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Hugo Chavez endorses John Edwards

You can work with people from other countries without beig a communist

True, but not Castro or Chavez, in the context of the information. Actually IMO, Glover just was dumb. His project seems a good one, he just chose the worst backer short of the President of Iran, whom is a very good friend, yes, of Chavez.
when have we ever required people to publicly state that they are not communists? That sounds suspiciously like the precursor to McCathy-esque loyalty oaths to me!

Hillary's and Obama's agenda would make Karl Marx crack a big smile
I have never understood why some on the right HATE people who help others.

There seems to be this thing they do where if someone has money they are not supposed to help people who are poor and if they do they are called things like whores.

So it seems some think only the poor should help the poor.

Pretty wierd and extremely stupid chain of thought.

The kicker is they call themselfs the religious people and Jesus was all about helping others.

Its pretty obvious they merely hate people who do not call themselves Republicans.

We have been "helping" people for over 40 years and to the tune of over $9 trillion

When we point out how the libs help programs have failed. they standard reply is how we need to stop being so meanspirited and fork over even more money to "help" the people
The religious right is why I am no longer a Republican.

Well, that and there seems to be at least a limited tolerance for racism.

Oh, and the slavish devotion towards tax cuts regardless of the expense.

are you so opposed to the religious left?

If you want to see racism, look no further then the Democrat party

What is wrong with people keeping more of the money the EARN? Why should I finance someone elses retirement - and why should someone else finance my retirement?
are you so opposed to the religious left?

If you want to see racism, look no further then the Democrat party

What is wrong with people keeping more of the money the EARN? Why should I finance someone elses retirement - and why should someone else finance my retirement?

Yes, I am opposed to the religious Left. They are opposed to very beneficial policies such as free trade. And I am a Christian.

There is nothing wrong with keeping money that you earn. There is nothing wrong with tax cuts. I'd (generally) rather see tax cuts during a recession than increased government spending as a means of stimulating the economy. However, this is something very wrong when tax cuts occur in an expansion causing a deficit. This is what has happened with the GOP. It happened under Reagan (a President I admire) and it has happened under W (a President I loathe). It has become the party of tax cuts at any expense. That is bad policy and it is bad economics. The Dems under Slick Willie were better stewards of the economy and the fiscal authority of the US government than W has been. And it is one reason why I have left the Republican Party.
If you actually listen to them, they want to raise your taxes and spend even more money then Pres Bush

not that that is necessarily an accurate portrayal of the democratic platform, but you wrote that in reply to Toro's comment:

"Oh, and W is a tax-your-children and spend "conservative"."

You do realize, that by raising taxes, government can spend more - even more that Bush - as opposed to Bush, who will NOT raise taxes, but will continue to spend like a drunken sailor... and that becomes a "tax on your children" exactly as Toro suggested?

ah yes...Jack Kemp's famous Laffer curve... trying to pass it off as gospel, are we?

You do realize that it is a curve which starts and the origin with zero revenue and zero tax rate and then revenue CLIMBS for the first half of the curve as tax rate is increased? You want to imply that we have reached the top...I disagree.

from your link:

Laffer's statement is nothing more than a recapitulation of the extreme value theorem and therefore necessarily true. To what extent these assumptions are true are beyond the scope of the underlying mathematics. They nonetheless provide a basis for argument.

The point at which the curve achieves its maximum will vary from one economy to another and depends on elasticities of demand and supply and is subject to much theoretical speculation.
That's because Rudy is not a Conservative and he's playing to the middle.

If you support Rudy you are not a Conservative. End of story.

RSR is not a conservative. He is a republican. He is the same thing as a yellow dog democrat.... in many ways, the same thing as ME... the difference is, he is on the wrong side:rofl:

and unlike him, I am capable of expressing myself and my opinions in words, sentences and paragraphs of my own creation.


A red rusty old plymouth valiant with three on the tree and a blue bugatti veyron 16.4 are both cars.

that is where the similarity ends.
someone please explain where the hate is?

Okay, not really, but close. Actually it's Danny Glover, fan and business partner of Hugo Chavez. It seems that Edwards and Glover have been/will be traveling the country together discussing Edwards' vision for the poor. According to Glover, Edwards understands the needs of the working poor and that the campaign is telling their story. "This is a campaign about real democracy," Glover said. Um...forgive my skepticism, but I don't think Edwards understands the first damn thing about the working poor, $400 haircuts? Twenty eight thousand square foot homes? Yeah, uh huh, riiight. I doubt that any of the candidates from either side understand the needs of the working poor. Maybe a few of them did at one time, but by now they are so far removed from the average American and their own, possible, humble roots that they would be lying if they said otherwise.

Back on topic...

I'm not sure that teaming up with Danny Glover is the best idea Edwards has ever had. I am of the opinion, based on the things he's said, that Glover is as far left as a person can be. Socialist would apply, communist would probably be appropriate as well. Is Edwards a socialist? A communist?

Somehow I don't think that Glover will be an asset for Edwards, but then again, I don't think he has a chance to win the nomination.
Yes, I am opposed to the religious Left. They are opposed to very beneficial policies such as free trade. And I am a Christian.

There is nothing wrong with keeping money that you earn. There is nothing wrong with tax cuts. I'd (generally) rather see tax cuts during a recession than increased government spending as a means of stimulating the economy. However, this is something very wrong when tax cuts occur in an expansion causing a deficit. This is what has happened with the GOP. It happened under Reagan (a President I admire) and it has happened under W (a President I loathe). It has become the party of tax cuts at any expense. That is bad policy and it is bad economics. The Dems under Slick Willie were better stewards of the economy and the fiscal authority of the US government than W has been. And it is one reason why I have left the Republican Party.

Tax cuts have never caused the deficit to rise - increased spending has

Under Slick Willie, the economy was built of lies and fraud. Remember all the companies who cooked their books and inflated thier stock prices?
not that that is necessarily an accurate portrayal of the democratic platform, but you wrote that in reply to Toro's comment:

"Oh, and W is a tax-your-children and spend "conservative"."

You do realize, that by raising taxes, government can spend more - even more that Bush - as opposed to Bush, who will NOT raise taxes, but will continue to spend like a drunken sailor... and that becomes a "tax on your children" exactly as Toro suggested?

Dems not only want to raise taxes, they want to spend more then the tax increase will bring in
RSR is not a conservative. He is a republican. He is the same thing as a yellow dog democrat.... in many ways, the same thing as ME... the difference is, he is on the wrong side:rofl:

and unlike him, I am capable of expressing myself and my opinions in words, sentences and paragraphs of my own creation.


A red rusty old plymouth valiant with three on the tree and a blue bugatti veyron 16.4 are both cars.

that is where the similarity ends.

You are nothing more then the usual angry liberal who wants to expand government and rape the people of even more of their own money
That's because Rudy is not a Conservative and he's playing to the middle.

If you support Rudy you are not a Conservative. End of story.

ah yes, the usual reaction of thiose who are scared of Rudy and see the Dem candidates as the very long shots they really are
Wrong. I support the real Republicans in the Republican primary. NOT the RINOs you choose to endorse.

Yea right

Your peoblem is you have been predicting doom and gloom on many things - they have not come to pass - and I call you on it

Get over your it.
ah yes...Jack Kemp's famous Laffer curve... trying to pass it off as gospel, are we?

You do realize that it is a curve which starts and the origin with zero revenue and zero tax rate and then revenue CLIMBS for the first half of the curve as tax rate is increased? You want to imply that we have reached the top...I disagree.

from your link:

Laffer's statement is nothing more than a recapitulation of the extreme value theorem and therefore necessarily true. To what extent these assumptions are true are beyond the scope of the underlying mathematics. They nonetheless provide a basis for argument.

The point at which the curve achieves its maximum will vary from one economy to another and depends on elasticities of demand and supply and is subject to much theoretical speculation.

LOL, trying to educate on the Laffer Curve when you have really no idea it's real world implications.

The theory of the Laffer Curve is undisputed. The theory works in real life.

The debate isn't whether the theory works, the debate is over where we are at any one time on the chart. Considering that revenues keep increasing when we do lower taxes, there should be little doubt that we are not on the first upward slope of the curve. Looking at the chart given in the link, every single economic indicator points to us being on the right side of the maximization of tax revenue point.

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