HR 6666" Door-to-Door Testing and Contact Tracing Bill


We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...




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...of course if you test positive we're going to....... quarantine you for everyone's safety.

Don't worry about the body bag they issue you as you go to quarantine that's standard procedure and doesn't mean anything.

While you're there perhaps the guards will have you play some music for them.


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Squeal away.
If I do- you'll be squealing louder- I guarantee- what you acolyte Statist FAIL to recognize is that when you demand something you will get what you didn't demand- they ain't on your side, moron.

Stupid fks like that would line up for a camera to go up their ass evenn if it was just to prove how much they hate Trump. These losers would fk their own country annd kids just to prove their devotion of hate.

MEANWHILE THE SEVERELY RETARDED ARE TO LOW ON THE IQ CHART TO REALIZE THEY GET CAUGHT UP IN IT TOO. My gawd how dumb are these things. I've never seen such low iq fks in my life.
You should leave the severely retarded out of comparison with Democrats. They're like innocent children.
Washington Times is now carrying the story
and if some metnal fk leftist did this to me with a stick that stick would be up that sob' fkn ass

Lol, wrong. Public health is in everyone's best interests.
Public health is- but you can't force best interest as it becomes not the best interest when forced.

BTW, gov't's no.1 job is to secure our Liberty- Liberty is not spelled restrict.
Remember the general welfare?

The good of the many outweighs the good of the few.

Get in line to get tested.
How about you try on fuck you and see how it fits. I'm not a member of anybody's fuckin herd.
Says the tRumpling!

Moooo, Bahaaaa. Let's hear it sheeple. And wipe that drool off your chin.
One more thread attacking Democrats using half-truths and innuendos:

From the link:

To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes.

"Other purposes" may or may not be nefarious, but the author of this thread, using hyperbole and partisan hackery tries to make diagnostic testing into a threat on the liberty of all American Citizens.

Clearly this thread is an example of trolling, and the bait he used is sufficient to attract others who feed on this form of bullshit.
What part of "and as nessesary at individuals residences as well" ???? That could entail all sorts of open door bullcrap. First it was the wall you all hated, and therefore want open borders, and now it's no borders between the state and ones private residences ??

Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.
Squeal away.
If I do- you'll be squealing louder- I guarantee- what you acolyte Statist FAIL to recognize is that when you demand something you will get what you didn't demand- they ain't on your side, moron.

Stupid fks like that would line up for a camera to go up their ass evenn if it was just to prove how much they hate Trump. These losers would fk their own country annd kids just to prove their devotion of hate.

MEANWHILE THE SEVERELY RETARDED ARE TO LOW ON THE IQ CHART TO REALIZE THEY GET CAUGHT UP IN IT TOO. My gawd how dumb are these things. I've never seen such low iq fks in my life.
You should leave the severely retarded out of comparison with Democrats. They're like innocent children.
Poor little tRumplings...
Lol, wrong. Public health is in everyone's best interests.
Public health is- but you can't force best interest as it becomes not the best interest when forced.

BTW, gov't's no.1 job is to secure our Liberty- Liberty is not spelled restrict.
Remember the general welfare?

The good of the many outweighs the good of the few.

Get in line to get tested.
How about you try on fuck you and see how it fits. I'm not a member of anybody's fuckin herd.
Says the tRumpling!

Moooo, Bahaaaa. Let's hear it sheeple. And wipe that drool off your chin.
Lol, you keep on believing that while you think whatever rush tells you to.
View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.


I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.


View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.
View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.


Good luck with that.

Don't you need to snitch on those neighbors not observing social distancing by having their grandkids over for a visit or the stylist who's doing haircuts down the street because she needs money to pay the mortgage and buy groceries?




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Squeal away.
If I do- you'll be squealing louder- I guarantee- what you acolyte Statist FAIL to recognize is that when you demand something you will get what you didn't demand- they ain't on your side, moron.

Stupid fks like that would line up for a camera to go up their ass evenn if it was just to prove how much they hate Trump. These losers would fk their own country annd kids just to prove their devotion of hate.

MEANWHILE THE SEVERELY RETARDED ARE TO LOW ON THE IQ CHART TO REALIZE THEY GET CAUGHT UP IN IT TOO. My gawd how dumb are these things. I've never seen such low iq fks in my life.
You should leave the severely retarded out of comparison with Democrats. They're like innocent children.
Poor little tRumplings...
Severely retarded people are like innocent children. Democrats are kenniving pieces of shit.
View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.

View attachment 335146

Good luck with that.

Don't you need to snitch on those neighbors not observing social distancing by having their grandkids over for a visit or the stylist who's doing haircuts down the street because she needs money to pay the mortgage and buy groceries?



I'm retired, and in CA the vast majority of the people in my region (The Bay Area) respect the need to observe social distancing and the wearing of masks while in public areas.

The stylist can obtain food at food pantries, and if you need to blame someone blame the Federal Government, the money being printed which was promised the stylist hasn't yet been received, one more FUBAR of the Trump Administration.

Last night, on the MSM News, which you probably don't watch cause you've been told it is all fake, was a story on how why the money didn't reach the stylist. Watch last night's NBC National News, which you can probably see on demand, or on the Internet. But don't expect to get your money, Trump&Co. are continuing their usual form of governance, i.e. SNAFU.
View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.

View attachment 335146

Good luck with that.

Don't you need to snitch on those neighbors not observing social distancing by having their grandkids over for a visit or the stylist who's doing haircuts down the street because she needs money to pay the mortgage and buy groceries?



I'm retired, and in CA the vast majority of the people in my region (The Bay Area) respect the need to observe social distancing and the wearing of masks while in public areas.

The stylist can obtain food at food pantries, and if you need to blame someone blame the Federal Government, the money being printed which was promised the stylist hasn't yet been received, one more FUBAR of the Trump Administration.

Last night, on the MSM News, which you probably don't watch cause you've been told it is all fake, was a story on how why the money didn't reach the stylist. Watch last night's NBC National News, which you can probably see on demand, or on the Internet. But don't expect to get your money, Trump&Co. are continuing their usual form of governance, i.e. SNAFU.

Seriously, you piece of fucking shit? So, instead of being able to make a living, the stylist can just go to food pantries to eat..but what about paying for housing and electricity, you fucking tard?!
You are 1 fucktarded asshole, you know that?

All because of a government decree of "Thou shalt not go to work."?

Punch yourself right in the face for me, k?

After that, kick yourself right in the ass, too. You deserve it.

Gee Mary, why don't you go out and buy tons of canned goods and pass them out to your hair stylist, you can pay her rent and other bills too. Oh, but Donald Trump promised her $1,200 - wonder why she didn't get her money? Boeing got theirs.
View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.

View attachment 335146

Good luck with that.

Don't you need to snitch on those neighbors not observing social distancing by having their grandkids over for a visit or the stylist who's doing haircuts down the street because she needs money to pay the mortgage and buy groceries?



I'm retired, and in CA the vast majority of the people in my region (The Bay Area) respect the need to observe social distancing and the wearing of masks while in public areas.

The stylist can obtain food at food pantries, and if you need to blame someone blame the Federal Government, the money being printed which was promised the stylist hasn't yet been received, one more FUBAR of the Trump Administration.

Last night, on the MSM News, which you probably don't watch cause you've been told it is all fake, was a story on how why the money didn't reach the stylist. Watch last night's NBC National News, which you can probably see on demand, or on the Internet. But don't expect to get your money, Trump&Co. are continuing their usual form of governance, i.e. SNAFU.

Seriously, you piece of fucking shit? So, instead of being able to make a living, the stylist can just go to food pantries to eat..but what about paying for housing and electricity, you fucking tard?!
You are 1 fucktarded asshole, you know that?

All because of a government decree of "Thou shalt not go to work."?

Punch yourself right in the face for me, k?

After that, kick yourself right in the ass, too. You deserve it.

Gee Mary, why don't you go out and buy tons of canned goods and pass them out to your hair stylist, you can pay her rent and other bills too. Oh, but Donald Trump promised her $1,200 - wonder why she didn't get her money? Boeing got theirs.

Unworthy of a reply. Too stupid for words.
View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.


Be sure to wear your vest but it's not going to do you much good with your stupid head blown off.

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