How the RNC can keep Donald Trump from getting the nomination...

I think he would go third party, and rightfully so... as payback for the RNC back stabbing him in a brokered convention.

Trump will not just walk away without a fight.
I agree. People like Jackson abandoning him is unconscionable.
For having a mind of my own? Really? No one, no party can tell me who or what to vote for and that I couldn't change my mind when I think it is a wrong choice. I said I was standing back, not stabbing in the back.
AFTER singing his praises from the rooftop all last week. Riiiiiiiight :rolleyes-41:
I'm starting a thread on your weather vane principles tomorrow lol
My principles haven't changed, but my opinion has changed somewhat. I still may be voting for him. But, you do what you have to do.
He will be whatever he needs to be to win. He likes winning.
I don't know...His ego is so big, I think sometimes he can't see the most elementary things that he shouldn't be doing. He has to stop swearing on the air, Thiis business, I don't give a shit! It's just not classy. I would like to have a president with a modicum of sophistication or class.
Ever see Goodfellas? Remember when the restaurant owner Sonny needed Paulie as a partner in order to keep lunatic Tommy at bay? Paulie ends up taking over the place for his own ends?

That's Trump. The RNC let him in the door, and he ain't fuckin' leaving. He'll burn the place down like they did to the Bamboo.

I think you might be dramatizing this a bit...

Not so sure. He was making noise today about the RNC not keeping their pledge to him. He's gonna make sure he's on the ballot.
To tell the voters that they really don't matter is probably the last line that can be crossed by the RNC. After that, it's entered the event horizon of a black hole -- gone for good.
That is true. And watch this:

unpledged delegates (commonly known as superdelegates) who will cast a vote at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, to be held July 25–28 inPhiladelphia.[1] Unpledged delegates represent about a sixth of the overall delegate count (approximately 4,763) and come from several categories of prominent Democratic Party members:

· 20 distinguished party leaders (current and former presidents, vice-presidents, congressional leaders, and DNC chairs)

· 20 Democratic governors (including territorial governors and the Mayor of the District of Columbia)

· 47 Democratic members of the United States Senate (including Washington, DC shadow senators)

· 193 Democratic members
of the United States House of Representatives (including non-voting delegates)

· 432 elected members of the Democratic National Committee (including the chairs and vice-chairs of each state's Democratic Party)[2]

Hillary has all or most of those superdelegates. That almost 700 delegates she has without even showing up to a primary state...Democrats are worse than the Republicans when it comes to picking their own candidate
People won't be too mad as long as the majority of the votes go to Hillary, or even if Sanders has an insignificant lead (say, 1% - 2%). I guess that's what's gonna happen, unless the email bomb blows up.
That, I think would change the entire environment. If she was actually indicted or the FBI follows through with their warning that they would go public with the evidence...she'd be done. Big if.
Agreed, and yes it's unlikely, but possible. Even if it doesn't blow up, it's still a nightmare haunting her campaign, especially if the republican nominee knows how to use it.
There is so much material out there (videos) that the Republican candidate could use against Hillary, it would damage her severely. But you're they know how to use it?
Judging by what happened with Kevin Mccarthy, the role model of how a republican may do it, nope; but if it's Trump, it will be a different story.
Ever see Goodfellas? Remember when the restaurant owner Sonny needed Paulie as a partner in order to keep lunatic Tommy at bay? Paulie ends up taking over the place for his own ends?

That's Trump. The RNC let him in the door, and he ain't fuckin' leaving. He'll burn the place down like they did to the Bamboo.

I think you might be dramatizing this a bit...

Not so sure. He was making noise today about the RNC not keeping their pledge to him. He's gonna make sure he's on the ballot.

Yes, I heard about the "pledge" thing, but is he having trouble getting on a ballot?
There's nearly $4 trillion dollars a year up for grabs people, that's why the establishment in both parties are freaked about losing control to Trump or any non-establishment outsider. Hard to tell how far they would go to retain control, I have heard some GOP establishment donors would prefer Hillary vs Trump.
That's interesting... wonder if there is going to be a groundswell of support for Trump from leading RNC people.

Depends how many are bought and paid for by the establishment. While the American people have been busy living their lives and raising their families the establishment politicians have been busy screwing over the American people. Senator Sessions was on Levin's show today and he said the establishment in government has only itself to blame. American citizens are sick and tired of nothing being done about illegals pouring across our borders. They are sick and tired of getting screwed on trade deals and other countries intentionally destroying American businesses by say dumping product at below cost into the US. Hence Trump's message is resonating. The establishment hacks like that idiot Jeb Bush tells us we just have to bend over and take it from China because we don't want to offend them, well WTF Jeb.

In only a few months Trump has destroyed decades of carefully crafted establishment narrative about how amnesty for illegals is inevitable and other countries stealing our jobs is inevitable, that its impossible to deport the illegals. Trump destroyed those narratives so they tried to destroy him with the political correctness attacks they have used to silence opposition to the narrative. Then Trump destroyed their political correctness attacks leaving the establishment standing there naked and afraid its been hilarious.

Trump: You don't like the term anchor baby? Tough shit until someone invents a new word I'll just keep on using anchor baby okay. That's right I'll build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. That's right I'll deport them all, they can come back but they have to come back legally. That's right I'll stop letting China and Mexico screw us over, I'll bring the jobs back to the U.S.

The establishment and their pals in the media are just fit to be tied, its hilarious.
Trump isn't going to get the numbers he needs.

If he has 49.94% of the votes, the gop will backdoor him and put rubio or jeb as the nom, or some other controlled person

trump will probably not go 3rd party, he knows he'd lose that.

that leaves bern to take most of the middle and the left with the gop having only it's die hards, cons will pass on voting in numbers
I think he would go third party, and rightfully so... as payback for the RNC back stabbing him in a brokered convention.

Trump will not just walk away without a fight.
trump hates to lose, if cheated he can claim that the gop cheated him outta the win.

he knows a 3rd party run will be an actual lose for him, though he could claim that he woulda won if....

but that would only work if his and the gops votes combined would have defeated the dem
Trump isn't going to get the numbers he needs.

If he has 49.94% of the votes, the gop will backdoor him and put rubio or jeb as the nom, or some other controlled person

trump will probably not go 3rd party, he knows he'd lose that.

that leaves bern to take most of the middle and the left with the gop having only it's die hards, cons will pass on voting in numbers
I think he would go third party, and rightfully so... as payback for the RNC back stabbing him in a brokered convention.

Trump will not just walk away without a fight.
I agree. People like Jackson abandoning him is unconscionable.
For having a mind of my own? Really? No one, no party can tell me who or what to vote for and that I couldn't change my mind when I think it is a wrong choice. I said I was standing back, not stabbing in the back.
AFTER singing his praises from the rooftop all last week. Riiiiiiiight :rolleyes-41:
I'm starting a thread on your weather vane principles tomorrow lol
My principles haven't changed, but my opinion has changed somewhat. I still may be voting for him. But, you do what you have to do.
"somewhat"? lol

YOU WERE HIS #! CHEERLEADER ON THIS FORUM TWO DAYS AGO> Stop lying. Your upset that he called out the elephant in the room- the disastrous repub foreign policy of the last repub Prez and his supporters on the stage
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I think he would go third party, and rightfully so... as payback for the RNC back stabbing him in a brokered convention.

Trump will not just walk away without a fight.
I agree. People like Jackson abandoning him is unconscionable.
For having a mind of my own? Really? No one, no party can tell me who or what to vote for and that I couldn't change my mind when I think it is a wrong choice. I said I was standing back, not stabbing in the back.
AFTER singing his praises from the rooftop all last week. Riiiiiiiight :rolleyes-41:
I'm starting a thread on your weather vane principles tomorrow lol
My principles haven't changed, but my opinion has changed somewhat. I still may be voting for him. But, you do what you have to do.
"somewhat"? lol

YOU WERE HIS #! CHEERLEADER ON THIS FORUM TWO DAYS AGO> Stop lying. Your upset that he called out the elephant in the room- the disastrous repub foreign policy of the last repub Prez and his supporters on the stahe
I was a Trump supporter. Now, I'm looking more at other candidates as well. Isn't that what we should all be doing? Evaluate and consider the pros against the cons in every candidate? If I had to vote today, it would be Trump because he is the most electable and I agree with much of his policies. I just don't like his persona. But when you vote, you take in consideration the entire package.
Haven't you ever decided on a candidate and as the campaign went on, changed to another? Are you a Trump supporter and you feel he's lost a voice on this board? I will still set the record straight when someone tries to impugn his policies.
You are a hoot.

How old are you?

You go ALL-IN for Trump for the last 3+ weeks then log-on last night and detail how to derail his candidacy.

with friends like you, who needs enemies.
I think he would go third party, and rightfully so... as payback for the RNC back stabbing him in a brokered convention.

Trump will not just walk away without a fight.
I agree. People like Jackson abandoning him is unconscionable.
For having a mind of my own? Really? No one, no party can tell me who or what to vote for and that I couldn't change my mind when I think it is a wrong choice. I said I was standing back, not stabbing in the back.
AFTER singing his praises from the rooftop all last week. Riiiiiiiight :rolleyes-41:
I'm starting a thread on your weather vane principles tomorrow lol
My principles haven't changed, but my opinion has changed somewhat. I still may be voting for him. But, you do what you have to do.
"somewhat"? lol

YOU WERE HIS #! CHEERLEADER ON THIS FORUM TWO DAYS AGO> Stop lying. Your upset that he called out the elephant in the room- the disastrous repub foreign policy of the last repub Prez and his supporters on the stage
I didn't see that debate but from what you have told me, I support what he says about Iraq, but not 9/11. I thought for the most part, he handled the crisis well...except for Iraq. But that doesn't stand in the way for voting for him. Looking forward to what he can bring for this country is a more valuable talking point.

Why are you getting bent out of shape about my assertion that I am looking at all candidates? I really don't understand your rage.
I agree. People like Jackson abandoning him is unconscionable.
For having a mind of my own? Really? No one, no party can tell me who or what to vote for and that I couldn't change my mind when I think it is a wrong choice. I said I was standing back, not stabbing in the back.
AFTER singing his praises from the rooftop all last week. Riiiiiiiight :rolleyes-41:
I'm starting a thread on your weather vane principles tomorrow lol
My principles haven't changed, but my opinion has changed somewhat. I still may be voting for him. But, you do what you have to do.
"somewhat"? lol

YOU WERE HIS #! CHEERLEADER ON THIS FORUM TWO DAYS AGO> Stop lying. Your upset that he called out the elephant in the room- the disastrous repub foreign policy of the last repub Prez and his supporters on the stage
I didn't see that debate but from what you have told me, I support what he says about Iraq, but not 9/11. I thought for the most part, he handled the crisis well...except for Iraq. But that doesn't stand in the way for voting for him. Looking forward to what he can bring for this country is a more valuable talking point.

Why are you getting bent out of shape about my assertion that I am looking at all candidates? I really don't understand your rage.
"handled it"? Trump pointed-out how it was totally avoidable so that he wouldn't have to "handle it". They were too busy lining-up defense contractors for the real perpetrators :up: Iraq :rolleyes-41:
You are a hoot.

How old are you?

You go ALL-IN for Trump for the last 3+ weeks then log-on last night and detail how to derail his candidacy.

with friends like you, who needs enemies.
You still haven;'t told me why this has boggled your mind! Why should you care about who I vote for?

And I want you to read the link at OP. It describes how unfair changes to the 2016 rules is working against Trump and for the establishment candidates, just as the DNC does with their superdelagtaes but much more of a disadvantage to Sanders. That was not intended to derail Trump, if anything, Trump supporters should be searching out more independents to support Trump to ensure the nomination for him. The fact that he is leading in all polls, that may not be enough. They (we) need a bigger landslide for him to become the nominee.
I agree. People like Jackson abandoning him is unconscionable.
For having a mind of my own? Really? No one, no party can tell me who or what to vote for and that I couldn't change my mind when I think it is a wrong choice. I said I was standing back, not stabbing in the back.
AFTER singing his praises from the rooftop all last week. Riiiiiiiight :rolleyes-41:
I'm starting a thread on your weather vane principles tomorrow lol
My principles haven't changed, but my opinion has changed somewhat. I still may be voting for him. But, you do what you have to do.
"somewhat"? lol

YOU WERE HIS #! CHEERLEADER ON THIS FORUM TWO DAYS AGO> Stop lying. Your upset that he called out the elephant in the room- the disastrous repub foreign policy of the last repub Prez and his supporters on the stage
I didn't see that debate but from what you have told me, I support what he says about Iraq, but not 9/11. I thought for the most part, he handled the crisis well...except for Iraq. But that doesn't stand in the way for voting for him. Looking forward to what he can bring for this country is a more valuable talking point.

Why are you getting bent out of shape about my assertion that I am looking at all candidates? I really don't understand your rage.
You are going out of your way to torpedo his campaign two days after you were his #1 supporter here. You don't lie very well. And stop saying it was his language. He told Megyn Kelly off a month + ago.

I should put the link to this thread on his FB page to show him how much of a friend you are but I won't.

suffice it to say- with friends like you, who needs enemies

But not all of them will be won during the state-by-state series of caucuses and primaries that will take place during the first half of 2016. Of the total of 2,472 Republican delegates, 437 of them are unpledged delegates – and 168 of those are members of the Republican National Committee.

In order to win the Republican nomination without any of the unpledged delegates, Trump would need to win 60.78 percent of the delegates that are up for grabs during the caucuses and primaries. And considering that his poll support is hovering around 30 percent right now, that is a very tall order.

In the past, it was easier for a front-runner to pile up delegates in “winner take all” states, but for this election cycle the Republicans have changed quite a few things. In 2016, all states that hold caucuses or primaries before March 15th must award their delegates proportionally.

In 2016, more delegates will be allocated on a proportional basis by the Republicans than ever before, and with such a crowded field that makes it quite likely that no candidate will have secured enough delegates for the nomination by the time the Republican convention rolls around.

The following comes from the Hill

More than 20 top GOP officials discussed at a dinner on Monday the party’s strategy in the event of a brokered convention amid Donald Trump’s consistent lead in the polls.

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) listened as several longtime party members argued the establishment must lay the groundwork for a floor fight if Trump storms through the presidential primaries, five sources familiar with the meeting told The Washington Post.

In the event of a “brokered convention”, it is almost inevitable that an establishment candidate would emerge as the nominee. That list would include names such as Bush, Rubio and Romney, and it would exclude names such as Trump, Cruz and Carson.

Even if Trump captures every single one of these delegates, however, he would still need to capture over 700 of the nearly 2,000 remaining delegates in order to emerge as the nominee, and here is where the math gets much more difficult for him.

Even if he captures every single delegate awarded to candidates who win a plurality of the votes in a state, he would still need to win approximately 37 percent of the remaining delegates to capture the nomination — under the various and often complex rules that each state uses to allocate these delegates.

Currently, the Real Clear Politics polling average shows Trump leading the GOP field with about 30 percent of the vote, so his current polls likely do not give him enough support to capture the nomination outright.

So in the end, we could very well see a “brokered convention” for the first time in decades, and the damage done to the Republican party by a brokered convention could potentially hand the general election to Hillary Clinton.
How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination

So, if trump doesn't have the support from the RNC, he probably won't get the nomination. The only edge Trump might have is to keep claiming he'll go third party which means an inevitable loss for the Republicans.
Be prepared to hear him warning the DNC again, again and again.
You were the leading Trump-supporter on the board 2 days ago. Whats going on?
LOL... You guys kept putting me in the position of defending him with the things you were implying. It was sort of "setting the record straight." But, I really don't know who I like.. I just know who I dislike immensely.
it was a love-fest. You're not a good liar. All you've been doing the last week was singing his praises lol

You'd figure since she is morally bankrupt, she'd be better at it.
You are a hoot.

How old are you?

You go ALL-IN for Trump for the last 3+ weeks then log-on last night and detail how to derail his candidacy.

with friends like you, who needs enemies.
You still haven;'t told me why this has boggled your mind! Why should you care about who I vote for?

And I want you to read the link at OP. It describes how unfair changes to the 2016 rules is working against Trump and for the establishment candidates, just as the DNC does with their superdelagtaes but much more of a disadvantage to Sanders. That was not intended to derail Trump, if anything, Trump supporters should be searching out more independents to support Trump to ensure the nomination for him. The fact that he is leading in all polls, that may not be enough. They (we) need a bigger landslide for him to become the nominee.
There were two, TWO Trump cheerleaders on this board- yourself and missourian. You couldn't sing his praises enough.

stop playing dumb.
For having a mind of my own? Really? No one, no party can tell me who or what to vote for and that I couldn't change my mind when I think it is a wrong choice. I said I was standing back, not stabbing in the back.
AFTER singing his praises from the rooftop all last week. Riiiiiiiight :rolleyes-41:
I'm starting a thread on your weather vane principles tomorrow lol
My principles haven't changed, but my opinion has changed somewhat. I still may be voting for him. But, you do what you have to do.
"somewhat"? lol

YOU WERE HIS #! CHEERLEADER ON THIS FORUM TWO DAYS AGO> Stop lying. Your upset that he called out the elephant in the room- the disastrous repub foreign policy of the last repub Prez and his supporters on the stage
I didn't see that debate but from what you have told me, I support what he says about Iraq, but not 9/11. I thought for the most part, he handled the crisis well...except for Iraq. But that doesn't stand in the way for voting for him. Looking forward to what he can bring for this country is a more valuable talking point.

Why are you getting bent out of shape about my assertion that I am looking at all candidates? I really don't understand your rage.
"handled it"? Trump pointed-out how it was totally avoidable so that he wouldn't have to "handle it". They were too busy lining-up defense contractors for the real perpetrators :up: Iraq :rolleyes-41:
Whsat did Trump say about the attack? It was W's fault? How?

But not all of them will be won during the state-by-state series of caucuses and primaries that will take place during the first half of 2016. Of the total of 2,472 Republican delegates, 437 of them are unpledged delegates – and 168 of those are members of the Republican National Committee.

In order to win the Republican nomination without any of the unpledged delegates, Trump would need to win 60.78 percent of the delegates that are up for grabs during the caucuses and primaries. And considering that his poll support is hovering around 30 percent right now, that is a very tall order.

In the past, it was easier for a front-runner to pile up delegates in “winner take all” states, but for this election cycle the Republicans have changed quite a few things. In 2016, all states that hold caucuses or primaries before March 15th must award their delegates proportionally.

In 2016, more delegates will be allocated on a proportional basis by the Republicans than ever before, and with such a crowded field that makes it quite likely that no candidate will have secured enough delegates for the nomination by the time the Republican convention rolls around.

The following comes from the Hill

More than 20 top GOP officials discussed at a dinner on Monday the party’s strategy in the event of a brokered convention amid Donald Trump’s consistent lead in the polls.

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) listened as several longtime party members argued the establishment must lay the groundwork for a floor fight if Trump storms through the presidential primaries, five sources familiar with the meeting told The Washington Post.

In the event of a “brokered convention”, it is almost inevitable that an establishment candidate would emerge as the nominee. That list would include names such as Bush, Rubio and Romney, and it would exclude names such as Trump, Cruz and Carson.

Even if Trump captures every single one of these delegates, however, he would still need to capture over 700 of the nearly 2,000 remaining delegates in order to emerge as the nominee, and here is where the math gets much more difficult for him.

Even if he captures every single delegate awarded to candidates who win a plurality of the votes in a state, he would still need to win approximately 37 percent of the remaining delegates to capture the nomination — under the various and often complex rules that each state uses to allocate these delegates.

Currently, the Real Clear Politics polling average shows Trump leading the GOP field with about 30 percent of the vote, so his current polls likely do not give him enough support to capture the nomination outright.

So in the end, we could very well see a “brokered convention” for the first time in decades, and the damage done to the Republican party by a brokered convention could potentially hand the general election to Hillary Clinton.
How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination

So, if trump doesn't have the support from the RNC, he probably won't get the nomination. The only edge Trump might have is to keep claiming he'll go third party which means an inevitable loss for the Republicans.
Be prepared to hear him warning the DNC again, again and again.
You were the leading Trump-supporter on the board 2 days ago. Whats going on?
LOL... You guys kept putting me in the position of defending him with the things you were implying. It was sort of "setting the record straight." But, I really don't know who I like.. I just know who I dislike immensely.
it was a love-fest. You're not a good liar. All you've been doing the last week was singing his praises lol

You'd figure since she is morally bankrupt, she'd be better at it.
EXACTLY!!! Her hate for immigrants (brown ones at least) was unparalleled.
You are a hoot.

How old are you?

You go ALL-IN for Trump for the last 3+ weeks then log-on last night and detail how to derail his candidacy.

with friends like you, who needs enemies.
You still haven;'t told me why this has boggled your mind! Why should you care about who I vote for?

And I want you to read the link at OP. It describes how unfair changes to the 2016 rules is working against Trump and for the establishment candidates, just as the DNC does with their superdelagtaes but much more of a disadvantage to Sanders. That was not intended to derail Trump, if anything, Trump supporters should be searching out more independents to support Trump to ensure the nomination for him. The fact that he is leading in all polls, that may not be enough. They (we) need a bigger landslide for him to become the nominee.
There were two, TWO Trump cheerleaders on this board- yourself and missourian. You couldn't sing his praises enough.

stop playing dumb.
I didn't pay close attention or take names, but there are far more than just two.
AFTER singing his praises from the rooftop all last week. Riiiiiiiight :rolleyes-41:
I'm starting a thread on your weather vane principles tomorrow lol
My principles haven't changed, but my opinion has changed somewhat. I still may be voting for him. But, you do what you have to do.
"somewhat"? lol

YOU WERE HIS #! CHEERLEADER ON THIS FORUM TWO DAYS AGO> Stop lying. Your upset that he called out the elephant in the room- the disastrous repub foreign policy of the last repub Prez and his supporters on the stage
I didn't see that debate but from what you have told me, I support what he says about Iraq, but not 9/11. I thought for the most part, he handled the crisis well...except for Iraq. But that doesn't stand in the way for voting for him. Looking forward to what he can bring for this country is a more valuable talking point.

Why are you getting bent out of shape about my assertion that I am looking at all candidates? I really don't understand your rage.
"handled it"? Trump pointed-out how it was totally avoidable so that he wouldn't have to "handle it". They were too busy lining-up defense contractors for the real perpetrators :up: Iraq :rolleyes-41:
Whsat did Trump say about the attack? It was W's fault? How?
keep on playing dumb. It suits you.

Maybe i will put a link to this thread on his FB page.

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