How the jews went from chosen by God to chosen by the devil.

God had hundreds of religions to choose from, but he wanted his son raised a Jew

I wish he'd picked on The Buddhists.
Hmm...very interesting!
So fncceo are you a good Jew? Or one of those bad, bad Babylonian Jews?
The way you viciously attacked Jeremy 'Mother Terressa' Corbyn in a totally unwarranted way leads me to conclude the latter.
So take note!

from where did you get the idea that the jews of Babylon were "bad" ?

From his friends...

View attachment 436086

??? isn't that SAINT CORBYN?

Yes, and like most saints, he has a real problem with Jews.
As most saints were Jewish, the apostles for example I don't know how you can say that.

The Satanist Jews were mainly the sadducees. They killed Christ. The only Satanist apostle was Paul. He killed the apostle Steven. Satanists are mostly Jews indeed. And they originate from the babylonian exile where God united the Jews with the devil.

the Sadducees were, in jewish history, Roman shills. which is why they no longer exist.
Paul was a son of greek converts to Judaism and very Hellenized. ---Jesus was a Pharisee
jew. Jesus has nothing to do with the development of christianity
The sadducees still exist. They ran the Soviet Union for example.

really? that is fascinating. From the filth of Rome to the Gulags
belief/opinion is nowhere near proof
Correct. Just as fairy tales and religious experiences are no where near proof. Proof is physical evidence. Humans have the ability to move beyond the physical into the abstract, the subjective, even the imaginary. What if I were to demand proof of an imaginary world? Wouldn't your response be, "There is no proof of the imaginary, it is imaginary." In the same way, when you demand proof of the spiritual, I maintain there is no physical proof of the spiritual--it is spiritual, not physical. A true boxing of oneself into the physical prevents one from any investigation into the imaginary, spiritual, abstract, subjective, etc. In other words, there is an inability for the purely physical to think outside their chosen box.
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
Well thank you anti- Semitic. Claiming to know God's mind. To claim to know God's mind is a claim to be a profit. Are you a profit of the lord? Do you really want to claim to be able to judge as does the lord?

I am not reading God's mind, I am reading His Torah, here it is.

Isaiah 47:8-9
“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
Who dwells securely,
Who says in your heart,
‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
I will not sit as a widow,
Nor know loss of children.’
“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
Loss of children and widowhood.
They will come on you in full measure
In spite of your many sorceries,
In spite of the great power of your spells.

Jeremiah 25:11-12
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Source: 10 Bible verses about The Prophecy Towards Babylon

you are reading Isaiah
And who the hell was the Roman Shills when they were at home? And why did they just cease to exist?
They didn't cease to exist. They were formed in Babylon to rule the returning Jews under the direction of Satan. Satanist sects often declare themselves disappeared when they obtain enough money and power. Tthey teach like the sadducees taught that the devil doesn't exist. Then from there they control your life. The most notable control structure that the sadducees ran recently was the Soviet Union. The next one will be the European Union.
belief/opinion is nowhere near proof
Correct. Just as fairy tales and religious experiences are no where near proof. Proof is physical evidence. Humans have the ability to move beyond the physical into the abstract, the subjective, even the imaginary. What if I were to demand proof of an imaginary world? Wouldn't your response be, "There is no proof of the imaginary, it is imaginary." In the same way, when you demand proof of the spiritual, I maintain there is no physical proof of the spiritual--it is spiritual, not physical. A true boxing of oneself into the physical prevents one from any investigation into the imaginary, spiritual, abstract, subjective, etc. In other words, there is an inability for the purely physical to think outside their chosen box.
so, part of your ''proof'' is someone said ''there is a god''/''I saw god'''/''I felt god''...........???
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
Well thank you anti- Semitic. Claiming to know God's mind. To claim to know God's mind is a claim to be a profit. Are you a profit of the lord? Do you really want to claim to be able to judge as does the lord?

I am not reading God's mind, I am reading His Torah, here it is.

Isaiah 47:8-9
“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
Who dwells securely,
Who says in your heart,
‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
I will not sit as a widow,
Nor know loss of children.’
“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
Loss of children and widowhood.
They will come on you in full measure
In spite of your many sorceries,
In spite of the great power of your spells.

Jeremiah 25:11-12
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Source: 10 Bible verses about The Prophecy Towards Babylon

you are reading Isaiah
And who the hell was the Roman Shills when they were at home? And why did they just cease to exist?

what does "at home mean"??? Judea was OCCUPIED BY ROME. Their POV ceased to exist sorta like the MAYAN religion CEASED to exist. Presently, in Judaism it is the PHARISEE pov that continues to exist amongst jews THRUOUT THE WORLD << just fact,
not an issue of much debate if you know ANYTHING
That is only as per the published Judaism. The real power is not there. The real power is in the covert Judaism. And the name if that used to be the sadducees.
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
Well thank you anti- Semitic. Claiming to know God's mind. To claim to know God's mind is a claim to be a profit. Are you a profit of the lord? Do you really want to claim to be able to judge as does the lord?

I am not reading God's mind, I am reading His Torah, here it is.

Isaiah 47:8-9
“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
Who dwells securely,
Who says in your heart,
‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
I will not sit as a widow,
Nor know loss of children.’
“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
Loss of children and widowhood.
They will come on you in full measure
In spite of your many sorceries,
In spite of the great power of your spells.

Jeremiah 25:11-12
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Source: 10 Bible verses about The Prophecy Towards Babylon

you are reading Isaiah
Yes Isaiah and Jeremiah. Is there anything wrong with them?

they are both poets as was Edgar Allen Poe and Dante
You seem to ignore history beyond the Babylons.

1000 years before Babylon was ancient Egypt and the Pyramids.

Pyramids built by Jewish slaves.
so, part of your ''proof'' is someone said ''there is a god''/''I saw god'''/''I felt god''...........???
One subject I teach is science. When I tell my students to give me proof, they understand I want something measurable. When I teach religion, and ask for personal experiences, I want something true even though everyone understands it is anecdotal (biographical).
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
Well thank you anti- Semitic. Claiming to know God's mind. To claim to know God's mind is a claim to be a profit. Are you a profit of the lord? Do you really want to claim to be able to judge as does the lord?

I am not reading God's mind, I am reading His Torah, here it is.

Isaiah 47:8-9
“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
Who dwells securely,
Who says in your heart,
‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
I will not sit as a widow,
Nor know loss of children.’
“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
Loss of children and widowhood.
They will come on you in full measure
In spite of your many sorceries,
In spite of the great power of your spells.

Jeremiah 25:11-12
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Source: 10 Bible verses about The Prophecy Towards Babylon

you are reading Isaiah
And who the hell was the Roman Shills when they were at home? And why did they just cease to exist?

what does "at home mean"??? Judea was OCCUPIED BY ROME. Their POV ceased to exist sorta like the MAYAN religion CEASED to exist. Presently, in Judaism it is the PHARISEE pov that continues to exist amongst jews THRUOUT THE WORLD << just fact,
not an issue of much debate if you know ANYTHING
That is only as per the published Judaism. The real power is not there. The real power is in the covert Judaism. And the name if that used to be the sadducees.

oh, how interesting. You remind me of a conversation I once overheard
between two gentlemen just outside a methadone clinic. However, the
savant in that case used the terms ashkenazi and sephardi
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
Well thank you anti- Semitic. Claiming to know God's mind. To claim to know God's mind is a claim to be a profit. Are you a profit of the lord? Do you really want to claim to be able to judge as does the lord?

I am not reading God's mind, I am reading His Torah, here it is.

Isaiah 47:8-9
“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
Who dwells securely,
Who says in your heart,
‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
I will not sit as a widow,
Nor know loss of children.’
“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
Loss of children and widowhood.
They will come on you in full measure
In spite of your many sorceries,
In spite of the great power of your spells.

Jeremiah 25:11-12
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Source: 10 Bible verses about The Prophecy Towards Babylon

you are reading Isaiah
And who the hell was the Roman Shills when they were at home? And why did they just cease to exist?
They didn't cease to exist. They were formed in Babylon to rule the returning Jews under the direction of Satan. Satanist sects often declare themselves disappeared when they obtain enough money and power. Tthey teach like the sadducees taught that the devil doesn't exist. Then from there they control your life. The most notable control structure that the sadducees ran recently was the Soviet Union. The next one will be the European Union.

Is that why Scotland is trying to rejoin the European Union? I never did trust that
John Knox acid-head
so, part of your ''proof'' is someone said ''there is a god''/''I saw god'''/''I felt god''...........???
One subject I teach is science. When I tell my students to give me proof, they understand I want something measurable. When I teach religion, and ask for personal experiences, I want something true even though everyone understands it is anecdotal (biographical).
that's nowhere near proof ...sounds like double talk
....plain and simple--we've been over this before, and no one has given any where NEAR any proof of god/etc
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
there is no god or devil --so they could not have been chosen
If there is no good and evil then what do you call your neighbor who shoots your dog before having sex with your wife?
God had hundreds of religions to choose from, but he wanted his son raised a Jew

I wish he'd picked on The Buddhists.
Hmm...very interesting!
So fncceo are you a good Jew? Or one of those bad, bad Babylonian Jews?
The way you viciously attacked Jeremy 'Mother Terressa' Corbyn in a totally unwarranted way leads me to conclude the latter.
So take note!

from where did you get the idea that the jews of Babylon were "bad" ?

From his friends...

View attachment 436086

??? isn't that SAINT CORBYN?

Yes, and like most saints, he has a real problem with Jews.
As most saints were Jewish, the apostles for example I don't know how you can say that.

The Satanist Jews were mainly the sadducees. They killed Christ. The only Satanist apostle was Paul. He killed the apostle Steven. Satanists are mostly Jews indeed. And they originate from the babylonian exile where God united the Jews with the devil.

the Sadducees were, in jewish history, Roman shills. which is why they no longer exist.
Paul was a son of greek converts to Judaism and very Hellenized. ---Jesus was a Pharisee
jew. Jesus has nothing to do with the development of christianity
The sadducees still exist. They ran the Soviet Union for example.

really? that is fascinating. From the filth of Rome to the Gulags
Filth of Rome? The sadducees were the wealthy rich controllers of the province Judea. And they were the wealthy rich controllers of the gulags too. They made their money by exporting the mining products and other resources that were produced in the gulags.
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
Well thank you anti- Semitic. Claiming to know God's mind. To claim to know God's mind is a claim to be a profit. Are you a profit of the lord? Do you really want to claim to be able to judge as does the lord?

I am not reading God's mind, I am reading His Torah, here it is.

Isaiah 47:8-9
“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
Who dwells securely,
Who says in your heart,
‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
I will not sit as a widow,
Nor know loss of children.’
“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
Loss of children and widowhood.
They will come on you in full measure
In spite of your many sorceries,
In spite of the great power of your spells.

Jeremiah 25:11-12
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Source: 10 Bible verses about The Prophecy Towards Babylon

you are reading Isaiah
Yes Isaiah and Jeremiah. Is there anything wrong with them?

they are both poets as was Edgar Allen Poe and Dante
What is a Jew who rejects the Torah? A plastic Jew? A wannabe Jew? A Satanist who no longer cares about looking like a Jew?
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
there is no god or devil --so they could not have been chosen
If there is no good and evil then what do you call your neighbor who shoots your dog before having sex with your wife?
1. I don't have a wife
2. that's your proof ???? hahahhahahahahhahah
3. EVERYONE does bad and good things
4. I call him a human--humans do things like that's not evil or the devil making him do that
5. my coworker once said ''the devil made him do it''' ..I asked him ''how does the devil make some do it, but not others'''.......he didn't have an answer---like a lot of USMB members
.....poverty/culture/etc create '''evil''' criminals --not the ''devil''/etc
that's nowhere near proof ...sounds like double talk
....plain and simple--we've been over this before, and no one has given any where NEAR any proof of god/etc
Straight talk. This is easy enough to understand: Waste your life looking for it, demanding it, etc. but there is no physical proof. If one wants to meet or even know about God, there must be a willingness to step outside the box of demanding physical proof. Again: No.physical.proof.
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
Well thank you anti- Semitic. Claiming to know God's mind. To claim to know God's mind is a claim to be a profit. Are you a profit of the lord? Do you really want to claim to be able to judge as does the lord?

I am not reading God's mind, I am reading His Torah, here it is.

Isaiah 47:8-9
“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
Who dwells securely,
Who says in your heart,
‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
I will not sit as a widow,
Nor know loss of children.’
“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
Loss of children and widowhood.
They will come on you in full measure
In spite of your many sorceries,
In spite of the great power of your spells.

Jeremiah 25:11-12
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Source: 10 Bible verses about The Prophecy Towards Babylon

you are reading Isaiah
Yes Isaiah and Jeremiah. Is there anything wrong with them?

they are both poets as was Edgar Allen Poe and Dante
What is a Jew who rejects the Torah? A plastic Jew? A wannabe Jew? A Satanist who no longer cares about looking like a Jew?

not necessarily any of the above
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
Well thank you anti- Semitic. Claiming to know God's mind. To claim to know God's mind is a claim to be a profit. Are you a profit of the lord? Do you really want to claim to be able to judge as does the lord?

I am not reading God's mind, I am reading His Torah, here it is.

Isaiah 47:8-9
“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
Who dwells securely,
Who says in your heart,
‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
I will not sit as a widow,
Nor know loss of children.’
“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
Loss of children and widowhood.
They will come on you in full measure
In spite of your many sorceries,
In spite of the great power of your spells.

Jeremiah 25:11-12
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Source: 10 Bible verses about The Prophecy Towards Babylon

you are reading Isaiah
And who the hell was the Roman Shills when they were at home? And why did they just cease to exist?

what does "at home mean"??? Judea was OCCUPIED BY ROME. Their POV ceased to exist sorta like the MAYAN religion CEASED to exist. Presently, in Judaism it is the PHARISEE pov that continues to exist amongst jews THRUOUT THE WORLD << just fact,
not an issue of much debate if you know ANYTHING
That is only as per the published Judaism. The real power is not there. The real power is in the covert Judaism. And the name if that used to be the sadducees.

oh, how interesting. You remind me of a conversation I once overheard
between two gentlemen just outside a methadone clinic. However, the
savant in that case used the terms ashkenazi and sephardi
So is this how they keep renaming themselves? Sounds like usual Jew business. When enough customers catch on you, you close down for a while then reopen under a different name. Hehehe.
that's nowhere near proof ...sounds like double talk
....plain and simple--we've been over this before, and no one has given any where NEAR any proof of god/etc
Straight talk. This is easy enough to understand: Waste your life looking for it, demanding it, etc. but there is no physical proof. If one wants to meet or even know about God, there must be a willingness to step outside the box of demanding physical proof. Again: No.physical.proof.
......there it is again--a ''willingness'''' ....'''outside the box''' .....
Answer: Babylon.

History records, that the first truly evil empire with thoroughly evil intent was Babylon.

Babylon invented crucifixion, Babylon invented starvation as weapon, Babylon invented psychiatry, and babylon invented dark industry.

God took 14 generations to form His people from Abraham to David. God took 14 generations to perfect His people from David to the babylonian exile. Satan took 14 generations to harvest all that from the babylonian exile to the birth of Christ.

This is why the Jews didn't recognized their own King even when He was born under the guiding star of Bethlehem, but all other nations did, even as far away as the three magii.

As a result, there are two types of Jews today. The Godly Jew which the works of Christ repaired to some degree, and the ungodly jew, which remain enslaved by Babylon.

Observing the enslaved jews, we can conclude, that when the devil captures your feelings and senses, your will has no longer any degree of freedom to balance, and you become the Jew which is the zombie of Satan.

Here is the question for the debate. Given that these Jews have all 3 of their soul functions captured, what can be done to start bringing them home from Babylon?
there is no god or devil --so they could not have been chosen
If there is no good and evil then what do you call your neighbor who shoots your dog before having sex with your wife?
1. I don't have a wife
2. that's your proof ???? hahahhahahahahhahah
3. EVERYONE does bad and good things
4. I call him a human--humans do things like that's not evil or the devil making him do that
5. my coworker once said ''the devil made him do it''' ..I asked him ''how does the devil make some do it, but not others'''.......he didn't have an answer---like a lot of USMB members
.....poverty/culture/etc create '''evil''' criminals --not the ''devil''/etc
I can answer that. Evil begins when some people are trying to systematically take control over you. For example a wife beater or a government. And why the devil makes some people do one thing some others another? Because reality starts from within therefore the people if the devil are his zombies with a different task each. Like your cluster of computers don't run the same program all the time either, they run different subprograms which you can't connect unless you are the central server which is not accessible to humans.

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