a cesspool.
Obama is set for life.
A nice cushy no show job somewhere.
A few speaking engagements a year that pay nicely where he takes his standup routine on the road.
I wonder how comfortable he will fell though without his standup props around him.

The media that loved him during his presidency will treat him well after he's gone.

What the OP is trying to say in the title.... I have no idea
But then again who really does.

This is why Republicans were tards when they attacked Clinton. Whitewater and all the other accusations of the Clintons trying to "get money". Since Bill left office, he has made over a hundred million dollars. Speeches, books, tours. Republicans know Obama will make three times that much. Which is why they have stayed away from those same types of accusations. They know it won't work a second time.

you do realize there were multiple criminal convictions in whitewater...where has obama been involved in something like that...?

poor rdean, too stupid to breathe

Whitewater reminds me of the fake Obama scandals:

Her partisan critics, the first lady has said, are so intoxicated by what they believe is the scent of scandal that they ignore exculpatory evidence and are impossible to satisfy; as soon as one accusation dissolves, they grasp for another line of inquiry that might embarrass her and President Clinton. Hillary Clinton and the Whitewater Controversy: A Close-Up

We call that "grasping at straws". After tens of millions of taxpayer money spent, and endless investigations, the Clintons were charged with, WHAT? Anything?

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