How Trump Can Win the Black Vote to Win the Election

I am sure that "Freewill" and "Ray from Cleveland" are immersed in Black culture and know all about "the Blacks"

Either that or they are Stereotyping like the KKK on steroids...Everyone knows the KKK believes in "Helping the Blacks"
KKK Leader Endorses Trump: 'What He Believes In, We Believe In'

And your fearless big-eared leader in the White House today was endorsed by the US Communist Party both elections. In fact, they have written praise pieces on his stance of firearms.

So what's your point?
W was 8 years of pain and suffering; ask Iraq war veterans
Who bought an end to nearly 4 decades of pain and suffering from Saddam. Ask the Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Iranians and Kurds.

boo hoo
You're right. They were almost all Muslims anyway.

No, they were just not Americans so my level of concern is diminished. See, I care about America and Americans. Unlike you. But hey, the world needs ditch diggers too…so you will server a purpose.
Go to the ghetto sometime and talk with blacks. Listen to what their car radios are tuned into; it certainly isn't a news or talk radio station.

You chill a lot with the Bro s Bro ? are a jack ass know nothing dude who thinks your stereotype of Black folks is some sort of "
Pearl of Wisdom": just Fuck you moron ...,
Only the committed to Stupid believe that the GOP offers hope of anything other than more tax cuts for the wealthy and more cuts to Medicare and Social Security

Okay jack ass, tell us the last person that ripped off Medicare and what party he was from?

Tell us what the Republicans did the last time they addressed taxes: lowered them or raised them?

Who was it that helped drain the SS fund by lowering contributions form workers and employers alike?

Then you wonder why we refer to you and your ilk as the uninformed voters.
W was 8 years of pain and suffering; ask Iraq war veterans
Who bought an end to nearly 4 decades of pain and suffering from Saddam. Ask the Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Iranians and Kurds.

boo hoo
You're right. They were almost all Muslims anyway.

No, they were just not Americans so my level of concern is diminished. See, I care about America and Americans. Unlike you. But hey, the world needs ditch diggers too…so you will server a purpose.
So you agree with Trump then. America 1rst!

And come on, you don't give a rat's mass about the millions who Saddam slaughtered because they were dusky Muslims and not because they weren't Americans, and we know both know it.
W was 8 years of pain and suffering; ask Iraq war veterans
Who bought an end to nearly 4 decades of pain and suffering from Saddam. Ask the Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Iranians and Kurds.

boo hoo
You're right. They were almost all Muslims anyway.

No, they were just not Americans so my level of concern is diminished. See, I care about America and Americans. Unlike you. But hey, the world needs ditch diggers too…so you will server a purpose.
So you agree with Trump then. America 1rst!
Which Trump would that be?

The one that says he’s going to “Take ISIS’s oil” and spend blood and treasure in another unwindable war in the Middle east (which will be our 3rd in 25 years) or the one who says peace and prosperity is our goal. Or is it the Trump that will flip flop another 1/2 dozen times between now and November (more likely between now and lunch)?

Trump’s policies do not put America first. They are America go-it-alone which has been proven to be a losing strategy going back to the Spanish American War.

And come on, you don't give a rat's mass about the millions who Saddam slaughtered because they were dusky Muslims and not because they weren't Americans, and we know both know it.

Hey, you’re the Trump is your Messiah who wants to ban Muslims from the nation…you’re the one that doesn’t give 2 shits as is proven by your wanting to service his under carriage.

I need not explain my positions to you—by the way you got something on your upper lip there. But since I haven’t said so lately...

I think what happened to the people living (and still live) under dictators worldwide is unfortunate but it is not America’s fight; nothing in Iraq was worth one drop of American blood. Afghanistan had Al Queda training bases and that was a justified, necessary invasion that should have been over in 3 years without the great Iraqi Misadventure that Bushy lead us upon with cooked intel, lies, and manipulation.

Talk about grasping for straws.

Since you can't answer my question, I'll answer it for you: DumBama and the Democrats were the ones that ripped off Medicare to help fund Commie Care. And yes, Medicare and Medicaid have been targets for years for scammers. The programs get ripped of by the billions of dollars every year. So what was the Democrat solution? Start another government healthcare program.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results each time.
Who bought an end to nearly 4 decades of pain and suffering from Saddam. Ask the Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Iranians and Kurds.

boo hoo
You're right. They were almost all Muslims anyway.

No, they were just not Americans so my level of concern is diminished. See, I care about America and Americans. Unlike you. But hey, the world needs ditch diggers too…so you will server a purpose.
So you agree with Trump then. America 1rst!
Which Trump would that be?

The one that says he’s going to “Take ISIS’s oil” and spend blood and treasure in another unwindable war in the Middle east (which will be our 3rd in 25 years) or the one who says peace and prosperity is our goal. Or is it the Trump that will flip flop another 1/2 dozen times between now and November (more likely between now and lunch)?

Trump’s policies do not put America first. They are America go-it-alone which has been proven to be a losing strategy going back to the Spanish American War.

And come on, you don't give a rat's mass about the millions who Saddam slaughtered because they were dusky Muslims and not because they weren't Americans, and we know both know it.

Hey, you’re the Trump is your Messiah who wants to ban Muslims from the nation…you’re the one that doesn’t give 2 shits as is proven by your wanting to service his under carriage.

I need not explain my positions to you—by the way you got something on your upper lip there. But since I haven’t said so lately...

I think what happened to the people living (and still live) under dictators worldwide is unfortunate but it is not America’s fight; nothing in Iraq was worth one drop of American blood. Afghanistan had Al Queda training bases and that was a justified, necessary invasion that should have been over in 3 years without the great Iraqi Misadventure that Bushy lead us upon with cooked intel, lies, and manipulation.
I don't know why I'm asking a ditz, but didn't Trump come out against the Iraq War while the Beast voted for it?
It is time that the black vote wakes up to the disaster that 16 our of 24 years of democrat presidents has brought them.

Bring back jobs and putting people back to work is the answer. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton is just more of the same. I hope Trump wins and he brings so much work back to America his companies make millions.


Nevertheless, the auguries for Trump in this area are extremely good, certainly the best in recent years for a Republican, if he should choose to act upon them. And for the sake of all Americans, he should. In fact, he'd better.

The African-American community is in a miserable condition that has been getting worse for decades and has reached its nadir under Obama -- two-parent families disappearing, unemployment rates skyrocketing, incarceration rates catastrophic, drug addiction epidemic. We all look on in despair as gang members shoot children in the streets of Chicago and murders -- almost all black-on-black -- proliferate in Baltimore after years of decline.

What is to be done about all this? Hillary Clinton will certainly have plenty to say, but it will all be the same old disingenuous bilge. She can't be part of the solution because she -- like the Democratic Party she has served loyally for almost her entire life -- is part of the problem. For reasons of moral narcissism and political expediency, beginning with the Great Society that party has set up a system in black communities that has trapped African-Americans into a non-stop cycle of government dependency, turning them into what talk show host Larry Elder dubbed "victocrats," believers in perpetual victimhood, a self-fulfilling prophecy, if there ever was one. The #blacklivesmatter movement is only the most recent avatar.

Many black people -- just not the brilliant minds like Thomas Sowell and Elder -- know this. They are just constrained by the atmosphere in their communities, the evil influence and machinations of those like Reverend Al and Maxine Waters, against speaking up. Others have simply given up. It's hard to blame them. How do you break this cycle?

Excuse me brother .. but the OP completely ignores the relationship between the Republican Party and African-Americans. It ignores the fact that there is no respect to be found between the two of them. The OP is case in point of that .. which seems to believe that the only "brilliant" black minds are those who think like you.

Start from here .. Black people don't respect you any more then you respect us .. AND, it's not like we don't know WHY you're reaching out to black voters today. :0) It's not like we don't know the precarious political position republicans find themselves in today. The political position republicans find themselves in today is a glaring demonstration of your own mind-boggling ignorance. Your 'southern strategy' .. otherwise known as your racist strategy has led you to this moment. :0) NOW, you need us. NOW, you need us to help you fight off imaginary Mexicans. NOW, you need us to save you from your own ignorance. NOW the Republican Party has been so diminished that you no longer have the ability to elect a republican president anytime in the near future.

Start from here .. there were more democratic African-Americans in the US Congress in 1970 then republicans have had collectively since Reconstruction.


I'm not a democrat .. but tell me again about the evil of the Democratic Party. They believe we have a right to represent our own interests .. republicans do not.

Let's just drop all the pretense bullshit right-wing PC weak-kneed facade nonsense and have real conversation. You believe in white superiority. You believe in white superiority, and your driven purpose is to maintain white superiority above all else. Do any of you actually believe that's a secret?

Our answer to that bullshit is fuck that, fuck you. Let me give you the upside of immigration. It further diminishes the power and influence of those who believe in white superiority. Don't know about you, but my enemy is not Mexicans, it's not Muslims, it's not people looking for a better life. My enemies are people who believe in white superiority. They see people of color as criminals and thugs. According to Trump, "81% of whites murdered are murdered by black people." .. when in FACT, the exact opposite is true. 82% of whites killed by whites are killed by white people.

I could go on .. and on .. and on .. but the bottom line is that republicans don't speak for white people. I have no fear of white people, nor should anyone else. What should be rejected from this society is white superiority. America is an evolving nation .. evolving away the Republican Party. Many states in the south, home of Ungodly Hate, will soon become majority-minority states, further signaling the end of generations of ungodly hate.

To the believers of white supremacy, do yourself a favor and just abandon your 'outreach' to black people. Your time would be better served circling the wagons while the dynamic nature of life writes you as the shit-stain on this nation that you have always been. :0)
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You're right. They were almost all Muslims anyway.

No, they were just not Americans so my level of concern is diminished. See, I care about America and Americans. Unlike you. But hey, the world needs ditch diggers too…so you will server a purpose.
So you agree with Trump then. America 1rst!
Which Trump would that be?

The one that says he’s going to “Take ISIS’s oil” and spend blood and treasure in another unwindable war in the Middle east (which will be our 3rd in 25 years) or the one who says peace and prosperity is our goal. Or is it the Trump that will flip flop another 1/2 dozen times between now and November (more likely between now and lunch)?

Trump’s policies do not put America first. They are America go-it-alone which has been proven to be a losing strategy going back to the Spanish American War.

And come on, you don't give a rat's mass about the millions who Saddam slaughtered because they were dusky Muslims and not because they weren't Americans, and we know both know it.

Hey, you’re the Trump is your Messiah who wants to ban Muslims from the nation…you’re the one that doesn’t give 2 shits as is proven by your wanting to service his under carriage.

I need not explain my positions to you—by the way you got something on your upper lip there. But since I haven’t said so lately...

I think what happened to the people living (and still live) under dictators worldwide is unfortunate but it is not America’s fight; nothing in Iraq was worth one drop of American blood. Afghanistan had Al Queda training bases and that was a justified, necessary invasion that should have been over in 3 years without the great Iraqi Misadventure that Bushy lead us upon with cooked intel, lies, and manipulation.
I don't know why I'm asking a ditz, but didn't Trump come out against the Iraq War while the Beast voted for it?

I remember him on Howard Stern giving support to the war effort.

Sept. 11, 2002: Howard Stern asks Trump if he supports invading Iraq. Trump answers hesitantly. “Yeah, I guess so. You know, I wish it was, I wish the first time it was done correctly.”

If you’re in the business of trying to figure out what Drumpf was for or against, you need to really be on your toes…it changes daily.
It is time that the black vote wakes up to the disaster that 16 our of 24 years of democrat presidents has brought them.

Bring back jobs and putting people back to work is the answer. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton is just more of the same. I hope Trump wins and he brings so much work back to America his companies make millions.


Nevertheless, the auguries for Trump in this area are extremely good, certainly the best in recent years for a Republican, if he should choose to act upon them. And for the sake of all Americans, he should. In fact, he'd better.

The African-American community is in a miserable condition that has been getting worse for decades and has reached its nadir under Obama -- two-parent families disappearing, unemployment rates skyrocketing, incarceration rates catastrophic, drug addiction epidemic. We all look on in despair as gang members shoot children in the streets of Chicago and murders -- almost all black-on-black -- proliferate in Baltimore after years of decline.

What is to be done about all this? Hillary Clinton will certainly have plenty to say, but it will all be the same old disingenuous bilge. She can't be part of the solution because she -- like the Democratic Party she has served loyally for almost her entire life -- is part of the problem. For reasons of moral narcissism and political expediency, beginning with the Great Society that party has set up a system in black communities that has trapped African-Americans into a non-stop cycle of government dependency, turning them into what talk show host Larry Elder dubbed "victocrats," believers in perpetual victimhood, a self-fulfilling prophecy, if there ever was one. The #blacklivesmatter movement is only the most recent avatar.

Many black people -- just not the brilliant minds like Thomas Sowell and Elder -- know this. They are just constrained by the atmosphere in their communities, the evil influence and machinations of those like Reverend Al and Maxine Waters, against speaking up. Others have simply given up. It's hard to blame them. How do you break this cycle?

Excuse me brother .. but the OP completely ignores the relationship between the Republican Party and African-Americans. It ignores the fact that there is no respect to be found between the two of them. The OP is case in point of that .. which seems to believe that the only "brilliant" black minds are those who think like you.

Start from here .. Black people don't respect you any more then you respect us .. AND, it's not like we don't know WHY you're reaching out to black voters today. :0) It's not like we don't know the precarious political position republicans find themselves in today. The political position republicans find themselves in today is a glaring demonstration of your own mind-boggling ignorance. Your 'southern strategy' .. otherwise known as your racist strategy has led you to this moment. :0) NOW, you need us. NOW, you need us to help you fight off imaginary Mexicans. NOW, you need us to save you from your own ignorance. NOW the Republican Party has been so diminished that you no longer have the ability to elect a republican president anytime in the near future.

Start from here .. there were more democratic African-Americans in the US Congress in 1970 then republicans have had collectively since Reconstruction.


I'm not a democrat .. but tell me again about the evil of the Democratic Party. They believe we have a right to represent our own interests .. republicans do not.

Let's just drop all the pretense bullshit right-wing PC weak-kneed facade nonsense and have real conversation. You believe in white superiority. You believe in white superiority, and your driven purpose is to maintain white superiority above all else. Do any of you actually believe that's a secret?

Our answer to that bullshit is fuck that, fuck you. Let me give you the upside of immigration. It further diminishes the power and influence of those who believe in white superiority. Don't know about you, but my enemy is not Mexicans, it's not Muslims, it's not people looking for a better life. My enemies are people who believe in white superiority. They see people of color as criminals and thugs. According to Trump, "81% of whites murdered are murdered by black people." .. when in FACT, the exact opposite is true. 82% of whites killed by whites are killed by white people.

I could go on .. and on .. and on .. but the bottom line is that republicans don't speak for white people. I have no fear of white people, nor should anyone else. What should be rejected from this society is white superiority. America is an evolving nation .. evolving away the Republican Party. Many states in the south, home of Ungodly Hate, will soon become majority-minority states, further signaling the end of generations of ungodly hate.

To the believers of white supremacy, do yourself a favor and just abandon your 'outreach' to black people. Your time would be better served circling the wagons while the dynamic nature of life writes you as the shit-stain on this nation that you have always been. :0)

You are completely wrong about me, I can only speak for myself. But tell me this brother, who respects those who disagree with them? You certainly don't seem to respect anyone who might have a different opinion.

Each week I root for a baseball team comprised of mostly minorities. Each fall I root for a team comprised mostly if not entirely of minorities. It makes no difference if they are black or white it is the performance that I am rooting for.

Of course, there are more blacks elected democrat than republican. Democrats control most of the urban areas where there are large concentration of blacks. It is also the same areas that these democrat representatives have let the black man down. The blacks that do support Republicans are the ones that have mostly been able to crawl out of the urban hell holes the democrats have created.

I attended a business conference where they provided lunch. Every day the room was full of white folks and a few, very few, black men. Every day I made it my goal to have lunch with those black men. I wanted to hear from black men in a situation that wasn't so confrontational as this one. You know what I found out? There was much difference in what we thought important. What we worried about. How we wanted to live our lives and provide for our families. Matter of fact I saw no difference. Now remember, this was me reaching out, they never went to a table with only white men/women. At the end the room full of mostly white men and maybe 4 black men had to choose a mentor/partner that they could call if they needed help. Guess who one of the black men picked.

So does that mean I don't want white people to win? Hell no, no more so then I am sure a black man likes to see a black man win. Is that racist? I don't think so, unless I do something that wrongly influences the competition.

You won't know this but in 2008 I was pushing for Herman Cain. The same Herman Cain the democrats road out of town on a rail. They were scared.

So my brother we can get along if you want. But don't try and sell me that the democrats have done right by ANYONE let alone minorities.
You're right. They were almost all Muslims anyway.

No, they were just not Americans so my level of concern is diminished. See, I care about America and Americans. Unlike you. But hey, the world needs ditch diggers too…so you will server a purpose.
So you agree with Trump then. America 1rst!
Which Trump would that be?

The one that says he’s going to “Take ISIS’s oil” and spend blood and treasure in another unwindable war in the Middle east (which will be our 3rd in 25 years) or the one who says peace and prosperity is our goal. Or is it the Trump that will flip flop another 1/2 dozen times between now and November (more likely between now and lunch)?

Trump’s policies do not put America first. They are America go-it-alone which has been proven to be a losing strategy going back to the Spanish American War.

And come on, you don't give a rat's mass about the millions who Saddam slaughtered because they were dusky Muslims and not because they weren't Americans, and we know both know it.

Hey, you’re the Trump is your Messiah who wants to ban Muslims from the nation…you’re the one that doesn’t give 2 shits as is proven by your wanting to service his under carriage.

I need not explain my positions to you—by the way you got something on your upper lip there. But since I haven’t said so lately...

I think what happened to the people living (and still live) under dictators worldwide is unfortunate but it is not America’s fight; nothing in Iraq was worth one drop of American blood. Afghanistan had Al Queda training bases and that was a justified, necessary invasion that should have been over in 3 years without the great Iraqi Misadventure that Bushy lead us upon with cooked intel, lies, and manipulation.
I don't know why I'm asking a ditz, but didn't Trump come out against the Iraq War while the Beast voted for it?

I remember him on Howard Stern giving support to the war effort.

Sept. 11, 2002: Howard Stern asks Trump if he supports invading Iraq. Trump answers hesitantly. “Yeah, I guess so. You know, I wish it was, I wish the first time it was done correctly.”

If you’re in the business of trying to figure out what Drumpf was for or against, you need to really be on your toes…it changes daily.
I think you're getting the Donald and the Beast confused. I did ask a dingbat, so it's on me I suppose.
No, they were just not Americans so my level of concern is diminished. See, I care about America and Americans. Unlike you. But hey, the world needs ditch diggers too…so you will server a purpose.
So you agree with Trump then. America 1rst!
Which Trump would that be?

The one that says he’s going to “Take ISIS’s oil” and spend blood and treasure in another unwindable war in the Middle east (which will be our 3rd in 25 years) or the one who says peace and prosperity is our goal. Or is it the Trump that will flip flop another 1/2 dozen times between now and November (more likely between now and lunch)?

Trump’s policies do not put America first. They are America go-it-alone which has been proven to be a losing strategy going back to the Spanish American War.

And come on, you don't give a rat's mass about the millions who Saddam slaughtered because they were dusky Muslims and not because they weren't Americans, and we know both know it.

Hey, you’re the Trump is your Messiah who wants to ban Muslims from the nation…you’re the one that doesn’t give 2 shits as is proven by your wanting to service his under carriage.

I need not explain my positions to you—by the way you got something on your upper lip there. But since I haven’t said so lately...

I think what happened to the people living (and still live) under dictators worldwide is unfortunate but it is not America’s fight; nothing in Iraq was worth one drop of American blood. Afghanistan had Al Queda training bases and that was a justified, necessary invasion that should have been over in 3 years without the great Iraqi Misadventure that Bushy lead us upon with cooked intel, lies, and manipulation.
I don't know why I'm asking a ditz, but didn't Trump come out against the Iraq War while the Beast voted for it?

I remember him on Howard Stern giving support to the war effort.

Sept. 11, 2002: Howard Stern asks Trump if he supports invading Iraq. Trump answers hesitantly. “Yeah, I guess so. You know, I wish it was, I wish the first time it was done correctly.”

If you’re in the business of trying to figure out what Drumpf was for or against, you need to really be on your toes…it changes daily.
I think you're getting the Donald and the Beast confused. I did ask a dingbat, so it's on me I suppose.

No. I Quoted your messiah

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