how stupid are many of our cops?

The doctoral engineering student arrested by the police for "stealing" his own auto was later acquitted.

I have come to the conclusion that most of these white cops who are involved in these stupid incidents are not racist, they are just really stupid. There are not that many mean people per capita, so there can't be that many mean cops. Only stupid ones. He is suing the PD, which will pay for the rest of his engineering program.

Evanston police dashcam video released of Northwestern student's arrest

Police thought Northwestern doctoral student Lawrence Crosby was driving a stolen car, but it turned out that car belonged to him.

The video from October 2015 showed Evanston Police pulling over a car they believe is stolen. The 25-year-old graduate student got out of the car, put his hands up in the air and was thrown to the ground by officers.

The doctoral student, Lawrence Crosby, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Evanston and four officers for damages.

He claims police used excessive force and had no reason to arrest him as he was driving his own car.

Evanston Police refused ABC 7's request for an interview on Friday.

Stupid enough to protect you if you need them to.
Ask Lawrence Crosby how they protected him from his own car.

I'm sure you would be calling them if you needed to, so stop being a hypocrite. You say and do stupid things on this forum all the time, so . . . . you aren't one to talk.

"I'm sure you would be calling them if you needed to, so stop being a hypocrite."
That's a pretty tired one liner right there.
I pay taxes that supposedly go to pay, in part, a cops salary. That would make the cop my employee (logically). Said cop, as my employee, is on an "on call" basis. If I need him/her/it then it is reasonable for me to call my employee to perform his/her/its duties.

I will call 911 (which invariably brings cops, even if you don't want one) for the following reasons:
If somebody is breaking into my home, so they will know where to pick up the body and write their little reports.
An actual crime has been committed, so they can write a report.
I need an ambulance. Of course I wont need a cop, but one will come anyway, and he gets to write a report.
There might be other reasons to call a cop, but I can't think of one. Besides, all they do is show up late and write a report.

What I said is the truth.
That is not a civilized society. That is a place where the people are kept under control by the iron fist of authority. The groups who keep that kind of order are modeled on the KGB or Stasi.

I'm an Authiritarian/Conservative, so that probably makes sense. I do and never have believed in a Right to think, speak, or act in an Immoral/Illegal manner.

One of the reasons a Jury trial was created under was not just to find guilt. It was to determine if the law was unjust or unjustly applied. A jury could find someone not guilty even if they did the act because the law was unjust or unjustly applied

Another reason I have no use for the American system of jurisprudence.

The situation you describe is not a civilized society. It is the neighborhood where the Mafia runs things. No one dare cross the Mafia thugs as it would lead to ruination. The Mafia thugs of course answer to those above not the people who are paying the taxes for their "protection".

So long as the "thugs" are the sworn LEOs of the city, state, county, etc.... I have no problem with that.
Jury Nullifican is not acceptably per judges and lawyers.

However, in fact, it happens and there is nothing a judge can do about an innocent verdict despite judicial instructions.
The doctoral engineering student arrested by the police for "stealing" his own auto was later acquitted.

I have come to the conclusion that most of these white cops who are involved in these stupid incidents are not racist, they are just really stupid. There are not that many mean people per capita, so there can't be that many mean cops. Only stupid ones. He is suing the PD, which will pay for the rest of his engineering program.

Evanston police dashcam video released of Northwestern student's arrest

Police thought Northwestern doctoral student Lawrence Crosby was driving a stolen car, but it turned out that car belonged to him.

The video from October 2015 showed Evanston Police pulling over a car they believe is stolen. The 25-year-old graduate student got out of the car, put his hands up in the air and was thrown to the ground by officers.

The doctoral student, Lawrence Crosby, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Evanston and four officers for damages.

He claims police used excessive force and had no reason to arrest him as he was driving his own car.

Evanston Police refused ABC 7's request for an interview on Friday.

Stupid enough to protect you if you need them to.
Ask Lawrence Crosby how they protected him from his own car.

I'm sure you would be calling them if you needed to, so stop being a hypocrite. You say and do stupid things on this forum all the time, so . . . . you aren't one to talk.

"I'm sure you would be calling them if you needed to, so stop being a hypocrite."
That's a pretty tired one liner right there.
I pay taxes that supposedly go to pay, in part, a cops salary. That would make the cop my employee (logically). Said cop, as my employee, is on an "on call" basis. If I need him/her/it then it is reasonable for me to call my employee to perform his/her/its duties.

I will call 911 (which invariably brings cops, even if you don't want one) for the following reasons:
If somebody is breaking into my home, so they will know where to pick up the body and write their little reports.
An actual crime has been committed, so they can write a report.
I need an ambulance. Of course I wont need a cop, but one will come anyway, and he gets to write a report.
There might be other reasons to call a cop, but I can't think of one. Besides, all they do is show up late and write a report.

What I said is the truth.
Who called you a liar? If somebody called you a liar, you need to call the police, RIGHT NOW, and have one of them nice officers come over and write a report. Of course the major crime of calling you a liar has already occurred, so the cop wont be preventing a crime, just reporting on it. That's how they keep you safe.
Jury Nullifican is not acceptably per judges and lawyers.

However, in fact, it happens and there is nothing a judge can do about an innocent verdict despite judicial instructions.
"On June 18, 2012, New Hampshire passed a law explicitly allowing defense attorneys to inform juries about jury nullification"

N.H. is the only state I know of that does allow. I have had cases where I have known a jury that knew its right to nullify would do so. In those cases flyers have been passed out near the courthouse (but not on court property). I have posted flyers in every legal location you could imagine to inform people of their right to nullify. I believe it works.
That is not a civilized society. That is a place where the people are kept under control by the iron fist of authority. The groups who keep that kind of order are modeled on the KGB or Stasi.

I'm an Authiritarian/Conservative, so that probably makes sense. I do and never have believed in a Right to think, speak, or act in an Immoral/Illegal manner.

One of the reasons a Jury trial was created under was not just to find guilt. It was to determine if the law was unjust or unjustly applied. A jury could find someone not guilty even if they did the act because the law was unjust or unjustly applied

Another reason I have no use for the American system of jurisprudence.

The situation you describe is not a civilized society. It is the neighborhood where the Mafia runs things. No one dare cross the Mafia thugs as it would lead to ruination. The Mafia thugs of course answer to those above not the people who are paying the taxes for their "protection".

So long as the "thugs" are the sworn LEOs of the city, state, county, etc.... I have no problem with that.

So you admit you hate the principles that founded this nation. The idea that the law is wrong is one of those ideas that led to the revolution. Absolute obedience to the law, no matter how immoral, no matter what was exactly what the British demanded of the colonists.

Worse that kind of mentality has led to horrific abuses in history.

I was not alive in the pre Civil War era. I can not say I would have done this or that with certainty. I can say I would hope that I would oppose the fugitive slave laws. I can say I would hope to find the defendant not guilty if I was on the jury.

Fugitive slave laws - Wikipedia

Your attitude is why totalitarian regimes don't have trials by jury. Because the people might not support the thugs in uniform like you do.

The KGB officer was a sworn agent of the Government. That doesn't make the actions they took right or moral.
Jury Nullifican is not acceptably per judges and lawyers.

However, in fact, it happens and there is nothing a judge can do about an innocent verdict despite judicial instructions.
"On June 18, 2012, New Hampshire passed a law explicitly allowing defense attorneys to inform juries about jury nullification"

N.H. is the only state I know of that does allow. I have had cases where I have known a jury that knew its right to nullify would do so. In those cases flyers have been passed out near the courthouse (but not on court property). I have posted flyers in every legal location you could imagine to inform people of their right to nullify. I believe it works.
Thank you, Buck, for the above.

Jury Nullification works, where it worked particularly well in protecting lynchers from justice in southern courts as well as elsewhere.
Thankfully Obumer Hussein will be gone soon....

A new Sheriff is in town!:banana: :2up:

that is good

however these numb skulls will continue expose themselves for who they are

they can do all that.....but nobody will give a shit....:laugh:.... poor idiots....I'm sorry but they are.:eusa_angel:

You know that barely half the people trust the police. U.S. Confidence in Police Recovers From Last Year's Low

Now how many more brutal cop stories will it take to get it below half the people?

i dont trust anyone from the government

however for the most part

law enforcement folk are pretty good people

i would rather spend an evening with a cop then

spend an evening with a Fuck the Police rioter

If I rob one bank, just one, the argument that I did not rob a thousand banks before that one will not carry much weight.

But if I'm a cop, and I am caught beating a person, the first thing they say is I didn't beat everyone I arrested. Once is enough. One perjury, one cover up. One time planting evidence is enough. We used to say that one aw shit would wipe out a thousand attaboys. Once is enough.

Once is too much.

you tend to use the word "they" too much
So you admit you hate the principles that founded this nation. The idea that the law is wrong is one of those ideas that led to the revolution. Absolute obedience to the law, no matter how immoral, no matter what was exactly what the British demanded of the colonists..

If the Law is wrong, change the Law. Until the obey it or be prepared to face the consequences. Pure and Simple.The Colonists chose to change the law by overthrowing the Government.

i was not alive in the pre Civil War era. I can not say I would have done this or that with certainty. I can say I would hope that I would oppose the fugitive slave laws. I can say I would hope to find the defendant not guilty if I was on the jury.

I've been on a jury. Those 2 days ended any respect I had for the legal system and everyone in it.

Your attitude is why totalitarian regimes don't have trials by jury. Because the people might not support the thugs in uniform like you do.

Then maybe they should overthrow the Government and put one more to their liking in place. Until then, deal with it.
So you admit you hate the principles that founded this nation. The idea that the law is wrong is one of those ideas that led to the revolution. Absolute obedience to the law, no matter how immoral, no matter what was exactly what the British demanded of the colonists..

If the Law is wrong, change the Law. Until the obey it or be prepared to face the consequences. Pure and Simple.The Colonists chose to change the law by overthrowing the Government.

i was not alive in the pre Civil War era. I can not say I would have done this or that with certainty. I can say I would hope that I would oppose the fugitive slave laws. I can say I would hope to find the defendant not guilty if I was on the jury.

I've been on a jury. Those 2 days ended any respect I had for the legal system and everyone in it.

Your attitude is why totalitarian regimes don't have trials by jury. Because the people might not support the thugs in uniform like you do.

Then maybe they should overthrow the Government and put one more to their liking in place. Until then, deal with it.

If you paint your house and find that the color is not what you expected, do you demolish the house to get rid of the color, or do you set about painting again?

The principle of Civil Rights and protections contained in the Bill of Rights are simple. It is better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man be convicted. It seems as though you would gladly throw a thousand innocent men to the wolves. You aren't alone the LEO's you express so much admiration for agree with you.

One thing you might consider. The Declaration of Independence called the rights of man Unailiable. In other words, they can from the creator, not man. The British considered the rights as gifts from the King, or Queen. Gifts that could be taken away on a whim.

I wonder why you would come to America if our foundation and history is so offensive to you. The obvious answer for immigrants does not seem to fit. Freedom does not appeal to you. Freedom of thought appears to be especially offensive.
Let's not forget about the police lowering their qualification standards so minorities could make the cut! The lower standards brought in more of the previously unqualified of all races!
Let's not forget about the police lowering their qualification standards so minorities could make the cut! The lower standards brought in more of the previously unqualified of all races!

Nonsense. The police have always been corrupt. When Serpico exposed the NYPD corruption they were by a vast majority white. They were not alone in the corruption any more than it is urban departments that have the problem now.
If you paint your house and find that the color is not what you expected, do you demolish the house to get rid of the color, or do you set about painting again?

If I don't like the color of the house I don't buy it to begin with.

The principle of Civil Rights and protections contained in the Bill of Rights are simple. It is better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man be convicted. It seems as though you would gladly throw a thousand innocent men to the wolves. You aren't alone the LEO's you express so much admiration for agree with you.

I believe in Justice, as has my family for centuries. Justice is the ideal that criminals will pay for their crimes, no matter what it takes to make that happen..... even 1000 other men killed along the way.

One thing you might consider. The Declaration of Independence called the rights of man Unailiable. In other words, they can from the creator, not man. The British considered the rights as gifts from the King, or Queen. Gifts that could be taken away on a whim

I don't believe in Rights. At least not in the same way as this nation espouses them. I believe far more in Privileges, granted to those who can live within the Law. As does most of my family.

I wonder why you would come to America if our foundation and history is so offensive to you. The obvious answer for immigrants does not seem to fit. Freedom does not appeal to you. Freedom of thought appears to be especially offensive.

I didn't come here. I was born here, about 200 years too late. Parts of my family have been here since before this was it's own country, and bled to build this nation. They were not truly happy with what their blood bought but hoped it could be fixed. I think the nation is beyond fixing at this point. Only tearing it down and rebuilding will truly work.
Let's not forget about the police lowering their qualification standards so minorities could make the cut! The lower standards brought in more of the previously unqualified of all races!

Nonsense. The police have always been corrupt. When Serpico exposed the NYPD corruption they were by a vast majority white. They were not alone in the corruption any more than it is urban departments that have the problem now.
Not talking corruption here, only intelligence.
If you paint your house and find that the color is not what you expected, do you demolish the house to get rid of the color, or do you set about painting again?

If I don't like the color of the house I don't buy it to begin with.

The principle of Civil Rights and protections contained in the Bill of Rights are simple. It is better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man be convicted. It seems as though you would gladly throw a thousand innocent men to the wolves. You aren't alone the LEO's you express so much admiration for agree with you.

I believe in Justice, as has my family for centuries. Justice is the ideal that criminals will pay for their crimes, no matter what it takes to make that happen..... even 1000 other men killed along the way.

One thing you might consider. The Declaration of Independence called the rights of man Unailiable. In other words, they can from the creator, not man. The British considered the rights as gifts from the King, or Queen. Gifts that could be taken away on a whim

I don't believe in Rights. At least not in the same way as this nation espouses them. I believe far more in Privileges, granted to those who can live within the Law. As does most of my family.

I wonder why you would come to America if our foundation and history is so offensive to you. The obvious answer for immigrants does not seem to fit. Freedom does not appeal to you. Freedom of thought appears to be especially offensive.

I didn't come here. I was born here, about 200 years too late. Parts of my family have been here since before this was it's own country, and bled to build this nation. They were not truly happy with what their blood bought but hoped it could be fixed. I think the nation is beyond fixing at this point. Only tearing it down and rebuilding will truly work.

There can't be much argument that the Military is about as authoritarian as you could hope. When I enlisted I swore an oath to obey the orders of the President and all officers appointed above me. One thing about that oath. I was required by regulation as well as honor to refuse to obey an illegal order.

I was just following orders was never an excuse for doing the wrong thing. We had leadership training in which we were taught the morality of leadership and most importantly we were taught that there was never an excuse to do the wrong thing.

We were taught that the ends never justify the means. I should point out I was in a combat MOS. So facing those moral dilemmas was almost certain.

When I faced them later, I was certain of the right thing. Because I had been taught by my parents, and those lessons had been reinforced by my military training.

Even in the most authoritarian society where instant obedience was the difference between life and death we were taught to refuse an illegal order. We were taught to disobey the authority.

Fortunately I was never placed in a situation where I was given an illegal order. I am certain that I would not have obeyed that order.

Just because someone says I should do something doesn't make it right. St. Augustine taught us that an unjust law is no law at all.

Lex iniusta non est lex - Wikipedia

Not my words. But once someone has put a thought into words it is not necessary to find a new way to say it.

If you think you can come up with enough radical authoritarian types to overthrow the Government and inflict that type of society upon the people, I think you are sadly mistaken. But for the sake of argument let's say you do. Then I would join with those fighting against you.

These principles have guided civilization for millennia.

If it is not true don't say it. If it is not right, don't do it. Marcus Aurelius - Wikiquote

There is no honor in embracing might makes right abuses. The ends never justify the means.
Let's not forget about the police lowering their qualification standards so minorities could make the cut! The lower standards brought in more of the previously unqualified of all races!

Nonsense. The police have always been corrupt. When Serpico exposed the NYPD corruption they were by a vast majority white. They were not alone in the corruption any more than it is urban departments that have the problem now.
Not talking corruption here, only intelligence.

A stupid man could not be a cop, now or in the past. You have to learn how to phrase the abuses so that no one is certain it happened. You have to remember to keep shouting stop resisting as you taser an unconscious individual. You have to be able to act as if any suggestion that you violated any rule or procedure or law is so silly it doesn't deserve a moments consideration. Stupid people would screw up more than the police do now, and stupid people would never have been able to create the atmosphere that exists which protects such violations.
The Real McCoy

One reason bank robbery themed films are so entertaining is because we like to explore all the 'little ways' cops are simply neglectful, allowing those 'idealistic bank robbers' (e.g., Bonnie and Clyde) to create pockets of pure fun and daredevil achievement in spite of lawmen.

Yes, Hollywood (USA) loves bank robbers. So what are ethnic minority youngsters processing as they watch these 'crime-glorification' films?

Maybe cops should give lectures at public inner-city schools about milk money...


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