how stupid are many of our cops?

The doctoral engineering student arrested by the police for "stealing" his own auto was later acquitted.

I have come to the conclusion that most of these white cops who are involved in these stupid incidents are not racist, they are just really stupid. There are not that many mean people per capita, so there can't be that many mean cops. Only stupid ones. He is suing the PD, which will pay for the rest of his engineering program.

Evanston police dashcam video released of Northwestern student's arrest

Police thought Northwestern doctoral student Lawrence Crosby was driving a stolen car, but it turned out that car belonged to him.

The video from October 2015 showed Evanston Police pulling over a car they believe is stolen. The 25-year-old graduate student got out of the car, put his hands up in the air and was thrown to the ground by officers.

The doctoral student, Lawrence Crosby, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Evanston and four officers for damages.

He claims police used excessive force and had no reason to arrest him as he was driving his own car.

Evanston Police refused ABC 7's request for an interview on Friday.

Stupid enough to protect you if you need them to.
The doctoral engineering student arrested by the police for "stealing" his own auto was later acquitted.

I have come to the conclusion that most of these white cops who are involved in these stupid incidents are not racist, they are just really stupid. There are not that many mean people per capita, so there can't be that many mean cops. Only stupid ones. He is suing the PD, which will pay for the rest of his engineering program.

Evanston police dashcam video released of Northwestern student's arrest

Police thought Northwestern doctoral student Lawrence Crosby was driving a stolen car, but it turned out that car belonged to him.

The video from October 2015 showed Evanston Police pulling over a car they believe is stolen. The 25-year-old graduate student got out of the car, put his hands up in the air and was thrown to the ground by officers.

The doctoral student, Lawrence Crosby, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Evanston and four officers for damages.

He claims police used excessive force and had no reason to arrest him as he was driving his own car.

Evanston Police refused ABC 7's request for an interview on Friday.

Stupid enough to protect you if you need them to.
Ask Lawrence Crosby how they protected him from his own car.
The doctoral engineering student arrested by the police for "stealing" his own auto was later acquitted.

I have come to the conclusion that most of these white cops who are involved in these stupid incidents are not racist, they are just really stupid. There are not that many mean people per capita, so there can't be that many mean cops. Only stupid ones. He is suing the PD, which will pay for the rest of his engineering program.

Evanston police dashcam video released of Northwestern student's arrest

Police thought Northwestern doctoral student Lawrence Crosby was driving a stolen car, but it turned out that car belonged to him.

The video from October 2015 showed Evanston Police pulling over a car they believe is stolen. The 25-year-old graduate student got out of the car, put his hands up in the air and was thrown to the ground by officers.

The doctoral student, Lawrence Crosby, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Evanston and four officers for damages.

He claims police used excessive force and had no reason to arrest him as he was driving his own car.

Evanston Police refused ABC 7's request for an interview on Friday.

Stupid enough to protect you if you need them to.
Ask Lawrence Crosby how they protected him from his own car.

I'm sure you would be calling them if you needed to, so stop being a hypocrite. You say and do stupid things on this forum all the time, so . . . . you aren't one to talk.
Ok. What are they supposed to be? I can tell you what they aren't. They are not protecting us. The Supreme Court ruled that the police have no constitutional duty to protect us. So what are the police supposed to be?

Police exist, as per their organizational charters to investigate crimes, track down and arrest criminals and assist in criminal prosecutions. Nothing more. They exist to help.pu Ishmael people who can't or won't live properly. Simple as that.
You say and do stupid things on this forum all the time, so . . . . you aren't one to talk.

Oh, come on, Chris, be fair. He says stupid things from time to time?

Goodness, are you actually suggesting there are times when he is insightful and reasonable here?
Ok. What are they supposed to be? I can tell you what they aren't. They are not protecting us. The Supreme Court ruled that the police have no constitutional duty to protect us. So what are the police supposed to be?

Police exist, as per their organizational charters to investigate crimes, track down and arrest criminals and assist in criminal prosecutions. Nothing more. They exist to help.pu Ishmael people who can't or won't live properly. Simple as that.

Then they fail, miserably. Enforcing the law means that they enforce it on everyone, and obey it in practice. Look at the story that started this thread. Not one cop told a story that was different from the others, and none of the stories narrated the video within sight of accuracy, Now, you can say that mistakes are human, but nine people write nine reports and all the reports jibe with each other, but not the truth. That is Perjury isn't it? Perjury is a crime, but the cops don't seem to be the least bit interested in enforcing the law on each other. They are above the law, like the members of the Motorcycle Gangs I wrote about in another thread. Those gangs hold outsiders accountable for actions taken against the gang members. If you happen to beat up a member of the gang, they all want revenge upon you. However actions of the gang members, providing that that action does not offend another more senior member, are always authorized on those who are not members of the gang.

The first premise that must exist for civilized application of laws is the basic truth. No one can be above the law, and no one can be beneath the law. No one can be a second class citizen.

It is said that power corrupts. That has been true since the earliest writings of man. In the Bible, God's chosen Kings inevitably became corrupted by the power, even David. The way you fight corruption is with accountability. The more authority that a person has, the greater the accountability must be. Yet with Police, the greater the authority, the less accountability there is. The absence of accountability means that the police will inevitably become corrupt.

That explains why nine cops wrote that an unconscious man was resisting arrest, and they had to use force to subdue a man for the crime of driving his own car.
The "property" in question from the news story I linked to was two little girls. The person without interest according to you was the custodial Mother of the girls.

No the police do not enforce the law, because if they did they would also obey the law. In the story that started this thread 9 cops all told the same lies. They all committed perjury. Not one said no sir the truth is not what they said. Not one of them obeyed the proscription about excessive force. Not one.

If they had enforced the law, then the Supreme Court never would have heard the case I linked to. Because two little girls would be alive.

Cops are a gang. Like a motorcycle gang. They back each other without question and everyone not in the gang is one of "them" and not one of "us".

The only difference between the motorcycle gang and the cops is this. The Bikers admit they are crooks while the cops pretend they are not.

by far it is a stretch to call any person "property" under the 14th amendment

That was a reply from a know it all who tried to argue that the Supreme Court Case had been lost because the person suing didn't have a valid interest in the case.

what the fuck are you rambling about dickhead that is the premise of the case

We conclude, therefore, that respondent did not, for purposes of the Due Process Clause, have a property interest in police enforcement of the restraining order against her husband. It is accordingly unnecessary to address the Court of Appeals’ determination (366 F.3d, at 1110—1117) that the town’s custom or policy prevented the police from giving her due process when they deprived her of that alleged interest. See American Mfrs. Mut. Ins. Co. v. Sullivan, 526 U.S. 40, 61 (1999).14


you fuckers are all the same
Then they fail, miserably. Enforcing the law means that they enforce it on everyone, and obey it in practice..

No. It means they are enforced in the manner which the Government and the Citizenry demand they are enforced in. If the community wants it enforced more string gently in Neighborhood A than Neighborhood B, that's what happens.

first premise that must exist for civilized application of laws is the basic truth. No one can be above the law, and no one can be beneath the law. No one can be a second class citizen.

The first premise that must exist for a Proper Society is that the Punishment for a crime must be sufficient to determine 99% or the Citizenry from Eben considering breaking the law.

I come from a place and family where the authority of LEOs is not questioned ever, unless you are prepared to accept the consequences of doing so.
This is a particularly awful case because the police are on video discussing how to CYA after they find out he was driving his own car. They agree to make up a "resisting arrest" charge. So, the questions are "why do they still have jobs?" and "why aren't they being charged?".

It's good to investigate calls, even if they are from crazy old ladies who freak out about seeing a black guy living nearby. But the right way to do that is to pull him over, ask him for license and registration, and then send him on his way with an explanation and apology.
oh great another leftard Fuck The Police thread


Thankfully Obumer Hussein will be gone soon....

A new Sheriff is in town!:banana: :2up:

that is good

however these numb skulls will continue expose themselves for who they are

they can do all that.....but nobody will give a shit....:laugh:.... poor idiots....I'm sorry but they are.:eusa_angel:

You know that barely half the people trust the police. U.S. Confidence in Police Recovers From Last Year's Low

Now how many more brutal cop stories will it take to get it below half the people?
oh great another leftard Fuck The Police thread


Thankfully Obumer Hussein will be gone soon....

A new Sheriff is in town!:banana: :2up:

that is good

however these numb skulls will continue expose themselves for who they are

they can do all that.....but nobody will give a shit....:laugh:.... poor idiots....I'm sorry but they are.:eusa_angel:

You know that barely half the people trust the police. U.S. Confidence in Police Recovers From Last Year's Low

Now how many more brutal cop stories will it take to get it below half the people?

i dont trust anyone from the government

however for the most part

law enforcement folk are pretty good people

i would rather spend an evening with a cop then

spend an evening with a Fuck the Police rioter
oh great another leftard Fuck The Police thread


Thankfully Obumer Hussein will be gone soon....

A new Sheriff is in town!:banana: :2up:

that is good

however these numb skulls will continue expose themselves for who they are

they can do all that.....but nobody will give a shit....:laugh:.... poor idiots....I'm sorry but they are.:eusa_angel:

You know that barely half the people trust the police. U.S. Confidence in Police Recovers From Last Year's Low

Now how many more brutal cop stories will it take to get it below half the people?

i dont trust anyone from the government

however for the most part

law enforcement folk are pretty good people

i would rather spend an evening with a cop then

spend an evening with a Fuck the Police rioter

Your mamma ever tell you to be careful what you wish for? Bad Cop, No Donut
and...wait for it... FUCK THE POLICE!
Then they fail, miserably. Enforcing the law means that they enforce it on everyone, and obey it in practice..

No. It means they are enforced in the manner which the Government and the Citizenry demand they are enforced in. If the community wants it enforced more string gently in Neighborhood A than Neighborhood B, that's what happens.

first premise that must exist for civilized application of laws is the basic truth. No one can be above the law, and no one can be beneath the law. No one can be a second class citizen.

The first premise that must exist for a Proper Society is that the Punishment for a crime must be sufficient to determine 99% or the Citizenry from Eben considering breaking the law.

I come from a place and family where the authority of LEOs is not questioned ever, unless you are prepared to accept the consequences of doing so.

That is not a civilized society. That is a place where the people are kept under control by the iron fist of authority. The groups who keep that kind of order are modeled on the KGB or Stasi.

One of the reasons a Jury trial was created under was not just to find guilt. It was to determine if the law was unjust or unjustly applied. A jury could find someone not guilty even if they did the act because the law was unjust or unjustly applied.

The situation you describe is not a civilized society. It is the neighborhood where the Mafia runs things. No one dare cross the Mafia thugs as it would lead to ruination. The Mafia thugs of course answer to those above not the people who are paying the taxes for their "protection".
The doctoral engineering student arrested by the police for "stealing" his own auto was later acquitted.

I have come to the conclusion that most of these white cops who are involved in these stupid incidents are not racist, they are just really stupid. There are not that many mean people per capita, so there can't be that many mean cops. Only stupid ones. He is suing the PD, which will pay for the rest of his engineering program.

Evanston police dashcam video released of Northwestern student's arrest

Police thought Northwestern doctoral student Lawrence Crosby was driving a stolen car, but it turned out that car belonged to him.

The video from October 2015 showed Evanston Police pulling over a car they believe is stolen. The 25-year-old graduate student got out of the car, put his hands up in the air and was thrown to the ground by officers.

The doctoral student, Lawrence Crosby, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Evanston and four officers for damages.

He claims police used excessive force and had no reason to arrest him as he was driving his own car.

Evanston Police refused ABC 7's request for an interview on Friday.

Stupid enough to protect you if you need them to.
Ask Lawrence Crosby how they protected him from his own car.

I'm sure you would be calling them if you needed to, so stop being a hypocrite. You say and do stupid things on this forum all the time, so . . . . you aren't one to talk.

"I'm sure you would be calling them if you needed to, so stop being a hypocrite."
That's a pretty tired one liner right there.
I pay taxes that supposedly go to pay, in part, a cops salary. That would make the cop my employee (logically). Said cop, as my employee, is on an "on call" basis. If I need him/her/it then it is reasonable for me to call my employee to perform his/her/its duties.

I will call 911 (which invariably brings cops, even if you don't want one) for the following reasons:
If somebody is breaking into my home, so they will know where to pick up the body and write their little reports.
An actual crime has been committed, so they can write a report.
I need an ambulance. Of course I wont need a cop, but one will come anyway, and he gets to write a report.
There might be other reasons to call a cop, but I can't think of one. Besides, all they do is show up late and write a report.
Then they fail, miserably. Enforcing the law means that they enforce it on everyone, and obey it in practice..

No. It means they are enforced in the manner which the Government and the Citizenry demand they are enforced in. If the community wants it enforced more string gently in Neighborhood A than Neighborhood B, that's what happens.

first premise that must exist for civilized application of laws is the basic truth. No one can be above the law, and no one can be beneath the law. No one can be a second class citizen.

The first premise that must exist for a Proper Society is that the Punishment for a crime must be sufficient to determine 99% or the Citizenry from Eben considering breaking the law.

I come from a place and family where the authority of LEOs is not questioned ever, unless you are prepared to accept the consequences of doing so.

That is not a civilized society. That is a place where the people are kept under control by the iron fist of authority. The groups who keep that kind of order are modeled on the KGB or Stasi.

One of the reasons a Jury trial was created under was not just to find guilt. It was to determine if the law was unjust or unjustly applied. A jury could find someone not guilty even if they did the act because the law was unjust or unjustly applied.

The situation you describe is not a civilized society. It is the neighborhood where the Mafia runs things. No one dare cross the Mafia thugs as it would lead to ruination. The Mafia thugs of course answer to those above not the people who are paying the taxes for their "protection".

FIJA works to:
• Inform potential jurors of their traditional, legal authority to refuse to enforce unjust laws
• Inform potential jurors that they cannot be required to check their consciences at the courthouse door
• Inform potential jurors that they cannot be punished for their verdicts
• Inform everyone that juror veto—jury nullification—is a peaceful way to protect human rights against corrupt politicians and government tyranny

That is FIJA’s message.

Jury Nullification | Fully Informed Jury Association
oh great another leftard Fuck The Police thread


Thankfully Obumer Hussein will be gone soon....

A new Sheriff is in town!:banana: :2up:

that is good

however these numb skulls will continue expose themselves for who they are

they can do all that.....but nobody will give a shit....:laugh:.... poor idiots....I'm sorry but they are.:eusa_angel:

You know that barely half the people trust the police. U.S. Confidence in Police Recovers From Last Year's Low

Now how many more brutal cop stories will it take to get it below half the people?

i dont trust anyone from the government

however for the most part

law enforcement folk are pretty good people

i would rather spend an evening with a cop then

spend an evening with a Fuck the Police rioter

If I rob one bank, just one, the argument that I did not rob a thousand banks before that one will not carry much weight.

But if I'm a cop, and I am caught beating a person, the first thing they say is I didn't beat everyone I arrested. Once is enough. One perjury, one cover up. One time planting evidence is enough. We used to say that one aw shit would wipe out a thousand attaboys. Once is enough.

Once is too much.

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