How to identify Professional debunkers, Straw men, and shills, concerning 9/11

One other thought. 9/11 inside jobbity job-job puts everyone on ignore that disagrees with him.

I wonder if his ignore list is larger than Anachronism's? (79 before he went on vacation)
As I stated earlier, he has no one on ignore. And we cannot debunk him because he hasn't made any statements about his conspiracy theories in weeks, maybe months. Mostly all he does is call people names these days. It's sad really. But truth is he'll never learn any better. Stupid is as stupid does.

since this thread has done nothing but attract official conspiracy theory apologists trolls like
this will be my second to last post.

you should really read this link,.it so much describes you all.But as you and me both know,you are all afraid of the truth about government conspiracys and only see what you want to see so you wont read it and will just keep letting agents gomer pyle ollie and moron in the hat along with the corporate controlled media brainwash you with their lies and propaganda.

Go sit in the corner and color, imbecile.
how'd you know what I was doing?
as i stated earlier, he has no one on ignore. And we cannot debunk him because he hasn't made any statements about his conspiracy theories in weeks, maybe months. Mostly all he does is call people names these days. It's sad really. But truth is he'll never learn any better. Stupid is as stupid does.
four farts in a row from four different trolls:poop::clap2::clap2::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Why would the government pay people to discredit people who discredit themselves, like the perfect example quoted here?

your living in denial on that issue.unlike you trolls,us truthers dont have the logic that because the government and media said it happened that way ,that makes it a fact.:lol::lol::lol: and then ignore high creditial experts.
you OCTA'S kill me everytime with that logic.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Use some semblance of proper grammar when you respond to me, you stupid fuck, you discredit yourself every time you post. I wish I could get paid for this shit, money for nothing.
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How to identify Professional debunkers, Straw men, and shills, concerning 9/11.

There are individuals on this and other forums who get paid from certain entities to debunk and refute so called conspiracy theorist posting about the 9/11 attacks.

There are some groups and one in particular that have already identified these men by name, location, and financial transaction records.

I am not here to disclose this information, but I can submit to you an article written that will allow you to be able to identify these men for yourself.

Read the following piece than asked yourself who on this forum does the exact things mentioned in this article.

Debunking The Debunkers

Men who accept money to help prevent the real truth form coming out have sold out their country, and have dissolved any right to American citizenship in my opinion.

Ok I may have come late to the party so to speak but I have to ask some questions about this...

1. IF the contentions in the OP and the linked article are correct, than wouldn't it be just as likely that there are some who post that 9/11 was a conspiracy (or inside job, et al.) could just as likely be paid to do so by the opposite types of groups?

2. Would the fact one is paid to post on a web forum about a certain topic by a group, individual or entity, make them any less passionate about it or correct in their assertions? I like my job, and I do it for pay and despite that fact I am told often I do a very good and thorough job. Even won some awards of recognition for doing it over the years...
How to identify Professional debunkers, Straw men, and shills, concerning 9/11.

There are individuals on this and other forums who get paid from certain entities to debunk and refute so called conspiracy theorist posting about the 9/11 attacks.

There are some groups and one in particular that have already identified these men by name, location, and financial transaction records.

I am not here to disclose this information, but I can submit to you an article written that will allow you to be able to identify these men for yourself.

Read the following piece than asked yourself who on this forum does the exact things mentioned in this article.

Debunking The Debunkers

Men who accept money to help prevent the real truth form coming out have sold out their country, and have dissolved any right to American citizenship in my opinion.

Ok I may have come late to the party so to speak but I have to ask some questions about this...

1. IF the contentions in the OP and the linked article are correct, than wouldn't it be just as likely that there are some who post that 9/11 was a conspiracy (or inside job, et al.) could just as likely be paid to do so by the opposite types of groups?

2. Would the fact one is paid to post on a web forum about a certain topic by a group, individual or entity, make them any less passionate about it or correct in their assertions? I like my job, and I do it for pay and despite that fact I am told often I do a very good and thorough job. Even won some awards of recognition for doing it over the years...
that's some fancy talk there cowboy sure you ain't one of them shills....ya seem kinda furren to me....(shoots a lung cookie in to a spittoon with a loud ping!):eusa_whistle:
Yeah, you don't have to be proper here, Gslack. Any explaination or thought, no matter how well thought out, or reasoned, is going to be met with a mountain of emoticons, accusations of being a "disinformation agent", and some jackass with a first grade mentality stating that "someone farted in here".
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How to identify Professional debunkers, Straw men, and shills, concerning 9/11.

There are individuals on this and other forums who get paid from certain entities to debunk and refute so called conspiracy theorist posting about the 9/11 attacks.

There are some groups and one in particular that have already identified these men by name, location, and financial transaction records.

I am not here to disclose this information, but I can submit to you an article written that will allow you to be able to identify these men for yourself.

Read the following piece than asked yourself who on this forum does the exact things mentioned in this article.

Debunking The Debunkers

Men who accept money to help prevent the real truth form coming out have sold out their country, and have dissolved any right to American citizenship in my opinion.

Ok I may have come late to the party so to speak but I have to ask some questions about this...

1. IF the contentions in the OP and the linked article are correct, than wouldn't it be just as likely that there are some who post that 9/11 was a conspiracy (or inside job, et al.) could just as likely be paid to do so by the opposite types of groups?

2. Would the fact one is paid to post on a web forum about a certain topic by a group, individual or entity, make them any less passionate about it or correct in their assertions? I like my job, and I do it for pay and despite that fact I am told often I do a very good and thorough job. Even won some awards of recognition for doing it over the years...
that's some fancy talk there cowboy sure you ain't one of them shills....ya seem kinda furren to me....(shoots a lung cookie in to a spittoon with a loud ping!):eusa_whistle:
How to identify Professional debunkers, Straw men, and shills, concerning 9/11.

There are individuals on this and other forums who get paid from certain entities to debunk and refute so called conspiracy theorist posting about the 9/11 attacks.

There are some groups and one in particular that have already identified these men by name, location, and financial transaction records.

I am not here to disclose this information, but I can submit to you an article written that will allow you to be able to identify these men for yourself.

Read the following piece than asked yourself who on this forum does the exact things mentioned in this article.

Debunking The Debunkers

Men who accept money to help prevent the real truth form coming out have sold out their country, and have dissolved any right to American citizenship in my opinion.

Go ahead and name names stash. Better still go into your stash for inspiration and give us some more information about your coverup conspiracy theory.

What's the point? It seems you have all outed yourselves. Now everyone knows.


Hi, you have received -7 reputation points from Stashman.
Reputation was given for this post.

You are a traitor to your country and should go to Russia



-7 points. :lol:

Oh dear, I shall sorely miss them. That knocks me down to 707,544 points.

At that rate, I'll catch up to Christophera in about 10 years. :lol:
Could someone please inform me who I should contact about my wages for the past 10 years? It seems they have been neglecting to send me a check...........


And you folks really want to be taken seriously?

No they don't;

These pathetic morons only want the attention on the Internet that nobody will give them in real life.
Well, that's certainly convenient, isn't it? If someone disagrees with you, you just claim that they're being paid to, so you can dismiss everything they say without having to look at the facts they present.

And everyone who disagrees with 911 nut job is a paid shrill. Ask him he'll tell you.....
Well, I guess somebody owes me a hell of a lot o' money!
Guys... guys, we haven't seen the money because of the national debt we created at the behest of our reptilian overlords, remember?
Guys... guys, we haven't seen the money because of the national debt we created at the behest of our reptilian overlords, remember?

What, What, What??? Is that what they're telling you?

They told me I wasn't getting paid because all the money was going towards finding a way to use HAARP to kill baby seals.

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