How should we define hate speech?

Hate speech is speech that exposes the hypocrisy and bigotry of the left.
Hate speech is a criticism of things that people can not change about themselves, and which are not harmful in and of themselves.

A person's color, for example.

1 view
We shouldn’t. Ever. People have the 1st Amendment right to say anything they want...and that’s the way it should be. The term “hate speech” is simply fascist code for “let’s control people”.
Words are just words, oh noes words are hurting the snowflakes feelings so bad, they need to censor them out.

I grew up hearing Polish jokes, and I don't think that should be censored as hate speech.

But, I don't like that Polish jokes wouldn't be acceptable against Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, Gays etc. etc.

There's a stunning hypocrisy here.


Way more Jewish jokes than Polish jokes. Hate speech exists but only if it leads to violence. Such as “let’s go and kill all Trump supporters”....not exactly what Maxine Waters said but close.
Who cares speech is speech

You know you cant openly say what you want to say about certain groups without being slammed for hate speech.

Maybe you should try educating your fellow citizens to the dangers we are facing.

Then tell us if speech is speech.

Yes, speech is speech.

Hate is an emotion, not an action. While the emotion can drive the actions, it is not the action.

There is no such thing as hate speech or a hate crime or any other such thing.

They are just made up as a way to try and control the populous.

Da fuq is the world coming to when I have to agree with GG? What's going on here?! :uhh:
I see ..TY to somebody. I didn't say anything that wasn't true, though. Was not making any threats, either, just true statements.

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