How to fix everything

I prefer the gas prices during Reagan, does that mean we should dig up Reagan and install him as president at the White House?
Biden is my president and he is yours also......I have no choice in the matter and I tend to allow the capitalist to rape my wallet because I have no choice in the matter. Same goes with you-depra.

Not my President, no way, no how.
Capitalism can only survive if markets are expanded and prices rise, deflation kills capitalism and so does stagflation...Wanna kill inflation kill jobs, that is how it was done during Reagan, just don't bitch about being broke.
Not my President, no way, no how.
You have no choice since you have no power.
1) We already drill. And export a full 30% of it to other countries.
2) Deal with the immigration issue. Once and for all. Cease and desist all covert nation building activities by the CIA and other clandestine agencies. Those are a big reason you have an immigration problem to begin with. And the bulk of these immigrants are here to work. Not suck off the US teat.
3) Unless you deal with the primary culprits of spending, you're just whacking at small potatoes and not moving the needle. You're cutting programs for the people who need them most.
4) Raise taxes...on corporation and the wealthy. On a % basis, I pay more in taxes than large corps do (I don't care about what share they pay for those about to make that argument).
The “raise taxes on the wealthy and large corporations” is a fallacy and trap your masters rely on to keep the class warfare going. You pay more in percentage than do the wealthy and corporations because they have more tax breaks, more incentives. Go ahead and remove the tax breaks and incentives on corporations and watch what happens to the economy.

As for the wealthy, don’t confuse the annual high income earners with the wealthy. Many of the liberal elite furling your class envy are wealthy themselves so their wealth is preserved while it is high income that is targeted. Again, take away the tax breaks and deductions from the high income earners and see what happens as they are already paying more in real contributions to taxes in comparison to your high percentage.
Replace most of the teachers in our country and hire only intelligent ones who place their teaching duties above that of their idiotic identity politics.

You can there jerking off all day if you want to, but these are your president's policies at work:

• Gasoline that rose 3 times the price it was during 2018, depending on location

• Ending US Keystone XL pipeline while waiving sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline

• The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel

• Draining our own Strategic Oil Reserve to the lowest level since 1984

• Having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil

• Inflation rate that rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019

• A recession

• The average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of purchasing power

• The DOW dropping 6,700 points in only a year

• The stock market losing $9 trillion dollars worth of value in only two years

• Retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars

• 30 year fixed mortgages rising by 4.43% in only two years, to 7.15%

• Home prices soaring 43% in only two years and housing sales slumping

• Median asking rent prices rising 79.7% in only two years

• Hefty tax increases on the lower and middle class

• 84,000 new IRS agents arming and training to be home invaders

• Use of DOJ and FBI to harass political opponents

• Conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property

• Supply line disruptions, backorders, items out of stock or unavailable

• Sporadic shortages on grocery store shelves

• Food-processing plants mysteriously burning down

• Continuing monumental trade deficit with China

• More COVID deaths than in 2020

• Massive job losses from vaccine mandates

• An exponentially-spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs

• Fentanyl seizures up 745 percent

• 120% increase in opioid deaths in just two years

• 4.9 million illegals crossing US border within only two years

• 900,000 "gotaways" who eluded apprehension and disappeared into American communities

• Record numbers of illegals dying while crossing the border

• A dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives

• $7.12 billion worth of US military equipment and weaponry left to the Taliban

• Hundreds of US citizens and Afghans left behind in Afghanistan after the withdrawal

• People falling out of the wheel wells of aircraft leaving Afghanistan

• A weakened US military that's more concerned with "political correctness" than creating soldiers

• Record low enlistment numbers

• A revitalized Russian oil industry, despite US sanctions

• A war in Ukraine that has cost the US billions of dollars and killed thousands

• Increased possibility of nuclear war with Russia

• Iran expanding their nuclear enrichment program

• China becoming energy and militarily dominant

• A senile, angry, and incompetent president who falls off of a bicycle, falls up stairs, insults
half the people in America, labels people as "terrorists", divides the country, and tries to incite
a civil war.
As to the teacher thing you're going to have to increase salaries big time to do that. As to the second point those are the problems. What are the solutions.
As to the teacher thing you're going to have to increase salaries big time to do that. As to the second point those are the problems. What are the solutions.
I have no problem with increased salaries.

It would probably be cost effective in the long run, too. Good teachers instilling in children a sense of the responsibilities that come with citizenship as well as encouraging them to think critically would lead to fewer people who view themself as wards of the state as well as resulting in their making better political choices.
The proper and sane tax rate on large corporations is ZERO! But don't allow them to hoard cash.

The money they don't pay in taxes will go to employees (where it will be taxed), investment in capital equipment, to the owners in the form of interest and dividends (where it will be taxed).

Taxing corporations results in corporations doing stupid things to avoid the taxes. It makes zero sense.
The “raise taxes on the wealthy and large corporations” is a fallacy and trap your masters rely on to keep the class warfare going. You pay more in percentage than do the wealthy and corporations because they have more tax breaks, more incentives. Go ahead and remove the tax breaks and incentives on corporations and watch what happens to the economy.

As for the wealthy, don’t confuse the annual high income earners with the wealthy. Many of the liberal elite furling your class envy are wealthy themselves so their wealth is preserved while it is high income that is targeted. Again, take away the tax breaks and deductions from the high income earners and see what happens as they are already paying more in real contributions to taxes in comparison to your high percentage.
No. It's not. And I have never looked on it as "class warfare". I don't care what wealthy people make. Hell, I don't even care what people who are slightly better off than me make.
And raising those taxes would not be the burden you think it would be. You've been conditioned too much by the disciples of the Laffer Curve and Grover Norquist. :)...Ok, maybe I'm dating myself here.

I'd like to see automakers bring back more two toned cars.
And the 'hardtop' design, no center window post.
Back in the day I owned a 1955, and a 1956 Chevy Bel Air hardtop. Great looking cars.
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As to the teacher thing you're going to have to increase salaries big time to do that. As to the second point those are the problems. What are the solutions.

At this point there are no solutions. This is the "new normal" and I would have to say that we're pretty much fucked.

But that doesn't mean that I won't continue to point out the reason why we're fucked.
No. It's not. And I have never looked on it as "class warfare". I don't care what wealthy people make. Hell, I don't even care what people who are slightly better off than me make.
And raising those taxes would not be the burden you think it would be. You've been conditioned too much by the disciples of the Laffer Curve and Grover Norquist. :)...Ok, maybe I'm dating myself here.

The other fundamental factor I left out was cutting spending. Any increase in taxes must be met with cuts in unnecessary spending.
You can there jerking off all day if you want to, but these are your president's policies at work:

• Gasoline that rose 3 times the price it was during 2018, depending on location

• Ending US Keystone XL pipeline while waiving sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline

• The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel

• Draining our own Strategic Oil Reserve to the lowest level since 1984

• Having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil

• Inflation rate that rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019

• A recession

• The average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of purchasing power

• The DOW dropping 6,700 points in only a year

• The stock market losing $9 trillion dollars worth of value in only two years

• Retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars

• 30 year fixed mortgages rising by 4.43% in only two years, to 7.15%

• Home prices soaring 43% in only two years and housing sales slumping

• Median asking rent prices rising 79.7% in only two years

• Hefty tax increases on the lower and middle class

• 84,000 new IRS agents arming and training to be home invaders

• Use of DOJ and FBI to harass political opponents

• Conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property

• Supply line disruptions, backorders, items out of stock or unavailable

• Sporadic shortages on grocery store shelves

• Food-processing plants mysteriously burning down

• Continuing monumental trade deficit with China

• More COVID deaths than in 2020

• Massive job losses from vaccine mandates

• An exponentially-spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs

• Fentanyl seizures up 745 percent

• 120% increase in opioid deaths in just two years

• 4.9 million illegals crossing US border within only two years

• 900,000 "gotaways" who eluded apprehension and disappeared into American communities

• Record numbers of illegals dying while crossing the border

• A dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives

• $7.12 billion worth of US military equipment and weaponry left to the Taliban

• Hundreds of US citizens and Afghans left behind in Afghanistan after the withdrawal

• People falling out of the wheel wells of aircraft leaving Afghanistan

• A weakened US military that's more concerned with "political correctness" than creating soldiers

• Record low enlistment numbers

• A revitalized Russian oil industry, despite US sanctions

• A war in Ukraine that has cost the US billions of dollars and killed thousands

• Increased possibility of nuclear war with Russia

• Iran expanding their nuclear enrichment program

• China becoming energy and militarily dominant

• A senile, angry, and incompetent president who falls off of a bicycle, falls up stairs, insults
half the people in America, labels people as "terrorists", divides the country, and tries to incite
a civil war.
Yes sir , 100% accurate.
See Post #8. The Big Potatoes vs the really small ones. :)
There are many egregious or even specious budget items that pretend to be Big Potatoes or they hid under the Big Potatoes. That’s the problem. $10M to homeless vets would benefit US farther and greater vs. sending that money off for gender studies in Pakistan.

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