HR 6666" Door-to-Door Testing and Contact Tracing Bill

Contract tracing now, just when the pandemic is weakening is stupid, excessive, intrusive and hopefully will be stopped. First this county, then all of California, then the nation and world. Utterly bizarre!

Orwellian Contact Tracing Program Begins in US, with Potential Mandatory Evacuation on Books
like they are not doing it already. are you fucking kidding me. you carry high tech it is highly likey every buisnesss and government on the planet knows right where you are. dont carry it and they still know through camaras. I am not even sure you can go out on the ocean and leave all tech they still have satalights.
Somebody skipped school a lot.
spoken byh a deciple of a fool that tells you to swallow cleaner and inject it into you viens. yep it hurts so bad dumb fuck.
Yes asshole! Yes asshole, yes asshole, but ewe still skipped school a lot skippy! :)
Gruesome Newsom has 20,000 agents with 3,000 a week graduating training. They are to go house to house testing. If you test positive ( not sick ) you will be removed to a quarantine center until you no longer test positive. You aren't allowed a second opinion test, can't conduct your own test, are not allowed visitors, cannot have an attorney.

It goes without saying that testing negative doesn't mean anything. You can test positive next visit.
Contract tracing now, just when the pandemic is weakening is stupid, excessive, intrusive and hopefully will be stopped. First this county, then all of California, then the nation and world. Utterly bizarre!

Orwellian Contact Tracing Program Begins in US, with Potential Mandatory Evacuation on Books
like they are not doing it already. are you fucking kidding me. you carry high tech it is highly likey every buisnesss and government on the planet knows right where you are. dont carry it and they still know through camaras. I am not even sure you can go out on the ocean and leave all tech they still have satalights.
Somebody skipped school a lot.
spoken byh a deciple of a fool that tells you to swallow cleaner and inject it into you viens. yep it hurts so bad dumb fuck.
Yes asshole! Yes asshole, yes asshole, but ewe still skipped school a lot skippy! :)
so tell me dumb fuck you realy have nothinng better to do than spell check and graqmmer check this shit? Realy? No better use of your time like figuing out that people who tell ya to inject your self with cleaners may not be the best to follow? ya you shake me to my core there dumb fuck just just hurts so bad. LOL I am laughing at you, you know that right?
Contract tracing now, just when the pandemic is weakening is stupid, excessive, intrusive and hopefully will be stopped. First this county, then all of California, then the nation and world. Utterly bizarre!

Orwellian Contact Tracing Program Begins in US, with Potential Mandatory Evacuation on Books
like they are not doing it already. are you fucking kidding me. you carry high tech it is highly likey every buisnesss and government on the planet knows right where you are. dont carry it and they still know through camaras. I am not even sure you can go out on the ocean and leave all tech they still have satalights.
Somebody skipped school a lot.
spoken byh a deciple of a fool that tells you to swallow cleaner and inject it into you viens. yep it hurts so bad dumb fuck.
Only democrats said that. These lies are part of why democrats are going down.
Gruesome Newsom has 20,000 agents with 3,000 a week graduating training. They are to go house to house testing. If you test positive ( not sick ) you will be removed to a quarantine center until you no longer test positive. You aren't allowed a second opinion test, can't conduct your own test, are not allowed visitors, cannot have an attorney.

It is martial law when they start crashing through your front door with guns blazing; along with the tests they will force on you and your family.
Contract tracing now, just when the pandemic is weakening is stupid, excessive, intrusive and hopefully will be stopped. First this county, then all of California, then the nation and world. Utterly bizarre!

Orwellian Contact Tracing Program Begins in US, with Potential Mandatory Evacuation on Books
like they are not doing it already. are you fucking kidding me. you carry high tech it is highly likey every buisnesss and government on the planet knows right where you are. dont carry it and they still know through camaras. I am not even sure you can go out on the ocean and leave all tech they still have satalights.
Somebody skipped school a lot.
spoken byh a deciple of a fool that tells you to swallow cleaner and inject it into you viens. yep it hurts so bad dumb fuck.
Only democrats said that. These lies are part of why democrats are going down.
I watched him say it and so did the rest of the world so go bone your self. LOL you are fucking hilarious. There is video.
Contract tracing now, just when the pandemic is weakening is stupid, excessive, intrusive and hopefully will be stopped. First this county, then all of California, then the nation and world. Utterly bizarre!

Orwellian Contact Tracing Program Begins in US, with Potential Mandatory Evacuation on Books
like they are not doing it already. are you fucking kidding me. you carry high tech it is highly likey every buisnesss and government on the planet knows right where you are. dont carry it and they still know through camaras. I am not even sure you can go out on the ocean and leave all tech they still have satalights.
Somebody skipped school a lot.
spoken byh a deciple of a fool that tells you to swallow cleaner and inject it into you viens. yep it hurts so bad dumb fuck.
Yes asshole! Yes asshole, yes asshole, but ewe still skipped school a lot skippy! :)
so tell me dumb fuck you realy have nothinng better to do than spell check and graqmmer check this shit? Realy? No better use of your time like figuing out that people who tell ya to inject your self with cleaners may not be the best to follow? ya you shake me to my core there dumb fuck just just hurts so bad. LOL I am laughing at you, you know that right?
some asshole can’t spell nothing. skippy skipped school.
Contract tracing now, just when the pandemic is weakening is stupid, excessive, intrusive and hopefully will be stopped. First this county, then all of California, then the nation and world. Utterly bizarre!

Orwellian Contact Tracing Program Begins in US, with Potential Mandatory Evacuation on Books
like they are not doing it already. are you fucking kidding me. you carry high tech it is highly likey every buisnesss and government on the planet knows right where you are. dont carry it and they still know through camaras. I am not even sure you can go out on the ocean and leave all tech they still have satalights.
Somebody skipped school a lot.
spoken byh a deciple of a fool that tells you to swallow cleaner and inject it into you viens. yep it hurts so bad dumb fuck.
Only democrats said that. These lies are part of why democrats are going down.
I watched him say it and so did the rest of the world so go bone your self. LOL you are fucking hilarious. There is video.
Post it skippy.
Contract tracing now, just when the pandemic is weakening is stupid, excessive, intrusive and hopefully will be stopped. First this county, then all of California, then the nation and world. Utterly bizarre!

Orwellian Contact Tracing Program Begins in US, with Potential Mandatory Evacuation on Books
like they are not doing it already. are you fucking kidding me. you carry high tech it is highly likey every buisnesss and government on the planet knows right where you are. dont carry it and they still know through camaras. I am not even sure you can go out on the ocean and leave all tech they still have satalights.
Somebody skipped school a lot.
spoken byh a deciple of a fool that tells you to swallow cleaner and inject it into you viens. yep it hurts so bad dumb fuck.
Yes asshole! Yes asshole, yes asshole, but ewe still skipped school a lot skippy! :)
so tell me dumb fuck you realy have nothinng better to do than spell check and graqmmer check this shit? Realy? No better use of your time like figuing out that people who tell ya to inject your self with cleaners may not be the best to follow? ya you shake me to my core there dumb fuck just just hurts so bad. LOL I am laughing at you, you know that right?
some asshole can’t spell nothing. skippy skipped school.
LOL<LOL<LOLLOL you are hilarious.
Contract tracing now, just when the pandemic is weakening is stupid, excessive, intrusive and hopefully will be stopped. First this county, then all of California, then the nation and world. Utterly bizarre!

Orwellian Contact Tracing Program Begins in US, with Potential Mandatory Evacuation on Books
like they are not doing it already. are you fucking kidding me. you carry high tech it is highly likey every buisnesss and government on the planet knows right where you are. dont carry it and they still know through camaras. I am not even sure you can go out on the ocean and leave all tech they still have satalights.
Somebody skipped school a lot.
spoken byh a deciple of a fool that tells you to swallow cleaner and inject it into you viens. yep it hurts so bad dumb fuck.
Yes asshole! Yes asshole, yes asshole, but ewe still skipped school a lot skippy! :)
so tell me dumb fuck you realy have nothinng better to do than spell check and graqmmer check this shit? Realy? No better use of your time like figuing out that people who tell ya to inject your self with cleaners may not be the best to follow? ya you shake me to my core there dumb fuck just just hurts so bad. LOL I am laughing at you, you know that right?
some asshole can’t spell nothing. skippy skipped school.

LOL<LOL<LOLLOL you are hilarious.
And, you are illiterate!
Talk about creepy. The Georgia Department of Public Health has announced that it, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and county health boards are together sending teams of government agents to randomly selected homes in two Georgia counties. These teams of government agents are charged with asking questions, including about household members’ health, and extracting blood from all the people living in the homes. The reason given for the home visits is — you may have guessed it — coronavirus.

Knock, Knock. We’re From The Government, And We Want Your Family’s Blood

even though they know all of this is false and why because the pussified left lay down and allow it.....

They are laughing at how stupid and OBEYING you leftist loons are.
Bureaucracies naturally tend to expand in number, reach & thus control. First the local Pandemic Squad of police, then a separate branch called Pandemic Police. Then onward to State Pandemic Police, American Pandemic Police. All being set up as temporary, for a few months. But once funds are designated, then annual appropriations occur.

But all this can be stopped, if we put our minds and wills toward it. :cool:
A George Soros & Bill Gates funded "Contact Tracing Board" that is hoping to be able to force their way into our homes and find out who we have possibly contacted the virus from has been formed in Mass. called "Partners In Health". They also plan on removing infected individuals and throwing them in quarantine.

"Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. "
California already has 20,000 tracing agents. 3000 a week graduate training. I think a lot of them will be attacked or outright get shot. This does not sound like a good move right now.
A George Soros & Bill Gates funded "Contact Tracing Board" that is hoping to be able to force their way into our homes and find out who we have possibly contacted the virus from has been formed in Mass. called "Partners In Health". They also plan on removing infected individuals and throwing them in quarantine.

"Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. "
I knew sooner or later they'd find work for Chelsea!
California already has 20,000 tracing agents. 3000 a week graduate training. I think a lot of them will be attacked or outright get shot. This does not sound like a good move right now.
They're finally finding good paying government jobs for all those illegals!

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