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Huge wins for the right wing in EU

There is a conspiracy against GD by the 2 top to parties in Greece to destroy them. Got to strong it was bound to happen. Greece is for Greeks not foreign scum. If it takes murder to get Greece back to Greek hands then go ahead...but the people spoke they want GD...even with the BS charges against them they still polled well.

Greek Golden Dawn member arrested over murder of leftwing hip-hop artist | World news | theguardian.com
Your point? Greece, especially the old downtown neighborhoods of central Athens, has indeed been inundated with the refuse of third-world shitholes. WTF would you expect?

I expect that people would reevaluate their foreign policy. They are coming from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Poverty and/or war. They are fleeing.
There's actually some truth to that statement. It was interesting watching the EU politician sputtering about when he was asked if this meant that efforts to dissolve the EU might actually expand....

The bankers created the EU, the bankers want the EU to survive.... But the people are tired of getting screwed over...

There's a lot of truth to it. And it's that same line of truth that keeps a lot of us saying there is no left or right unless it's merely rhetoric. The people are the ones that are punished continuously for the mistakes and greed made by bankers.

There truly is no difference between "right" and "left" as they are bandied about in the media. And, gun control is an objective pushed by the super rich here in the USA so they can turn this country into another subject state like the rest of Europe.

I disagree in part. The super rich don't give a hoot about gun control. Someone comes out on stage and in pure theatrical drama queen fashion makes a statement about getting rid of guns. This in turn starts a media show. Not a damn thing gets done. My all time favorite theatrical statement that you will never see: pysch eval to get a license. It will never happen.

AND it shouldn't.

What needs to happen is to repeal the Tiahrt Amendments. What needs to happen is force firearm manufactures stop allowing guns to disappear through the back door.
What needs to happen is to keep the guns from winding up in the wrong hands. That means that there needs to be some reform in sentencing in the states.

BBC News - Eurosceptic 'earthquake' rocks EU elections

French President Francois Hollande has called an urgent meeting of his cabinet, as Prime Minister Manuel Valls promised tax cuts a day after the results which he described as "a shock, an earthquake".

Chancellor Angela Merkel - whose party topped the poll in Germany - described the far right victories as "remarkable and regrettable" and said the best response was to boost economic growth and jobs.

Jose Manuel Barroso, outgoing president of the European Commission, stressed that the pro-EU blocs still had "a very solid and workable majority".

He said a "truly democratic debate" was needed to address the concerns of those who did not vote, or "voted in protest".
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Hmmm..., so the right is applauding the neo-nazis now. Can't say it wasn't always just below the surface. For all their talk of freedom, the right really likes to tell people what they're allowed to do.


You've obviously missed all my posts concerning Obama/Biden/Kerry/Harper/Cameron/Hollande/Merkel all backing Svoboda in the Ukraine.

Your mega lefties in power all backed the overthrow of the duly elected government in the Ukraine. ETA: For the life of me I cannot and will not ever understand my very conservative PM backing this coup.
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There's a lot of truth to it. And it's that same line of truth that keeps a lot of us saying there is no left or right unless it's merely rhetoric. The people are the ones that are punished continuously for the mistakes and greed made by bankers.

There truly is no difference between "right" and "left" as they are bandied about in the media. And, gun control is an objective pushed by the super rich here in the USA so they can turn this country into another subject state like the rest of Europe.

I disagree in part. The super rich don't give a hoot about gun control. Someone comes out on stage and in pure theatrical drama queen fashion makes a statement about getting rid of guns. This in turn starts a media show. Not a damn thing gets done. My all time favorite theatrical statement that you will never see: pysch eval to get a license. It will never happen.

AND it shouldn't.

What needs to happen is to repeal the Tiahrt Amendments. What needs to happen is force firearm manufactures stop allowing guns to disappear through the back door.
What needs to happen is to keep the guns from winding up in the wrong hands. That means that there needs to be some reform in sentencing in the states.

Yes, the super rich DO care about gun control. So long as the private citizen has access to firearms the uber wealthy can only do so much to screw over the peasantry. But, the second that guns are outlawed, then the super rich will enslave everyone because there will be no way to prevent it. There has been extensive reform of the gun law penalties, the problem is the progressive DA's never enforce the laws. California is right next door and a friend of mine from the Alameda County SO was sucker punched as he walked out a door in Oakland, by a convicted felon. Fortunately my friend is a tough SOB and he was able to keep hold of the perp till help arrived.

The bad guy had a gun and was trying to take my friends gun as well. The law states that as a convicted felon, on probation, in possession of a firearm you are AUTOMATICALLY violated back to prison to finish you original sentence PLUS 9 years for the firearm enhancement. What actually happened is the perp was walking the streets again 24 hours later. That's when my friend decided he needed to retire and get away from that madhouse.

In the 30 years since mandatory gun enhancement laws were placed into law the times they have actually been used is under 10.
There truly is no difference between "right" and "left" as they are bandied about in the media. And, gun control is an objective pushed by the super rich here in the USA so they can turn this country into another subject state like the rest of Europe.

I disagree in part. The super rich don't give a hoot about gun control. Someone comes out on stage and in pure theatrical drama queen fashion makes a statement about getting rid of guns. This in turn starts a media show. Not a damn thing gets done. My all time favorite theatrical statement that you will never see: pysch eval to get a license. It will never happen.

AND it shouldn't.

What needs to happen is to repeal the Tiahrt Amendments. What needs to happen is force firearm manufactures stop allowing guns to disappear through the back door.
What needs to happen is to keep the guns from winding up in the wrong hands. That means that there needs to be some reform in sentencing in the states.

Yes, the super rich DO care about gun control. So long as the private citizen has access to firearms the uber wealthy can only do so much to screw over the peasantry. But, the second that guns are outlawed, then the super rich will enslave everyone because there will be no way to prevent it.

Therefore, nothing is to be done? No repeal? No altering sentencing laws in the states? No keeping guns from slipping out the backdoor of firearm manufacturer? Nothing?
I disagree in part. The super rich don't give a hoot about gun control. Someone comes out on stage and in pure theatrical drama queen fashion makes a statement about getting rid of guns. This in turn starts a media show. Not a damn thing gets done. My all time favorite theatrical statement that you will never see: pysch eval to get a license. It will never happen.

AND it shouldn't.

What needs to happen is to repeal the Tiahrt Amendments. What needs to happen is force firearm manufactures stop allowing guns to disappear through the back door.
What needs to happen is to keep the guns from winding up in the wrong hands. That means that there needs to be some reform in sentencing in the states.

Yes, the super rich DO care about gun control. So long as the private citizen has access to firearms the uber wealthy can only do so much to screw over the peasantry. But, the second that guns are outlawed, then the super rich will enslave everyone because there will be no way to prevent it.

Therefore, nothing is to be done? No repeal? No altering sentencing laws in the states? No keeping guns from slipping out the backdoor of firearm manufacturer? Nothing?

Please see my amended post above. The laws are already there, the Progressive DA's refuse to use them.

Does this presage a similar wave of anti immigration and anti globalist voting in our upcoming elections? It is an enormous shift in Europe....

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections

(Reuters) - Eurosceptic nationalists scored stunning victories in European Parliament elections in France and Britain on Sunday as critics of the European Union more than doubled their seats in a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and unemployment.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the breakthrough by Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration, anti-euro National Front in one of the EU's founding nations a political "earthquake".

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections | Reuters

One has a leader with a swastika tattoo, one wants to rid his entire country of Muslims, another has a founder who suggested releasing the Ebola virus on migrants. This is the class of 2014, the parties set to enter the European Parliament as part of the Union's most eurosceptic, far right, anti-immigrant intake of all time.
...this year is the first time openly neo-Nazi parties will sit in Brussels as representatives of their nations."

European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right Parties Now In The European Parliament
Does this presage a similar wave of anti immigration and anti globalist voting in our upcoming elections? It is an enormous shift in Europe....

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections

(Reuters) - Eurosceptic nationalists scored stunning victories in European Parliament elections in France and Britain on Sunday as critics of the European Union more than doubled their seats in a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and unemployment.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the breakthrough by Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration, anti-euro National Front in one of the EU's founding nations a political "earthquake".

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections | Reuters

One has a leader with a swastika tattoo, one wants to rid his entire country of Muslims, another has a founder who suggested releasing the Ebola virus on migrants. This is the class of 2014, the parties set to enter the European Parliament as part of the Union's most eurosceptic, far right, anti-immigrant intake of all time.
...this year is the first time openly neo-Nazi parties will sit in Brussels as representatives of their nations."

European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right Parties Now In The European Parliament

And the progressive socialists have only themselves to blame for it. They reached too far too fast and the people got pissed off. Welcome to the real world!
The people have spoken and 43% turnout across the entire EU is not low..its actually up since 2009. Try and figure out Europeans are tired of being ruled by non Europeans...they want their countries back,they are tired of being overrun by illegals from Africa and Middle East. :) Get used to it.

The mindless austerity imposed on Greece by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund - the so-called "troika" - as part of the bailout agreements has had a catastrophic effect on Greek economy and society while the policies of privatization and structural reforms including radical labor market restructuring have set the stage for the emergence of a type of economy in which economic inefficiency, brutal economic exploitation, severe inequality, foreign dependence and environmental degradation will be the primary characteristics. The claim made here is that the wild neoliberal experiment under way in Greece will produce an economy that will resemble features not of the Celtic Tiger of the mid-1990s to early 2000s - as the current government envisions - but that of an underdeveloped Latin American country of the 1960s.

Whether the conversion of Greece from a fairly developed economy into a colonial periphery is by design or not on the part of the nation's international creditors is of secondary importance: This is the price Greece is paying for being a bankrupt nation as a member state of a currency union that has a deeply flawed institutional architecture and is being led by a hegemon that practices an extreme type of economic nationalism and "beggar thy neighbor" policies.

...Austerity was crushing the Greek economy and causing a slowdown in every peripheral euro zone economy that was implementing deep austerity measures in the midst of a major recession. But dogma is dogma and, as such, it has to be reinforced regardless of any empirical reality. Thus, the second bailout package included even more budget cuts across the board, the reduction of public employment by 150,000 by the end of 2015, and a massive privatization project - essentially an all-out neoliberal attack on public goods and all publicly owned enterprises in Greece. "A Nation for Sale" is how many Greek citizens have come to regard the terms and conditions included in the second bailout agreement. On sale, among other highly valuable state assets, are the ports of Piraeus and Thessaloniki; the Greek telecom OTE; the national lottery; prime real estate; and the postal bank. All at fire sale prices. [5]

Greece's financial backers expected the privatization projects to raise 50 billion euros by 2015, revealing how wildly out of touch they were with Greek economic reality - although a more likely scenario is that the urgent push for privatization was simply a Machiavellian plan to transfer public wealth into private hands. After all, it is beyond contention that the Greek debt crisis has been utilized as an opportunity to dismantle the social state, to sell off profitable public enterprises and state assets at bargain prices, to deprive labor of its most basic rights, and to substantially reduce wages and pensions - all with the support of a significant segment of the Greek industrial/financial class and with the assistance of the domestic political elite, which, since the onset of the crisis, has relied heavily on dictatorial action to meet the demands of the country's foreign creditors and to institutionalize a much-sought-after neoliberal economic order.

The Greek "Success Story" of a Crushing Economy and a Failed State

It's the economy.
Large part of it yes. There are other parties that say the economy is bad as well but GD takes care of its people the Greek people not illegal foreigners who don't belong there. There is more than just 1 reason the people are voting for GD. They want to return pride to Greece...

Real pride comes with a price tag ... hard work and success. Socialist states which reward non-productivity collapse once they run out of OPM (Other Peeps Money) to pay for gov't largesse.

Does this presage a similar wave of anti immigration and anti globalist voting in our upcoming elections? It is an enormous shift in Europe....

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections

(Reuters) - Eurosceptic nationalists scored stunning victories in European Parliament elections in France and Britain on Sunday as critics of the European Union more than doubled their seats in a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and unemployment.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the breakthrough by Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration, anti-euro National Front in one of the EU's founding nations a political "earthquake".

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections | Reuters

One has a leader with a swastika tattoo, one wants to rid his entire country of Muslims, another has a founder who suggested releasing the Ebola virus on migrants. This is the class of 2014, the parties set to enter the European Parliament as part of the Union's most eurosceptic, far right, anti-immigrant intake of all time.
...this year is the first time openly neo-Nazi parties will sit in Brussels as representatives of their nations."

European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right Parties Now In The European Parliament
European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right Parties Now In The European Parliament

Excellent article pointing out the Far Right/Neo-Nazi Parties across Europe, thanks.
Does this presage a similar wave of anti immigration and anti globalist voting in our upcoming elections? It is an enormous shift in Europe....

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections

(Reuters) - Eurosceptic nationalists scored stunning victories in European Parliament elections in France and Britain on Sunday as critics of the European Union more than doubled their seats in a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and unemployment.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the breakthrough by Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration, anti-euro National Front in one of the EU's founding nations a political "earthquake".

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections | Reuters

One has a leader with a swastika tattoo, one wants to rid his entire country of Muslims, another has a founder who suggested releasing the Ebola virus on migrants. This is the class of 2014, the parties set to enter the European Parliament as part of the Union's most eurosceptic, far right, anti-immigrant intake of all time.
...this year is the first time openly neo-Nazi parties will sit in Brussels as representatives of their nations."

European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right Parties Now In The European Parliament
In UK politics, UKIP is BNP lite, they are still racist, homophobic, and xenophobic, just they use more neutral language to attract the middle class. The BNP is for the poor and easily influenced, they have ties with Neo Nazis and are just as xenophobic, homophobic and racist as them.

In France, Le Pen's National Front is basically a nationalist party that believe French imperialism was justified. They hate America (see it as corrupting French society), love Russia, hate gays, and see the European Union as a group of nations out to destroy the French language and identity.

They are all dangerous, and from time to time look like they might get real power, but usually they go high one election then dive dramatically the next election.
Here's a perfect example of why a political party like UKIP rocked the vote. EU rules are looney tune. Brits paying child benefits to families not living in Britain.

I mean freaking come on here.

Child benefit worth £30million paid by Britain to families across the EU but Cameron admits it is 'impossible' to stop it

UK taxpayer funds payments to 20,400 families with 34,268 children

Almost two-thirds sent to Poland, followed by Ireland, Lithuania and Latvia

David Cameron says no-one he has met thinks the benefits are 'sensible'

But Prime Minister warns that under existing EU rules it cannot be blocked

Tory MP Andrew Rosindell says claims should be blocked for five years

And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with the EU.

Child benefit worth £30m paid by Britain to families across EU | Mail Online
Does this presage a similar wave of anti immigration and anti globalist voting in our upcoming elections? It is an enormous shift in Europe....

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections

(Reuters) - Eurosceptic nationalists scored stunning victories in European Parliament elections in France and Britain on Sunday as critics of the European Union more than doubled their seats in a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and unemployment.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the breakthrough by Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration, anti-euro National Front in one of the EU's founding nations a political "earthquake".

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections | Reuters
it is not the right wing. It is the nationalist anti-EU anti-everything populist far right.
Does this presage a similar wave of anti immigration and anti globalist voting in our upcoming elections? It is an enormous shift in Europe....

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections

(Reuters) - Eurosceptic nationalists scored stunning victories in European Parliament elections in France and Britain on Sunday as critics of the European Union more than doubled their seats in a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and unemployment.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the breakthrough by Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration, anti-euro National Front in one of the EU's founding nations a political "earthquake".

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections | Reuters
it is not the right wing. It is the nationalist anti-EU anti-everything populist far right.

If around 30% of the vote is represented by the 'far right' then that says more about you and your perspective on the nose-bleed left than it truly says about the right in Europe.

A good deal of the rightwing winners are actually socialists and nationalists, many of them full blown right wing fascists. The National Front of France is anti-Semitic to a degree that allows for self denial, and UKIP is not even anti-Semitic or racist, IMO. But I wouldn't give two shits to save the Golden Dawn and similar anti-Semitic fascist ilk from a bonfire death alive.

But methinks this is the face of the future Europe and why the Brits are likely to leave the EU politically and the French about to become crawling servile to their Teutonic overlords.

I say save the Brits if they want saving, and leave the rest of the European bastards to fry in hell. Never again should American blood be shed for the interests of those antiquated, ignorant, thugs and philistines.
Does this presage a similar wave of anti immigration and anti globalist voting in our upcoming elections? It is an enormous shift in Europe....

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections

(Reuters) - Eurosceptic nationalists scored stunning victories in European Parliament elections in France and Britain on Sunday as critics of the European Union more than doubled their seats in a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and unemployment.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the breakthrough by Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration, anti-euro National Front in one of the EU's founding nations a political "earthquake".

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections | Reuters

One has a leader with a swastika tattoo, one wants to rid his entire country of Muslims, another has a founder who suggested releasing the Ebola virus on migrants. This is the class of 2014, the parties set to enter the European Parliament as part of the Union's most eurosceptic, far right, anti-immigrant intake of all time.
...this year is the first time openly neo-Nazi parties will sit in Brussels as representatives of their nations."

European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right Parties Now In The European Parliament
In UK politics, UKIP is BNP lite, they are still racist, homophobic, and xenophobic, just they use more neutral language to attract the middle class. .

Yeah UKIP opposes the leftwing socialists therefore they are racists.

Arent you ignoramuses ever going to tire of pounding that one nail, idiot?
Here's a perfect example of why a political party like UKIP rocked the vote. EU rules are looney tune. Brits paying child benefits to families not living in Britain.

I mean freaking come on here.

Child benefit worth £30million paid by Britain to families across the EU but Cameron admits it is 'impossible' to stop it

UK taxpayer funds payments to 20,400 families with 34,268 children

Almost two-thirds sent to Poland, followed by Ireland, Lithuania and Latvia

David Cameron says no-one he has met thinks the benefits are 'sensible'

But Prime Minister warns that under existing EU rules it cannot be blocked

Tory MP Andrew Rosindell says claims should be blocked for five years

And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with the EU.

Child benefit worth £30m paid by Britain to families across EU | Mail Online

It is classic 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.'
There truly is no difference between "right" and "left" as they are bandied about in the media. And, gun control is an objective pushed by the super rich here in the USA so they can turn this country into another subject state like the rest of Europe.

I disagree in part. The super rich don't give a hoot about gun control. Someone comes out on stage and in pure theatrical drama queen fashion makes a statement about getting rid of guns. This in turn starts a media show. Not a damn thing gets done. My all time favorite theatrical statement that you will never see: pysch eval to get a license. It will never happen.

AND it shouldn't.

What needs to happen is to repeal the Tiahrt Amendments. What needs to happen is force firearm manufactures stop allowing guns to disappear through the back door.
What needs to happen is to keep the guns from winding up in the wrong hands. That means that there needs to be some reform in sentencing in the states.

Yes, the super rich DO care about gun control. So long as the private citizen has access to firearms the uber wealthy can only do so much to screw over the peasantry. But, the second that guns are outlawed, then the super rich will enslave everyone because there will be no way to prevent it. There has been extensive reform of the gun law penalties, the problem is the progressive DA's never enforce the laws. California is right next door and a friend of mine from the Alameda County SO was sucker punched as he walked out a door in Oakland, by a convicted felon. Fortunately my friend is a tough SOB and he was able to keep hold of the perp till help arrived.

The bad guy had a gun and was trying to take my friends gun as well. The law states that as a convicted felon, on probation, in possession of a firearm you are AUTOMATICALLY violated back to prison to finish you original sentence PLUS 9 years for the firearm enhancement. What actually happened is the perp was walking the streets again 24 hours later. That's when my friend decided he needed to retire and get away from that madhouse.

In the 30 years since mandatory gun enhancement laws were placed into law the times they have actually been used is under 10.

How long ago was that?
Freeing Up California's Prisons: A Massive Undertaking
Does this presage a similar wave of anti immigration and anti globalist voting in our upcoming elections? It is an enormous shift in Europe....

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections

(Reuters) - Eurosceptic nationalists scored stunning victories in European Parliament elections in France and Britain on Sunday as critics of the European Union more than doubled their seats in a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and unemployment.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the breakthrough by Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration, anti-euro National Front in one of the EU's founding nations a political "earthquake".

Big wins for French far right, Britain's UKIP rock EU elections | Reuters

One has a leader with a swastika tattoo, one wants to rid his entire country of Muslims, another has a founder who suggested releasing the Ebola virus on migrants. This is the class of 2014, the parties set to enter the European Parliament as part of the Union's most eurosceptic, far right, anti-immigrant intake of all time.
...this year is the first time openly neo-Nazi parties will sit in Brussels as representatives of their nations."

European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right Parties Now In The European Parliament
In UK politics, UKIP is BNP lite, they are still racist, homophobic, and xenophobic, just they use more neutral language to attract the middle class. The BNP is for the poor and easily influenced, they have ties with Neo Nazis and are just as xenophobic, homophobic and racist as them.

In France, Le Pen's National Front is basically a nationalist party that believe French imperialism was justified. They hate America (see it as corrupting French society), love Russia, hate gays, and see the European Union as a group of nations out to destroy the French language and identity.

They are all dangerous, and from time to time look like they might get real power, but usually they go high one election then dive dramatically the next election.

Like most fringe parties they occasionally garner enough dissatisfied/disenfranchised votes to raise their profile but once they do regular peeps get a good look at them and reject them ASAP. It's the socio-political pendulum at work. :D

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