HR 6666" Door-to-Door Testing and Contact Tracing Bill

View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.

View attachment 335146

Good luck with that.

Don't you need to snitch on those neighbors not observing social distancing by having their grandkids over for a visit or the stylist who's doing haircuts down the street because she needs money to pay the mortgage and buy groceries?



I'm retired, and in CA the vast majority of the people in my region (The Bay Area) respect the need to observe social distancing and the wearing of masks while in public areas.

The stylist can obtain food at food pantries, and if you need to blame someone blame the Federal Government, the money being printed which was promised the stylist hasn't yet been received, one more FUBAR of the Trump Administration.

Last night, on the MSM News, which you probably don't watch cause you've been told it is all fake, was a story on how why the money didn't reach the stylist. Watch last night's NBC National News, which you can probably see on demand, or on the Internet. But don't expect to get your money, Trump&Co. are continuing their usual form of governance, i.e. SNAFU.

Seriously, you piece of fucking shit? So, instead of being able to make a living, the stylist can just go to food pantries to eat..but what about paying for housing and electricity, you fucking tard?!
You are 1 fucktarded asshole, you know that?

All because of a government decree of "Thou shalt not go to work."?

Punch yourself right in the face for me, k?

After that, kick yourself right in the ass, too. You deserve it.

Gee Mary, why don't you go out and buy tons of canned goods and pass them out to your hair stylist, you can pay her rent and other bills too. Oh, but Donald Trump promised her $1,200 - wonder why she didn't get her money? Boeing got theirs.

Unworthy of a reply. Too stupid for words.

Well, you are an authority on stupid. That's a genre you've perfected.
View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.

View attachment 335160

Be sure to wear your vest but it's not going to do you much good with your stupid head blown off.

Wow, one more example ^^^ of a right wing jerk who claims to support COTUS only when it suit his/her wants. Brandishing a firearm at LE is a felony, and if you do so you will either end up in prison or in the Morgue.
Good God, how did Gates become so hated by you guys that you believe fake claims without even verifying??

And what, specifically, is in the bill that is bad or allow for home invasion?
Gates has been talking about this crap for over 14 years.
What makes you think we just now started to be alarmed about what he keeps saying?

But the claims are fake.
You don't know that. You just assume that all of this is happening by accident.
But why is the press defending China?
Why is Dr Fauci pushing vaccines and fighting any treatments that are cheap and readily available to everyone?
Why are Democrats putting their totally unrelated pet projects in COVID-19 funding bills?

Why are they now trying to come up with ways to invade our privacy and literally break down our doors?
Because they want to control us.

And you're too trusting and gullible to think they would ever....ever attempt to do what they've been talking about doing about among themselves for years.

The fact is.....the Democrat Party that you believe in doesn't exist anymore.
They call themselves Progressives and Democratic Socialists......but what they are is Communists and Global Elitists.
We're just scum to them.
They think we're stupid and easy to trick and mislead.
And in your case maybe they're correct.
"Why is Dr Fauci pushing vaccines and fighting any treatments that are cheap and readily available to everyone? "

My guess is because Dr Fauci isnt an idiot. Not to mention he is an expert in virology.
Asslips, you are no dummy. You know better than that.

Follow the money.

View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.

View attachment 335146

Good luck with that.

Don't you need to snitch on those neighbors not observing social distancing by having their grandkids over for a visit or the stylist who's doing haircuts down the street because she needs money to pay the mortgage and buy groceries?



I'm retired, and in CA the vast majority of the people in my region (The Bay Area) respect the need to observe social distancing and the wearing of masks while in public areas.

The stylist can obtain food at food pantries, and if you need to blame someone blame the Federal Government, the money being printed which was promised the stylist hasn't yet been received, one more FUBAR of the Trump Administration.

Last night, on the MSM News, which you probably don't watch cause you've been told it is all fake, was a story on how why the money didn't reach the stylist. Watch last night's NBC National News, which you can probably see on demand, or on the Internet. But don't expect to get your money, Trump&Co. are continuing their usual form of governance, i.e. SNAFU.

Tell us, do you try to swim around or do you just float in that cesspool you're living in? If you even call it living, mere existence is more like it and even that's a chore.
This post should be pinned to the TOP lol..

IT's where we can post all the ways you duumb asses will lose your rights as you DENY A GAWD DAM BILL ON IT'S WAY TO THE HOUUSE IT WON'T GO AWAY -----------------------------K!!!!! UNLESS TRUMP GETS THE DEEP STATE FIRST......

THIS IS HOW DUMB THE PUBLIC IS......... it's all cominng for you

The move toward using robots in law enforcement, private security, and even to scare away the homeless, has been a decade-long trend that is now becoming much more prevalent in everyday life in the wake of COVID-19. Where people were once appalled that drones went from “search and rescue” duties to surveillance, the Overton window has quickly moved to pandemic drones that can use thermal imaging to scan the public’s temperature readings.

trumptards and conspiracy victims want to scream and whine the pandemic away. they want everything to be like it was in december 2019, and they want it NOW.
the economy needs to be opened up, a vaccine, should it be developped, will not be taken, as it is provided by satan, contact tracing and testing must be opposed, cuz REASONS, a mask is not worn cuz mimimimimiimi. to sum up, a bunch of entitled whiny babies who need to shut the fuck up.
go back and cower under your bed, society does not need you
lol. do not pretend to care about society, you egotistic twat. guess what, during a pandemic, testing and contact tracing needs to be done to control the pandemic, and to be able to open the economy.
Testing is the panacea to all democrats...... not the answer at thiis point in time. Now do the math for contact tracing. Hope you have a super computer , Lets say you follow one person and they go to the grocery store where they come within 6 fee of 30 other people, now those you trace their contacts and they came withing 6 feet of another 30 and so on and so on and so on, How do you intended on doing that?
View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.

View attachment 335146

Good luck with that.

Don't you need to snitch on those neighbors not observing social distancing by having their grandkids over for a visit or the stylist who's doing haircuts down the street because she needs money to pay the mortgage and buy groceries?



I'm retired, and in CA the vast majority of the people in my region (The Bay Area) respect the need to observe social distancing and the wearing of masks while in public areas.

The stylist can obtain food at food pantries, and if you need to blame someone blame the Federal Government, the money being printed which was promised the stylist hasn't yet been received, one more FUBAR of the Trump Administration.

Last night, on the MSM News, which you probably don't watch cause you've been told it is all fake, was a story on how why the money didn't reach the stylist. Watch last night's NBC National News, which you can probably see on demand, or on the Internet. But don't expect to get your money, Trump&Co. are continuing their usual form of governance, i.e. SNAFU.


Blame it on the person who controls the purse strings. That would be the House Speaker what's her name...

...Nancy Pelosi...

Isn't she a progressive?


View attachment 335101

We've got these brand new test kits and we're sending people around to your home to check to see if you test positive to the Chinese Plague...



LIAR ^^^: Have you ever read and understood the 4th Amendment? This bill does not supersede it.

View attachment 335135

I'm sure you believe that and I still oppose the bill and you still can't come into my home.



I'm retired. But if I was still working and had probable cause, and obtained a search warrant I would enter your home along with a sufficient number of armed deputies if your record suggested you are a credible threat.

View attachment 335146

Good luck with that.

Don't you need to snitch on those neighbors not observing social distancing by having their grandkids over for a visit or the stylist who's doing haircuts down the street because she needs money to pay the mortgage and buy groceries?



I'm retired, and in CA the vast majority of the people in my region (The Bay Area) respect the need to observe social distancing and the wearing of masks while in public areas.

The stylist can obtain food at food pantries, and if you need to blame someone blame the Federal Government, the money being printed which was promised the stylist hasn't yet been received, one more FUBAR of the Trump Administration.

Last night, on the MSM News, which you probably don't watch cause you've been told it is all fake, was a story on how why the money didn't reach the stylist. Watch last night's NBC National News, which you can probably see on demand, or on the Internet. But don't expect to get your money, Trump&Co. are continuing their usual form of governance, i.e. SNAFU.

You're about like a white dog turd, k?
All kinds of gestapo tactics being floated
Meanwhile the buck passing and footdragging continues.
Trump passes to governors. They don’t know what to do as they are solely motivated by fear of loss and very little benefit of gain in them.
So now Hogan of MD is going to pass it to the county executives. I wonder where it is in the Council Charter that he can lock me in my house. Foot dragging, worst case scenario, “all about your health and safety” the endless nanny state of overreaching government. I guess the county executive will then pass it on to block captains of subdivisions???
Silliest most destructive and unnecessary thing I have witnessed in over 60 years on this earth and they are laying the ground for the same bullshit this fall.
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Gee Mary, why don't you go out and buy tons of canned goods and pass them out to your hair stylist, you can pay her rent and other bills too. Oh, but Donald Trump promised her $1,200 - wonder why she didn't get her money? Boeing got theirs.


That's mighty progressive of you.

Are you always this keen at suggesting ways for spending money of other people or did you have to learn that at some progressive training camp?

Did they also teach you to goosestep in formation?


Gee Mary, why don't you go out and buy tons of canned goods and pass them out to your hair stylist, you can pay her rent and other bills too. Oh, but Donald Trump promised her $1,200 - wonder why she didn't get her money? Boeing got theirs.

View attachment 335252

That's mighty progressive of you.

Are you always this keen at suggesting ways for spending money of other people or did you have to learn that at some progressive training camp?

Did they also teach you to goosestep in formation?



Gee Mary, why don't you go out and buy tons of canned goods and pass them out to your hair stylist, you can pay her rent and other bills too. Oh, but Donald Trump promised her $1,200 - wonder why she didn't get her money? Boeing got theirs.

View attachment 335252

That's mighty progressive of you.

Are you always this keen at suggesting ways for spending money of other people or did you have to learn that at some progressive training camp?

Did they also teach you to goosestep in formation?



View attachment 335282


I know it's a hard concept for you to comprehend.

I'll try to speak slower and use more one syllable words.


Why would anyone stand in opposition to ending this pandemic? What virtue drives their opposition to testing and contact tracing? Are they sincerely misanthropic? Are they so cynical they believe they, with little or no knowledge of pandemics, can decide better for the health and safety of society? Do they have a hedonistic, narrow and childish view of what freedom and liberty mean?

I think all three questions can be answered yes! So why on earth should your constricted outlooks be given anything other than the back of the hand?
This is a sad commentary on the land of the free, home of the brave, that shining light the beacon of Liberty is all but out-

Maybe a dictionary would help- free is unencumbered- does that help?

The knowledge you speak of is coming from the lyingest entities in the world- gov't and media = no credibility.

Do you remember the story of the little boy who had to put his finger in the dyke? Do you remember why?
Why would anyone stand in opposition to ending this pandemic? What virtue drives their opposition to testing and contact tracing? Are they sincerely misanthropic? Are they so cynical they believe they, with little or no knowledge of pandemics, can decide better for the health and safety of society? Do they have a hedonistic, narrow and childish view of what freedom and liberty mean?

I think all three questions can be answered yes! So why on earth should your constricted outlooks be given anything other than the back of the hand?
This is a sad commentary on the land of the free, home of the brave, that shining light the beacon of Liberty is all but out-

Maybe a dictionary would help- free is unencumbered- does that help?

The knowledge you speak of is coming from the lyingest entities in the world- gov't and media = no credibility.

Do you remember the story of the little boy who had to put his finger in the dyke? Do you remember why?
Cynicism leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to tragic decision making. Tragic decision making leads to destruction.

If you want to use cynicism to further the death of expertise, do it on your own watch. But don't expect those of us who value both history and expertise to pay any attention to your efforts.

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