How the GOP killed DC

the republicans are subverting what the founders planned for congress.

They are gaming the system to get their way even though they are the minority.

You have it completely backasswards TDM. The Dems are raping and pillaging the American People in the name of "helping". Were already out of money, where are they going to get more?? Where are they going to get enough to pay off the debt. When the heck are the Dems going to pass a budget.

It's not a game, that's what Dems think it is.

Why do you and the Dems hate the Constitution??
the republicans are subverting what the founders planned for congress.

They are gaming the system to get their way even though they are the minority.

Stimulus failed and healthcare costs continue to rise. Obama's agenda should be defeated, all it does it cost us money and freedom

CBO: Economic Stimulus Added Millions Of Jobs To The Economy In First Quarter Of 2011. A May 2011 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act lowered the unemployment rate “by between 0.6 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points,” and “ncreased the number of people employed by between 1.2 million and 3.3 million” in the first quarter of 2011. [Congressional Budget Office, 5/25/11]

CBO: Economic Stimulus Raised GDP In The First Quarter Of 2011. The same CBO report estimated that the recovery act “raised real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) by between 1.1 percent and 3.1 percent” in the first quarter of 2011. [Congressional Budget Office, 5/25/11]

Independent And Private Analysts: Stimulus Significantly Raised Employment And GDP. In its sixth quarterly report on the recovery act, the White House Council of Economic Advisers cited several economic estimates that concluded the stimulus increased GDP and lowered unemployment.

And, yes, I know the stimulus could’ve done a lot better, but only if it had been more liberal.

As long as we have a for profit healthcare insurance/Providers who profit by denying service, the price will always rise.
the republicans are subverting what the founders planned for congress.

They are gaming the system to get their way even though they are the minority.

You have it completely backasswards TDM. The Dems are raping and pillaging the American People in the name of "helping". Were already out of money, where are they going to get more?? Where are they going to get enough to pay off the debt. When the heck are the Dems going to pass a budget.

It's not a game, that's what Dems think it is.

Why do you and the Dems hate the Constitution??

So you do think the founders planned a government in which the minority could force the goveenment to not function?
The republicans were sent to Washington to obstruct. Those republicans who played along with democrats have been voted out of office.

They are the minority.

Did the founders plan a government in which it took a 60 % majority to get anything done?
Woo hoo, the crooks and liars in D.C. are dead!!!

Wait a minute, you lied! I just checked ... D.C. is alive, it is still kicking. :mad:

Oh, I see ... the crooked liar has started yet another "Republicans are evil, liars, always wrong, hate their country and are the only ones who screw things up it's all their fault" thread.

Keep on derping, TM. :lol:
The GOP hates government and is killing ours

Getting government under control is not hating the government. Making it smaller and more managealbe is not killing government.

Do you even think before you post? Why would the GOP kill their own jobs?

Because they can then get a sweet job at the corps they are killing the government for
Did the founders plan a government in which the minority stopped the country from functioning?

It is called checks and balances, one designed to keep one side from becoming rampant with stupid ideas.

Did our founding Fathers envision a Society that would become dependent on Government from Cradle to Grave?

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Stimulus failed and healthcare costs continue to rise. Obama's agenda should be defeated, all it does it cost us money and freedom

CBO: Economic Stimulus Added Millions Of Jobs To The Economy In First Quarter Of 2011. A May 2011 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act lowered the unemployment rate “by between 0.6 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points,” and “ncreased the number of people employed by between 1.2 million and 3.3 million” in the first quarter of 2011. [Congressional Budget Office, 5/25/11]

CBO: Economic Stimulus Raised GDP In The First Quarter Of 2011. The same CBO report estimated that the recovery act “raised real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) by between 1.1 percent and 3.1 percent” in the first quarter of 2011. [Congressional Budget Office, 5/25/11]

Independent And Private Analysts: Stimulus Significantly Raised Employment And GDP. In its sixth quarterly report on the recovery act, the White House Council of Economic Advisers cited several economic estimates that concluded the stimulus increased GDP and lowered unemployment.

And, yes, I know the stimulus could’ve done a lot better, but only if it had been more liberal.

As long as we have a for profit healthcare insurance/Providers who profit by denying service, the price will always rise.

Obama admitted Stimulus failed and he joked about it.

Unemployment has stayed chronically above 8% both before and after Obama killed bin Laden

[ame=]Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready - YouTube[/ame]
Stimulus failed and healthcare costs continue to rise. Obama's agenda should be defeated, all it does it cost us money and freedom

CBO: Economic Stimulus Added Millions Of Jobs To The Economy In First Quarter Of 2011. A May 2011 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act lowered the unemployment rate “by between 0.6 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points,” and “ncreased the number of people employed by between 1.2 million and 3.3 million” in the first quarter of 2011. [Congressional Budget Office, 5/25/11]

CBO: Economic Stimulus Raised GDP In The First Quarter Of 2011. The same CBO report estimated that the recovery act “raised real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) by between 1.1 percent and 3.1 percent” in the first quarter of 2011. [Congressional Budget Office, 5/25/11]

Independent And Private Analysts: Stimulus Significantly Raised Employment And GDP. In its sixth quarterly report on the recovery act, the White House Council of Economic Advisers cited several economic estimates that concluded the stimulus increased GDP and lowered unemployment.

And, yes, I know the stimulus could’ve done a lot better, but only if it had been more liberal.

As long as we have a for profit healthcare insurance/Providers who profit by denying service, the price will always rise.

So health care insurance is different from car insurance and computers?


Why would that be?
The republicans were sent to Washington to obstruct. Those republicans who played along with democrats have been voted out of office.

They are the minority.

Did the founders plan a government in which it took a 60 % majority to get anything done?

I dont recall you complaining about such things from 2008 to 2010 when the minority could not prevent unconstitutional legislation from being passed.

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