HR 6666" Door-to-Door Testing and Contact Tracing Bill

A George Soros & Bill Gates funded "Contact Tracing Board" that is hoping to be able to force their way into our homes and find out who we have possibly contacted the virus from has been formed in Mass. called "Partners In Health". They also plan on removing infected individuals and throwing them in quarantine.

"Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. "
You and your conspiracy theories are amusing. Have you actually read the bill?
If Gates and Soros are behind it, we need to run in the opposite direction. Soros and Pelousi have already given us 3+ years of Trump propaganda and lying bullshit from the media that Soros bought and paid for. And Gates is spreading polio in India and Africa with his "vaccines". These people are ruthless. If they say, "Go North" we should turn South and run from their agenda.

Who can wage war against them?
Good God, how did Gates become so hated by you guys that you believe fake claims without even verifying??

And what, specifically, is in the bill that is bad or allow for home invasion?
Here is the bill: All Info - H.R.6666 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

It's about contact tracing (ie - done through interviews usually) - where does it say anything about breaking into people's homes? :dunno:
You're way too gullible.
For every law that the left creates.....there's a million ways they plan to abuse it.
What they intend on doing is breaking in on someone they suspect to be COVID-19 positive...they'll chuck the suspect in quarantine...but then if they do a search and find guns.....they'll trash the place and take everything they claim is contraband.

"Ohhhhhh.........but they would never break the law!!!"

Communists feel that laws are only for us.....not for them.
That's why Obama tried to get away with so much.
Now he says that exposure of his crimes is an abuse of the rule of law.
Total horseshit of course.

A George Soros & Bill Gates funded "Contact Tracing Board" that is hoping to be able to force their way into our homes and find out who we have possibly contacted the virus from has been formed in Mass. called "Partners In Health". They also plan on removing infected individuals and throwing them in quarantine.

"Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. "
A little soon don't they think ? I mean hey the treatment and vaccine comes before the Gestapo knocking down covid-19 doors right ? Sounds like there's more to their bullcrap than meets the eye in this. No one who is sickened by covid-19 needs to be hunted down. They will be looking for help pronto. Anyone who is A-symtematic is showing signs of immunity, and that's a great thing. Now identifying these individuals by testing is all that can be done, but only in a volunteer way.

People will do the right thing, so it's important that the government meets them in earnest upon the field of trust. Anything else creates mis-trust and suspicion.
Contact tracing is effective for things like venereal diseases, and blood born pathogens like Hepatitis.
Contact tracing for a respiratory virus?
LOL! are fucking STUPID.
A George Soros & Bill Gates funded "Contact Tracing Board" that is hoping to be able to force their way into our homes and find out who we have possibly contacted the virus from has been formed in Mass. called "Partners In Health". They also plan on removing infected individuals and throwing them in quarantine.

"Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. "
A little soon don't they think ? I mean hey the treatment and vaccine comes before the Gestapo knocking down covid-19 doors right ? Sounds like there's more to their bullcrap than meets the eye in this. No one who is sickened by covid-19 needs to be hunted down. They will be looking for help pronto. Anyone who is A-symtematic is showing signs of immunity, and that's a great thing. Now identifying these individuals by testing is all that can be done, but only in a volunteer way.

People will do the right thing, so it's important that the government meets them in earnest upon the field of trust. Anything else creates mis-trust and suspicion.

I don't think that is the way contact tracing works in an epidemic. If someone who subsequently becomes sick is positive - they want to know anyone that person might have come in contact with. Those people are warned that they might be infected, and to self isolate for a period of time to avoid spreading it further. It's not a new tool, it's been used for ages.
Contact tracing is effective for things like venereal diseases, and blood born pathogens like Hepatitis.
Contact tracing for a respiratory virus?
LOL! are fucking STUPID.

It's effective for any contagious diseases. It's how they handled the ebola epidemic as well as SARS and MERS and Swine Flu.
Now they want to come to your home and test you for the Wuhan Flu
Official Title as Introduced:
COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes.
If they come to my door, they are likely to die of lead poisoning.

Contact tracing is effective for things like venereal diseases, and blood born pathogens like Hepatitis.
Contact tracing for a respiratory virus?
LOL! are fucking STUPID.

It's effective for any contagious diseases. It's how they handled the ebola epidemic as well as SARS and MERS and Swine Flu.
No it's fucking's effective for diseases with a transmissibility rate, and population that can be accurately tracked. Sexual partners, people you share needles with etc. Not a cold/flu/respiratory virus which can live in water vapor in the air for 30 minutes and can live on non-porous surfaces for >48 hours.
Someone could literally go shopping in a mall for two hours and infect 30 people...or more...easily. How could you possibly track that population?
NOT TO MENTION that upwards of 80% are A symptomatic.

I live in a country full of fucking retards.
Good God, how did Gates become so hated by you guys that you believe fake claims without even verifying??

And what, specifically, is in the bill that is bad or allow for home invasion?
Gates has been talking about this crap for over 14 years.
What makes you think we just now started to be alarmed about what he keeps saying?

But the claims are fake.
You don't know that. You just assume that all of this is happening by accident.
But why is the press defending China?
Why is Dr Fauci pushing vaccines and fighting any treatments that are cheap and readily available to everyone?
Why are Democrats putting their totally unrelated pet projects in COVID-19 funding bills?

Why are they now trying to come up with ways to invade our privacy and literally break down our doors?
Because they want to control us.

And you're too trusting and gullible to think they would ever....ever attempt to do what they've been talking about doing about among themselves for years.

The fact is.....the Democrat Party that you believe in doesn't exist anymore.
They call themselves Progressives and Democratic Socialists......but what they are is Communists and Global Elitists.
We're just scum to them.
They think we're stupid and easy to trick and mislead.
And in your case maybe they're correct.
Good God, how did Gates become so hated by you guys that you believe fake claims without even verifying??

And what, specifically, is in the bill that is bad or allow for home invasion?
Gates has been talking about this crap for over 14 years.
What makes you think we just now started to be alarmed about what he keeps saying?

But the claims are fake.
You don't know that. You just assume that all of this is happening by accident.
But why is the press defending China?
Why is Dr Fauci pushing vaccines and fighting any treatments that are cheap and readily available to everyone?
Why are Democrats putting their totally unrelated pet projects in COVID-19 funding bills?

Why are they now trying to come up with ways to invade our privacy and literally break down our doors?
Because they want to control us.

And you're too trusting and gullible to think they would ever....ever attempt to do what they've been talking about doing about among themselves for years.

The fact is.....the Democrat Party that you believe in doesn't exist anymore.
They call themselves Progressives and Democratic Socialists......but what they are is Communists and Global Elitists.
We're just scum to them.
They think we're stupid and easy to trick and mislead.
And in your case maybe they're correct.
"Why is Dr Fauci pushing vaccines and fighting any treatments that are cheap and readily available to everyone? "

My guess is because Dr Fauci isnt an idiot. Not to mention he is an expert in virology.

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