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How To Negotiate With Terrorists: Figure Out Clearly What It Is They Want

Should we:

  • Ask the terrorists now what it is they want and go from there.

  • Wait awhile and have to ask them later what it is they want and go from there.

  • Never ask them what they want and live in perpetual fear.

  • Just dive head first into WWIII, even though they're everywhere now and no concentrated target.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Trump is the great negotiator. He'll negotiate a great deal with them.

Didn't your beloved Obama already do that? He's a Nobel Peace prize winner adored high and wide from one end of the earth to the other. He had eight years. Surely a solution is nigh
..many similarities between Islam and Christianity. It is only radical Islam that calls for Jihad and the killing of all no-believers (in Islam).

I believe Jihad is an extreme reaction to extremes that were already in place & escalating in the West. The West has gone into hyperdrive normalizing and then peddling just pure human depravity. That's why I was thinking of nicknaming this thread the "Caitlyn Jenner phenomenon" or words to that effect. All Isis would need in their recruiting office is a poster of Caitlyn Jenner and would-be radicals would be signing up with a line out the door and around the block to blow themselves up to keep that crap from being eventually taught to their kids as "normal"...

..Can you REALLY profess to not understand where they are coming from? Can any of us?
I did not profess to not understand where they are coming from. I know where they are coming from. I told you where they are coming from. I think your thread concerning how to negotiate with them is wasted broadband. In short, you remind me of a Christmas turkey.
..many similarities between Islam and Christianity. It is only radical Islam that calls for Jihad and the killing of all no-believers (in Islam).

I believe Jihad is an extreme reaction to extremes that were already in place & escalating in the West. The West has gone into hyperdrive normalizing and then peddling just pure human depravity. That's why I was thinking of nicknaming this thread the "Caitlyn Jenner phenomenon" or words to that effect. All Isis would need in their recruiting office is a poster of Caitlyn Jenner and would-be radicals would be signing up with a line out the door and around the block to blow themselves up to keep that crap from being eventually taught to their kids as "normal"...

..Can you REALLY profess to not understand where they are coming from? Can any of us?
Jihad is called for in the Quran....which is almost 1400 years old!

Get with the program and stop being naive.
Back and forth go the extremes. Let's start by asking the extremist muslims to line out what it is they're after, in details..

So, let's, for example, say the terrorists sat down with your dumb ass, and they agreed to NOT kill you if you convert (IF you are a Christian). Would you deny Christ and convert? Because, that's what they want, for the thirty- thousandth time. That's ALL they want.

Tiny Hands would tell you that the art of the deal is to start out asking for way more than you're willing to settle for in the end. That way, when the other side "shaves you down" and meets you in the middle, you actually got what you were after in the first place. Short book really "The Art of the Deal". Could've written it all in one page.

Anyway, yes, Islamic extremists would ask all of us to convert and denounce. That of course wouldn't be up for bargaining away. But other things could be. Like our pumping smut through the airwaves all over the world, or just our depraved laws being revised. We could withdraw from encroachment on ME oil and sovereign lands.

You could still be a Christian as you withdrew depraved legislation and created new FCC rules for depravity broadcasts, and while you were withdrawing Blackwater's toehold in the ME. That would be "the art of the deal". But we can't start haggling with them if we don't invite them to the table.

Besides, if you read my posts you'll notice that part of the invitation to the table includes their briefing themselves on their specific demands. My requirement would be they read the Koran from cover to cover twice before they came to the table. In the end it would become clear to all men that no matter who their messiah is, be it Jesus or Muhammad or Buddha etc., these messiahs are but messengers all of the same Message.

Jesus reminded us not to worship him, but "My Father in Heaven" instead. Muhammad was so adamant about this identical message that he forbade even the depiction of his earthly form so as to not distract from what was actually important. Both men were admitting they were just men, albeit very enlightened ones and clearer conduits for "God" "Allah" which are the same thing. In fact wasn't Jesus' message supposed to be that even if you're a man like him, you can rise above that and become godly (with a small "g")? I'm pretty sure that was Jesus' one-page "Art of the Deal" if you had to condense the Bible down to just one page.

I'm not sure what Muhammad said about people hanging on his every word as if he himself was Allah. But given that he insisted people not depict him in the flesh, one has to wonder if that wasn't the same as him saying "look, there may be some things I represent that aren't 100% godly, so look to Allah instead. I'm an empty shell, a messenger, a flawed being like all of you who is telling you there's another way". Like I said, I don't know. I haven't studied the Koran enough to know if Muhammad fancied himself an infallible god or a flawed being like the rest of us?

Well, it's Easter so there's my Easter sermon...lol..

Revelation 19:10
At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

If I had to create a unifying world religion or at least one that bound Islam to Christianity, I would substitute the word "Jesus" with the word "your divine prophet" or "your messiah". See how they're the same message? I think, this is why Muhammad insisted on not being depicted in the flesh. Revelation 19:10 could just as easily be a statement from Muhammad. The Law of Prophets (any of them, take your pick, because there have been many) is "Never substitute yourself or your words between God/Allah and the men and women you're addressing".

In fact I believe that, if memory serves, Muhammad came along later to correct the issue of people worshiping Jesus "as God" (capital G). Then in utter irony, the Islamic extremists have worshiped Muhammad instead of Allah by hanging on the words (just some, the ones that suit their current agenda but not all) of the messenger instead of their deeper meaning. It is nearly one and the same as the Islamic extremists drawing pictures of their human interpretation of what their Prophet looked like. I'm pretty sure one of the commandments filtered through Muhammad was not "pick and choose what you want to hear from my message and ignore the rest as you like".

But then again they've justified jihad because of the extremes in pre-existence in the West. So this is why we need to get them to the negotiating table. We all need to stop, take stock of where we have gone wrong, and make adjustments...which will require sacrifices on both sides of the table.

I personally think that they could give up their addiction to power via terrorizing and bombing if we gave up our addiction to controlling their oil and influencing their children to depravity. That would be one great deal for everyone I'd think. Nobody has to renounce Allah. Nobody has to renounce Christianity because really they're one and the same thing. Seems the devil has gotten into both sublime messages. Figures. That asshole is always getting up to that.. He is always pitting men's weaknesses and addictions against each other by turning weakness into "a new religion" and then declaring "Jihad!" on other new religions based on weaknesses. This is why at the negotiating table we could discuss our common strengths which at their base is a basic morality and regard for a Sublime message greater than our fleshy addictions.
I see that you are not a student of history. Muhammad's command to kill all infidels (those that do not practice Islam and it's rules of life) came into being before June 8, 0632, the day Muhammad died. That was over 1380 YEARS AGO. One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty YEARS AGO.

The "West" as we know it today did not exist. The Crusades (there have been 9 of them) occurred between 1096 and 1272...still, there was no "West" as we know it. All of the Crusades were in response to MUSLIM persecution and killing of Christians for no reason other than Muhammad having told them in the Quran that it was the right thing to do.

The problem continues today, STILL BASED upon Muhammad's idiotic dogma.

I think that by way of modern communications and worldwide knowledge of lifestyles in other countries, millions of Muslims have "seen the light" and now disregard the evil command to kill others in the name of religion. It is the radical Muslims that hold onto every word of the Quran (just as some Christians use Old Testament text to justify hatred instead of the love that Jesus taught in the New Testament)

What the Quran needs is a "New Testament". Just strike out all of the commands to kill others (there are many) and you've got a good start. Take out the parts where the men own the women and you've got another improvement. Do away with Sharia Law and you might be getting close to a peaceful Muslim religion.

I'm going to paraphrase here (because I'm not near a Bible at the moment) but, before Jesus ascended into heaven he said, I go now to the Father. There will be no more prophets until I make my return to earth.

Muhammad came along AFTER Jesus. So, to Christians, Muhammed is a heretic, just as any other "religion" that claims a "modern day" prophet.
And Jesus was a heretic according to the Jews.
Jihad is called for in the Quran....which is almost 1400 years old!
Get with the program and stop being naive.

Well would jihad be called for if the situation wasn't dire in the first place? I'm sure they justify jihad because of things like gay marriage, drugging kids to have their genitals hacked off and Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner...not to mention our invasion of their sovereign region to steal the oil trade there. It would be like them coming here and carpet bombing us so they could steal the corn production in the MIdwest, occupying us to keep stealing it, and then acting outraged when our farmers sons, driven to exasperation, began strapping suicide bombs on and taking one for the team to drive them out of where they would not belong.

Just flip the situation.

This is why inviting them to the bargaining table would not only be good for them, it would be good for us. We need to take a good long look at why hatred of us has grown to such extremes. We're not innocent little angels in this regard; and EVERYBODY knows it..
See, people don't want to talk about the chicken and the egg thing. They just don't. If that topic comes up, everyone has to admit that we were the assholes first while they were just minding their business. My favorite reference to this was another poster telling me "that's getting down in the weeds isn't it?". YES! Yes it is. How else do you solve a tangled problem but to get to the root of it and untangle it?

If we were willing to loosen our grip on their sovereign oil, trade fairly for it, and/or quit pumping our depraved culture into the airwaves, or curb it here at home; never promoting it as "normal" in any venue, then they might be willing to talk. Until then all I see is escalation. And so do you too reader, if you are honest at all..

It is a terrible thing to admit and almost seems like one is sympathetic with the jihadists. But as horrible as their actions are, you can't deny where they come from. You just can't. So perversity and extremes begets perversity and extremes. Is any surprised by this?
Jihad is called for in the Quran....which is almost 1400 years old!
Get with the program and stop being naive.

Well would jihad be called for if the situation wasn't dire in the first place? I'm sure they justify jihad because of things like gay marriage, drugging kids to have their genitals hacked off and Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner...not to mention our invasion of their sovereign region to steal the oil trade there. It would be like them coming here and carpet bombing us so they could steal the corn production in the MIdwest, occupying us to keep stealing it, and then acting outraged when our farmers sons, driven to exasperation, began strapping suicide bombs on and taking one for the team to drive them out of where they would not belong.

Just flip the situation.

This is why inviting them to the bargaining table would not only be good for them, it would be good for us. We need to take a good long look at why hatred of us has grown to such extremes. We're not innocent little angels in this regard; and EVERYBODY knows it..

Listen to the testimony that was before the 09/11 Commission

Back and forth go the extremes. Let's start by asking the extremist muslims to line out what it is they're after, in details..

So, let's, for example, say the terrorists sat down with your dumb ass, and they agreed to NOT kill you if you convert (IF you are a Christian). Would you deny Christ and convert? Because, that's what they want, for the thirty- thousandth time. That's ALL they want.

Tiny Hands would tell you that the art of the deal is to start out asking for way more than you're willing to settle for in the end. That way, when the other side "shaves you down" and meets you in the middle, you actually got what you were after in the first place. Short book really "The Art of the Deal". Could've written it all in one page.

Anyway, yes, Islamic extremists would ask all of us to convert and denounce. That of course wouldn't be up for bargaining away. But other things could be. Like our pumping smut through the airwaves all over the world, or just our depraved laws being revised. We could withdraw from encroachment on ME oil and sovereign lands.

You could still be a Christian as you withdrew depraved legislation and created new FCC rules for depravity broadcasts, and while you were withdrawing Blackwater's toehold in the ME. That would be "the art of the deal". But we can't start haggling with them if we don't invite them to the table.

Besides, if you read my posts you'll notice that part of the invitation to the table includes their briefing themselves on their specific demands. My requirement would be they read the Koran from cover to cover twice before they came to the table. In the end it would become clear to all men that no matter who their messiah is, be it Jesus or Muhammad or Buddha etc., these messiahs are but messengers all of the same Message.

Jesus reminded us not to worship him, but "My Father in Heaven" instead. Muhammad was so adamant about this identical message that he forbade even the depiction of his earthly form so as to not distract from what was actually important. Both men were admitting they were just men, albeit very enlightened ones and clearer conduits for "God" "Allah" which are the same thing. In fact wasn't Jesus' message supposed to be that even if you're a man like him, you can rise above that and become godly (with a small "g")? I'm pretty sure that was Jesus' one-page "Art of the Deal" if you had to condense the Bible down to just one page.

I'm not sure what Muhammad said about people hanging on his every word as if he himself was Allah. But given that he insisted people not depict him in the flesh, one has to wonder if that wasn't the same as him saying "look, there may be some things I represent that aren't 100% godly, so look to Allah instead. I'm an empty shell, a messenger, a flawed being like all of you who is telling you there's another way". Like I said, I don't know. I haven't studied the Koran enough to know if Muhammad fancied himself an infallible god or a flawed being like the rest of us?

Well, it's Easter so there's my Easter sermon...lol..

Revelation 19:10
At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

If I had to create a unifying world religion or at least one that bound Islam to Christianity, I would substitute the word "Jesus" with the word "your divine prophet" or "your messiah". See how they're the same message? I think, this is why Muhammad insisted on not being depicted in the flesh. Revelation 19:10 could just as easily be a statement from Muhammad. The Law of Prophets (any of them, take your pick, because there have been many) is "Never substitute yourself or your words between God/Allah and the men and women you're addressing".

In fact I believe that, if memory serves, Muhammad came along later to correct the issue of people worshiping Jesus "as God" (capital G). Then in utter irony, the Islamic extremists have worshiped Muhammad instead of Allah by hanging on the words (just some, the ones that suit their current agenda but not all) of the messenger instead of their deeper meaning. It is nearly one and the same as the Islamic extremists drawing pictures of their human interpretation of what their Prophet looked like. I'm pretty sure one of the commandments filtered through Muhammad was not "pick and choose what you want to hear from my message and ignore the rest as you like".

But then again they've justified jihad because of the extremes in pre-existence in the West. So this is why we need to get them to the negotiating table. We all need to stop, take stock of where we have gone wrong, and make adjustments...which will require sacrifices on both sides of the table.

I personally think that they could give up their addiction to power via terrorizing and bombing if we gave up our addiction to controlling their oil and influencing their children to depravity. That would be one great deal for everyone I'd think. Nobody has to renounce Allah. Nobody has to renounce Christianity because really they're one and the same thing. Seems the devil has gotten into both sublime messages. Figures. That asshole is always getting up to that.. He is always pitting men's weaknesses and addictions against each other by turning weakness into "a new religion" and then declaring "Jihad!" on other new religions based on weaknesses. This is why at the negotiating table we could discuss our common strengths which at their base is a basic morality and regard for a Sublime message greater than our fleshy addictions.
I see that you are not a student of history. Muhammad's command to kill all infidels (those that do not practice Islam and it's rules of life) came into being before June 8, 0632, the day Muhammad died. That was over 1380 YEARS AGO. One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty YEARS AGO.

The "West" as we know it today did not exist. The Crusades (there have been 9 of them) occurred between 1096 and 1272...still, there was no "West" as we know it. All of the Crusades were in response to MUSLIM persecution and killing of Christians for no reason other than Muhammad having told them in the Quran that it was the right thing to do.

The problem continues today, STILL BASED upon Muhammad's idiotic dogma.

I think that by way of modern communications and worldwide knowledge of lifestyles in other countries, millions of Muslims have "seen the light" and now disregard the evil command to kill others in the name of religion. It is the radical Muslims that hold onto every word of the Quran (just as some Christians use Old Testament text to justify hatred instead of the love that Jesus taught in the New Testament)

What the Quran needs is a "New Testament". Just strike out all of the commands to kill others (there are many) and you've got a good start. Take out the parts where the men own the women and you've got another improvement. Do away with Sharia Law and you might be getting close to a peaceful Muslim religion.

I'm going to paraphrase here (because I'm not near a Bible at the moment) but, before Jesus ascended into heaven he said, I go now to the Father. There will be no more prophets until I make my return to earth.

Muhammad came along AFTER Jesus. So, to Christians, Muhammed is a heretic, just as any other "religion" that claims a "modern day" prophet.
And Jesus was a heretic according to the Jews.

And your point is?
So, let's, for example, say the terrorists sat down with your dumb ass, and they agreed to NOT kill you if you convert (IF you are a Christian). Would you deny Christ and convert? Because, that's what they want, for the thirty- thousandth time. That's ALL they want.

Tiny Hands would tell you that the art of the deal is to start out asking for way more than you're willing to settle for in the end. That way, when the other side "shaves you down" and meets you in the middle, you actually got what you were after in the first place. Short book really "The Art of the Deal". Could've written it all in one page.

Anyway, yes, Islamic extremists would ask all of us to convert and denounce. That of course wouldn't be up for bargaining away. But other things could be. Like our pumping smut through the airwaves all over the world, or just our depraved laws being revised. We could withdraw from encroachment on ME oil and sovereign lands.

You could still be a Christian as you withdrew depraved legislation and created new FCC rules for depravity broadcasts, and while you were withdrawing Blackwater's toehold in the ME. That would be "the art of the deal". But we can't start haggling with them if we don't invite them to the table.

Besides, if you read my posts you'll notice that part of the invitation to the table includes their briefing themselves on their specific demands. My requirement would be they read the Koran from cover to cover twice before they came to the table. In the end it would become clear to all men that no matter who their messiah is, be it Jesus or Muhammad or Buddha etc., these messiahs are but messengers all of the same Message.

Jesus reminded us not to worship him, but "My Father in Heaven" instead. Muhammad was so adamant about this identical message that he forbade even the depiction of his earthly form so as to not distract from what was actually important. Both men were admitting they were just men, albeit very enlightened ones and clearer conduits for "God" "Allah" which are the same thing. In fact wasn't Jesus' message supposed to be that even if you're a man like him, you can rise above that and become godly (with a small "g")? I'm pretty sure that was Jesus' one-page "Art of the Deal" if you had to condense the Bible down to just one page.

I'm not sure what Muhammad said about people hanging on his every word as if he himself was Allah. But given that he insisted people not depict him in the flesh, one has to wonder if that wasn't the same as him saying "look, there may be some things I represent that aren't 100% godly, so look to Allah instead. I'm an empty shell, a messenger, a flawed being like all of you who is telling you there's another way". Like I said, I don't know. I haven't studied the Koran enough to know if Muhammad fancied himself an infallible god or a flawed being like the rest of us?

Well, it's Easter so there's my Easter sermon...lol..

Revelation 19:10
At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

If I had to create a unifying world religion or at least one that bound Islam to Christianity, I would substitute the word "Jesus" with the word "your divine prophet" or "your messiah". See how they're the same message? I think, this is why Muhammad insisted on not being depicted in the flesh. Revelation 19:10 could just as easily be a statement from Muhammad. The Law of Prophets (any of them, take your pick, because there have been many) is "Never substitute yourself or your words between God/Allah and the men and women you're addressing".

In fact I believe that, if memory serves, Muhammad came along later to correct the issue of people worshiping Jesus "as God" (capital G). Then in utter irony, the Islamic extremists have worshiped Muhammad instead of Allah by hanging on the words (just some, the ones that suit their current agenda but not all) of the messenger instead of their deeper meaning. It is nearly one and the same as the Islamic extremists drawing pictures of their human interpretation of what their Prophet looked like. I'm pretty sure one of the commandments filtered through Muhammad was not "pick and choose what you want to hear from my message and ignore the rest as you like".

But then again they've justified jihad because of the extremes in pre-existence in the West. So this is why we need to get them to the negotiating table. We all need to stop, take stock of where we have gone wrong, and make adjustments...which will require sacrifices on both sides of the table.

I personally think that they could give up their addiction to power via terrorizing and bombing if we gave up our addiction to controlling their oil and influencing their children to depravity. That would be one great deal for everyone I'd think. Nobody has to renounce Allah. Nobody has to renounce Christianity because really they're one and the same thing. Seems the devil has gotten into both sublime messages. Figures. That asshole is always getting up to that.. He is always pitting men's weaknesses and addictions against each other by turning weakness into "a new religion" and then declaring "Jihad!" on other new religions based on weaknesses. This is why at the negotiating table we could discuss our common strengths which at their base is a basic morality and regard for a Sublime message greater than our fleshy addictions.
I see that you are not a student of history. Muhammad's command to kill all infidels (those that do not practice Islam and it's rules of life) came into being before June 8, 0632, the day Muhammad died. That was over 1380 YEARS AGO. One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty YEARS AGO.

The "West" as we know it today did not exist. The Crusades (there have been 9 of them) occurred between 1096 and 1272...still, there was no "West" as we know it. All of the Crusades were in response to MUSLIM persecution and killing of Christians for no reason other than Muhammad having told them in the Quran that it was the right thing to do.

The problem continues today, STILL BASED upon Muhammad's idiotic dogma.

I think that by way of modern communications and worldwide knowledge of lifestyles in other countries, millions of Muslims have "seen the light" and now disregard the evil command to kill others in the name of religion. It is the radical Muslims that hold onto every word of the Quran (just as some Christians use Old Testament text to justify hatred instead of the love that Jesus taught in the New Testament)

What the Quran needs is a "New Testament". Just strike out all of the commands to kill others (there are many) and you've got a good start. Take out the parts where the men own the women and you've got another improvement. Do away with Sharia Law and you might be getting close to a peaceful Muslim religion.

I'm going to paraphrase here (because I'm not near a Bible at the moment) but, before Jesus ascended into heaven he said, I go now to the Father. There will be no more prophets until I make my return to earth.

Muhammad came along AFTER Jesus. So, to Christians, Muhammed is a heretic, just as any other "religion" that claims a "modern day" prophet.
And Jesus was a heretic according to the Jews.

And your point is?
And I would think Joseph Smith was a heretic too but look at how many bible belt States voted for Romney.

Apparently religions are OK with other religions because at least they stick with the main lie that God exists. They don't argue about all the contradictions.

If a con man walks into a room and sees another con man working the room he doesn't tell everyone in the room that the other man is a con man because then that man might tell on him as well
I'm not going to disrespect anyone's "religion" - I wan't brought up that way. However, when a "religion" urges its' followers to "kill in the name of the religion" - it's time to call it what it is - a false religion.

And yes - Jesus told his disciples that - "There would not be another prophet after he ascended unto the Father" - therefore, religions like Mormonism is in direct conflict to the teachings of Jesus Christ. I didn't write it - the disciples did. Those who have a problem with that - take it up with them.
And I would think Joseph Smith was a heretic too but look at how many bible belt States voted for Romney.

Apparently religions are OK with other religions because at least they stick with the main lie that God exists. They don't argue about all the contradictions.

If a con man walks into a room and sees another con man working the room he doesn't tell everyone in the room that the other man is a con man because then that man might tell on him as well
Atheists won't have the solution to a theological problem.

Your godless cults (who have dogma and practice bloodless...for now..but still devastating..inquisitions against any resistance) are going to cause the situation to keep escalating. We would make huge strides to elect Kasich and restore a morality to the basic fiber of this nation. You can practice your religion of self somewhere else. You too have a god and it's the person you see in the mirror. You are equally as devoted to that god as any Christian or Muslim is to the Supreme Being larger than themselves. That's the spiritual issue exacerbating the situation. Worshiping the self as a god leads to justifying any depravity under the sun. You've monopolized the media to dispense your bizarre and escalating dogma. I contend you all don't even know where your cult is headed in the "limits" of its depravity and selfishness..

The economic issue of course is our pushy behavior with OTHER PEOPLE'S oil. If we could nail those two things down in our culture, I guarantee you the jihadists would come to the table and start talking about a treaty. We need to stop worshiping ourselves and money. Then maybe they will stop being so fearful (resorting to extreme violence) of us obliterating their culture and their sovereign resources..
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Yeah Yeah I know. "We don't negotiate with terrorists". So to you I say, "Get back to me when you're exhausted playing whack-a-mole"..

Meanwhile in the real world, some of us are wondering what exactly it is these young men blowing themselves up actually want. I mean has anyone ever sat down with any of them and said "what exactly are your demands?"

Just putting it out there. Usually when people blow themselves up, they're upset about something. Say we ask them "what are you upset about?" Maybe interview one with his voice changed or just with a shroud blocking his face. "What are your demands?"

Would it really hurt to ask? Would it really hurt to listen? What's more painful, all these insane acts of violence or just setting national pride aside and saying "OK, you've got our attention". I mean it's obvious they have our attention. That cat has already been out of the bag for some time. So might as well acknowledge it.

I suspect if they could enunciate their demands and desires in a list or something, it would 1. Better help them understand what they are for (or against) and 2. Get them to focus on specific goals instead of just random and fruitless acts of violence just for violence's sake. 3. Once they are focused, they could appoint leadership to issue demands and perhaps the UN could grant them an audience? Perhaps draw up a treaty?

Anyone who is familiar with "The Godfather" understands that what's going on isn't all that different from mob wars. You can hold out and act proud for only so long but when the horse's head winds up in your bed, you have to wake up and realize a truce might be the best way to go.

I know I'm going to get tons and tons of criticism for this idea but frankly I don't give a crap. You know how I am.

Should we have negotiated withe the Nazis?
And I would think Joseph Smith was a heretic too but look at how many bible belt States voted for Romney.

Apparently religions are OK with other religions because at least they stick with the main lie that God exists. They don't argue about all the contradictions.

If a con man walks into a room and sees another con man working the room he doesn't tell everyone in the room that the other man is a con man because then that man might tell on him as well
Atheists won't have the solution to a theological problem.

Your godless cults (who have dogma and practice bloodless...for now..but still devastating..inquisitions against any resistance) are going to cause the situation to keep escalating. We would make huge strides to elect Kasich and restore a morality to the basic fiber of this nation. You can practice your religion of self somewhere else. You too have a god and it's the person you see in the mirror. You are equally as devoted to that god as any Christian or Muslim is to the Supreme Being larger than themselves. That's the spiritual issue exacerbating the situation. Worshiping the self as a god leads to justifying any depravity under the sun. You've monopolized the media to dispense your bizarre and escalating dogma. I contend you all don't even know where your cult is headed in the "limits" of its depravity and selfishness..

The economic issue of course is our pushy behavior with OTHER PEOPLE'S oil. If we could nail those two things down in our culture, I guarantee you the jihadists would come to the table and start talking about a treaty. We need to stop worshiping ourselves and money. Then maybe they will stop being so fearful (resorting to extreme violence) of us obliterating their culture and their sovereign resources..
1. I have no God but yes I am the most important person to me. Then my fellow citizens friends and family. Self preservation.

2. I agree Republican free market capitalism and Christianity don't jive. Jesus said feed the poor and heal the sick.

3. Pretty soon a smart athiest will be president, if one already hasn't. Soon 50% of Americans won't go to church. That's not a problem unless you're a church
And I would think Joseph Smith was a heretic too but look at how many bible belt States voted for Romney.

Apparently religions are OK with other religions because at least they stick with the main lie that God exists. They don't argue about all the contradictions.

If a con man walks into a room and sees another con man working the room he doesn't tell everyone in the room that the other man is a con man because then that man might tell on him as well
Atheists won't have the solution to a theological problem.

Your godless cults (who have dogma and practice bloodless...for now..but still devastating..inquisitions against any resistance) are going to cause the situation to keep escalating. We would make huge strides to elect Kasich and restore a morality to the basic fiber of this nation. You can practice your religion of self somewhere else. You too have a god and it's the person you see in the mirror. You are equally as devoted to that god as any Christian or Muslim is to the Supreme Being larger than themselves. That's the spiritual issue exacerbating the situation. Worshiping the self as a god leads to justifying any depravity under the sun. You've monopolized the media to dispense your bizarre and escalating dogma. I contend you all don't even know where your cult is headed in the "limits" of its depravity and selfishness..

The economic issue of course is our pushy behavior with OTHER PEOPLE'S oil. If we could nail those two things down in our culture, I guarantee you the jihadists would come to the table and start talking about a treaty. We need to stop worshiping ourselves and money. Then maybe they will stop being so fearful (resorting to extreme violence) of us obliterating their culture and their sovereign resources..
1. I have no God but yes I am the most important person to me. Then my fellow citizens friends and family. Self preservation.

2. I agree Republican free market capitalism and Christianity don't jive. Jesus said feed the poor and heal the sick.

3. Pretty soon a smart athiest will be president, if one already hasn't. Soon 50% of Americans won't go to church. That's not a problem unless you're a church

1. I (personally) cannot imagine a life without God. I am the least important person in my world. God comes first, my family second and me - a very distant third.

2. You can't "feed the poor" unless you are the United States of America. We (as a country) have fed more "poor" than the next 20-25 countries combined. And what have we gotten for our trouble? Death and destruction. We have pioneered more medical breakthroughs than any other country on the planet.

3. We, most likely, already have had an atheist in the office. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. We are probably close to the 50% mark now in Church attendance. This country has lost its' moral compass in favor of every perversion on the planet. "You reap what you sow" is as true now as it has always been.
And I would think Joseph Smith was a heretic too but look at how many bible belt States voted for Romney.

Apparently religions are OK with other religions because at least they stick with the main lie that God exists. They don't argue about all the contradictions.

If a con man walks into a room and sees another con man working the room he doesn't tell everyone in the room that the other man is a con man because then that man might tell on him as well
Atheists won't have the solution to a theological problem.

Your godless cults (who have dogma and practice bloodless...for now..but still devastating..inquisitions against any resistance) are going to cause the situation to keep escalating. We would make huge strides to elect Kasich and restore a morality to the basic fiber of this nation. You can practice your religion of self somewhere else. You too have a god and it's the person you see in the mirror. You are equally as devoted to that god as any Christian or Muslim is to the Supreme Being larger than themselves. That's the spiritual issue exacerbating the situation. Worshiping the self as a god leads to justifying any depravity under the sun. You've monopolized the media to dispense your bizarre and escalating dogma. I contend you all don't even know where your cult is headed in the "limits" of its depravity and selfishness..

The economic issue of course is our pushy behavior with OTHER PEOPLE'S oil. If we could nail those two things down in our culture, I guarantee you the jihadists would come to the table and start talking about a treaty. We need to stop worshiping ourselves and money. Then maybe they will stop being so fearful (resorting to extreme violence) of us obliterating their culture and their sovereign resources..
1. I have no God but yes I am the most important person to me. Then my fellow citizens friends and family. Self preservation.

2. I agree Republican free market capitalism and Christianity don't jive. Jesus said feed the poor and heal the sick.

3. Pretty soon a smart athiest will be president, if one already hasn't. Soon 50% of Americans won't go to church. That's not a problem unless you're a church

we'll keep god you can rot in hell
And I would think Joseph Smith was a heretic too but look at how many bible belt States voted for Romney.

Apparently religions are OK with other religions because at least they stick with the main lie that God exists. They don't argue about all the contradictions.

If a con man walks into a room and sees another con man working the room he doesn't tell everyone in the room that the other man is a con man because then that man might tell on him as well
Atheists won't have the solution to a theological problem.

Your godless cults (who have dogma and practice bloodless...for now..but still devastating..inquisitions against any resistance) are going to cause the situation to keep escalating. We would make huge strides to elect Kasich and restore a morality to the basic fiber of this nation. You can practice your religion of self somewhere else. You too have a god and it's the person you see in the mirror. You are equally as devoted to that god as any Christian or Muslim is to the Supreme Being larger than themselves. That's the spiritual issue exacerbating the situation. Worshiping the self as a god leads to justifying any depravity under the sun. You've monopolized the media to dispense your bizarre and escalating dogma. I contend you all don't even know where your cult is headed in the "limits" of its depravity and selfishness..

The economic issue of course is our pushy behavior with OTHER PEOPLE'S oil. If we could nail those two things down in our culture, I guarantee you the jihadists would come to the table and start talking about a treaty. We need to stop worshiping ourselves and money. Then maybe they will stop being so fearful (resorting to extreme violence) of us obliterating their culture and their sovereign resources..
1. I have no God but yes I am the most important person to me. Then my fellow citizens friends and family. Self preservation.

2. I agree Republican free market capitalism and Christianity don't jive. Jesus said feed the poor and heal the sick.

3. Pretty soon a smart athiest will be president, if one already hasn't. Soon 50% of Americans won't go to church. That's not a problem unless you're a church

we'll keep god you can rot in hell
You keep God there is no heaven or hell.

There is nothing common sense about you believing that if you don't believe you'll burn in hell bullshit. I laugh when a fool utters those foolish silly words. You must be a simple man.
And I would think Joseph Smith was a heretic too but look at how many bible belt States voted for Romney.

Apparently religions are OK with other religions because at least they stick with the main lie that God exists. They don't argue about all the contradictions.

If a con man walks into a room and sees another con man working the room he doesn't tell everyone in the room that the other man is a con man because then that man might tell on him as well
Atheists won't have the solution to a theological problem.

Your godless cults (who have dogma and practice bloodless...for now..but still devastating..inquisitions against any resistance) are going to cause the situation to keep escalating. We would make huge strides to elect Kasich and restore a morality to the basic fiber of this nation. You can practice your religion of self somewhere else. You too have a god and it's the person you see in the mirror. You are equally as devoted to that god as any Christian or Muslim is to the Supreme Being larger than themselves. That's the spiritual issue exacerbating the situation. Worshiping the self as a god leads to justifying any depravity under the sun. You've monopolized the media to dispense your bizarre and escalating dogma. I contend you all don't even know where your cult is headed in the "limits" of its depravity and selfishness..

The economic issue of course is our pushy behavior with OTHER PEOPLE'S oil. If we could nail those two things down in our culture, I guarantee you the jihadists would come to the table and start talking about a treaty. We need to stop worshiping ourselves and money. Then maybe they will stop being so fearful (resorting to extreme violence) of us obliterating their culture and their sovereign resources..
1. I have no God but yes I am the most important person to me. Then my fellow citizens friends and family. Self preservation.

2. I agree Republican free market capitalism and Christianity don't jive. Jesus said feed the poor and heal the sick.

3. Pretty soon a smart athiest will be president, if one already hasn't. Soon 50% of Americans won't go to church. That's not a problem unless you're a church

1. I (personally) cannot imagine a life without God. I am the least important person in my world. God comes first, my family second and me - a very distant third.

2. You can't "feed the poor" unless you are the United States of America. We (as a country) have fed more "poor" than the next 20-25 countries combined. And what have we gotten for our trouble? Death and destruction. We have pioneered more medical breakthroughs than any other country on the planet.

3. We, most likely, already have had an atheist in the office. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. We are probably close to the 50% mark now in Church attendance. This country has lost its' moral compass in favor of every perversion on the planet. "You reap what you sow" is as true now as it has always been.
Why can't you imagine a life without God? Is the idea your lucky rabbit foot?

Are you so afraid that when you are dead it's all over? I'm not. I'm glad I was born and I lived.

I take that one thing back though about me being the most important. If you said kill me or my nephews ID say take me. Anyone else I'd say I'm the most important.

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