How Simple Is It To Hide The Truth....?

The Hitler-Stalin Pact
"On this day in 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact, stunning the world, given their diametrically opposed ideologies. But the dictators were, despite appearances, both playing to their own political needs."

"Hitler believed that Britain would never take him on alone, so he decided to swallow his fear and loathing of communism and cozy up to the Soviet dictator, thereby pulling the rug out from the British initiative."
The Hitler-Stalin Pact - Aug 23, 1939 -

Tsk, tsk.......I'm your advanced age, you never learned this axiom:
"Reality is defined by actions, not by words."

These are the actions:

1. "The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis." Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer. "According to Suvorov,Stalinplanned to useNazi Germanyas a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support toAdolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing theRed Armyto “liberate” the whole ofEuropefrom Nazi occupation." Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe. "There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

3. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, soAugust 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin–materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

4. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombersattacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

5. Hitler and Stalin signed secret protocols to divide up Europe. First,Stalin moved against Finland, November 1939....for the aggression, the USSR was expelled from the League of Nations. Hitler attacked to the West.

a. Norway was invaded with the direct help of the Soviet Union,providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk. "German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

6. Archival footage showsNazi and Russian officers partying together. The USSR became the supplier of oil, iron ore, construction materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg. And trainloads of grain, even while Russians were starving.

a.Communist party membersthroughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, andaid the Nazi attackers.The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

7. The Soviet Premier Molotov warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology. And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, the Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

Your post....a gasbag.... the explanation of why the Hindenburg ended up the way it did.

Both Hitler and Stalin were political progeny of the first modern political theorist to advocate for genocide.....Karl Marx.

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Both Leftists.

Please....don't hesitate to try again to perpetuate the Leftist lie.
I'll happily puncture it again.
The 'action' is this case is known as WWII.

You have words, I have actions, and world history.

You need another spanking???

Coming right up:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

Hitler was not a socialist or a Marxist. He was a nationalist who supported private industry and believed in having a strong military... Reagan.
You need another spanking???

Coming right up:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

Do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.

No, they weren't allies, they were cooperating, as enemies do at times, and then they declared war on each other, as enemies do at times. Russia was communist and Hitler, being Fascist, banned Communism.

This isn't complicated, it just goes against everything you've been told, which is wrong. So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany? are as dumb as a, as asphalt.

1. al·ly
(ə-lī′, ăl′ī)
v. al·lied, al·ly·ing, al·lies
1. To place in a friendly association, as by treaty

2. .The Soviet Premier Molotov warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology. And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, the Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

3 .Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The popular name of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by the foreign ministers of the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics (Viacheslav Molotov) and Nazi Germany (Joachim von Ribbentrop). The pact was signed immediately after the agreement of 19 August, which granted the USSR 180 million marks for the purchase of German goods. It followed months of unsuccessful negotiations between the USSR on the one side and France and Great Britain on the other, and Soviet failure to organize an anti-Nazi diplomatic coalition.
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

You fascists just hate it when folks are made aware of your past!

So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

In her own words...

lol, you might as well be telling your dog to go to the store and buy his own dog food.
You need another spanking???

Coming right up:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

Do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.

No, they weren't allies, they were cooperating, as enemies do at times, and then they declared war on each other, as enemies do at times. Russia was communist and Hitler, being Fascist, banned Communism.

This isn't complicated, it just goes against everything you've been told, which is wrong. So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany? are as dumb as a, as asphalt.

1. al·ly
(ə-lī′, ăl′ī)
v. al·lied, al·ly·ing, al·lies
1. To place in a friendly association, as by treaty

2. .The Soviet Premier Molotov warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology. And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, the Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

3 .Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The popular name of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by the foreign ministers of the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics (Viacheslav Molotov) and Nazi Germany (Joachim von Ribbentrop). The pact was signed immediately after the agreement of 19 August, which granted the USSR 180 million marks for the purchase of German goods. It followed months of unsuccessful negotiations between the USSR on the one side and France and Great Britain on the other, and Soviet failure to organize an anti-Nazi diplomatic coalition.
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

You fascists just hate it when folks are made aware of your past!

So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.
The Hitler-Stalin Pact
"On this day in 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact, stunning the world, given their diametrically opposed ideologies. But the dictators were, despite appearances, both playing to their own political needs."

"Hitler believed that Britain would never take him on alone, so he decided to swallow his fear and loathing of communism and cozy up to the Soviet dictator, thereby pulling the rug out from the British initiative."
The Hitler-Stalin Pact - Aug 23, 1939 -

Tsk, tsk.......I'm your advanced age, you never learned this axiom:
"Reality is defined by actions, not by words."

These are the actions:

1. "The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis." Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer. "According to Suvorov,Stalinplanned to useNazi Germanyas a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support toAdolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing theRed Armyto “liberate” the whole ofEuropefrom Nazi occupation." Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe. "There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

3. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, soAugust 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin–materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

4. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombersattacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

5. Hitler and Stalin signed secret protocols to divide up Europe. First,Stalin moved against Finland, November 1939....for the aggression, the USSR was expelled from the League of Nations. Hitler attacked to the West.

a. Norway was invaded with the direct help of the Soviet Union,providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk. "German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

6. Archival footage showsNazi and Russian officers partying together. The USSR became the supplier of oil, iron ore, construction materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg. And trainloads of grain, even while Russians were starving.

a.Communist party membersthroughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, andaid the Nazi attackers.The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

7. The Soviet Premier Molotov warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology. And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, the Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

Your post....a gasbag.... the explanation of why the Hindenburg ended up the way it did.

Both Hitler and Stalin were political progeny of the first modern political theorist to advocate for genocide.....Karl Marx.

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Both Leftists.

Please....don't hesitate to try again to perpetuate the Leftist lie.
I'll happily puncture it again.
The 'action' is this case is known as WWII.

You have words, I have actions, and world history.

You need another spanking???

Coming right up:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

Hitler was not a socialist or a Marxist. He was a nationalist who supported private industry and believed in having a strong military... Reagan.

You'd think PC would like that, if she hadn't been told that Hitler was all evil, like liberals.
Do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.
No, they weren't allies, they were cooperating, as enemies do at times, and then they declared war on each other, as enemies do at times. Russia was communist and Hitler, being Fascist, banned Communism.

This isn't complicated, it just goes against everything you've been told, which is wrong. So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany? are as dumb as a, as asphalt.

1. al·ly
(ə-lī′, ăl′ī)
v. al·lied, al·ly·ing, al·lies
1. To place in a friendly association, as by treaty

2. .The Soviet Premier Molotov warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology. And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, the Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

3 .Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The popular name of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by the foreign ministers of the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics (Viacheslav Molotov) and Nazi Germany (Joachim von Ribbentrop). The pact was signed immediately after the agreement of 19 August, which granted the USSR 180 million marks for the purchase of German goods. It followed months of unsuccessful negotiations between the USSR on the one side and France and Great Britain on the other, and Soviet failure to organize an anti-Nazi diplomatic coalition.
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

You fascists just hate it when folks are made aware of your past!
So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.
So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?
And, just for fun:

Invasion of the Soviet Union, June 1941
"Under the codename Operation "Barbarossa," Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, in the largest German military operation of World War II.

The destruction of the Soviet Union by military force, the permanent elimination of the perceived Communist threat to Germany, and the seizure of prime land within Soviet borders for long-term German settlement had been a core policy of the Nazi movement since the 1920s. Adolf Hitler had always regarded the German-Soviet nonaggression pact, signed on August 23, 1939, as a temporary tactical maneuver."
Invasion of the Soviet Union, June 1941
The Hitler-Stalin Pact
"On this day in 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact, stunning the world, given their diametrically opposed ideologies. But the dictators were, despite appearances, both playing to their own political needs."

"Hitler believed that Britain would never take him on alone, so he decided to swallow his fear and loathing of communism and cozy up to the Soviet dictator, thereby pulling the rug out from the British initiative."
The Hitler-Stalin Pact - Aug 23, 1939 -

Tsk, tsk.......I'm your advanced age, you never learned this axiom:
"Reality is defined by actions, not by words."

These are the actions:

1. "The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis." Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer. "According to Suvorov,Stalinplanned to useNazi Germanyas a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support toAdolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing theRed Armyto “liberate” the whole ofEuropefrom Nazi occupation." Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe. "There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

3. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, soAugust 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin–materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

4. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombersattacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

5. Hitler and Stalin signed secret protocols to divide up Europe. First,Stalin moved against Finland, November 1939....for the aggression, the USSR was expelled from the League of Nations. Hitler attacked to the West.

a. Norway was invaded with the direct help of the Soviet Union,providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk. "German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

6. Archival footage showsNazi and Russian officers partying together. The USSR became the supplier of oil, iron ore, construction materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg. And trainloads of grain, even while Russians were starving.

a.Communist party membersthroughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, andaid the Nazi attackers.The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

7. The Soviet Premier Molotov warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology. And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, the Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

Your post....a gasbag.... the explanation of why the Hindenburg ended up the way it did.

Both Hitler and Stalin were political progeny of the first modern political theorist to advocate for genocide.....Karl Marx.

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Both Leftists.

Please....don't hesitate to try again to perpetuate the Leftist lie.
I'll happily puncture it again.
The 'action' is this case is known as WWII.

You have words, I have actions, and world history.

You need another spanking???

Coming right up:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

Hitler was not a socialist or a Marxist. He was a nationalist who supported private industry and believed in having a strong military... Reagan.

You'd think PC would like that, if she hadn't been told that Hitler was all evil, like liberals.

Let's keep the record straight:

My contention....proven with copious that Nazis and you Fascists are just as much Leftists as Communists and Socialists.

The aims and methods are consubstantial.....and differ only in degree.

Your hatred of free speech is a major element of Fascism.

Write this down, laminate it for your wallet...and memorize it:
Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Progressivism, and Fascism are all Leftists political doctrines.....

...not a rightwing credenda among 'em.

Defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognition that the individual as the most important element of society.

Can I get an 'amen'?
I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.
No, they weren't allies, they were cooperating, as enemies do at times, and then they declared war on each other, as enemies do at times. Russia was communist and Hitler, being Fascist, banned Communism.

This isn't complicated, it just goes against everything you've been told, which is wrong. So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany? are as dumb as a, as asphalt.

1. al·ly
(ə-lī′, ăl′ī)
v. al·lied, al·ly·ing, al·lies
1. To place in a friendly association, as by treaty

2. .The Soviet Premier Molotov warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology. And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, the Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

3 .Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The popular name of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by the foreign ministers of the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics (Viacheslav Molotov) and Nazi Germany (Joachim von Ribbentrop). The pact was signed immediately after the agreement of 19 August, which granted the USSR 180 million marks for the purchase of German goods. It followed months of unsuccessful negotiations between the USSR on the one side and France and Great Britain on the other, and Soviet failure to organize an anti-Nazi diplomatic coalition.
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

You fascists just hate it when folks are made aware of your past!
So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.
So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.
No, they weren't allies, they were cooperating, as enemies do at times, and then they declared war on each other, as enemies do at times. Russia was communist and Hitler, being Fascist, banned Communism.

This isn't complicated, it just goes against everything you've been told, which is wrong. So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany? are as dumb as a, as asphalt.

1. al·ly
(ə-lī′, ăl′ī)
v. al·lied, al·ly·ing, al·lies
1. To place in a friendly association, as by treaty

2. .The Soviet Premier Molotov warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology. And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, the Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

3 .Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The popular name of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by the foreign ministers of the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics (Viacheslav Molotov) and Nazi Germany (Joachim von Ribbentrop). The pact was signed immediately after the agreement of 19 August, which granted the USSR 180 million marks for the purchase of German goods. It followed months of unsuccessful negotiations between the USSR on the one side and France and Great Britain on the other, and Soviet failure to organize an anti-Nazi diplomatic coalition.
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

You fascists just hate it when folks are made aware of your past!
So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.
So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies.

See if you can find out what happened on the 21st.
Invasion of the Soviet Union, June 1941
"Under the codename Operation "Barbarossa," Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, in the largest German military operation of World War II.

The destruction of the Soviet Union by military force, the permanent elimination of the perceived Communist threat to Germany, and the seizure of prime land within Soviet borders for long-term German settlement had been a core policy of the Nazi movement since the 1920s. Adolf Hitler had always regarded the German-Soviet nonaggression pact, signed on August 23, 1939, as a temporary tactical maneuver."
Invasion of the Soviet Union, June 1941
Tsk, tsk.......I'm your advanced age, you never learned this axiom:
"Reality is defined by actions, not by words."

These are the actions:

1. "The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis." Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer. "According to Suvorov,Stalinplanned to useNazi Germanyas a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support toAdolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing theRed Armyto “liberate” the whole ofEuropefrom Nazi occupation." Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe. "There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

3. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, soAugust 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin–materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

4. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombersattacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. One photo shows the hammer and sickle along side the swastika.

5. Hitler and Stalin signed secret protocols to divide up Europe. First,Stalin moved against Finland, November 1939....for the aggression, the USSR was expelled from the League of Nations. Hitler attacked to the West.

a. Norway was invaded with the direct help of the Soviet Union,providing the Soviet naval base near Murmansk. "German Admiral Raeder sent a letter of thanks to the Commander of the Soviet Navy, Kuznetsov."

6. Archival footage showsNazi and Russian officers partying together. The USSR became the supplier of oil, iron ore, construction materials for Hitler's Blitzkrieg. And trainloads of grain, even while Russians were starving.

a.Communist party membersthroughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, andaid the Nazi attackers.The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

7. The Soviet Premier Molotov warned the West not to fight Nazi ideology. And in his address to the Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin, Molotov declared that fighting Nazi ideology was actually a crime.....because the two ideologies and methods were the same. Molotov oversaw the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians; Hitler, the Jews.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship.

Your post....a gasbag.... the explanation of why the Hindenburg ended up the way it did.

Both Hitler and Stalin were political progeny of the first modern political theorist to advocate for genocide.....Karl Marx.

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Both Leftists.

Please....don't hesitate to try again to perpetuate the Leftist lie.
I'll happily puncture it again.
The 'action' is this case is known as WWII.

You have words, I have actions, and world history.

You need another spanking???

Coming right up:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

Hitler was not a socialist or a Marxist. He was a nationalist who supported private industry and believed in having a strong military... Reagan.

You'd think PC would like that, if she hadn't been told that Hitler was all evil, like liberals.

Let's keep the record straight:

My contention....proven with copious that Nazis and you Fascists are just as much Leftists as Communists and Socialists.

The aims and methods are consubstantial.....and differ only in degree.

Your hatred of free speech is a major element of Fascism.

Write this down, laminate it for your wallet...and memorize it:
Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Progressivism, and Fascism are all Leftists political doctrines.....

...not a rightwing credenda among 'em.

Defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognition that the individual as the most important element of society.

Can I get an 'amen'?

So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?
The 'action' is this case is known as WWII.

You have words, I have actions, and world history.

You need another spanking???

Coming right up:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

Hitler was not a socialist or a Marxist. He was a nationalist who supported private industry and believed in having a strong military... Reagan.

You'd think PC would like that, if she hadn't been told that Hitler was all evil, like liberals.

Let's keep the record straight:

My contention....proven with copious that Nazis and you Fascists are just as much Leftists as Communists and Socialists.

The aims and methods are consubstantial.....and differ only in degree.

Your hatred of free speech is a major element of Fascism.

Write this down, laminate it for your wallet...and memorize it:
Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Progressivism, and Fascism are all Leftists political doctrines.....

...not a rightwing credenda among 'em.

Defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognition that the individual as the most important element of society.

Can I get an 'amen'?

So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I believe I missed your comment about this:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.
Maybe this will help PC. If Hitler liked Communists, like Russia, why did he ban Communism in Germany, and then attack Russia?

Wait....did you miss the part where Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini shared the same holiday....Mayday....the worldwide socialist event???

Why so silent about that?

Because it sinks you, huh?

I know I should feel guilty running circles around you like this......

....but I don't. admit that Nazis, Fascists, Communists and Socialists are all of a piece....

...all brother Leftists?

C'mon now....put up a fight!

I love this!!!!
Maybe this will help PC. If Hitler liked Communists, like Russia, why did he ban Communism in Germany, and then attack Russia?

Wait....did you miss the part where Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini shared the same holiday....Mayday....the worldwide socialist event???

Why so silent about that?

Because it sinks you, huh?

I know I should feel guilty running circles around you like this......

....but I don't.
Hmm, did they also share New Year's, Christmas, Easter?

"In Hitler's mind, communism was the primary enemy of Germany, an enemy he often mentions in Mein Kampf. During the trial for his involvement in the Beer-Hall Putsch, Hitler claimed that his singular goal was to assist the German government in "fighting Marxism".[99] Marxism, Bolshevism, and Communism were interchangeable terms for Hitler as evidenced by their use in Mein Kampf:

"In the years 1913 and 1914 I expressed my opinion for the first time in various circles, some of which are now members of the National Socialist Movement, that the problem of how the future of the German nation can be secured is the problem of how Marxism can be exterminated."[100]

Later in his seminal tome, Hitler advocated for "the destruction of Marxism in all its shapes and forms."[101] According to Hitler, Marxism was a Jewish strategy to subjugate Germany and the world. Marxism was a mental and political form of slavery.[102] From Hitler's vantage point, Bolsheviks existed to serve "Jewish international finance."[103] When the British tried negotiating with Hitler in 1935 by including Germany in the extension of the Locarno Pact, he rejected their offer and instead, assured them that German rearmament was important in safeguarding Europe against Communism,[104] a move which clearly showed his anti-Communist proclivities.[105] In 1939, Hitler told the Swiss Commissioner to the League of Nations, Carl Burckhardt, that everything he was undertaking was "directed against Russia" and continued with, "if those in the West are too stupid or too blind to understand this, then I shall be forced to come to an understanding with the Russians to beat the West, and then, after its defeat, turn with all my concerted force against the Soviet Union."[106] When Hitler finally ordered the attack against the Soviet Union, it was the fulfillment of his ultimate goal and the most important campaign in his estimation, as it comprised a struggle of "the chosen Aryan people against Jewish Bolsheviks."[107]

Biographer Alan Bullock avows, Hitler "laid great stress" on the need to concentrate on a single enemy, an enemy he lumps together as "Marxism and the Jew."[108] Shortly in the wake of the Commissar Order, a directive pursuant the German invasion of the Soviet Union, SS Deputy Reinhard Heydrich informed his SS henchmen of Hitler’s geopolitical philosophy which forged Bolshevism and Jews into the same mass with, "eastern Jewry is the intellectual reservoir of Bolshevism and in the Führer’s view must therefore be annihilated."[109] Considering the eventual Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa), no additional inducements are really requisite concerning Hitler's hatred of Communism, particularly since the Nazi persecution and extermination of these groups was not only systematic, but it was extensive both within Germany and only intensified in the occupied zones during the war under Hitler's leadership.[110]

Because Nazism co-opted the popular success of communism among working people while simultaneously promising to destroy communism and offer an alternative to it, Hitler's anticommunist program allowed industrialists with traditional conservative views (tending toward monarchism, aristocracy, and laissez-faire capitalism) to cast their lot with, and help underwrite, the Nazi rise to power.[111][112]"
Political views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maybe this will help PC. If Hitler liked Communists, like Russia, why did he ban Communism in Germany, and then attack Russia?

Oooooo......look at you trying to lie your way out of the corner I've painted you into....

"If Hitler liked Communists, like Russia, blah blah blah...."

I never said liked....but I can show where Hitler said something close to that....
Wanna bet on that?
Like the time you made the mistake of betting me on the Constitution and I blistered you! Remember that???
Oh,, fun,fun.

Let's keep the record straight:

My contention....proven with copious that Nazis and you Fascists are just as much Leftists as Communists and Socialists.

The aims and methods are consubstantial.....and differ only in degree.

Your hatred of free speech is a major element of Fascism.

Write this down, laminate it for your wallet...and memorize it:
Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Progressivism, and Fascism are all Leftists political doctrines.....

...not a rightwing credenda among 'em.

Defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognition that the individual as the most important element of society.

Can I get an 'amen'?
You need another spanking???

Coming right up:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

Hitler was not a socialist or a Marxist. He was a nationalist who supported private industry and believed in having a strong military... Reagan.

You'd think PC would like that, if she hadn't been told that Hitler was all evil, like liberals.

Let's keep the record straight:

My contention....proven with copious that Nazis and you Fascists are just as much Leftists as Communists and Socialists.

The aims and methods are consubstantial.....and differ only in degree.

Your hatred of free speech is a major element of Fascism.

Write this down, laminate it for your wallet...and memorize it:
Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Progressivism, and Fascism are all Leftists political doctrines.....

...not a rightwing credenda among 'em.

Defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognition that the individual as the most important element of society.

Can I get an 'amen'?

So again, do tell, in your own words, if German, Italy, and Russia were so close, why did Russia help us defeat Italy and Germany?

I believe I missed your comment about this:

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated byorganized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers "Life and Death in the Third Reich,"
by Peter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

So you can't be pro-labor without being a Communist.

Maybe this will help PC. If Hitler liked Communists, like Russia, why did he ban Communism in Germany, and then attack Russia?

Wait....did you miss the part where Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini shared the same holiday....Mayday....the worldwide socialist event???

Why so silent about that?

Because it sinks you, huh?

I know I should feel guilty running circles around you like this......

....but I don't.
Hmm, did they also share New Year's, Christmas, Easter?

"In Hitler's mind, communism was the primary enemy of Germany, an enemy he often mentions in Mein Kampf. During the trial for his involvement in the Beer-Hall Putsch, Hitler claimed that his singular goal was to assist the German government in "fighting Marxism".[99] Marxism, Bolshevism, and Communism were interchangeable terms for Hitler as evidenced by their use in Mein Kampf:

"In the years 1913 and 1914 I expressed my opinion for the first time in various circles, some of which are now members of the National Socialist Movement, that the problem of how the future of the German nation can be secured is the problem of how Marxism can be exterminated."[100]

Later in his seminal tome, Hitler advocated for "the destruction of Marxism in all its shapes and forms."[101] According to Hitler, Marxism was a Jewish strategy to subjugate Germany and the world. Marxism was a mental and political form of slavery.[102] From Hitler's vantage point, Bolsheviks existed to serve "Jewish international finance."[103] When the British tried negotiating with Hitler in 1935 by including Germany in the extension of the Locarno Pact, he rejected their offer and instead, assured them that German rearmament was important in safeguarding Europe against Communism,[104] a move which clearly showed his anti-Communist proclivities.[105] In 1939, Hitler told the Swiss Commissioner to the League of Nations, Carl Burckhardt, that everything he was undertaking was "directed against Russia" and continued with, "if those in the West are too stupid or too blind to understand this, then I shall be forced to come to an understanding with the Russians to beat the West, and then, after its defeat, turn with all my concerted force against the Soviet Union."[106] When Hitler finally ordered the attack against the Soviet Union, it was the fulfillment of his ultimate goal and the most important campaign in his estimation, as it comprised a struggle of "the chosen Aryan people against Jewish Bolsheviks."[107]

Biographer Alan Bullock avows, Hitler "laid great stress" on the need to concentrate on a single enemy, an enemy he lumps together as "Marxism and the Jew."[108] Shortly in the wake of the Commissar Order, a directive pursuant the German invasion of the Soviet Union, SS Deputy Reinhard Heydrich informed his SS henchmen of Hitler’s geopolitical philosophy which forged Bolshevism and Jews into the same mass with, "eastern Jewry is the intellectual reservoir of Bolshevism and in the Führer’s view must therefore be annihilated."[109] Considering the eventual Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa), no additional inducements are really requisite concerning Hitler's hatred of Communism, particularly since the Nazi persecution and extermination of these groups was not only systematic, but it was extensive both within Germany and only intensified in the occupied zones during the war under Hitler's leadership.[110]

Because Nazism co-opted the popular success of communism among working people while simultaneously promising to destroy communism and offer an alternative to it, Hitler's anticommunist program allowed industrialists with traditional conservative views (tending toward monarchism, aristocracy, and laissez-faire capitalism) to cast their lot with, and help underwrite, the Nazi rise to power.[111][112]"
Political views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So....I just proved the left-leaning Wikipedia wrong?


Back to this:
"If Hitler liked Communists, like Russia, blah blah blah...."

I never said 'liked'....but I can show where Hitler said something close to that....
Wanna bet on that?
Maybe this will help PC. If Hitler liked Communists, like Russia, why did he ban Communism in Germany, and then attack Russia?

Oooooo......look at you trying to lie your way out of the corner I've painted you into....

"If Hitler liked Communists, like Russia, blah blah blah...."

I never said liked....but I can show where Hitler said something close to that....
Wanna bet on that?
Like the time you made the mistake of betting me on the Constitution and I blistered you! Remember that???
Oh,, fun,fun.

Let's keep the record straight:

My contention....proven with copious that Nazis and you Fascists are just as much Leftists as Communists and Socialists.

The aims and methods are consubstantial.....and differ only in degree.

Your hatred of free speech is a major element of Fascism.

Write this down, laminate it for your wallet...and memorize it:
Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Progressivism, and Fascism are all Leftists political doctrines.....

...not a rightwing credenda among 'em.

Defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognition that the individual as the most important element of society.

Can I get an 'amen'?
Forget the amen, answer the question. Hitler, a Fascist, hated Communism and Liberalism, now why is that? If all three are leftist that should have been fine with him, but it wasn't. Why is that?

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