Zone1 How would you feel about God if he

Because of the FLoT. The universe going dark doesn't necessarily mean everything becomes black holes. But even if it did (which it won't) the matter and gravity still exists.
It won't? Is that a fact or opinion? All stars will become black holes and black holes swallow everything around them so eventually the slate will be cleaned.
I don't believe in intelligent design. I believe God willed the universe into existence. I don't think God designed the details per se.
So everything happened naturally after god willed the universe into existence. Perhaps the universe came into existence naturally?

Because we don't know what caused the big bang or what came before, you have just god of the gapped this one pal. Must be god huh?

I suspect even if we knew what was before the big bang, that still wouldn't disprove your god. God can have as many universes as he wants. He's eternal right? He was before our universe so maybe he had universes before us. Maybe we aren't his only one. I don't think we are. Infinite is too big for us to be the only one. If you understand infinite you'd understand.
It won't? Is that a fact or opinion? All stars will become black holes and black holes swallow everything around them so eventually the slate will be cleaned.
Black holes don't destroy matter. They have strong gravitational pull because of the matter. They are called black holes because the gravitational field is so strong light can't escape them because of the curvature of space created by the mass of the black hole.
Black holes don't destroy matter. They have strong gravitational pull because of the matter. They are called black holes because the gravitational field is so strong light can't escape them because of the curvature of space created by the mass of the black hole.
But black holes suck in planets and moons near them. Aren't planets considered matter? They swallow them. Nothing escapes black holes. Where does the stuff go no one knows?
So everything happened naturally after god willed the universe into existence.
Yes, because the laws of nature and the structure of matter have life written into them.

Perhaps the universe came into existence naturally?
We perceive God as being supernatural but that's only because of our perspective. I'm sure God is quite natural from God's perspective. Like I said before, God is every extant attribute of reality. Which means God is logic, intelligence, love, etc. From our own experiences we know we the nature of intelligence is to create intelligence. So it would be quite natural for God to create a material world which produced life and intelligence. We also know from our own experiences that the nature of love is to share experiences with others. So it would be quite natural for God to create a material world to share in his existence. So you can't get more natural than that.

Because we don't know what caused the big bang or what came before, you have just god of the gapped this one pal. Must be god huh?
But we do know that it was a quantum tunneling event of paired particle production. But a tiny mistake was made because paired particle production creates matter and anti-matter in pairs so the universe should have only been filled with radiation. But in our case for every 1 billion anti-matter particles 1 billion and 1 matter particles were produced. That's miracle #1. So it's not so much a god of gaps argument as it is that it looks like the universe was created intentionally. Which is especially true when you consider there are an infinite number of ways matter could have been structured that wouldn't produce life but only one way matter can be structured to produce life. So that's miracle #2. Then there's the elements that are required to produce life which are produced by average stars and the weird way water behaves. It's just too many things for it to be accidental.
I suspect even if we knew what was before the big bang, that still wouldn't disprove your god. God can have as many universes as he wants. He's eternal right? He was before our universe so maybe he had universes before us. Maybe we aren't his only one. I don't think we are. Infinite is too big for us to be the only one. If you understand infinite you'd understand.
Well... one thing we know existed before the big bang are the laws of nature. And the laws of nature are no thing. The laws of nature are incorporeal. So we know at least one incorporeal thing that existed before the big bang.

I understand infinite. I don't think you understand infinite because you still seem to think the universe is infinite when the data clearly shows it is not. How does an infinite universe continue to expand? That's like saying infinity plus one. That's why I don't believe you understand infinity.
But black holes suck in planets and moons near them. Aren't planets considered matter? They swallow them. Nothing escapes black holes. Where does the stuff go no one knows?
The stuff is in the black hole. It didn't get destroyed. Black holes have gravity because of the mass inside the black hole. Don't take my word. Google it.
Well... one thing we know existed before the big bang are the laws of nature. And the laws of nature are no thing. The laws of nature are incorporeal. So we know at least one incorporeal thing that existed before the big bang.

I understand infinite. I don't think you understand infinite because you still seem to think the universe is infinite when the data clearly shows it is not. How does an infinite universe continue to expand? That's like saying infinity plus one. That's why I don't believe you understand infinity.
I keep telling you the darkness in which we go, that Universe. Beyond what you see. Little u universe. Your OBSERVABLE universe. Little u.
The stuff is in the black hole. It didn't get destroyed. Black holes have gravity because of the mass inside the black hole. Don't take my word. Google it.
I know but what happens when the energy burns out? Cold. Dead. Black. So maybe GOD will click his finger and do another big bang. Ever think of that? Because our universe won't burn forever. Neither will the next big bang.
I keep telling you the darkness in which we go, that Universe. Beyond what you see. Little u universe. Your OBSERVABLE universe. Little u.
You keep telling me that but it doesn't change the fact that matter and energy were created from nothing.
I know but what happens when the energy burns out? Cold. Dead. Black. So maybe GOD will click his finger and do another big bang. Ever think of that? Because our universe won't burn forever. Neither will the next big bang.
Did you ever consider that you are being tested?
That isn't a scientific paper explaining why the universe is infinite in size. Nor does it address my point that if the universe is infinite in size then it must have always been infinite in size. Which we know to be false. Lastly if the universe is infinite it wouldn't be expanding. The very fact the universe is expanding means it cannot be infinite.
So I rewatched the How the Universe works. The one about the edge of our universe. And the difference between observable universe and what's beyond that expansion and who knows what we would encounter if we ever had the ability to go beyond that which we don't.

But if god is eternal so is his Universe. Don't you see?

They explained the difference between a flat Universe and curved. I don't believe if we go far enough eventually we end up back where we started. So I believe in a flat universe. Funny that's flipped. You used to believe in a flat earth now I believe in a flat Universe. Why? Because I don't agree with the curved concept. Or if that's true, there may be more universes in the Universe.

I also don't believe that if it's infinite then there's another me out there doing exactly what I'm doing now. That's bullshit. There are googles of universes in infinite space because God is infinite so is his Universe. That doesn't mean there are other me's. The odds of that happening are impossible. Just look at how impossible earth is. Now you're telling me if there is infinite amounts of space in the Universe then there's another me? Don't be silly. I reject that but remain open to the possibility.

I actually believe we are just one universe in a sea of Universes. Infinitely. I know humans like to have edges so they can wrap their brains around it but you really can't. So you put God in place of Universe and suddenly infinite seems reasonable.

There's so much more I forgot. I need to watch it again. It's mind blowing. The stuff our observable universe is going into was there before the light got to it. Dead space. Eternally.
So I rewatched the How the Universe works. The one about the edge of our universe. And the difference between observable universe and what's beyond that expansion and who knows what we would encounter if we ever had the ability to go beyond that which we don't.

But if god is eternal so is his Universe. Don't you see?

They explained the difference between a flat Universe and curved. I don't believe if we go far enough eventually we end up back where we started. So I believe in a flat universe. Funny that's flipped. You used to believe in a flat earth now I believe in a flat Universe. Why? Because I don't agree with the curved concept. Or if that's true, there may be more universes in the Universe.

I also don't believe that if it's infinite then there's another me out there doing exactly what I'm doing now. That's bullshit. There are googles of universes in infinite space because God is infinite so is his Universe. That doesn't mean there are other me's. The odds of that happening are impossible. Just look at how impossible earth is. Now you're telling me if there is infinite amounts of space in the Universe then there's another me? Don't be silly. I reject that but remain open to the possibility.

I actually believe we are just one universe in a sea of Universes. Infinitely. I know humans like to have edges so they can wrap their brains around it but you really can't. So you put God in place of Universe and suddenly infinite seems reasonable.

There's so much more I forgot. I need to watch it again. It's mind blowing. The stuff our observable universe is going into was there before the light got to it. Dead space. Eternally.
You are like all over the map on this. Pick a lane.
You are like all over the map on this. Pick a lane.
Can't. No one knows and multiple things could be true. One thing I'm sure of. If God is infinite so is his Universe. Our observable universe is all we can know. Very limited. I know it seems big to you but so does a drop of water to a tardigrade.
Can't. No one knows and multiple things could be true. One thing I'm sure of. If God is infinite so is his Universe. Our observable universe is all we can know. Very limited. I know it seems big to you but so does a drop of water to a tardigrade.
Your atheist logic eludes me. I know it scares you but it's just science.

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