How would a John Kerry appointment to Secretary of Defense be viewed by veterans?

Or Secretary of State?

Will veterans be able to put aside the shameful things he has said about those who have served America during wartime?

I will not forgive nor forget that he gave aid and comfort to the enemy with his remarks while American troops were still in harms way in Vietnam.
You're a pile of shit.


John McCain seriously violated the Military Code of Conduct by trading "military information" and making numerous public statements that appeared favorable to the communist war effort in exchange for "special treatment."

John McCain: The Manchurian Candidate
I'm a Veteran of the same war John Kerry fought in and I don't think he'd make a very good Secretary of State.

It's got nothing to do with how I feel about his service in the war, though. I believe he served honorably, unlike the low-life, scum-sucking, draft-dodging, war-avoiding Chickenhawk's who maligned him and questioned his service in a war which they were too cowardly to go to.

G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of that band of yellow-bellied shitheads aren't fit to breathe the same air as John Kerry.
Bush was an fighter pilot in the TXANG, you piece of shit.

You were too dumb to carry his jock strap.

So asswipe, what about Bill Clinton???? I don't recall seeing your black messiah serve in the military 1 day. Shut the fuck up.

I'm a Veteran of the same war John Kerry fought in and I don't think he'd make a very good Secretary of State.

It's got nothing to do with how I feel about his service in the war, though. I believe he served honorably, unlike the low-life, scum-sucking, draft-dodging, war-avoiding Chickenhawk's who maligned him and questioned his service in a war which they were too cowardly to go to.

G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of that band of yellow-bellied shitheads aren't fit to breathe the same air as John Kerry.
I'm a Veteran of the same war John Kerry fought in and I don't think he'd make a very good Secretary of State.

It's got nothing to do with how I feel about his service in the war, though. I believe he served honorably, unlike the low-life, scum-sucking, draft-dodging, war-avoiding Chickenhawk's who maligned him and questioned his service in a war which they were too cowardly to go to.

G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of that band of yellow-bellied shitheads aren't fit to breathe the same air as John Kerry.

Why do you think he would not be a very good SOD? The actual title and discussion of this thread is about DOD Sec. however. Why or why not would you want him for that job?
I'm a Veteran of the same war John Kerry fought in and I don't think he'd make a very good Secretary of State.

It's got nothing to do with how I feel about his service in the war, though. I believe he served honorably, unlike the low-life, scum-sucking, draft-dodging, war-avoiding Chickenhawk's who maligned him and questioned his service in a war which they were too cowardly to go to.

G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of that band of yellow-bellied shitheads aren't fit to breathe the same air as John Kerry.

Why do you think he would not be a very good SOD? The actual title and discussion of this thread is about DOD Sec. however. Why or why not would you want him for that job?

The thread is actually about both positions, one which I failed to address. My apologies.

I don't think he would fit for either position, frankly. He's not that bright, not that very well liked here and abroad and tends to back peddle and pander to certain interests too much to suit me.

If he gets the nod for either position, I suspect it will have more to do with political payback than his qualifications. That would hardly be the first time that's happened, but that won't make it right or in the best interests of the country.

Perhaps he would be better suited with an ambassadorship somewhere.
I'm a Veteran of the same war John Kerry fought in and I don't think he'd make a very good Secretary of State.

It's got nothing to do with how I feel about his service in the war, though. I believe he served honorably, unlike the low-life, scum-sucking, draft-dodging, war-avoiding Chickenhawk's who maligned him and questioned his service in a war which they were too cowardly to go to.

G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of that band of yellow-bellied shitheads aren't fit to breathe the same air as John Kerry.

Why do you think he would not be a very good SOD? The actual title and discussion of this thread is about DOD Sec. however. Why or why not would you want him for that job?

The thread is actually about both positions, one which I failed to address. My apologies.

I don't think he would fit for either position, frankly. He's not that bright, not that very well liked here and abroad and tends to back peddle and pander to certain interests too much to suit me.

If he gets the nod for either position, I suspect it will have more to do with political payback than his qualifications. That would hardly be the first time that's happened, but that won't make it right or in the best interests of the country.

Perhaps he would be better suited with an ambassadorship somewhere.

I agree.
I'm a Veteran of the same war John Kerry fought in and I don't think he'd make a very good Secretary of State.

It's got nothing to do with how I feel about his service in the war, though. I believe he served honorably, unlike the low-life, scum-sucking, draft-dodging, war-avoiding Chickenhawk's who maligned him and questioned his service in a war which they were too cowardly to go to.

G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of that band of yellow-bellied shitheads aren't fit to breathe the same air as John Kerry.

Why do you think he would not be a very good SOD? The actual title and discussion of this thread is about DOD Sec. however. Why or why not would you want him for that job?

The thread is actually about both positions, one which I failed to address. My apologies.

I don't think he would fit for either position, frankly. He's not that bright, not that very well liked here and abroad and tends to back peddle and pander to certain interests too much to suit me.

If he gets the nod for either position, I suspect it will have more to do with political payback than his qualifications. That would hardly be the first time that's happened, but that won't make it right or in the best interests of the country.

Perhaps he would be better suited with an ambassadorship somewhere.

Political payback might come into play. I don't think he would be an asset to Obama but I am not sure what a lame duck President has to be concerned with anyhow.

His long record as my Senator is not very impressive and his time as a soldier in Vietnam,even putting aside all the controversy we could get into, was quite short and rather unimpressive.
Odd, isn't it, that all the con senators are saying that Kerry is fully qualified and that they'd vote for him as Secretary of State.
I can only speak for myself, the slime ball shouldn't be any where in the government. IMHO
Hmmmm, the dead Ambassador disagrees, idiot.

Hillary Clinton is a joke, she speaks slowly during her speeches so that she can make sure she doesn't screw up the words. Her slow brain is....slow.

It's not surprising a moron like you admires her, probably have a boner for her too.

Hasn't been a good Secretary of State since Kissinger.

Oh, I disagree. As much as I hate to admit it because I despise the Clinton's, Hillary has been remarkably good at the job.
Odd, isn't it, that all the con senators are saying that Kerry is fully qualified and that they'd vote for him as Secretary of State.

Are they hoping to get an R in his old Senate seat? Just a thought. Do you have some names to back what you said up?
He just likes her new Miss Piggy look.

Speaking of Clinton, I saw Bill Clinton called Jennifer Flowers this past year to set up a fling and she said no. Now...he likes Hillary being SecState flying away and away and away.

Hasn't been a good Secretary of State since Kissinger.

Oh, I disagree. As much as I hate to admit it because I despise the Clinton's, Hillary has been remarkably good at the job.

Please list her acommplishments.

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