How the GOP killed DC

No the Dem's are by passing way to many entailment programs. We are now at 119 trillion dollars in unfunded mandates. Then Obama and the Dem's keeps passing more.
This is what is killing our Government from within.
Yep..and BOTH parties are responsible for it as we are for allowing it.

DC has been in dire need of an enema for too long.

That is exactly why 87 new Repubs were voted in, to uphold the constitution.
Harry Reid calls them radicals :lol:
Then say's that is why he is not passing the House Bills, because radicals have taken over.
Ooo how dare the people vote in representatives who take the Constitution seriously.

they do not represent the entire country.

why should THEY be allowed to subvert the constitution
So at least I know where you get your drivel. Oh how I wish DC was really dead so we can start all over.

Coming from a douchewad who still has a bullshit avatar that creams her jeans, that's quite a compliment. There's hundreds of thousands good Americans in the city, but scum like you want to force them to STFU, because there's OMG blacks in the city. You're quite a Nazi pig.

Wow, looks like I'm doing my job. Apparently I get under your Kool-aid. My avatar is fine, it's Obama's 999 plan. He get's re-elected and it will happen, Chu says so. :)
Yep..and BOTH parties are responsible for it as we are for allowing it.

DC has been in dire need of an enema for too long.

That is exactly why 87 new Repubs were voted in, to uphold the constitution.
Harry Reid calls them radicals :lol:
Then say's that is why he is not passing the House Bills, because radicals have taken over.
Ooo how dare the people vote in representatives who take the Constitution seriously.

they do not represent the entire country.

why should THEY be allowed to subvert the constitution

They do represent their constituents.

Why do you want their constituents to have no voice in government?
That is exactly why 87 new Repubs were voted in, to uphold the constitution.
Harry Reid calls them radicals :lol:
Then say's that is why he is not passing the House Bills, because radicals have taken over.
Ooo how dare the people vote in representatives who take the Constitution seriously.

they do not represent the entire country.

why should THEY be allowed to subvert the constitution

They do represent their constituents.

Why do you want their constituents to have no voice in government?

They have a voice, they DONT own the congress
That is exactly why 87 new Repubs were voted in, to uphold the constitution.
Harry Reid calls them radicals :lol:
Then say's that is why he is not passing the House Bills, because radicals have taken over.
Ooo how dare the people vote in representatives who take the Constitution seriously.

they do not represent the entire country.

why should THEY be allowed to subvert the constitution

They do represent their constituents.

Why do you want their constituents to have no voice in government?

because that's what her party does..
They wrote a budget. They should have put a warning on it, since anyone having coffee or a coke would have blown it out their nose after reading it.

Their budget got votes, Obamas didn't.

Blow that out your ass instead of your nose.

So you really think that the bullshit that Ryan put up was a budget? Man, you're stupid. I doubt that you ever took the time to sit down and do cursory math on it. Everyone who did had nearly choked their beverage out their nose.

And Reid gets a pass?

You're such a fucking troll.
When the people vote for their reps they vote for them to go to congress and get things done.

Why does one party have the right to destroy that founders plan?

The founder's plan was a small limited government. Staying out of Americans lives, never to have Federal taxes, and never to have had entitlements.
so why has the republican party kept anything from getting done?

They did that by passing countless bills and having Harry Reid sit on them in the Senate? That's somehow their fault?

You do realize they are doing what they were elected to do right?
[ame=]Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law - YouTube[/ame]

The GOP hates government and is killing ours


Cool to see you dissing Dan Quayle. He was quite a dolt.

Aren't they all?
then why are gas prices falling?

Is Obama responsible for falling gas prices?? :eek:

He is as responsible for the falling gas prices as he was for the rising gas prices, no?

All those who claimed he was responsible for rise now automatically are credited with the claim that he is responsible for the falling prices.

Didn't Obama tell us months ago he couldn't do a thing about high gas prices?

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