How would you unite a society?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
This is an interesting question that I thought about and I have noticed that when societies are at war they tend to 'unite' in order to fight off the aggressor. The problem is is that during peacetime their is no conflict so how do you get the same level of unity? You can create a kind of permanent state of internal conflict between two groups such as the 'working class' and the rich. Tell people how unfair it is that these people are rich and that these people are poor. You can also do the same between different races such as whites oppress blacks and will always oppress blacks until the end of time or you can tell women how men are out to screw you over every chance you get and they have denied you your place in society. Just saying....this is what I would do if wanted to keep society UNITED and strong as they are during a war.
Cease using government to insulate people from the consequences of their actions.

You breed, you pay to feed, clothe, house AND educate your children.

You don't work, you don't eat and live indoors.

You rob another man, you run the risk of getting shot and killed by them.

You want to make poor lifestyle choices, you suffer the addiction, obesity, and diseases that come from them. Likewise, you want medical care, you pay for it.

The more people paying attention to their own lives and covering their own asses, the more we'll all have in common.
This is an interesting question that I thought about and I have noticed that when societies are at war they tend to 'unite' in order to fight off the aggressor. The problem is is that during peacetime their is no conflict so how do you get the same level of unity? You can create a kind of permanent state of internal conflict between two groups such as the 'working class' and the rich. Tell people how unfair it is that these people are rich and that these people are poor. You can also do the same between different races such as whites oppress blacks and will always oppress blacks until the end of time or you can tell women how men are out to screw you over every chance you get and they have denied you your place in society. Just saying....this is what I would do if wanted to keep society UNITED and strong as they are during a war.

Cease using government to insulate people from the consequences of their actions.

You breed, you pay to feed, clothe, house AND educate your children.

You don't work, you don't eat and live indoors.

You rob another man, you run the risk of getting shot and killed by them.

You want to make poor lifestyle choices, you suffer the addiction, obesity, and diseases that come from them. Likewise, you want medical care, you pay for it.

The more people paying attention to their own lives and covering their own asses, the more we'll all have in common.
The country has been this divided only twice...with opposite outcomes.

The first time was when the "Federalists" in New England/New York (the usual suspects of today) were in power under John Adams. They were were doing their usual Control Freak thing, in this case---putting Americans in jail under the ruse of the Sedition Acts for criticizing the Federal Government. They put Ben Franklin's grandson in jail. They put a man in jail for putting a Post Card on a pole that said:

"Down with Tyrants"

That's all---nothing to jail...Not Politically Correct!

It was one of the things that prompted Thomas Jefferson to run against Adams ...and beat his Massachusetts Ass. And the first thing Jefferson did was pardoned all those who were in jail for exercising their right to Freedom of Speech. And then Jefferson governed so evenhandedly that the era that followed came to be known as The Era of Good Feeling.

Then there was the 1850's....followed by Civil War.

Obviously, we need another Jefferson. Looks like we might have another Jackson instead...not the same at all....but far better than the lying, craven, hateful, malevolent, coat-tail riding, unhealthy, incompetent, fat-ass wife of a pussy-lovin Southern boy who happened to be a political genius.

We unite America by affirming the Constitution and following our laws.
The country has been this divided only twice...with opposite outcomes.

The first time was when the "Federalists" in New England/New York (the usual suspects of today) were in power under John Adams. They were were doing their usual Control Freak thing, in this case---putting Americans in jail under the ruse of the Sedition Acts for criticizing the Federal Government. They put Ben Franklin's grandson in jail. They put a man in jail for putting a Post Card on a pole that said:

"Down with Tyrants"

That's all---nothing to jail...Not Politically Correct!

It was one of the things that prompted Thomas Jefferson to run against Adams ...and beat his Massachusetts Ass. And the first thing Jefferson did was pardoned all those who were in jail for exercising their right to Freedom of Speech. And then Jefferson governed so evenhandedly that the era that followed came to be known as The Era of Good Feeling.

Then there was the 1850's....followed by Civil War.

Obviously, we need another Jefferson. Looks like we might have another Jackson instead...not the same at all....but far better than the lying, craven, hateful, malevolent, coat-tail riding, unhealthy, incompetent, fat-ass wife of a pussy-lovin Southern boy who happened to be a political genius.

What about the civil rights act?
The country has been this divided only twice...with opposite outcomes.

The first time was when the "Federalists" in New England/New York (the usual suspects of today) were in power under John Adams. They were were doing their usual Control Freak thing, in this case---putting Americans in jail under the ruse of the Sedition Acts for criticizing the Federal Government. They put Ben Franklin's grandson in jail. They put a man in jail for putting a Post Card on a pole that said:

"Down with Tyrants"

That's all---nothing to jail...Not Politically Correct!

It was one of the things that prompted Thomas Jefferson to run against Adams ...and beat his Massachusetts Ass. And the first thing Jefferson did was pardoned all those who were in jail for exercising their right to Freedom of Speech. And then Jefferson governed so evenhandedly that the era that followed came to be known as The Era of Good Feeling.

Then there was the 1850's....followed by Civil War.

Obviously, we need another Jefferson. Looks like we might have another Jackson instead...not the same at all....but far better than the lying, craven, hateful, malevolent, coat-tail riding, unhealthy, incompetent, fat-ass wife of a pussy-lovin Southern boy who happened to be a political genius.

What about the civil rights act?

Just finishing up what Reconstruction didn't get done. Deep South versus the rest of the country. Not an equal contest like the first two, in my opinion.

Maybe the fight between the CoastalCocksuker/RottingCityAlliance and Heartland America won't be one either, in the end.
Through persuasion, long suffering, gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned. With kindness and pure knowledge taught without hypocrisy or guile.
Cease using government to insulate people from the consequences of their actions.

You breed, you pay to feed, clothe, house AND educate your children.

You don't work, you don't eat and live indoors.

You rob another man, you run the risk of getting shot and killed by them.

You want to make poor lifestyle choices, you suffer the addiction, obesity, and diseases that come from them. Likewise, you want medical care, you pay for it.

The more people paying attention to their own lives and covering their own asses, the more we'll all have in common.

Why don't you go spend some time in a 3rd world country and see if that's what you want for America, instead of blathering your stupidity here?

You've got a good start though, the ignorant and uneducated have elected a despot.
The issue of how to unite is extremely complicated and near impossible. There will always be some friction and challenges, especially in a competitive and healthy society.

I would take it further than AnCap'n_murica and say that on top of what he said, you need a small government. A government that is excessively accountable. People in government who are only in government because of their desire to serve, not to profit.

This is one reason Trumps choices for cabinet have been solid. Why? He hired many generals and former soldiers. There is no sub section of any nation that is willing to sacrifice more for their country than soldiers. They do so not because they will become rich or famous, they do so out of love of their country, out of duty. He understands this inherently and wisely surrounded himself with these people. Whether these people make good or bad decisions he can be comforted in knowing they are making these decisions with the best of intentions.

From police officers to teachers and the local government administrator, people need to be held to account. They need to find the best people for these positions, the most honest and virtuous. They can then help to contribute to a great nation that the world can admire. If Rule of Law and the Right to Self Determination wins the day, it's much easier to unite a nation. Some who try to profit from a divided nation will have nowhere to turn, as long as the Rule of Law and Self Determination are defended and protected.

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