Zone1 How would you feel about God if he

That's not what I said. I don't believe the universe is the mind of God. The mind of God isn't a physical presence. Everything is mind stuff. Yes, God is infinite. The universe is finite.

You're not making any sense now. Plus are you talking about the universe (our observable universe) or the Universe?

Because like I said, if the universe (little u) was the size of a softball and then got larger, it had to eat away at something.

I think I'm blowing your mind because you are almost purposely avoiding the question. I think it's because you know if the universe is getting bigger and eating away into something, that something it's eating into has the potential to go on forever. If God wanted it to of course. Of course I don't think this little universe is god's only universe. I think our's is just one bubble in a google of universes, in an infinate Universe.

There can be no end and there was never a beginning

There was a beginning of life on earth
Our start was born
Our planet was born
Our universe was born

But the Universe is eternal. It's where god lives. You know, the other rhelm. It's outside our universe right? OMG I can't believe I'm the first to think of this. That's where heaven is. Outside our universe.
God is quoted as once saying, "I am who I am." I would like to see God as He is...not who/what He can change Himself into.

I feel the same about all people. We are who we are. Let's celebrate that.
I would be duly impressed!
But do we really have to entertain this sort of spam in the religion section?
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.
How we feel about God really does not matter in the long run.
You're not making any sense now. Plus are you talking about the universe (our observable universe) or the Universe?

Because like I said, if the universe (little u) was the size of a softball and then got larger, it had to eat away at something.

I think I'm blowing your mind because you are almost purposely avoiding the question. I think it's because you know if the universe is getting bigger and eating away into something, that something it's eating into has the potential to go on forever. If God wanted it to of course. Of course I don't think this little universe is god's only universe. I think our's is just one bubble in a google of universes, in an infinate Universe.

There can be no end and there was never a beginning

There was a beginning of life on earth
Our start was born
Our planet was born
Our universe was born

But the Universe is eternal. It's where god lives. You know, the other rhelm. It's outside our universe right? OMG I can't believe I'm the first to think of this. That's where heaven is. Outside our universe.
Deny the science that the universe began and all of the resulting consequences of said birth. It freaks you out.
Deny the science that the universe began and all of the resulting consequences of said birth. It freaks you out.
Yes the little u universe began. I get that. I'm thinking before that and beyond that my friend. You can't tell me what our little u universe is expanding into. Your ancestors would say something like "light is eating into dark." Come on give me something. You must have contemplated the thing I am asking. Is it blowing your mind or does it contradict your creation story? And your tiny god who existed before 14 billion years ago for all eternity but nothing else did until 14 billion years ago.

Your god is pathetic if that's true. And you think this universe will late or go on for eternity? Not one scientist believes that.
Yes the little u universe began. I get that. I'm thinking before that and beyond that my friend. You can't tell me what our little u universe is expanding into. Your ancestors would say something like "light is eating into dark." Come on give me something. You must have contemplated the thing I am asking. Is it blowing your mind or does it contradict your creation story? And your tiny god who existed before 14 billion years ago for all eternity but nothing else did until 14 billion years ago.

Your god is pathetic if that's true. And you think this universe will late or go on for eternity? Not one scientist believes that.
Dude, how many times do I have to answer your question? The universe is made up of mind stuff. It exists in the mind of God. Do you have a better answer for what the universe is expanding into? As for your weird belief that the beginning of the universe wasn't the beginning of the entire universe, I'm not aware of any data that supports that.

Here's my link for how the universe began and expanded and cooled. Where's your link?

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does it contradict your creation story?
The science for the beginning of the universe matches the creation account quite well. So, no. Science does not contradict the creation account. The universe was created and then light appeared later just like it says in the account.
The science for the beginning of the universe matches the creation account quite well. So, no. Science does not contradict the creation account. The universe was created and then light appeared later just like it says in the account.
You asked for evidence in a previous post which means you are stupid to ask for proof of things that can't be proven. So we don't know is the answer. What are we expanding into? How far does it go? Infinitely. How do i know? Because there can be no end or beginning. Think of it like god's birthday. Now you get it? Isn't that weird?

We don't know what's beyond that blackness we are expanding into. That, that, "nothingness"!!! But you ask what it was like around here before our universe happened? It was that. We were in that blackness. But then a spark blew and here we are. First the big bang. Then gasses formed into suns. Then the debree turned into planets, moons, comets, asteroids. Trillions of other galaxies have formed in 14 billion years but meanwhile our universe keeps expanding and at even faster rate than speed of light.

I am certain without proof our universe isn't the only universe in the Universe.
Why do you say that? Seems to me to be a remarkable display of power.

If there are gods, there are more than one and each one get a universe. You worship your god. I do too. Thank you lord for giving me this 50 plus good years. Keep em coming.
And you think this universe will late or go on for eternity? Not one scientist believes that.
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say here but the science says the universe will continue expanding into the future.
You asked for evidence in a previous post which means you are stupid to ask for proof of things that can't be proven. So we don't know is the answer.
We have tons of evidence for the universe being created from nothing. It was not created from pre-existing matter. And that is what scares you the most.
Because there can be no end or beginning. Think of it like god's birthday. Now you get it? Isn't that weird?
But the matter and energy in our universe did have a beginning. It was created from nothing. Any other multiverse out there would have been created in the same way. They all had beginnings. They all had matter and energy spontaneously popping into existence in an implausible manner. And all would be implausibly hardwired to produce life and intelligence.
We don't know what's beyond that blackness we are expanding into. That, that, "nothingness"!!! But you ask what it was like around here before our universe happened? It was that. We were in that blackness. But then a spark blew and here we are. First the big bang. Then gasses formed into suns. Then the debree turned into planets, moons, comets, asteroids. Trillions of other galaxies have formed in 14 billion years but meanwhile our universe keeps expanding and at even faster rate than speed of light.
You don't know what existed before the big bang and your simplistic explanation of the evolution of space and time is incorrect. Whatever it was it was eternal into the past and unchanging. So it wasn't matter or energy which only leaves the incorporeal as the answer. Hence the mind of God.

I am certain without proof our universe isn't the only universe in the Universe.
Sounds like you are taking that on faith. But either way you cannot dismiss the universe or other universes popping into existence in an implausible manner being implausibly hardwired to produce life and intelligence. That's not an accident.
If there are gods, there are more than one and each one get a universe. You worship your god. I do too. Thank you lord for giving me this 50 plus good years. Keep em coming.
That seems unnecessarily complex to me. Your God is you. If you put your faith in men be prepared to be let down when they disappoint you.
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say here but the science says the universe will continue expanding into the future.
Wow. Yes our universe had a beginning and you are right it may go on forever. I don't believe it will but I could be wrong
Observations suggest that the expansion of the universe will continue forever. The prevailing theory is that the universe will cool as it expands, eventually becoming too cold to sustain life. For this reason, this future scenario once popularly called "Heat Death" is now known as the "Big Chill" or "Big Freeze".

These are questions scientists don’t have definite answers to yet. Many think it’s likely you would just keep passing galaxies in every direction, forever. In that case, the universe would be infinite, with no end.

Some scientists think it’s possible the universe might eventually wrap back around on itself – so if you could just keep going out, you would someday come back around to where you started, from the other direction.

If you could watch for long enough, over millions of years, it would look like new space is gradually being added between all the galaxies. You can visualize this by imagining tiny dots on a deflated balloon and then thinking about blowing it up. The dots would keep moving farther apart, just like the galaxies are.

Is there an end?​

If you could keep going out, as far as you wanted, would you just keep passing by galaxies forever? Are there an infinite number of galaxies in every direction? Or does the whole thing eventually end? And if it does end, what does it end with?
But the matter and energy in our universe did have a beginning. It was created from nothing. Any other multiverse out there would have been created in the same way. They all had beginnings. They all had matter and energy spontaneously popping into existence in an implausible manner. And all would be implausibly hardwired to produce life and intelligence.
The answer is we don't know. Scientist think the universe is eternal? I didn't know that. I don't agree. I think eventually it slows down and shrinks.

The universe will become extremely dark after the last stars burn out. Even so, there can still be occasional light in the universe. One of the ways the universe can be illuminated is if two carbon–oxygen white dwarfs with a combined mass of more than the Chandrasekhar limit of about 1.4 solar masses happen to merge.

But ultimately, gravity will reduce all stars to a super-dense state as black holes, neutron stars or cold white dwarfs. We already see galaxies in which the stars all appear quite old and there no longer seems to be any interstellar gas out of which to build new stars.

Imagine a universe with just earth, moon and asteroid debree. Dark. All these small stars turn into black holes. The whole thing collapes in on itself, bam, another big bang.

Just spitballing. Just like you. Could be. We don't know. You say god, this could be.

But you claim to have met this god so I can't even have a realistic conversation with you. You're sure there's a god because you've talked to it.
Sounds like you are taking that on faith. But either way you cannot dismiss the universe or other universes popping into existence in an implausible manner being implausibly hardwired to produce life and intelligence. That's not an accident.
It may just be that it is what it is. I see what you are saying but that's why I never say there is no god. Could be. Has he visited Jesus, Joseph, Mohammad, Moses? I don't believe he did. That's a different story.

Generic god? Sure could be. It is amazing huh? God I hope so.
Wow. Yes our universe had a beginning and you are right it may go on forever. I don't believe it will but I could be wrong
Observations suggest that the expansion of the universe will continue forever. The prevailing theory is that the universe will cool as it expands, eventually becoming too cold to sustain life. For this reason, this future scenario once popularly called "Heat Death" is now known as the "Big Chill" or "Big Freeze".

These are questions scientists don’t have definite answers to yet. Many think it’s likely you would just keep passing galaxies in every direction, forever. In that case, the universe would be infinite, with no end.

Some scientists think it’s possible the universe might eventually wrap back around on itself – so if you could just keep going out, you would someday come back around to where you started, from the other direction.

If you could watch for long enough, over millions of years, it would look like new space is gradually being added between all the galaxies. You can visualize this by imagining tiny dots on a deflated balloon and then thinking about blowing it up. The dots would keep moving farther apart, just like the galaxies are.

Is there an end?​

If you could keep going out, as far as you wanted, would you just keep passing by galaxies forever? Are there an infinite number of galaxies in every direction? Or does the whole thing eventually end? And if it does end, what does it end with?

The answer is we don't know. Scientist think the universe is eternal? I didn't know that. I don't agree. I think eventually it slows down and shrinks.

The universe will become extremely dark after the last stars burn out. Even so, there can still be occasional light in the universe. One of the ways the universe can be illuminated is if two carbon–oxygen white dwarfs with a combined mass of more than the Chandrasekhar limit of about 1.4 solar masses happen to merge.

But ultimately, gravity will reduce all stars to a super-dense state as black holes, neutron stars or cold white dwarfs. We already see galaxies in which the stars all appear quite old and there no longer seems to be any interstellar gas out of which to build new stars.

Imagine a universe with just earth, moon and asteroid debree. Dark. All these small stars turn into black holes. The whole thing collapes in on itself, bam, another big bang.

Just spitballing. Just like you. Could be. We don't know. You say god, this could be.

But you claim to have met this god so I can't even have a realistic conversation with you. You're sure there's a god because you've talked to it.
Stop misstating me. Just be honest. Matter and energy popping into existence being hardwired to produce life freaks you out because it makes you question your non-belief. As well it should. But that's not the only reason you should question your non-belief. You know a great deal about yourself and what you know about yourself should also cause you to have doubts about your non-belief just as much as matter and energy popping into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence.
It may just be that it is what it is. I see what you are saying but that's why I never say there is no god. Could be. Has he visited Jesus, Joseph, Mohammad, Moses? I don't believe he did. That's a different story.

Generic god? Sure could be. It is amazing huh? God I hope so.
Before you can assess who God is (as in which perception of God you believe exists) you first must accept that there is a higher power than man based upon the evidence you have at your disposal; the creation of space and time, the evolution of space and time, physical laws of nature, biological laws of nature and the moral laws of nature. AND you must have a perception of God that isn't a fairy-tale God but a realistic perception of an entity that exists outside of space and time.

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