Human rights attorney Lee Dundas lists chapter and verse many voting irregularities.

Everyone should watch this whole thing.

My favorite point is the turnout in Milwaukee of over 95%. 1 in 52 million channe statistically. :auiqs.jpg:

Liberals, dont be willingly ignorant, watch the video and educate yourselves, because the lawsuits and recounts are coming.
This is a great video.

NO EVIDENCE OF FRAUD, LIBERALS? Refute each of her points for us.


The handbook allows for up to 13 “fragments” of rodent excreta in a 24-ounce container. The government permits three maggots in your 28-ounce can of tomatoes. In a regular-sized 16-ounce jar of peanut butter, the FDA will allow up to 136 insect fragments and four rodent hairs.

Nothing is perfect. But that's no reason to throw it all away.
Everyone should watch this whole thing.

My favorite point is the turnout in Milwaukee of over 95%. 1 in 52 million channe statistically. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump ran against "the worst candidate in history" and got 60 million votes. What are the odds of getting 10 million more votes, running against a seasoned politician with no skeletons in his closet?
This is a great video.

NO EVIDENCE OF FRAUD, LIBERALS? Refute each of her points for us.

Cant refute a lot of her really vague accusations because they’re too vague.

But as an example, she claims voter participation went from 66% to like 90%. That’s not true. They did not calculate participation right. Participation is total voters divided by eligible voters and the 90% number comes from taking total voters divided by registered voters. Which is different. Sloppy.

Also she claims that observers weren’t allowed in the room. That was disproven in court. The judge asked if they were in the room and their lawyer has to admit they were.
Well at this point I hope Trump challenges votes in California, just for placing the cherry on top :banana::yes_text12:
Seriously, I do hope this goes well - obviously.
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NO EVIDENCE OF FRAUD, LIBERALS? Refute each of her points for us.

Easy. She just made it all up. What about that confuses you so much? You're attempting a fascist coup, so you're making nonsense up to justify your treason.

You're the one making the loony accusations. which means it's up to you to provide hard evidence for those accusations. A parade of right wing loonies saying crazy things is not hard evidence. If you want to convince anyone in the reason-based community, you'll have to link directly to the hard evidence.

In this case, you're adulating a raving Scientologist antivaxxer, whose "human rights lawyer" experience consists of attacking mask laws and doxxing public health officials, in the hopes that they'd get attacked at home by Trump brownshirts. The Scientologist thing explains why she lies so easily -- Scientologists have been practicing ritual dishonesty for even longer than Trump cultists.
That recording of the trainer teaching the poll workers how to cheat in Detroit is amazing. She is straight up telling them how to avoid being seen counting and how to stuff the ballot box.

No evidence of fraud. :auiqs.jpg:

Also 132,000 invalid change of address votes in Fulton County Georgia. No evidence of fraud. :laughing0301:
Everyone should watch this whole thing.

My favorite point is the turnout in Milwaukee of over 95%. 1 in 52 million channe statistically. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump ran against "the worst candidate in history" and got 60 million votes. What are the odds of getting 10 million more votes, running against a seasoned politician with no skeletons in his closet?
Right, that's why it's a fraud. No way that idiot could have got that many votes.
Liberals, this is always an easy test for you guys.

Lets say it was Trump who won and these irregularities were in TRUMP’S favor. Now do you see fraud. I kinda think you do. You know I am right and you know you are hypocrites.
Everyone should watch this whole thing.

My favorite point is the turnout in Milwaukee of over 95%. 1 in 52 million channe statistically. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump ran against "the worst candidate in history" and got 60 million votes. What are the odds of getting 10 million more votes, running against a seasoned politician with no skeletons in his closet?
who's that?
Liberals, this is always an easy test for you guys.

Lets say it was Trump who won and these irregularities were in TRUMP’S favor. Now do you see fraud. I kinda think you do. You know I am right and you know you are hypocrites.
dude, it was Russia Russia Russia. I'm laughing at them today. it's fking hilarious.
Liberals, this is always an easy test for you guys.

Lets say it was Trump who won and these irregularities were in TRUMP’S favor. Now do you see fraud. I kinda think you do. You know I am right and you know you are hypocrites.
dude, it was Russia Russia Russia. I'm laughing at them today. it's fking hilarious.

For 4 years! With no evidence.

Some Russians put some MEMES on Facebook.

How many votes did Russia flip from Hillary to Trump. The libs have had 4 years to figure it out and no one will give an answer.
Liberals, this is always an easy test for you guys.

Lets say it was Trump who won and these irregularities were in TRUMP’S favor. Now do you see fraud. I kinda think you do. You know I am right and you know you are hypocrites.
dude, it was Russia Russia Russia. I'm laughing at them today. it's fking hilarious.

For 4 years! With no evidence.

Some Russians put some MEMES on Facebook.

How many votes did Russia flip from Hillary to Trump. The libs have had 4 years to figure it out and no one will give an answer.
there were at least 6,000 known glitches that were caught. this year. Not fking one in 2016. And guess what, those errors were on Trump's votes. so we have evidence. it actually exists, tampering with SW. we caught em. This is gonna be fun. Wait till that taxidermy man sees what I brung him.

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