How should Democrats vote on Gorsuch?

Let the GOP kill the filibuster. It'll make things easier for the next Demcratic president and probably a less than 60 vote Dem majority after 2020.

I'm sorry. I must have missed yiur plan to stop Putin from interfering in 2018, just like he did in 2016.

So how did he defeat Hillary?
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations

I really don't care how they vote but McCaskill from Missouri was right we use the nuclear option and Kennedy,Brier or Ginsburg retires or dies then we only need 51 votes to get a REAL right winger on the court.....dems are playing with fire....but be my guest.
Filibuster Gorsuch. Make it well known that the reason is Merick Garland. Let Republicans roll over them.
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations


I think they should whine and cry and throw a tantrum publicly. Then the GOP should use the nuclear option.
How would voting against or trying to block Gorsuch benefit the Democrats? You do this the nuclear option is used Gorsuch is on the court and it's much easier for Trump to get possible future nominess on the court. At this time the Democrats need to pick and choose their battles wisely trying to fight over Gorsuch is the equivalent of this.
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations

I really don't care how they vote but McCaskill from Missouri was right we use the nuclear option and Kennedy,Brier or Ginsburg retires or dies then we only need 51 votes to get a REAL right winger on the court.....dems are playing with fire....but be my guest.
If Republicans are willing to go nuclear on Gorsuch, why wouldn't they do it for a replacement of Ginsburg, Kennedy or Bryer?
So how should Democrats react?

If Republicans take them into a closed door meeting and say......Sorry about that Garland thing, it was a one time deal. If you do what is for the good of the country and support Gorsuch, we promise we will never to do it again

Should the Dems accept?
Unless a Democratic Senator was elected by voters who want the rightwing agenda advanced,

he should vote no as a proper representation of the voters who chose him to represent them.

Many of the Democrat Party senators are exactly in that position- and are up for reelection in 2018. Senators from ND, PA, WV and OH represent pro-Trump states.
So how should Democrats react?

If Republicans take them into a closed door meeting and say......Sorry about that Garland thing, it was a one time deal. If you do what is for the good of the country and support Gorsuch, we promise we will never to do it again

Should the Dems accept?

They should STFU and get it done. Then they can lock themselves in their bathrooms and sob to their hearts content. Why in the hell should the rest of the country care how they react?
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations

I really don't care how they vote but McCaskill from Missouri was right we use the nuclear option and Kennedy,Brier or Ginsburg retires or dies then we only need 51 votes to get a REAL right winger on the court.....dems are playing with fire....but be my guest.
If Republicans are willing to go nuclear on Gorsuch, why wouldn't they do it for a replacement of Ginsburg, Kennedy or Bryer?
Only willing to do it now because of the obstruction. If the president KNOWS he only needs 51 votes he may pick someone very extreme. I don't think ALL republicans want to use the nuclear option.They know we won't ALWAYS have a GOP president picking SC justices nor a majority GOP senate to confirm them. Its also baffling why McCaskill would say that then turn around next day and say she is an absolute no LOL
So how should Democrats react?

If Republicans take them into a closed door meeting and say......Sorry about that Garland thing, it was a one time deal. If you do what is for the good of the country and support Gorsuch, we promise we will never to do it again

Should the Dems accept?

No, R's should just throw the biden rule at them. Dems made this rule. Regardless, if dems want to stay on the side and cry, go for it. Reid set precedent for the nuclear option so use it against the dems.
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations

I really don't care how they vote but McCaskill from Missouri was right we use the nuclear option and Kennedy,Brier or Ginsburg retires or dies then we only need 51 votes to get a REAL right winger on the court.....dems are playing with fire....but be my guest.
If Republicans are willing to go nuclear on Gorsuch, why wouldn't they do it for a replacement of Ginsburg, Kennedy or Bryer?

Deny, obstruct and let the chips fall where they may. After all, Trump isn't a legitimate President, and is less qualified to make a choice than Lame Duck Obama, who was at least legitimately elected.
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations

I really don't care how they vote but McCaskill from Missouri was right we use the nuclear option and Kennedy,Brier or Ginsburg retires or dies then we only need 51 votes to get a REAL right winger on the court.....dems are playing with fire....but be my guest.
If Republicans are willing to go nuclear on Gorsuch, why wouldn't they do it for a replacement of Ginsburg, Kennedy or Bryer?

Deny, obstruct and let the chips fall where they may. After all, Trump isn't a legitimate President, and is less qualified to make a choice than Lame Duck Obama, who was at least legitimately elected.
:rofl:That's a GREAT plan! lose all 10 seats next year give us 62! We won't need the nuclear option! :popcorn:
Filibuster Gorsuch. Make it well known that the reason is Merick Garland. Let Republicans roll over them.

Mr. Obama did not have 50 votes to confirm Garland, who, BTW, was a pro-abort gun-grabber, who really didn't represent the country. Little point in putting someone up for a vote, that didn't stand a chance.

Mr. Gorsuch, however, does have a majority of the Senate behind him.
So how should Democrats react?

If Republicans take them into a closed door meeting and say......Sorry about that Garland thing, it was a one time deal. If you do what is for the good of the country and support Gorsuch, we promise we will never to do it again

Should the Dems accept?

So why should republicans apologize for using a commiecrat invention? Biden invented the no filling a vacancy that occurs in an election year. Ain't that a bitch, being held to standards your party established? LMAO

Do any damn thing you want, there will be no apologies and Gorsuch will be seated on the court.
So how should Democrats react?

If Republicans take them into a closed door meeting and say......Sorry about that Garland thing, it was a one time deal. If you do what is for the good of the country and support Gorsuch, we promise we will never to do it again

Should the Dems accept?

They should STFU and get it done. Then they can lock themselves in their bathrooms and sob to their hearts content. Why in the hell should the rest of the country care how they react?

OK that is what Republicans want

Just accept your beating and be thankful. So what happens the next time Democrats have a chance to make a liberal they just treat the Republicans like nothing happened?
So how should Democrats react?

If Republicans take them into a closed door meeting and say......Sorry about that Garland thing, it was a one time deal. If you do what is for the good of the country and support Gorsuch, we promise we will never to do it again

Should the Dems accept?

So why should republicans apologize for using a commiecrat invention? Biden invented the no filling a vacancy that occurs in an election year. Ain't that a bitch, being held to standards your party established? LMAO

Do any damn thing you want, there will be no apologies and Gorsuch will be seated on the court.
Does not address what action Dems should take
Your view is that this is the new norm for filling vacancies. Leave seats open till you have a political advantage
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations

I really don't care how they vote but McCaskill from Missouri was right we use the nuclear option and Kennedy,Brier or Ginsburg retires or dies then we only need 51 votes to get a REAL right winger on the court.....dems are playing with fire....but be my guest.
If Republicans are willing to go nuclear on Gorsuch, why wouldn't they do it for a replacement of Ginsburg, Kennedy or Bryer?

Deny, obstruct and let the chips fall where they may. After all, Trump isn't a legitimate President, and is less qualified to make a choice than Lame Duck Obama, who was at least legitimately elected.

How is he a illegitimate president?

Was Bill Clinton a illegitimate president to you?

After all Bill Clinton only got 43% of the votes Vs Bush sr and Trump got more ..46% of the votes

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