How to Know When It's an Election Year

3,000 restaurants died, and all their employees lost their jobs due to Whitmer's mandates in Michigan
And how many more deaths and hospitalizations would have occurred had all of these restaurants been open without masks, keeping a social distance working, drinking and eating?

One, one thousand, tens of thousands? How much?
And how many more deaths and hospitalizations would have occurred had all of these restaurants been open without masks, keeping a social distance working, drinking and eating?

One, one thousand, tens of thousands? How much?
Compare the strict mandate leftist states with the free states. Leftist solutions only destroyed economies
And Anarchy is good? I'm really confused,
My point is that all government is evil because government only seeks to grow itself.

Every form of government follows the exact same cycle.

Governments require very specific instructions outlining duties, responsibilities, assignment, and compartmentalization...etc.

e.g. A constitution

Which we have...which worked fairly decently for the first 100 or so years.

However, over a period of 200+ years of changes (economic, social, cultural), and judicial rulings, and civil upheaval...etc.

What exists a shell...a shadow of the initial intention, outline, form of what was presented, and agreed upon...200+ years ago.

To pretend that what 'this' any way close to what was intended or agreed upon two centuries ago is asinine...and evil.

Evil because we are ever more perpetrating a lie.

Our founders knew this very well...why?

Because these cycles are nothing new...they happen to every society given enough time.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Now, this can be done peacefully, or it can't.

Most of the time not, but we are getting past due.

What that will be, I don't know.

I don't care...because all governments only seek to grow themselves...wash rinse repeat.
It wasn't just democrats that did it but you know that.
Peer pressure in politics got us to where we are. We do not have the guts to admit we need to move to the right now. We cannot agree to even build a fire break being a neutral common sense stop to the leftward movement. And this is the Republicans who are walked all over by Progs. And a percentage of the Progs know it would be right also.
There are rules here that state that to start a topic in Politics you have to be able to actually create a discussion. Sadly many are not able to do that.

Then they whine when it gets closed or moved.

Why even try to change the subject?
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Don't forget the tens of thousands she murdered in Michigan nursing homes

Link because Komrad can't use Google

Who wanted to undercount Covid deaths? That would be the skeptics and anti-vaxxers. Quit trying to gaslight the public by flogging us with your delusions.

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