HR 6666" Door-to-Door Testing and Contact Tracing Bill

A George Soros & Bill Gates funded "Contact Tracing Board" that is hoping to be able to force their way into our homes and find out who we have possibly contacted the virus from has been formed in Mass. called "Partners In Health". They also plan on removing infected individuals and throwing them in quarantine.

"Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. "
A little soon don't they think ? I mean hey the treatment and vaccine comes before the Gestapo knocking down covid-19 doors right ? Sounds like there's more to their bullcrap than meets the eye in this. No one who is sickened by covid-19 needs to be hunted down. They will be looking for help pronto. Anyone who is A-symtematic is showing signs of immunity, and that's a great thing. Now identifying these individuals by testing is all that can be done, but only in a volunteer way.

People will do the right thing, so it's important that the government meets them in earnest upon the field of trust. Anything else creates mis-trust and suspicion.

I don't think that is the way contact tracing works in an epidemic. If someone who subsequently becomes sick is positive - they want to know anyone that person might have come in contact with. Those people are warned that they might be infected, and to self isolate for a period of time to avoid spreading it further. It's not a new tool, it's been used for ages.
If it's been used for ages.....they why in the fuck is the Democrat Party introducing new more abusive legislation that gives them more power over our lives. If it's something that they've already been doing....WTF is this bill about?
A George Soros & Bill Gates funded "Contact Tracing Board" that is hoping to be able to force their way into our homes and find out who we have possibly contacted the virus from has been formed in Mass. called "Partners In Health". They also plan on removing infected individuals and throwing them in quarantine.

"Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. "
A little soon don't they think ? I mean hey the treatment and vaccine comes before the Gestapo knocking down covid-19 doors right ? Sounds like there's more to their bullcrap than meets the eye in this. No one who is sickened by covid-19 needs to be hunted down. They will be looking for help pronto. Anyone who is A-symtematic is showing signs of immunity, and that's a great thing. Now identifying these individuals by testing is all that can be done, but only in a volunteer way.

People will do the right thing, so it's important that the government meets them in earnest upon the field of trust. Anything else creates mis-trust and suspicion.

I don't think that is the way contact tracing works in an epidemic. If someone who subsequently becomes sick is positive - they want to know anyone that person might have come in contact with. Those people are warned that they might be infected, and to self isolate for a period of time to avoid spreading it further. It's not a new tool, it's been used for ages.
If it's been used for ages.....they why in the fuck is the Democrat Party introducing new more abusive legislation that gives them more power over our lives. If it's something that they've already been doing....WTF is this bill about?

Did you read it?
A George Soros & Bill Gates funded "Contact Tracing Board" that is hoping to be able to force their way into our homes and find out who we have possibly contacted the virus from has been formed in Mass. called "Partners In Health". They also plan on removing infected individuals and throwing them in quarantine.

"Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. "
A little soon don't they think ? I mean hey the treatment and vaccine comes before the Gestapo knocking down covid-19 doors right ? Sounds like there's more to their bullcrap than meets the eye in this. No one who is sickened by covid-19 needs to be hunted down. They will be looking for help pronto. Anyone who is A-symtematic is showing signs of immunity, and that's a great thing. Now identifying these individuals by testing is all that can be done, but only in a volunteer way.

People will do the right thing, so it's important that the government meets them in earnest upon the field of trust. Anything else creates mis-trust and suspicion.

I don't think that is the way contact tracing works in an epidemic. If someone who subsequently becomes sick is positive - they want to know anyone that person might have come in contact with. Those people are warned that they might be infected, and to self isolate for a period of time to avoid spreading it further. It's not a new tool, it's been used for ages.
If it's been used for ages.....they why in the fuck is the Democrat Party introducing new more abusive legislation that gives them more power over our lives. If it's something that they've already been doing....WTF is this bill about?
Its about contact tracing. You should have read it and you would have known.
One more thread attacking Democrats using half-truths and innuendos:

From the link:

To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes.

"Other purposes" may or may not be nefarious, but the author of this thread, using hyperbole and partisan hackery tries to make diagnostic testing into a threat on the liberty of all American Citizens.

Clearly this thread is an example of trolling, and the bait he used is sufficient to attract others who feed on this form of bullshit.
What part of "and as nessesary at individuals residences as well" ???? That could entail all sorts of open door bullcrap. First it was the wall you all hated, and therefore want open borders, and now it's no borders between the state and ones private residences ??
Good God, how did Gates become so hated by you guys that you believe fake claims without even verifying??

And what, specifically, is in the bill that is bad or allow for home invasion?
Gates has been talking about this crap for over 14 years.
What makes you think we just now started to be alarmed about what he keeps saying?

But the claims are fake.
You don't know that. You just assume that all of this is happening by accident.
But why is the press defending China?
Why is Dr Fauci pushing vaccines and fighting any treatments that are cheap and readily available to everyone?
Why are Democrats putting their totally unrelated pet projects in COVID-19 funding bills?

Why are they now trying to come up with ways to invade our privacy and literally break down our doors?
Because they want to control us.

And you're too trusting and gullible to think they would ever....ever attempt to do what they've been talking about doing about among themselves for years.

The fact is.....the Democrat Party that you believe in doesn't exist anymore.
They call themselves Progressives and Democratic Socialists......but what they are is Communists and Global Elitists.
We're just scum to them.
They think we're stupid and easy to trick and mislead.
And in your case maybe they're correct.
"Why is Dr Fauci pushing vaccines and fighting any treatments that are cheap and readily available to everyone? "

My guess is because Dr Fauci isnt an idiot. Not to mention he is an expert in virology.
He has a financial stake in the company, whose drug he is promoting
Is anyone else curious about who are the "eligible entities"the bill awards permission to enter your home and "test" you?

Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities
Now they want to come to your home and test you for the Wuhan Flu
Official Title as Introduced:
COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes.
Never gonna happen.
Now they want to come to your home and test you for the Wuhan Flu
Official Title as Introduced:
COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes.
Comrades what could possibly go wrong !
rut roh.png

A George Soros & Bill Gates funded "Contact Tracing Board" that is hoping to be able to force their way into our homes and find out who we have possibly contacted the virus from has been formed in Mass. called "Partners In Health". They also plan on removing infected individuals and throwing them in quarantine.

"Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. "
A little soon don't they think ? I mean hey the treatment and vaccine comes before the Gestapo knocking down covid-19 doors right ? Sounds like there's more to their bullcrap than meets the eye in this. No one who is sickened by covid-19 needs to be hunted down. They will be looking for help pronto. Anyone who is A-symtematic is showing signs of immunity, and that's a great thing. Now identifying these individuals by testing is all that can be done, but only in a volunteer way.

People will do the right thing, so it's important that the government meets them in earnest upon the field of trust. Anything else creates mis-trust and suspicion.

I don't think that is the way contact tracing works in an epidemic. If someone who subsequently becomes sick is positive - they want to know anyone that person might have come in contact with. Those people are warned that they might be infected, and to self isolate for a period of time to avoid spreading it further. It's not a new tool, it's been used for ages.
If it's been used for ages.....they why in the fuck is the Democrat Party introducing new more abusive legislation that gives them more power over our lives. If it's something that they've already been doing....WTF is this bill about?

Did you read it?
Yes.....only one page so far. It's asking for funding so they can train their Brown Shirted thugs to kick down our doors.

"Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush has introduced a bill in Congress to authorize the federal government to grant approved entities the right to conduct contact tracing for Coronavirus at “individuals’ residences.” Contact tracing involves investigators tracing every interaction that infected people have."

Now.....what do you think private contact tracers will be doing at OUR HOMES? This is un-elected government sponsored thugs being given the right to enter your home and look for evidence of something. Basically this is a fishing expedition looking for crimes. Maybe CNN can be there with their cameras rolling as well.

You have to be the most gullible asshole in the country if you think this can't be abused.
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trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
go back and cower under your bed, society does not need you
trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
go back and cower under your bed, society does not need you
lol. do not pretend to care about society, you egotistic twat. guess what, during a pandemic, testing and contact tracing needs to be done to control the pandemic, and to be able to open the economy.
trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
Thanks for the worthless input.
Do everyone a favor and leave.
trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
go back and cower under your bed, society does not need you
lol. do not pretend to care about society, you egotistic twat. guess what, during a pandemic, testing and contact tracing needs to be done to control the pandemic, and to be able to open the economy.
Yep....we have to allow invasion of privacy in our homes to reopen the economy.

Think anyone will buy it?
trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
Thanks for the worthless input.
Do everyone a favor and leave.
thx 4 sharin. i will stay. someone needs to slap you morons from time to time. you are wallowing in your bubble enough as it is.
trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
go back and cower under your bed, society does not need you
lol. do not pretend to care about society, you egotistic twat. guess what, during a pandemic, testing and contact tracing needs to be done to control the pandemic, and to be able to open the economy.
Yep....we have to allow invasion of privacy in our homes to reopen the economy.

Think anyone will buy it?
invasion of privacy, lol. hey, maybe trump can use the patriot act and declare non-compliants as terrorists. then you would cheer for it.
trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
go back and cower under your bed, society does not need you
lol. do not pretend to care about society, you egotistic twat. guess what, during a pandemic, testing and contact tracing needs to be done to control the pandemic, and to be able to open the economy.
Yep....we have to allow invasion of privacy in our homes to reopen the economy.

Think anyone will buy it?
Unfortunately there are many on the board that will see it as gospel. See above post.
trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
go back and cower under your bed, society does not need you
lol. do not pretend to care about society, you egotistic twat. guess what, during a pandemic, testing and contact tracing needs to be done to control the pandemic, and to be able to open the economy.
Yep....we have to allow invasion of privacy in our homes to reopen the economy.

Think anyone will buy it?
Unfortunately there are many on the board that will see it as gospel. See above post.
you twats don't even know what you are whining about. you should be embarrassed. bloviating about forced invasion while telling others to cower under their beds.
trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
go back and cower under your bed, society does not need you
lol. do not pretend to care about society, you egotistic twat. guess what, during a pandemic, testing and contact tracing needs to be done to control the pandemic, and to be able to open the economy.
Yep....we have to allow invasion of privacy in our homes to reopen the economy.

Think anyone will buy it?
Unfortunately there are many on the board that will see it as gospel. See above post.
No......I think everyone can take it and decide for themselves...which is why your silly post is so ironic.
Folks like you take the left's new normal at face value and treat it like gospel.

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