How the jews went from chosen by God to chosen by the devil.

......thank you----the physical evidence in not, if a prosecutor tells the jury, the physical evidence is not available [ hahahahhahaha--you really mean not there ] I guess the jury should still vote for guilty??

Are you aware there are four or five types of evidence that are weighed in court cases? You speak of real evidence, and while it is one source of evidence, it is not the only source. There is also demonstrative evidence, documentary evidence, and testimony. We have already agreed we have no "real" evidence, which leaves us with three others to investigate and explore.
......thank you----the physical evidence in not, if a prosecutor tells the jury, the physical evidence is not available [ hahahahhahaha--you really mean not there ] I guess the jury should still vote for guilty??

Are you aware there are four or five types of evidence that are weighed in court cases? You speak of real evidence, and while it is one source of evidence, it is not the only source. There is also demonstrative evidence, documentary evidence, and testimony. We have already agreed we have no "real" evidence, which leaves us with three others to investigate and explore.
testimony evidence from what year?
......thank you----the physical evidence in not, if a prosecutor tells the jury, the physical evidence is not available [ hahahahhahaha--you really mean not there ] I guess the jury should still vote for guilty??

Are you aware there are four or five types of evidence that are weighed in court cases? You speak of real evidence, and while it is one source of evidence, it is not the only source. There is also demonstrative evidence, documentary evidence, and testimony. We have already agreed we have no "real" evidence, which leaves us with three others to investigate and explore.
are YOU aware, the testimony in court cases are usually within 1 or 5 or ten or 50 years--not 2000 ?
......thank you----the physical evidence in not, if a prosecutor tells the jury, the physical evidence is not available [ hahahahhahaha--you really mean not there ] I guess the jury should still vote for guilty??

Are you aware there are four or five types of evidence that are weighed in court cases? You speak of real evidence, and while it is one source of evidence, it is not the only source. There is also demonstrative evidence, documentary evidence, and testimony. We have already agreed we have no "real" evidence, which leaves us with three others to investigate and explore.
the bible is not evidence of any kind
are YOU aware, the testimony in court cases are usually within 1 or 5 or ten or 50 years--not 2000 ?
Are you saying that if we read the testimony recorded in a court case a hundred years ago, we should not believe that recorded testimony?
so, you have testimony from a COURT case, that there is a god??
That wasn't the point. The point is that if you read a court case that happened hundreds of years ago, you would believe that testimony. And, no, the Bible should not be compared to a court case because the "technology" used then and used now is quite different. So is the writing style.
so, you have testimony from a COURT case, that there is a god??
That wasn't the point. The point is that if you read a court case that happened hundreds of years ago, you would believe that testimony. And, no, the Bible should not be compared to a court case because the "technology" used then and used now is quite different. So is the writing style., we don't have a documented court case---per my post above post = people can say all kinds of stuff--but there is no jury/etc to rule if that testimony is valid/etc---all kinds of people claim Mr Trump is a racist--but until a jury votes on it--it is still babble shit opinion only = not true --just like god is not true's like all this bullshit about Mr Trump being a racist...sure--there are tons of articles saying he is---but that's not proof--no where NEAR proof
What people can do is to go back to the original comment, listen to all that was said, and the context in which it was made. Then, we go to who first made the accusation and the motive of making such an accusation. We look at other words and actions of the President and other words and actions of the accusers. Then we can come to our own conclusions.
all kinds of people claim Mr Trump is a racist--but until a jury votes on it--it is still babble shit opinion only = not true --just like god is not true
Bad analogy on all fronts. Comments, even racist ones, do not go before a court. Nor does God's existence.

What is interesting is that all through the ages, even in our own time, we have anecdotal testimony covering experiences of angels, saints, God, near death experiences, etc. Many people have them, and many don't. People who don't brush away the experiences of those who do as invalid--simply from the basis that they never had an experience of their own.'s like all this bullshit about Mr Trump being a racist...sure--there are tons of articles saying he is---but that's not proof--no where NEAR proof
What people can do is to go back to the original comment, listen to all that was said, and the context in which it was made. Then, we go to who first made the accusation and the motive of making such an accusation. We look at other words and actions of the President and other words and actions of the accusers. Then we can come to our own conclusions.
YES!!!! looks like you made a Freudian Slip there:
thank you--our '''''own conclusions''''' = no proof/only OUR beliefs/no verdict/etc
all kinds of people claim Mr Trump is a racist--but until a jury votes on it--it is still babble shit opinion only = not true --just like god is not true
Bad analogy on all fronts. Comments, even racist ones, do not go before a court. Nor does God's existence.

What is interesting is that all through the ages, even in our own time, we have anecdotal testimony covering experiences of angels, saints, God, near death experiences, etc. Many people have them, and many don't. People who don't brush away the experiences of those who do as invalid--simply from the basis that they never had an experience of their own.
no, it's a good analogy ..only their belief/opinion
YES!!!! looks like you made a Freudian Slip there:
thank you--our '''''own conclusions''''' = no proof/only OUR beliefs/no verdict/etc
Not a Freudian slip at all. You have made your own conclusions about God, and you have based them on your conclusions that Biblical accounts are fairy tales. Do you have any other foundation for your conclusions?
God had hundreds of religions to choose from, but he wanted his son raised a Jew

I wish he'd picked on The Buddhists.
Hmm...very interesting!
So fncceo are you a good Jew? Or one of those bad, bad Babylonian Jews?
The way you viciously attacked Jeremy 'Mother Terressa' Corbyn in a totally unwarranted way leads me to conclude the latter.
So take note!

from where did you get the idea that the jews of Babylon were "bad" ?

From his friends...

View attachment 436086

??? isn't that SAINT CORBYN?

Yes, and like most saints, he has a real problem with Jews.
As most saints were Jewish, the apostles for example I don't know how you can say that.

The Satanist Jews were mainly the sadducees. They killed Christ. The only Satanist apostle was Paul. He killed the apostle Steven. Satanists are mostly Jews indeed. And they originate from the babylonian exile where God united the Jews with the devil.

the Sadducees were, in jewish history, Roman shills. which is why they no longer exist.
Paul was a son of greek converts to Judaism and very Hellenized. ---Jesus was a Pharisee
jew. Jesus has nothing to do with the development of christianity
The sadducees still exist. They ran the Soviet Union for example.
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
Well thank you anti- Semitic. Claiming to know God's mind. To claim to know God's mind is a claim to be a profit. Are you a profit of the lord? Do you really want to claim to be able to judge as does the lord?

I am not reading God's mind, I am reading His Torah, here it is.

Isaiah 47:8-9
“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
Who dwells securely,
Who says in your heart,
‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
I will not sit as a widow,
Nor know loss of children.’
“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
Loss of children and widowhood.
They will come on you in full measure
In spite of your many sorceries,
In spite of the great power of your spells.

Jeremiah 25:11-12
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Source: 10 Bible verses about The Prophecy Towards Babylon

you are reading Isaiah
Yes Isaiah and Jeremiah. Is there anything wrong with them?

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