How the Libtards Fake Racists to Smear Conservatives


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
How the Left Fakes the Hate: A Primer - Michelle Malkin - Page 1

If you can't stand the heat, manufacture a hate-crime epidemic.

After years of covering racial hoaxes on college campuses and victim sob stories in the public arena, I've encountered countless opportunists who live by that demented mindset. At best, the fakers are desperately seeking 15 minutes of infamy. At worst, their aim is the criminalization of political dissent.

Upon decimating the deliberative process to hand President Obama a health care "reform" victory, unpopular Beltway Democrats and their media water-carriers now claim there's a Tea Party epidemic of racism, harassment and violence against them.
Yet, the claims that Tea Party activists shouted "******" at black House Democrats remain uncorroborated. The coffin reportedly left outside Missouri Democratic Rep. Russ Carnahan's home was used in a prayer vigil by pro-life activists in St. Louis protesting the phony Demcare abortion-funding ban in Obama's deal-cutting executive order. Videotape of a supposed intentional spitting incident targeting Missouri Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver at the Capitol shows no such thing. Cleaver himself backed off the claim a few days later. He described his heckler to The Washington Post in more passive terms as "the man who allowed his saliva to hit my face." Slovenliness equals terrorism!

Liberals pose as Conservative racists to smear the Right

The act of Liberals posing as foaming-at-the-mouth "hatemongering" conservatives is nothing new, especially in micro media such as blogs, Twitter, posting boards, and talk radio. For years, Rush Limbaugh has called these "seminar callers," as they receive talking-point instructions in seminars on how to masquerade as a conservative while calling in. Such incidents have been well documented, by Michelle Malkin to name but one example.

Last summer, Maurice Schwenkler, a Colorado Democrat Party activist smashed the windows of a Democrat Party headquarters with Obama and health care reform posters in an effort to make it look like it was angry conservatives. In this case the Democrats got caught. The Colorado Democrat Party has refused to cooperate with the investigation by coming forth with the name of the second vandal involved.

For example, in December a fake conservative called into C-SPAN on the health care debate, and spewed racist hate speech toward President Obama, calling him "ghetto trash." has made no secret of their efforts to call in on conservative talk radio.

And if we haven't presented enough evidence. We can look at the most recent activity on Twitter. Two fake conservative Twitter accounts are @BillGreen2010 and @Ultimate24fan. The people behind these Twitter accounts pretend to be rabid Right Wing Another is @AVRWC who pretends to be a conservative Christian, albeit a rabid anti-semetic one. Anti-semetic Christians may indeed exist, but are in factare very sparse, and most conservative Christians are pro Israel.

The most interesting of them all is a Twitter account named @joefuckingbiden. He pretends to be a conservative spoofing what conservatives might say about Vice President Biden. His remarks are so over the top they are intended to appear to be sourced from an angry conservative.

Liberals caught posing as Tea Partiers - National Conservative |

Apparently still unable to win the debate on fair terms (as usual), liberals have been caught trying to infiltrate the Tea Party movement and manufacture bogus displays of racism, extremism and stupidity.

The site is called, "Crash the Tea Party" and it describes itself as:

“A national network of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of the loose affiliation of racists homophobes and morons; who constitute the fake grassroots movement which calls itself the Tea Party.

So a bitter left-wing fringe group openly based on deception and fraud is accusing a widely popular grassroots movement of being "fake" ...

Note that the site has been shut down and now links to some Japanese party site.

The hardcore left is composed of a bunch of fraudulent, partisan, hate-America-first, propaganda spewing liars. The fact that the more moderate liberals refuse to denounce the libtards for their willingness to lie, cheat, steal and probably murder for the cause discredits the moderate left as well.

Yes, there are GOP partisan hacks that would be willing to do much of the same, but those guys do not control the GOP. Exactly the opposite is true of the GOP as it is controled by a bunch of lap-dog RINOs to scared of an angry look from Pelosi to ever defy the Dems for very long.
I've seen conservatives successfully mole liberal message boards for years. It's really not that hard.

But I've never seen a liberal successfully mole a conservative board for more than five minutes. :lmao:
How the Left Fakes the Hate: A Primer - Michelle Malkin - Page 1

If you can't stand the heat, manufacture a hate-crime epidemic.

After years of covering racial hoaxes on college campuses and victim sob stories in the public arena, I've encountered countless opportunists who live by that demented mindset. At best, the fakers are desperately seeking 15 minutes of infamy. At worst, their aim is the criminalization of political dissent.

Upon decimating the deliberative process to hand President Obama a health care "reform" victory, unpopular Beltway Democrats and their media water-carriers now claim there's a Tea Party epidemic of racism, harassment and violence against them.
Yet, the claims that Tea Party activists shouted "******" at black House Democrats remain uncorroborated. The coffin reportedly left outside Missouri Democratic Rep. Russ Carnahan's home was used in a prayer vigil by pro-life activists in St. Louis protesting the phony Demcare abortion-funding ban in Obama's deal-cutting executive order. Videotape of a supposed intentional spitting incident targeting Missouri Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver at the Capitol shows no such thing. Cleaver himself backed off the claim a few days later. He described his heckler to The Washington Post in more passive terms as "the man who allowed his saliva to hit my face." Slovenliness equals terrorism!

Liberals pose as Conservative racists to smear the Right

The act of Liberals posing as foaming-at-the-mouth "hatemongering" conservatives is nothing new, especially in micro media such as blogs, Twitter, posting boards, and talk radio. For years, Rush Limbaugh has called these "seminar callers," as they receive talking-point instructions in seminars on how to masquerade as a conservative while calling in. Such incidents have been well documented, by Michelle Malkin to name but one example.

Last summer, Maurice Schwenkler, a Colorado Democrat Party activist smashed the windows of a Democrat Party headquarters with Obama and health care reform posters in an effort to make it look like it was angry conservatives. In this case the Democrats got caught. The Colorado Democrat Party has refused to cooperate with the investigation by coming forth with the name of the second vandal involved.

For example, in December a fake conservative called into C-SPAN on the health care debate, and spewed racist hate speech toward President Obama, calling him "ghetto trash." has made no secret of their efforts to call in on conservative talk radio.

And if we haven't presented enough evidence. We can look at the most recent activity on Twitter. Two fake conservative Twitter accounts are @BillGreen2010 and @Ultimate24fan. The people behind these Twitter accounts pretend to be rabid Right Wing Another is @AVRWC who pretends to be a conservative Christian, albeit a rabid anti-semetic one. Anti-semetic Christians may indeed exist, but are in factare very sparse, and most conservative Christians are pro Israel.

The most interesting of them all is a Twitter account named @joefuckingbiden. He pretends to be a conservative spoofing what conservatives might say about Vice President Biden. His remarks are so over the top they are intended to appear to be sourced from an angry conservative.

Liberals caught posing as Tea Partiers - National Conservative |

Apparently still unable to win the debate on fair terms (as usual), liberals have been caught trying to infiltrate the Tea Party movement and manufacture bogus displays of racism, extremism and stupidity.

The site is called, "Crash the Tea Party" and it describes itself as:

“A national network of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of the loose affiliation of racists homophobes and morons; who constitute the fake grassroots movement which calls itself the Tea Party.

So a bitter left-wing fringe group openly based on deception and fraud is accusing a widely popular grassroots movement of being "fake" ...

Note that the site has been shut down and now links to some Japanese party site.

The hardcore left is composed of a bunch of fraudulent, partisan, hate-America-first, propaganda spewing liars. The fact that the more moderate liberals refuse to denounce the libtards for their willingness to lie, cheat, steal and probably murder for the cause discredits the moderate left as well.

Yes, there are GOP partisan hacks that would be willing to do much of the same, but those guys do not control the GOP. Exactly the opposite is true of the GOP as it is controled by a bunch of lap-dog RINOs to scared of an angry look from Pelosi to ever defy the Dems for very long.

Dude... that is SO paranoid!

Exactly the opposite is true of the GOP as it is controled by a bunch of lap-dog RINOs to scared of an angry look from Pelosi to ever defy the Dems for very long.
I have absolutely NO DOUBT that agent provocateurs exist on both sides of the great political divide.

I suspect we have more than a few such agents right here on this very board.

MOST of the conservatives I know in real life are not nearly so overtly and outrageously racist as we see here, for example.

In fact many of the conservatives I know in real life are not at all racist personally, although they typically cannot imagine that the residual historical effects of slavery and jim crow have anything to do with why Blacks aren't doing very well.
I have absolutely NO DOUBT that agent provocateurs exist on both sides of the great political divide.

I suspect we have more than a few such agents right here on this very board.

MOST of the conservatives I know in real life are not nearly so overtly and outrageously racist as we see here, for example.

In fact many of the conservatives I know in real life are not at all racist personally, although they typically cannot imagine that the residual historical effects of slavery and jim crow have anything to do with why Blacks aren't doing very well.
List the conservatives here you believe are racist.

And then link to posts of theirs which prove it.
I have absolutely NO DOUBT that agent provocateurs exist on both sides of the great political divide.

I suspect we have more than a few such agents right here on this very board.

MOST of the conservatives I know in real life are not nearly so overtly and outrageously racist as we see here, for example.

In fact many of the conservatives I know in real life are not at all racist personally, although they typically cannot imagine that the residual historical effects of slavery and jim crow have anything to do with why Blacks aren't doing very well.


How many centuries are they gonna take to get over that shit?

Frankly, it sounds more like a whine by losers than anything legit.

Successful blacks I have known personally NEVER talk about that shit.

IT was wrong, it is over, and time to move on!

Fuck, where did I hear that shit before? lol
I've seen conservatives successfully mole liberal message boards for years. It's really not that hard.

But I've never seen a liberal successfully mole a conservative board for more than five minutes. :lmao:
And your point is what?

That the opening post is a joke?

No, your IQ is a joke since it is lower than Obamas kept promises.

ie ZERO.

You are the only man on Earth who has actually failed a brain scan, and its not even a test.
MOST of the conservatives I know in real life are not nearly so overtly and outrageously racist as we see here, for example.

On an anonymous Internet forum it's far easier to say things you normally wouldn't in public.

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